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8:08 PM
@Kevin hmhm the mathematician puzzle
all the answerers are so off
first of all, since paul does not know the numbers the numbers cannot be 2 primes. if they were he'd know
and that there are exactly 2 pairs of such numbers 1-1000 that have the same difference.
provided that paul's number is greater than 1000, or else paul wouldn't know whether "2 and 5" is the answer or "1 and 10"
anyone have recommendations on where to begin writing a game in the style of fallout 1 or 2?
Start a nuclear apocalypse for research.
8:18 PM
Thank you, I am a funny guy.
I've made a few half-attempts at writing a turn based, isometric view, strategy games. Which I assume is the same ballpark.
gents, any idea why uwsgi --socket --pythonpath=/home/ubuntu/site/app/app/settings.py --protocol=http -w wsgi still giving import error with settings?
Not turn based but yeah pretty much.
Never got past writing the game engine, though. So I guess, begin with a premade engine?
@kevin exactly what i was thinking. source code anywhere?
8:19 PM
Unity or Ogre3d or the like
Although I hesitate to give advice of the form "I tried X and it didn't work for me. Therefore, do the opposite of X"
@tristan I assume you're asking for advice from the coding pov? Because outside of the coding pov I'd suggest you hire/team up with a damn good writer. These games are either made or destroyed by their storyline.
Since I have no direct experience with not(X), it may end just as badly as my own attempts.
I've heard very good things about Unity, my friend who has no experience in game programming was able to put together a nice demo in a few days.
Fair enough, thanks. and yeah @Ffisegydd from a coding PoV
8:21 PM
@Ffisegydd I readily accept that Unity allows non-coders to write solid games. But does it help coders write amazing games? That's the pertinent question.
Well my friend is a coder but has no experience in game coding
But yes I concede your point.
I'm considering it a success if i get a character that can wlak around on screen.
I've been working on this peer to peer FS project and I'm starting to hate it
An unwritten game probably can't be better than an existing one.
Notch (who is a game developer* so probably has an advantage) made shambles.notch.net using Unity in 7 days apparently.
* = I say game developer, he made one bloody game and thinks he's amazing**
** = That game was Minecraft.
8:25 PM
I have two games on my github, but Tic Tac Toe and Tetris don't really compare to Fallout.
thanks :)
i'll try my hand at something next month
Is python your favorite programming language?
8:27 PM
@asad who are you asking?
it's in my top 3
@Ffisegydd we should probably consider doing another MC server again - we've got enough resources
My favourite is actually Java. I just...love it...
My strategy is to undertake projects of incrementally greater complexity until I can write something actually interesting. I want my next game to be more complex than Tetris in the same proportion that Tetris is more complex than Tic tac toe.
No one in particular
8:28 PM
Is there a way to remove a common path from an os.path? I'm using os.path.commonprefix([list']) and I want to remove that value from a full path
@Kevin no no no - I want the tea canon operational first please, then we have to terraform Mars
I actually hate Python but I am programmed in it so there you go.
Someone recode me in C# or Java so I can go head to head with the Jon Skeet bot instead.
Warning: os.path.commonprefix has some broken-by-design behaviour.
8:29 PM
I am programmed in DNA, and lemme tell you. You haven't seen spaghetti code until you've seen this.
@MartijnPieters actually you're programmed in something else, come back to the skynet labs and we'll get you fixed
DSM how do you mean?
@JonClements Is my self-awareness subroutine out of alignment again?
@MartijnPieters Reason for your hating python?
@tristan: os.path.commonprefix(["/a/bc/d", "/a/b"]) == '/a/b', which is technically what it promised but almost never what you want.
8:30 PM
Ugh. What the flip.
Thanks DSM
@tristan can you explain how absolute imports work in packages?
yes, i could
@tristan well, may you?
I won't.
8:32 PM
@Martijn you weren't designed to play "pass the shuriken" and drink yamazaki :)
I don't want carpal tunnel
@DSM i owe you.
@asad no one hates Python. To suggest that someone does is heresy. Are you a heretic?
So what the flip then. Do I need to substring to see if I'm in a directory?
@JonClements Please don't remove those features!
8:33 PM
@Ffisegydd No, of course not.
@Martijn it's okay, just come in, we're check out your neural net
Why don't I trust you? And why do I have this sudden urge to go travel back in time and seek out your mother?
rbrb, night time
heya @Flexo - always a pleasure to see you, also worrying - any particular reason you're here?
@JonClements I hit "restore tabs" :)
Last time I was on this browser there was some shenanigans in here
but that was > 1 week ago
8:36 PM
You know, this is actually my first time chatting on stackoverflow. Technically second because I'd just accidentally refreshed the page.
Trying to run sopy and I'm getting ImportError: cannot import name inspect. I wonder if it's getting confused about sqlachemy the module vs. sqlalchemy.py the file in ext.
@Flexo ahhh... wasn't sure if someone had raised a mod flag for something, but hadn't seen anything wrong here
@Flexo the person sheniganing got banned for a week and hasn't been back since (if you're referring to the shenanigans that I think you are).
@DSM running it with Python 3?
@asad: I find it helps to imagine myself swimming in a sea of incomprehensible gibberish occasionally punctuated by helpful coding advice.
all seems quiet today and there are virtually no flags in the queue on the main site too for once
8:39 PM
@Ffisegydd it might be useful if we add Thief and Flexo to our trello board
so that we have a central place of concern
@Flexo have you seen the new sopython.com yet?
@Ffisegydd: I am now. :^)
is this worth posting?

