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9:42 AM
HashMap and borrows... :|
3 hours later…
12:48 PM
I'm watching you everywhere @LukasKalbertodt
@Shepmaster I just wondered whether that shep is you :P
I think the avr comment revealed the answer
@ker hullo oli_obk
@Shepmaster you didn't even celebrate the LLVM 4 merge in this chat, did you? :P
aloha :)
12:59 PM
Lecture in one hour... lets see if ./x.py build is fast enough :P
and in case that was a greeting, @ker, aloha back ^_^
@LukasKalbertodt I figured I got all my magic internet points from posting it to reddit
I already got ppl super excited around here for Rust-AVR. Including plans to infect an existing microcontroller/robotics praktikum and turn it into a study/glorification of Rust over C
I don't care about stinky AVR, I want wasm :D
@ker ooooh. Anyone ready to dive into some LLVM internals?
noo, they just want to have a working Rust -> Avr compiler
updated nickname for clarity
doesn't show up here
prolly needs to propagate through the stackexchange clouds
1:14 PM
@ker man, there's been a wave of nick / avatar changing
it started when I was nagging someone to get a "real" avatar
then @LukasKalbertodt changed
and now you
Well I didn't change the nick, I only added oli_obk to the nick
1:14 PM
Someone who was away for a week might end up very confused
so it's obvious for everyone
huon did the same thing, back in the day
went dbaupp => dbaupp (huon) => huon
or something like that
@ker So "working" might be a while ;-)
Maybe you are interested in some LLVM work? I know you aren't doing anything else
1:50 PM
@Shepmaster damn it, my plan was to build LLVM with a special flag >_<
But maybe I can simply modify the build scripts to do it...
@LukasKalbertodt That's what we do for AVR
3 hours later…
5:01 PM
@Shepmaster yep, did that now too. And I actually succeeded executing a rust function in the browser. This was the first time I did it while the wasm file is smaller than 1MB :P (actually it's less than 100 bytes :3)
@LukasKalbertodt why's it so much smaller now?
@Shepmaster nothing is linked :p that will be my next challenge
@LukasKalbertodt is your function like a + b
@Shepmaster no, it's 27
even more exciting
@LukasKalbertodt wut. it's the hardcoded value 27?
5:10 PM
@Shepmaster Yes <3
Hey, everyone has to start small :P
Do you know what contents the libstd.rlib in ~/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/wasm32-unknow‌​n-emscripten/lib/ actually contains? I mean... a lot of rustc meta data, but also some kind of "code". Is it llvm-ir? Or is it the target code already? Meaning: wasm32?
@LukasKalbertodt I do not know I would guess it's the wasm
cause I'm pretty sure an rlib on macos / linux has the code + metadata
so I'd expect the same
@Shepmaster Ah ok.
Can I somehow extract the code only from an rlib?
posted on April 27, 2017

The Rust team is happy to announce the latest version of Rust, 1.17.0. Rust is a systems programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency. If you have a previous version of Rust installed, getting Rust 1.17 is as easy as: $ rustup update stable If you don’t have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release note

5:25 PM
There it is
Oh, right, nearly forgot about that ^_^
field init shorthand is finally stable <3
so maybe some incantation of readelf ?
@Shepmaster interesting. Will look into it after enjoying the new changelog ^_^
Oh wow, I really like this release. Nothing huge, but many small nice things :)
5:51 PM
Ha, didn't I joke about this in an answer recently? :P
@LukasKalbertodt i thought you were gonna fix it!
@Shepmaster I'm always afraid I forget to update some answers of mine :/
@LukasKalbertodt I mean fix the cargo bug
I check a post for validity when I link to it or get an upvote
@Shepmaster Oh :D yeah no, somehow not :P
or if I really remember it
6:06 PM
btw, I can't find you, shep! rustaceans.org/search/shep
In case you want to join the discussion, Hi @Joe! :)
@LukasKalbertodt hi brother :)
@Joe How did you find your way into our small lovely channel?
Interested in Rust? ;-)
Meh, can't convert libstd llvm bytecode to wasm32 :/
6:22 PM
@LukasKalbertodt ...
you went from 27 to Rust stdlib
we gotta talk about reasonable steps
that being said
isn't the stdlib precompiled for wasm?
Ok, gotta admit that was a bit ... venturesome
like, it's part of the rustup target, no?
@Shepmaster Yeah true. I forgot about my plan extracting it from the rlib
6:23 PM
why are you trying to extract it in the first place?
like, if you cargo build, it will link in what you need
That's the problem: if I can think of multiple ways to achieve something I somehow start everything simoulatiously and forget about a few later
@Shepmaster Currently, I do this:
rustc --crate-type=lib --emit llvm-bc,llvm-ir test.rs
~/.local/bin/llc -march=wasm32 test.bc
s2wasm test.s > test.wast
wasm-as test.wast > test.wasm
for example, someone used my XML library in wasm. that relies on Vec and HashMap etc
I want to understand wasm from ground up without using emscripten
With emscripten I always get 5MB wasm files
@LukasKalbertodt Ah, well there's your problem
6:26 PM
i cant speak to libstd
but I'm trying to compile libcore myself
I made a fresh Cargo.toml and added
path = "/Users/shep/Projects/avr-rust/src/libcore/lib.rs"
and used a nightly compiler
@Shepmaster why not libstd?
@LukasKalbertodt because libstd requires libcore AND avr doesn't really have "memory allocation"
@Shepmaster mhhh
liblib.rlib ... bad names
2 hours later…
8:44 PM
I guess rust2wasm is not ready for production use yet :(
1 hour later…
9:58 PM
First time using the dupe hammer °_°
10:09 PM
@LukasKalbertodt feeeeeel the poweeeer
10:37 PM
Ah, ain't it adorable when we get these "I fixed that from your comments, now I get this unrelated problem".

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