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9:00 PM
Crazy Scala thing #N+1: You can have spaces in function names o.o
@DSM I'm currently setting up my environment. I just replicated it locally. I'm setting up my dev environment so I can step through the code. I looked at the 3.4.3 release notes quickly to see if there was mention of it. Nothing obvious
def `this is a totally fine thing`() = {...} is fine syntax
are you required to backtick it?
If you always need to backtick the access, then it's not that different in principle from loading a space-containing key into globals().
9:03 PM
Stop being so reasonable guys, I'm trying to judge others harshly.
(I'm not actually judging, most of the "Crazy" things are actually pretty cool)
ah, okay, so it's using backticks on lexing. can you do
def `this is a totally\` fine \`\`\` thing`() = {...}
I presume so.
i'd test it myself, but i'm lazy
I want to use the phrase "lazy like Haskell" in some nerdcore rap now.
No it doesn't like escaping back ticks. No wait yes it does.
9:06 PM
functional as hell lazy like a haskell
Do "hell" and "haskell" rhyme for you?
If a function doesn't take in any arguments it can be called without using parenthesis, so just my_list.length instead of my_list.length().
Because of that you can make some really nice chaining stuff. So compare these two:
@DSM that's a minimalistic view of rap. also, yes.

List(1,2,3,4) filter isEven foreach println
Those are a wash for me. I think I slightly prefer the first by distinguishing the operation from the predicate/action.
9:11 PM
@DSM They rhyme for me
Sort of.
Close enough for a rap battle.
For me "haskell" rhymes with "rascal", but "hell" rhymes with "sell".
I say rascal like pascal, but haskell like tell from show and tell
Yeah that's pretty much the same for me, but the two groups are also pretty close.
I also wear baseball caps and just ate pretzels for dinner, so maybe don't be super happy if we have a lot in common
"rascal" is like "rask-ull" for me, but "pascal" is "Pass-Cal(ifornia)"
9:15 PM
my pronunciation changes depending if i'm conscious of how i'm speaking or not
e.g. if i'm around new england people and just gabbing on, i'll say "i'm gonna", but if i'm meeting people for the first time, i say "i'm going to" and will have showered
tristan "basically a dog wearing a hat and glasses while chomping on a fake cigar" tristanson
My pronunciation is irrelevant.
also, we pronounce it as "puscul" if u is u in understand
On the internet no one can hear you pronounce
strong German influence on the Hunglish accent
9:26 PM
Hunglish? I'll bet that's a mouthful
well, and we call Blaise Pascal that way too
so there's sort of a good reason
it's a caricature, but a good introduction to the actual situation
welp, that'll be in my head for days now
in fairness, it's a suitable punishment for trying to make a "hung" pun
I might have missed that
9:33 PM
gah. Troubleshooting this enum problem was actually really interesting. But I have to leave!
Will have to continue this one tonight.

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