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2:00 PM
I have been suffering for 2 days
Suffering is a good teacher.
When you spend two days tracking down a bug to discover you forgot to open a file in binary mode, you're not likely to make that mistake again. Ever.
@Kevin it's server related issue
I hope to never do system administration
@Kevin Well, you'll only either forget or not forget in binary mode
Yes, it is so.
2:04 PM
@tristan My reading of the man page doesn't suggest any contract about priority of operation availability. I'm not really sure what you mean by synchronous in this context though. I just assume the function catches signals.
@QuestionC I meant like...waves? Read more and it seems to be triggered by interval or event
So it's like event/interval ends, then all read FDs get processed
It's not a round-robin approach or anything.
Too slow. Bereal already beat you to it.
2:14 PM
shame =(
I'm guessing it just catches some kind of signal, possibly waits a millisecond or two, then reports all the signals in the queue. There's probably a for loop under the hood somewhere I guess, but 8000 isn't really that big a number in the low-level C sense.
It's not even over 9000.
If you go deep enough, something in there may be round-robin.
@Ffisegydd Impossible.
The I/O it monitors is synchronous, but select itself isn't.
@QuestionC Sure, but unfortunately, it's Python, so 8000 is no joke for concurrency
Thanks btw
/// <exception cref="Exception">when getWidget fails</exception>
^^^ documentation for the getWidget function in my work project -_-
An exception occurs when the function fails? [you_dont_say.png]
2:26 PM
That's exceptional.
Can someone tell me please how to use NgramAssocMeasures,present in nltk, with one test like likelihood_ratio?
I just realized that my trip to the supermarket resulted in an inventory consisting solely of red bull, beer, and animal parts
Exceptionally functional :)
Hey hey! It's Friday!
Thank goodness
2:31 PM
I don't see the problem
@Kevin Other people's suffering is a great teacher too. :) - Plus there's the schadenfreude.
I just learned that a user getting deleted removes the rep they gave you. What happens to their questions that have answers with votes?
The Q&A stays, thanks to the creative commons license.
This ****** code (~30 files) is all one class. Every file just extends the class. This is insanity.
what language?
2:43 PM
If it's literally all one class, it would have to be a language whose import just pastes the contents of one file into another during preprocessing
I'm guessing C++
There's a "partial" class feature.
Is it like a mixin?
Apparantly it's wsdl generated code.
once upon a time I tried writing a generic wadl cli tool...unfortunately not enough API's generated wadls...fail.
So why are you working on a Microsoft stack?
2:46 PM
This is the kind of crap that makes me want to punch a baby. This is seriously the worst.
Can someone tell me please how to use NgramAssocMeasures,present in nltk, with one test like likelihood_ratio?
Sounds like you need a tutorial, @user3573552
Try Google.
Nobody could help you when you asked thirty minutes ago, so it's not likely anyone can help you now
You can also try the help() command
We don't get quite that much traffic in here, that available expertise could change so rapidly
2:50 PM
out of curiosity, anyone here dabbled with codewars at all?
I tried it a couple times.
I only code passive-aggressively.
I fought in the codewars O.O I was only a boy...
Something something arrow to the knee
Careful with that meme, it's fresh out of the oven
I've had my fun with it. Some fun problems on there
If anyone is interested: codewars.com
2:53 PM
There's too many coding sites like that and I can't keep them straight. :P I do use that one semi-frequently.
codewars grabbed me because of the achievement system....frackin' achievements
There's a site called code combat which is more or less targeted at 12 year old boys. It's a straight up flash game where you kill things, level up, beg your parents for money, yadda yadda. Anyhow, once you get past the first dungeon, you unlock the PvP arena where your coded sword-dude is run against a million other sword-dudes.
That's what I want out of competetive coding... virtual bloodsport.
have you heard of screeps?
Have now. Looks cool.
very addictive
I got rid of it
3:00 PM
@AaronHall Same, but actively aggressively.
I go through a macbook about once every 3 days
And I mean through
@idjaw I'll have to check it out later. I really like the idea.
3:08 PM
hi guys
I've got employee and department django models.
I need to filter out for each deparment oldest employee
To take them out back and...?
Survival of the fittest, amirite.
Theoretically the oldest employee is the fittest, because all of his/her peers were weeded out but he/she wasn't.
You're assuming that their fitness doesn't decrease with age though.
And that newer employees couldn't be greater in fitness.
3:11 PM
Assume a perfectly spherical employee in a vacuum...
Assume the best employee ignores offers for more money and responsibility.
does the quantifier for fitness include hurling trees?
if so, do we need to consider weights for different fitness factors
@AaronHall no it is not, it is just that you can write the class in multiple files so that it can have autogenerated parts (not that I've ever done C#)
3:15 PM
so you can do partial class Foo: in 25 files and then the compiler will pretend all of them were just 1 class body
How many weight points @Kevin
@Kevin At least you know he's good at logging stuff.
badum chang
I don't know what a weight point is so I'm going to go with "four"
That question is weird, "I want to use Flask to send my entire SQLite database to the client so they can read it in JavaScript" defeats the entire purpose of Flask.
3:19 PM
that script still looks like a FAIL
Private keys are fine to share, right?
Q: Convert python rsa public key and private key to C#

