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4:00 PM
I wouldn't mind being a baller.
I wish.
I Wish is ruined for me because my first exposure to it was from a good mashup. I keep thinking that half the song is missing.
if we had cool features, this would be cool on the starboard:
4:04 PM
i never realized how big those margins are
your impression had a big error of margin
That's fair.
surreptitious. Nope, no chance of me remembering that.
of course my aim is not sounding smart, just sounding as not-bad as possible
4:20 PM
Yesterday I spent twenty minutes trying to remember the name of the thing that old-timey detectives look through to see small things on the ground
the thing that magnified the object?
Yeah, the magnifying thing made of glass.
Oh, a looksey-largey?
and other stuff too I guess. The handle isn't usually glass.
a macroscope?
4:24 PM
The embiggener?
An ant-incinerator
Oh the real-life search icon
hmm...that is tricky. We just used the zoom feature of the camera when we investigated a scene
There's a table in my database that doesn't have a primary key. This upsets me.
There's a comment here. "This is populated from two other tables with a one-to-many relationship, so the concatenation of their respective primary keys should be unique".
Presumably with a comma or something in between so "1,23" and "12,3" don't collide
4:28 PM
usually when I find a table which doesn't have a primary key it means I need to relook at my design - which also typically means a lot of work
or that someone saw that huge amount of work in the past - then checked the deadline - and decided to leave it as a gift for future me
many times this is past me - jerk
This is a problem because Hibernate needs a primary key to work. I wonder if I can convince it that the two columns together are primary-ish.
@Kevin I've just heard the firing squad would like to meet you now... :)
At least it's my work database and not the rabbit database.
Ahh good... I'm glad to see the negligence is applied to the system that gives you a pay cheque and not the important one then :p
4:31 PM
dual column primary key shouldn't be a problem. Granted I cannot see the data with my magic powers to confirm this - someone must have set some barriers around the servers
Our backend logic is so convoluted that it makes the space around it curl up into itself. It's not visible from beyond the event horizon.
a blackhole where data goes to die
Oh good, Hibernate has a "composite id" setting. I'm going to stare at this documentation and bang rocks together until the correct usage appears to me in a divine revelation.
Pretty typical for a Friday, really
@Kevin Is that the right methodology? I thought for DB stuff it was light a massive fire in the middle of the office and dance around it screaming!?
That's the preferred best practice but there's not enough budget left for the requisite peyote
4:35 PM
Bloomin' budgets - they always ruin productivity...
So it goes.
If you have some old high speed printers, you can use them for the fire - the fumes negate the need for peyote
Hi. Is it possible to have private repository on mercurial for free?
Can't say I've ever used mercurial.
Thanks. On GitHub it is possible but not for free.
4:41 PM
Uh GitHub?
BitBucket has free private mercurial and git hosting.
really? I will check (but yes, on GitHub, it is not free)
thank you
github is only git, so I don't know why you're fixated on that for a mercurial repo
I think there's a category error here. Mercurial is the vcs itself, no?
Encrypt all your files with a one-time pad before committing. Bing bang boom, privacy anywhere
4:43 PM
You can also just host the repo yourself and apply whatever permissions model you want. That works for pretty much anything.
Everything's fun until you lose your one-time pad.
Never mind that you'll be basically changing every byte of every file you commit every time, so your history will explode in memory usage.
@DSM Simply use the string "password" repeated over and over as your one-time pad.
perfectly secure*! (*some restrictions apply)
@davidism smart idea, thank you
5:01 PM
why do snacks have "made with real cheese" written on the package? Isn't that kinda expected?
@Kevin True story: I used "swordfish" as the Blowfish key for passwords at my first job.
(When they asked me to encrypt so app operators wouldn't know the database passwd)
brb gonna hack young QuestionC's systems
@davidism you are right, I just created a private repository on Mercurial for free. Thank you for the info.
