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2:23 AM
so quiet..
2:39 AM
Hi @AnttiHaapala, I assume my rewrite was not suitable? I felt it was pretty focused at this stage of simply how does one deal with SQL Alchemy ORM objects in a purely dynamic way, is it possible and if so how. Is that still too broad? If so I could split it into multiple questions but as each of these have already been individually answered, my question is really about if its possible to combine these answers because I haven't been able to figure out how yet. — arkore 1 hour ago
1 hour later…
3:55 AM
"I want to know if it is possible to use SQL Alchemys ORM to dynamically create a table object, add records to it from a data source, commit to the database and then run pre-written queries on the committed data." - answer to that part is succinct "yes". Then you do not have any other questions, except in the fourth paragraph, where the answer is "no, it is not too dynamic". And then to your implied question: "where can I find such a tool that creates tables from xml/xsd so that I can run pregenerated queries against it", well that part is either off-topic or too broad. — Antti Haapala 1 min ago
3 hours later…
6:59 AM
To be fair to that guy he seems to get (at least partly) what was wrong with his question
Anyone ever considered/encountered the idea of (ab)using type hints for dependency injection?
something similar to what pytest does based on the argument names.
doesn't sound like an idea that would scale without a problem
name clashing is one problem
@bereal you mean like def foo(bar: IMarker): or some such?
@IljaEverilä yep
I'm thinking something like def test_blah(dep: FixtureType): ... for tests might make it looking better than in pytest where you cannot e.g. navigate to the fixture using IDE.
I think we had at some point in py2 a decorator based injection system, which essentially wrapped single argument methods and then injected. I'm guessing something like that could be mangled to handle annotations as well.
How would you then mark which classes have to be inspected for injections?
7:13 AM
Also, stuff like def test_blah(dep: Fixture(args)) to have explicit fixture configuration for that test (potentially, re-used between tests in the same scope).
For the latter wouldn't a kwarg do as well?
inspection is another task: by naming conventions, decorators, explicit enumeration / registration.
kwarg would too, yes
But yeah inspecting annotations and wrapping with injectors shouldn't be too hard I guess
Feeling better @RobertGrant?
8:10 AM
@IanClark not much! Still at home.
Thanks for asking :)
8:22 AM
In a Python package, where's the appropriate place to locate scripts? So you've got something like src which actually holds your source code, and you could have bin which might hold some binary runnable things, but where do you host helper scripts?
Ones that aren't meant to be used by the end user (i.e. they wouldn't import them doing from foo import bar)
@Ffisegydd what sort of scripts? Things that are basically shell scripts but written in Python?
So I'm writing a project to do some ML, I've got lovely set out src, but I'd like to be able to run my full pipeline with some Python scripts, rather than 3 separate bash commands typed in.
At the moment I'm doing python src/data/build_dataset.py --input raw_data.csv --output cleaned_data.csv and 2-3 other bash commands to process my stuff.
@bereal not type hints but annotations, and yes I've considered.
the problem is that now Python has all but f*cked the whole idea to mean type hints.
so there is no way of having multiple annotations compatibly to one argument, return value
(unlike in Java)
@bereal wanna write a manifesto with me? :d
@AnttiHaapala :) "type hints are f*cked up manifesto"?
8:35 AM
no, "annotations === type hints is a f*cked up idea"
@Ffisegydd I think either in bin, a subfolder of bin or just a totally different folder like internal-scripts or whatever
I mean, people are "hey annotations are used only for type hints."
(Note to myself: name some numeric variables f and cked).
but that's what they're called in pep, right?
you do def foo(bar: (BarfFixture(adsfdsafafds), int)):
and suddenly you cannot infer types in pycharm any longer and what not
yeah, that's what I hoped, but then any analyzer will go nuts.
8:37 AM
then they say:
at which point I am about to have vessels poppin' in my head.
@bereal and of course Java does it completely differently.
now you're allowed to have multiple annotations of the same type everywhere, and additionally annotations are typed so that you do not need to care about someone elses annotations.
but it is a virtue among PEP writers that they've never used Java :D
basically, it's pep 484 that screws it up.
and author: GvR
def get_memo_container_task(self, project: Funky('FooBar')) -> Task:
tried this :D
the problem in PyCharm is now that PyCharm complains that FooBar is not a proper reference to a type.