AminI need to convert my python public key and private key to C# and using them for sending messages via socket between my python server and C# client. My keys in python: pub = rsa.PublicKey(201556216421026607674629780080005264835278431570785449855084375267705535766657338812133583921037956918909281...

I tried to help, but they rolled it back.
Why is that voted up? It's a shit "code writing service" q
3:35 PM
I always imagine questions that have no reason to be up voted are done by a friend in the attempts to make it seem like a good question. Or at least that's what I tell myself.
or two accounts?
3:56 PM
There are safeguards in place to detect the easiest upvote fraud schemes
Midday cabbage for all.
4:15 PM
How did I not think this would happen. — Cameron White 12 mins ago
Good question.
Hi, what is the smallest normalised exponent of 2 in double precision IEEE 754? 2**(-1024) or 2**(-1022à ?
@Ghuizing Why do you need it to be that small?
Computer theory schoolwork ;)
Why are you asking in a python room?
Even more importantly, why are you asking us to do your homework?
Logically, why would you expect it to be 2**(-1022)?
4:18 PM
because I then have to prove that using Python (next part of my question).
That doesn't make it on topic for python.
We debug code, not homework.
I'm not asking you to do my homework, I'm asking for help on one question.
Hmm, I wonder if I kept my floating point analysis code from last week...
I don't know enough about what normalized exponents are to help anyway. You can definitely represent numbers smaller than 2**(-1024) in a standard double.
One question of your homework. Therefore you are asking us to do it, aren't you?
4:20 PM
The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is a technical standard for floating-point computation established in 1985 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Many hardware floating point units use the IEEE 754 standard. The standard addressed many problems found in the diverse floating point implementations that made them difficult to use reliably and portably. The current version, IEEE 754-2008 published in August 2008, includes nearly all of the original IEEE 754-1985 standard and the IEEE Standard for Radix-Independent Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE...
Though this doesn't alleviate the fact that you should be asking your comp sci homework questions elsewhere.
@Ffisegydd I didn't answer ;)
I'm not asking you anything actually. I'd prefer if you stopped being so patronizing
@Ghuizing It's fun to want things.
4:22 PM
@Ghuizing Try Lounge<C++>. They are much friendlier
@Ghuizing Why would you expect it to be one of those two alternatives?
Okay, or not :/
That's odd. Why can you store numbers smaller than 2^-1024? This does not fit in my prior understanding of floats.
Look up sub normal exponents
Use all the bits!
4:28 PM
Or something like that, my memory is increasingly poor for names and i'm on phone
How do you signify that a number is subnormal? With an exponent of 0?
We actually prefer differently normal to subnormal.
Pardon my language. How do I detect these "freak" numbers?
4:31 PM
I actually just lolled on the bus. You win this round, Kevinson.
Shit, my professor doesn't let "calculators" to the exam. I can't wolframalpha the solutions.
Looks like you'll have to learn to count.
yeah, terrible
Smuggle all the information you require into the exam by memorizing it.
Hopefully you've got all your fingers so you can use decimal.
4:35 PM
@Kevin Never
@Ffisegydd hah