I really don't think you did..
a screenshot for you @DSM
5:07 PM
git init
do you want my credentials for further prooves? @DSM
Didn't you ask for a Mercurial host? Are you just really bad at explaining what you want? (You are, we know your history.)
@davidism yes, I did, and the screenshot is from Mercurial.
5:09 PM
Mercurial but choosed git
Mercurial can talk to git repositories, just fyi
git isn't mercurial
@KevinMGranger sure
Unless I'm very much mistaken, mercurial is the name of a version control system, not a site..
It is.
hg is not git but i can use git on Mercurial: this is what you wrote yourself @davidism
5:10 PM
@BillalBEGUERADJ no, I didn't?
A mercurial repository is completely different than a git repository. There's tools that interoperate between them, but they're still different things.
This is why I just keep all my versions in one big folder and name them "myproject.py", "myproject_new.py", "myproject_newest".py and so on in that fashion
I've seen that being used seriously before. No joke.
yes hg is different from git
I used to end names of files I thought were complete with final
I'm a _v2.py .. _vN.py kind of guy.
5:14 PM
This is actually how git works internally.
@DSM do you also check those files into version control just to make sure :)
@NinjaPuppy: well, first I rsync them into a directory with timestamps. That directory gets zipped by a cronjob, and the resulting zip gets stored in version control..
I just wanted to create a private repository somewhere on Internet. svn, hg or git I do not care, I only care about httpS
@DSM uber geek level accomplished! :p
@NinjaPuppy see slack
5:19 PM
start with _v000001.py if you're optimistic
@BillalBEGUERADJ Bitbucket is your only choice if you want free and private.
@MorganThrapp immediate garlic
Oh, sorry.
Comments from today's coding session. # No. It's not a typo. Yes, it's supposed to be LockBock. Yes, it is incredibly stupid.
Check your email Venti Thrappachino
@MorganThrapp I can not confirm or deny your information. but yes, I created a moment ago a free repository on Mercurial.
5:24 PM
github does free private repositories
garlic :)
In my work project there's a couple places in the deep deep legacy code where the iterator classes have a method called "enumberate"
Word of the day!
@JGreenwell I tried on GitHub but itasked for my bank card
5:25 PM
This isn't really a python problem, please stop asking.
either way this is easy to find information
Ok, thank you for the info but I am not a student.
your/you're (sorry...couldn't resist)
5:29 PM
These people are crazy. Just watching the video is stressful but awesome.
Kowloon is mad fun. Visit if you get a chance.
New kaggle competition looking at epilepsy eegs. Insane amount of data. 60GB compressed. Yeah no thanks.
@Ffisegydd misread that and thought you said "epilepsy eggs"... I was genuinely interested for a bit :p
Tomato tomato.
Haha, same, and thought "jeez just don't crack open the eggs"
5:36 PM
oh it's not just me then
oh look a flag!
Yeah, that took me a while to not parse as eggs.
"parse as eggs" made me think of an omelette
rhubarb, time to get some lunch
have a good one
has anyone messed around with IntelliJ/Pycharm's memory settings in the Custom VM Options under "help"
5:49 PM
I had no idea any of that was a thing.
I've been noticing some annoying slowdowns and stuttering in my editor, and trying to see if playing around with giving java more memory will help
I mean, it can't hurt, right?
wanted to know if anyone else was successful in noticing any difference when playing with that (or had any other suggestions that helped)
Just turn it way up and watch Chrome and PyCharm fight to the death page file.
that's exactly what my activity monitor does every day
they fight for top hog
5:51 PM
Wow, it's closer than I would've assumed.
be back later, gotta do some electricianing
See yah, deak.
wtf....slack - 1.24 GB
Huh? No, only 102.3MB.
Or do you mean on your system?
memory usage
5:54 PM
love it. really. thanks apple for capping the macbook air at 8gigglebytes.
tristan, how many tabs do you have open
most of them (actually, only 8 right now)
I just learned from a friend that on Android, when you get to 100 chrome tabs, the number of tabs turns to a smiley face
I want to see if that happens on chrome iOS...
floobits can be the twitch of programming streaming
@idjaw My computer's fans went into takeoff mode when I tried that. Why does your friend play these cruel pranks?