"unresolved reference"
even though Funky is my own class
8:44 AM
so that's how fscked up
and nobody has complained loud yet?
of course not
because no one cares
this is python, not java
9:24 AM
This is where we need Armin's thing about classes being good again
Probably that was irrelevant, but it popped into my head anyway
What Armin's thing?
In repsonse to this fairly rubbish but popular talk, Armin wrote this
9:46 AM
Having played Halo last night, I realise my aim sucks
10:07 AM
@RobertGrant Armin is not my prophet, but sometimes he does write about right things
but both of them are right.
Yeah I agree; that's a really good individual piece of writing
Yeah well they're both stating relative positions; verses two extreme examples either of them can be right
I just think Armin's position is much more thought through, balanced and justified
Armin is overreacting, because the talk did tell the story of how to write a nonreuseable shit in 10 lines.
I mean, I agree with Armin about the Java layered IO and that you should write better classes, if you're going to write classes.
while at the same time using the "fairly rubbish but popular talk" as an another example on how to do things,
so, basically, it's not about functions vs classes.
the other guy is saying "do not write 100000 classes to do *so called extensibility in something that doesn't need it"
and then armin says "do not make me fork, but make extensible"
however, if the said api is 10 lines of code, it is much easier to fix by "forking" (aka copy paste)
than by extending some existing classes.
so they are orthogonal IMO.
The other guy was countering every reasonable question that suggested a reason for making a class with the phrase "don't make more classes".
10:20 AM
Opinion / Request for Off-Site Resource what are the choices for human writeable, schema-validatable configuration file formats? - frans - 2016-05-18 10:10:11Z
"Classes are great but they are also overused"
@JRich yet another improvement \o/
Went looking for a pandas solution, found a DSM answer.
10:40 AM
daily afternoon cabbage
Give us this day our daily cabbage.
And lead us not into PHP,
but deliver us from eval.
nobody can deliver you from eval
10:55 AM
hey folks, just need a quick suggestion, need to parse a sql where clause and get the precedence of the different parts of the clause. I've investigated sqlparse, but it only tokenizes the sql statement for you, and does not give you the precedence of the conditions, as to be expected. Is there a more advanced library that can help me do this?
Hm that's an interesting question
I wonder if SQLA exposes that sort of thing
Or if it even cares
@RobertGrant thats a pretty good idea.
I hate datetime.
11:01 AM
:) In python or js?
Python, never mind got it.
11:14 AM
Does anyone use logging in Python? Have you noticed that it "blocks" print statements? So I've got something like:
But it appears as:
Answers on the back of a postcard, winner gets something sticky.
Also, it's not to do with race conditions, as my script takes a good minute to run. And there's 20-30s of time between the print and the next logger.info
or is it the same output stream (or the equivalent in Python)?
I would think that both use stdout
I can't reproduce that using stdout for my logger
how did you set up your logger?
log_fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_fmt)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
where are you getting that output from?
in bash I get:
2016-05-18 07:23:22,155 - INFO - info
2016-05-18 07:23:22,155 - INFO - info
2016-05-18 07:23:22,155 - INFO - info
in pycharm I get:
2016-05-18 07:22:57,448 - INFO - info
2016-05-18 07:22:57,448 - INFO - info
2016-05-18 07:22:57,448 - INFO - info
plot twist!!
running multiple times in pycharm makes the print show up in different points of the logging output
11:30 AM
sounds very asynchronous to me
how many processes are running during the test?
Is this unrelated because of subprocess?
I think I figured it out
if you don't specify a stream it defaults to sys.stderr
morning everyone
        if stream is None:
            stream = sys.stderr
that is in the init for StreamHandler
if you explicitly pass stream=sys.stdout in basicConfig, PyCharm outputs as expected
11:40 AM
morning? it's 1 pm here
Its 5:00 PM here :D
Too early apparently for me
@idjaw kudos:)
so dealing with two different output buffers stdout and stderr. @Ffisegydd I'm assuming your silence is you trying to figure this out, or you've given up and have started continued drinking.
11:47 AM
@Ffisegydd Always an improvement :)
this game looks awesome!!!! I must play this
cbg, all
@idjaw nice and bloody
@BhargavRao cabbage
12:15 PM
Sorry I had to go for lunch
Thank you for continuing to debug my errors while I was off eating meat.