By "knowing" the material, you will gain a positively unfair advantage over everyone that doesn't do the same
I hate memorizing.
I will better stay awake and learn
How do you feel about... Rememberizing? Mnemonistics? Epistemography?
I don't know any of those words. Is it a pun ?
:-) That's kind of the joke. Those are words which could exist but don't.
4:38 PM
I'm just throwing root words together to get synonyms for memorization. It's a joke in the style of Dihydrogen Monoxide
I know them but can't remember what they mean.
@Ffisegydd: I was trying to make a joke like that but couldn't come up with anything good. Kind of reassuring you couldn't do much better. :-)
@Kevin I can't find my notes from last time i looked into this, but my understanding is that subnormal/denormal is denoted in the leading bits to signify the mantissa is the long part
At least it did it first.
Fail fast and often.
4:44 PM
PHP ...
Words to live by.
PHP_CEO is awesome
Required reading.
His prose in that is just beautiful.
4:48 PM
Meh, cheap.
These are great!
You guys love PHP
@khajvah Click and read -- it's a joke account.
following it's CEO and shit
And PHP is fine. It's reasonably fast, you can get a lot of work out of people if they can do rote memorization, and is easy to hire developers that know it
4:49 PM
PHP is easy and fun to pick on
oh, jokes. i get jokes.
Btw I ended up using filename.startswith(os.path.join(os.path.asbspath(directory), '')), it should work fine for my data
@tristan It was a joke :/
I will say, I've been having to learn PHP for some side work I'm doing. It definitely has some scary bits, but it's not quite as bad as I had feared.
@khajvah ha, yeah, sorry, got that after. i sent the 'joke account' thing before your comment that made it obvious as a joke
4:51 PM
@MorganThrapp php6?
@tristan 5.6
I assume PHP has a pretty good "zero knowledge to Minimal Viable Product" time or else no one would use it
@MorganThrapp Yeah, 5.6 isn't bad. Most of its "holy shit why would you do this" comes from < 5.
It's only afterwards, when you want to polish/extend/maintain things, that the warts appear. Sorry that sentence was slightly dirty.
@Kevin Yeah, the frameworks that exist for setting up a CMS in PHP are super easy. Like, ~20 minutes to fully function CMS.
4:52 PM
I think Fizzy was pleasantly surprised by Java after all the scarification (wait, does that mean giving someone scars? maybe "scaryifying"). Sometimes that cliche about expecting the worst actually helps.
I seriously don't like web development, so anything connected to it is bad.
I'm working with Zurmo and it's a little clunky, but it's not too terrible.
The surprising and non-standardized signatures and returns are most of why PHP is "ugh, really?" in my book.
That said, I can't remember the last time I touched PHP or encountered it beyond Wordpress
4:53 PM
30% chance you just made "Zurmo" up because you know none of us will check.
Oh yeah. That and functions_namingBeinginconsistant.
Yeah, Zurmo is cool, but I think Florby is gonna be pretty widespread by next year
PHP can be used for more than web development, it's just most popular there because early mod_php support that wasn't shitty
@tristan is it used?
Damn! I need a new fake framework name now.
Looks like florby has assembled six dragonballs there. One more and his wish will be granted.
Please don't post long code snippets here, use something like dpaste
5:01 PM
@VinodPrime Is that the entire contents of mlp.py? It seems quite strange to have an __init__ method outside of a class definition.
no i just posted the error part
@Kevin Crindy
its starts like this