5:58 PM
I did say Android
didn't switch to a smiley face for me
Aww so it's my own fault...
oh god....he's opening 75 more tabs to show me again
on android or OS X?
he's on android
the internet has it chronicled
6:01 PM
The smiley was different when I tried that a few years ago
it's it was a winky smiley!
Oooh suggestive.
I wonder if there's a different one for incognito tabs.
yeah it will be "xxx"
@Morgan how you finding Legion?
@Ffisegydd I didn't end up resubbing. Turns out moving is WAY more expensive than I thought.
6:10 PM
Umm... must be raw_input/input doesn't work day...
@MorganThrapp Heh. Yeah.
When you settle down though you should, it be gud.
Yeah, definitely.
I'm back! And oh boy it feels good to be (still) alive
I dropped like $400 last night, and I still need a ton of stuff. When does it end!
When you go all St Francis and abandon your worldly possessions for a life of mercy to the poor.
6:13 PM
I saw a Life Pro Tip on reddit that said "after moving in, buy lousy 3$ versions of all the little things you need, and only upgrade when you're certain it's necessary".
Yeah, that's pretty much what I did.
Did you really need the hundred dollar spatula and three hundred dollar toilet brush straight out of the gate?
@Kevin: funny you should say 3$. That was the cost of the dollar store giant Canada coffee mug I bought for the office.
@DSM Your dollar stores sell things for $3?
Do they not understand the concept of a "dollar store"?
All the ones on this continent are "one dollar (and up) stores"
6:15 PM
Yeah, I was just about to mention the "dollar plus" on my commute route.
Ah, fair play. Here they are literally "Everything is £1"
There are some places that are strictly $1.
At least the ones I've been in, but then I haven't been in one for 9 years because I'm a hipster and hipsters have class.
I think there's an actual real dollar store in my neighborhood, but it's an increasingly rare specimen these days
@Ffisegydd brexit bit them in the butt, did it?
6:16 PM
cue David Attenborough walking through New Jersey in search of the elusive "actual $1 store"
@AndrasDeak pipe down purple.
Yeah, the discount store that I go to ("One Hundred Dollar Store") is pretty good about staying true to their name
We just call them Apple stores.
that show is great
is that the commercial that plays during gazorpazorpfield?
6:19 PM
@tristan Yeah.
We can use this to track down his location more accurately.
Actually while I remember, did you submit a pyconca talk?
I submitted a placeholder a day late. I'll fill out the extended abstract section on the weekend, but who knows if they'll even read it..
i didn't know the show was dark and binge-watched a season before really figuring out what was going on
6:23 PM
Yeah, that and Bojack are both surprisingly dark.
@Ffisegydd: but I followed your suggestion and made it xarray-themed.
I was tempted to suggest we do some kind of talks series, online I mean, but wasn't sure how we could go about it.
Streaming slides via Twitch or something along those lines (probably better suited websites)
Like we have a monthly talk where you take turns, Tristan could do one on startups, Davidism on Flask, Morgan on drinking.
Ha, yeah, monthly. <_< >_>
Google hangout would be fine and doesn't have a "lag"
Can you join a GH anonymously?
6:27 PM
I think so. Wait, probably not. Very likely not as they wanted to force G+ through hangouts.
I don't want to be forced to interact with others via "social media"
Just make a throwaway account.
Is that allowed by the terms? I've never been entirely clear on that.
consequences are they ban your disposable account?
why would they ban the disposable if it is valid (just throwaway)?
6:29 PM
Side bar: WoW servers have gone down and people are losing their shit. Hilarious.
maybe non-human accounts aren't as monetizable?
I've seen people make a disposable account for github (for public resume and projects) and a real one for bitbucket (for private)
i'd only want to do a more intimate monthly talk on hangout if i knew the participants (if i'm talking about something that's not coding/objective things)
I dunno if it's "allowed", but it's easy and it's not like they're really going to care.