Good. I like it when you apologise for eating. It empowers me.
what can we make fizzy apologize about next
Now up to 192nd on the leaderboard.
I used my weekly apology quota, so tough cookies.
you're clearly not Canadian
This is hilarious: deathbulge.com/comics/343
12:21 PM
Dukburg. I want a dukburg
poor Traf doesn't evolve
Ahaha full English
roadking was my favourite
Uninteresting fact for the day: I will try to write my no-network-android-app after all
@Ffisegydd apologise for those cookies
@RobertGrant NO.
12:25 PM
I imagined that with Grumpy Cat
fun fact. Fizzy is actually grumpy cat
thats what he wants people to think, but in reality, he's actually a bunny.
here's my proof
that laptop doesn't look pretty
I don't know what's more shocking. This bunny revelation, or the fact that fizzy uses windows.
12:31 PM
Maybe that bunny isn't that concerning?
@JonClements knew all along though.
@idjaw maybe he just didn't remove the sticker
some laptops can only be bought with pooware here
@Ffisegydd PyCharm sets PYTHONUNBUFFERED by default, check the run config.
^^ah that's the real real reason. But what is happening between stderr and stdout to cause differences in pycharm?
if they were the same stream, buffering wouldn't matter, right?
because the order would be preserved in the buffer too
(are they called streams in Python?)
12:37 PM
Right. Print goes to stdout and default logging stream was going to stderr
baaah, looking at a pdf, and hyphens and en-dashes are used the other way around in a theorem named after 2 guys... *twitch*
I've not got round to fixing it yet, will let the room know when I do (no doubt you're waiting with bated breath).
I'm actually using the cmd line directly, not pycharm.
@davidism, have you ever structured groups/roles in postgresql manually? I mean as in, for users on a site, not for the db itself
spoken like a true windows h4x0r
12:53 PM
Interviewer 1: Describe yourself in one word Me: Hired Interviewer 2:[whispers] Holy shit can she do that??
Wait - so you're an actress representing that real candidate!?
heh, wife just showed me chrismckenzie.com (via pointlesssites.com)
take your mouse out of the window
Reminds me of theuselessweb.com
You can confuse it
Gets a sad face and shakes its head
1:02 PM
Morning cabbage.
@poke All these resources at the tip of our fingers:) Truly a glorious time to be alive.
@MorganThrapp morning
@corvid not sure what you mean. Not like sopython-site?
kind of, but doesn't sopy site use some package for it? I'm mostly just wondering how the data is structured
Oh, gents, what's the situation with sopython t-shirts?
1:14 PM
Ask Intrepid.
(and zalgo ones)
Ask FizzyGood
Ask Bhargav
OK, will do
I'd say ask Andras but he started this, and I don't want to cause a RecursionError.
Morning cabbage.
1:15 PM
cabbage DSM
morning cabbage
cabbage Wayne
Today I am annoyed that the Tkinter canvas widget doesn't have any method that tells you the dimensions of a piece of text without having to actually render it.
Or, for that matter, any way to find the dimensions of text you've already rendered.
That's mildly annoying. I can see how it would definitely be annoying for certain reasons :P
The first one isn't uncommon, if I'm following you. Something similar happens with matplotlib.
1:27 PM
I'm trying to render a UML-y kind of thing and I want the boxes to be labeled with as large a font as is possible without going past the boundary.
Box size and text length are both dynamic so I can't just hardcode a font size.
What I'll probably end up doing is use PIL, which does have a ImageFont.Font.getsize(text) method. But I'm not happy introducing another dependency.
Fixed my logging error. Thank you all.
You all get something sticky as a prize.
maple syrup for @idjaw, no doubt about that
@Ffisegydd a stick?
1 more Kaggle entry allowed today D:
1:35 PM
That name always reminds me of the Lego Movie.
why is the movie Drive so good?
neo-noir? wow
the things they come up with
@RobertGrant If it's brown
@Kevin At least you can do more awesome things with PIL(low) than Tk's canvas
Grrr, the liquor store just emailed me to say that gin is 15% off, but I'm broke. Fizzy, what do?
@MorganThrapp Mortgage your house?
1:37 PM
Is there such a thing as daytime in noir films?
"liquor store just emailed me", not a bad sign at all
@corvid Then they'd be blanco films ;)
@corvid no, I implemented the auth myself
@WayneWerner Tempting. Can you mortgage an apartment?