class Mlp(SupervisedModel):
@VinodPrime How do you run from command line?
def __init__(self, n_inpt, n_hiddens, n_output, train_data, labels,
hidden_transfers, out_transfer, loss,
max_iter=1000, verbose=False):
python MLPbreze.py
5:02 PM
Doesn't look to me like the arguments you're passing match the signature, but I'm bad at counting.
it matches
m = Mlp(2099, [400, 100], 1, X, Z,
hidden_transfers=['tanh', 'tanh'], out_transfer='identity', loss='squared', optimizer=optimizer, batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter)
but it runs in pycharm
Rallies the troops Let's put an end to half-baked hackery everywhere!
I would expect this error to occur if you gave values for out_transfer using both positional and named arguments. Ex.
>>> def f(x):
...     pass
>>> f(23, x=42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: f() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x'
You're just posting the same code block again, but breaking it up across messages.
It doesn't look like that should occur for the __init__ you're showing us, though. Is it possible that your code is actually importing an older version of mlp.py, whose init had a different signature?
This would explain why you get one result in pycharm, and another in the command line - the two environments are actually running different code
5:06 PM
Kevin you should come up with a fake name generator or write it down on your list of to-do
@Kevin It would complain not for out_transfer but for hidden_transfer
kevin it is good point let me check
Mental note: subtract one for self. I had to stare at it for about two solid minutes before I found where my mistake was.
The psychic debugger strikes again
Right now on my todo list is to extend my floating point visualizer so it can convert raw binary back into floats
5:10 PM
@VinodPrime what version of python?
Well to-do for other people asking for projects :)
HALP, I need a million dollar project idea.
@VinodPrime Your code works on my side.
how to check whether it's refering to other mlp file ?
because there lot of files
khajvah how ?
at least whatever you posted
5:15 PM
yeah looks same
but u did in same python file
well, doesn't matter
@VinodPrime check imports
yes am importing tat class
@VinodPrime check the file you are importing it from
You could take all your current files and copy them into a directory far away from where you currently are, and try running it there
how to set the current path in linux ?
i have a doubt whether we set the path of file
need to*
5:23 PM
are those files in the same directory?
no but i itried having all files in same directory tat also throws the same error
well in any ways, you wouldn't get that error if it was an import error (unless you have another class with the same name in a file with the same name)
@VinodPrime rename the file and run it again.
u mean mlp.py ?
or MLPBreze.py
i deleted mlp.py from tat location and tried running
still it shows same error
which means it's refering something right?
5:28 PM
@VinodPrime then you imported the class from another file
check the imports
which means it's refering something right?
@VinodPrime check where the class is imported from
in pycharm when i use ctrl + click it shows the correct file
But you deleted the correct file. How can it still be showing it?
@VinodPrime your pycharm is running it from another directory
5:31 PM
in command line anyway to check the location of file
because there are lot of files
@VinodPrime Be very careful with the ctrl-click. That could be misleading when there could be name sharing going on
What I suggest you do is, when you ctrl-click. Use the "trigger" icon in the left pane of PyCharm
It will show you the location of where that file is
@VinodPrime Open pycharm's console and see what's the directory
my main file is in/home/vinod/PycharmProjects/MLPonTheano/MLPbreze.py
and when you ctrl-click, what location does it take you to
5:34 PM
what's the path of that
sorry if this was asked already but what is your project root set to in pycharm?
Path at terminal when executing this file

This file path, relative to os.getcwd()

This file full path (following symlinks)

This file directory and name
/home/vinod/breze/breze/learn --> mlp.py

This file directory only
i just printed this mlp.py
but now am sure it's refering correctly in command line
but my question is how to find the path of that file which is actually refering now?
5:56 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/33044429/… do we have a dup for that?

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