I still like the idea of Twitch for that (and will be working on a topic this weekend)
6:30 PM
how do I change the pattern of a reg ex with a list? Like I have list = ['blah','blah2'] and I have a reg ex like re.match(r'blah.*\.pdf$',filename)` . How do I tell it to search for list[1]?
(reposted from my Slack) If we're always supposed to work on the highest priority tasks, and every production issue is "high priority", "highest priority", "critical", or (today) "high critical", when are we ever supposed to get any non-production work done? #askingforafriend #tgif #dontmindme
@rubito wat
Never. The answer is never. Our company has been saying that we're going to modernize our software suite for ~30 years.
Nope, not bitter.
do you mean how do I use a variable in a regex?
I want to change the pattern that my reg ex looks for. But I want to do it in a way that will iterate through my list and look for each pattern
6:34 PM
@rubito something like re.match(r'{word}.*\.pdf$'.format(word=list[1]), filename)
I'm just moping. There have been a lot of catastrophic issues over the last two weeks during which two-and-a-half critical personnel were missing. Things should settle down next week and I can get back to the tougher but much more fun architectural stuff.
@vaultah brb, I'm gonna try that
@DSM has that really changed since 10 years ago - or even 20 if you count HIGH PRIORITY emails
I'm really enjoying one of my current projects, the other is okay, but the main one is insanely fulfilling.
Did we even have emails 20 years ago? (quickly does the math -- uh oh, we did)
6:35 PM
Someday I might even be able to talk about it.
I'd be interested to hear what you're working on.
yeah same here!
@Ffisegydd: see, the post-physics life isn't so bad. :-)
@DSM According to Wikipedia, it's been 54 years of email. Which seems crazy.
The documentation of this function says that its first argument is "an object". Ok, I passed it an object. Error: expected int, got string.
user image
6:37 PM
The email program at work categorically won't allow me to send a message containing the word 'fuck'. This is a problem for me because the word is in quoted source code.

It's in a comment, so I could remove it without changing the code functionally, but it would seriously damage the snippet's narrative.
@DSM though 20 years ago we still used fax machines if it makes you feel any better
that's legitimately my favorite thing at working at startups: when they're young enough that you don't have concern trolls and people itching to tell you how to communicate
Why would a profanity filter be required in a place entirely consisting of adults?
and you still got calls checking to see if you got the email that someone sent seconds ago cause you had yet to respond - as a fax of a printout of the email was printing
6:41 PM
Because there are many jobs that hinge on "caring real hard" and not so much on whether or not you're objectively making or improving anything
Oh, Ok. Carry on.
I forgot that an emormous chunk of the economy is essentially just a way to keep adults out of trouble
Although, real talk: I ask someone to "tone check" almost every important email that I send that goes to outside parties
Cynical guess: Us having a profanity filter on email justifies at least one person's job.
A filter on outgoing messages makes sense. Internal filtering is silly. You can still tell your coworker to F off, you just have to walk an extra five feet to do it.
Yeah, a hard filter on language is crazy to me.
6:45 PM
I had a friend check an email I wrote to my counterpart on the business side and it had to be totally rewritten. Politeness shouldn't matter, but it does.
the filter itself doesn't justify the job (that's just an ngram and list check so not that hard) but deciding on "the list" and all the PC arguments that come from that discussion likely causes a new HR job :P
Oh, politeness and manners hugely matter. My stance is that people should be free to write what they want, but that doesn't mean it's without consequences.
(I'd say "I disagree!" and kick tristan, but I'm lazy and the joke's not worth remembering how to do that.)
I can't imagine ever using rough language at a direct report or non-close colleague though.
I went out of my way to make the email polite, just firm and direct, but apparantly not I guess.
6:47 PM
@DSM click my avatar, click kick-mute
I wish I was in a position to full Linus on people.
@QuestionC "Yes, like that, but actually good."