I have a "base" path that looks like `/Users/tfisher/Desktop/usfs_target/` and a directory with special meaning at `/Users/tfisher/Desktop/usfs_target/users`. What is a Pythonic and efficient way to 'substring' out my base path? I can't seem to find the right search terms for staying within the os module/tuple types.

Preferred result would be a tuples so that I can say something like `if trimmed_path[0] == 'users'` for an incoming full path like `/Users/tfisher/Desktop/usfs_target/users/bobross/some/sub/dir`
phone call, brb
@JonClements it seems to have changed since I last saw it
@Flexo It's more pro now... just wait until the nidaba stuff is in place :)
8:46 PM
@Ffisegydd: is there a way to kickstart Salad Language? I don't get the "add salad term" button.
You need to log in, you also need to give yourself permissions on your local server
Let me find the commands
sopy auth load_user USER_ID

sopy auth set_group USER_ID approved
Where USER_ID is your SO ID number in the profile URL
@Ffisegydd I thought @DSM was already in the approved list?
487339 for you
@JonClements yes but he's running it locally.
The approved list isn't hard-built into the code.
8:49 PM
anyway, brb
need to get some feed in
@DSM actually you don't need to start the sopy shell for those commands
ImportError: No module named 'flask.cli' grumble.
is os.altsep no longer valid?
8:52 PM
@DSM pip install -U https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask/archive/master.zip
you need flask dev, not the last release
I'm off anyway folks, rbrb all.
I need to write documentation so other devs can set sopy up. As soon as I have some time.
And now a click 2.4 vs 2.5 incompatibility. Pushing onwards..
KeyError: 'SE_API_KEY' in models.py.
8:59 PM
Click-2.5 just came out, so I'll have to check that.
Not sure if there's a real incompatibility. Looks like ==2.4 was hardcoded, so I simply downgraded.
I've hardcoded everything for now, as I can't test compatibility over a range.
bah. client wanted to make her own wordpress site. Had to spend 2 hours explaining why a single line of code isn't working
I can click from page to page though, so it's only the fancier stuff stopping me ATM.
You need oauth keys for the localhost domain, which we've been emailing to each other.
9:01 PM
what is the most optimal way of getting a json file from a URL? I mean json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(<address>).read().decode('utf-8'), encoding='utf-8') is just feels bad..
I should implement a fallback to the public api and a password when there's no app keys.
Can't you use json.load?
@DSM TypeError: the JSON object must be str, not 'bytes'
@PeterVaro: hmm, the API isn't the one I'd have chosen. But you don't need the encoding='utf-8', do you? It's already a string at that point, no?
probably...? ;)
9:19 PM
arhghggh, just done my taxes
I'm definitely not in the mood, sorry Jon..
no worries :)
bookmark it... you can dislike it later :)
9:49 PM
rbrb - back later
10:05 PM
anyone use a lot of web socket type of stuff to make a generic chatroom before?

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