Oh, there it is, right at the bottom.
@QuestionC I worked in a place where it seemed that some hidden teletubbies might read the emails
I got gems like : "Telling him he's wrong is very aggressive, try to explain what he should do without casting blame."
6:48 PM
If I hired fresh-out-of-college sales/support/customer interfacing people, I could see putting on a language filter though
@vaultah Thank you! This worked!
no worries
It takes some experience and time to build up the scar tissue required to take BS without responding in kind.
Yes, a healthy dose of cynicism never hurt nobody
Aha, found it. This was the too-harsh email that got canned.
> Hi XXX
> Please chill out. Last night was about sharing perspectives on the project outside of work and drinking beer. I don't need you pressing YYY on my behalf.
> Emails like that (referring to some batshit crap she wrote at 8AM invoking my name) make my job harder.
6:50 PM
<- was once given the task of making a word filter based on a list of words but his IT manager handled it beautifully (I quickly made a filter, but didn't apply, and then we just used the budget for other stuff while a group of manager types argued on the list and eventually cancelled the project)
I don't know about you guys but I hated when coworkers sent emails without subjects. So messy and not informing a bit. Especially when it's about in-company drama
@rubito on second thought, do you even need regex for this one? filename.startswith(list[1]) and filename.endswith('.pdf') should work just as well
@randomhopeful subjectless e-mails are spam
so are bodyless e-mails with attachment
I wonder how to scale a company beyond 20 people without having drama.
From XXX : Subject : YYYY thought you looked at her weird besides the water fountain and didn't like it. Then, in retrospect, I can identify what to bulk-erase
6:53 PM
it's minimal effort to add "see attached"
subjectless emails just go in the trash (never even sent, from mail server to user's email, in most company email systems I've seen)
Simple: have a monoculture.
@tristan weekly public humiliation
@AndrasDeak Amen to that
monoculture still ends up with garbage
6:54 PM
@AndrasDeak i actually think part of it is not having events where people get blackout drunk together for non-engineering staff, and to have events where people get blackout drunk together for engineering staff
I never said what culture to mono-ify
@tristan elitist
or just want to watch the world burn
@vaultah I think so because I'm making it for plebs that don't understand so my end goal is for them to type the file names in a list and then my program will do the rest. It's a simple pdfmerging script that takes a list of files and merges them when it finds them in the folder. My issue is that the files are name something like "blah blah" "PRODUCT". So I need to differentiate between products as well as file names
events adjusted to the group culture and dynamic (is it mostly young/single or family for instance) and it is possible to grow from 20 to 50 (I've done that at least) with little drama
@AndrasDeak engineering can work all the time and typically does. alcohol can be effective because it actually makes it so you can't (and/or shouldn't) continue working
6:56 PM
@rubito oh, and you should probably escape list[1] in the regex solution: re.match(r'{word}.*\.pdf$'.format(word=re.escape(list[1])), filename)
but beyond squad size - it is nearly impossible - building a stake in the company can help reduce it though (so people actually care about success)
i think caring about the company is kind of external to not having drama or culture-killing stuff
I only want to get blackout drunk in a room full of people willing to debate whether saitama could defeat goku.
I really need a handbook on how to be condescending without coming off as condescending.
@QuestionC It's called a thesaurus
6:58 PM
@tristan I'm unsure about the validity of the assumption that a bunch of drunk colleagues in one place will mitigate drama instead of generating it;) Of course "whose baby is it" or "who was the first to punch back" is a different kind of drama
@rubito to be honest, I still don't understand why you must use regex for this
@tristan Instead of calling the consultant a "Charlatan", I'll call him a "Mountebank"!
@AndrasDeak No, but it's not drama if it's the kind of culture that I like. ;)
I don't know about drinking at your job. When it's a desk job, I can see booze working out. Some might consider it alcoholism but I'd rather describe it as pleasant resourcefulness as a coping mechanism.
@MorganThrapp as in "drunk"?:D

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