Oh, okay then I will just check out the code in that case, thank you
1:40 PM
@MorganThrapp I suppose it's possible... at least if you own the apartment ;)
@MorganThrapp Sell MorganGirl.
@Ffisegydd Also a viable option.
You say viable option? I say brilliant solution.
Kill two birds with one stone.
it might violate a few international treaties, but otherwise good plan
throwing rocks at birds is mean :( caw
1:47 PM
And why kill two birds with one stone? Is there a shortage of stones and an overabundance of birds?
lack of aiming skills in the programming sector
2:16 PM
depends on what type of bird it is
Canada Goose, the most evil of birds.
Q: How to approach getting rid of geese from workplace?

enderlandI work for a location which has quite a few acres and around 2,000 employees. We recently built a new building, part of which was some nice landscaping, including a pond on the campus. Well, now we have a problem with these on the campus: In case you think they are pretty and cute, enough of ...

I need more computer.
you need more windows
Instructions unclear, threw computer out of window.
2:21 PM
you were supposed to throw it through the wall, creating a new window. Amateurs... ;-)
Doing 5-fold CV is too slow, my mind wanders and I get distracted.
Listen to some Ben Folds Five, it should help you focus.
@tristan You may enjoy this thread: ITT: We make xkcd slightly worse.
2:38 PM
Mm, tree mucus.
2:55 PM
(oddly fox-like ears perk up) Did someone say maple syrup?
@PM2Ring If I take anything out of that thread, it’s that fonts are very important for making comics good.
> If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about [extracting maple syrup]? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
-- Jack Handey
@PM2Ring Surprisingly way better. It's less "big bang theory for smug nerds" this way
actual "heh"
2:58 PM
@tristan I thought you'd enjoy it. :)
cheers :D
I get the crankiest emails.
> I believe firmly although a human cannot write his/her own Lagrangian and less solve it, beyond the human existence itself the Mathematics has all the answers, regardless how complicated could be turn any questions, and although nature doesn't make leaps, from time to time a spark of light arises, and we all know that a tiny spark can start a fire, as with drops of water on a dam certainly might be taken to overflow.
@DSM Back away slowly, without breaking eye contact.
A friend forwarded me a fantastic email from a Professor at University of Oxford.
And he really is a lecturer there.
It's pretty long so I can't really paste it, and unfortunately I can't get pastebin on work computers.
3:09 PM
I could imagine writing something like that. The crank just needed a couple more rounds of proofreading.
The core message, "isn't math just great?", I can get behind.
Let me get it on my phone.
It's worth it.
+100 for proper his/her instead of bitching out and using "their"
also, i'd probably check the timestamp on that email. i'd imagine it's either "home from work and enough time to get high" or "very early morning" o'clock
I feel bad for singular "they". 500 years old and used by Shakespeare, but still getting flack.
3:12 PM
His real problem is that he should have used the Hamiltonian formulation. Much easier to make nice symplectic integrators that way.
Genuine email from a genuine director of a genuine institute at Oxford.
> The Toroidal Economy has the power to bring rapid financial freedom and prosperity to every corner of the earth, via mesh-net enabled mobile devices. These devices will give all users access to interest free seed capital, at a grass-roots level, and ensure 100% economic participation, by treating digital currency as a ubiquitous energy source that is as renewably available to all as sunlight, or rainwater.
Seriously worth your time to read, just so you can "wat"
Holy wat.
y u no softwrap dpaste? D:
3:13 PM
shakespeare was the stephenie mayer of the 15th century
> I am the discoverer of the theoretical link between the frequency spectrum, the curvature and torque of space-time, and the subatomic particles that form the foundation of the Periodic Table. If proven correct, my recent theoretical breakthroughs in physics will bring profound and fundamental changes to every field of science and every discipline of academic research.
He found most of his breakthroughs while off his face on LSD, FYI.
@Ffisegydd There's an option to.
Ah genuine.
> I have a history in the arts as a performing artist, author and poet. I trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London and later went on to play King Edmund in the 2005 film adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ first Chronicle of Narnia: “The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe.” My most recent film release, earlier this year, was “Walking With The Enemy” with Sir Ben Kingsley.
(Actually true, really is that guy)
@tristan Damn, I was going to write "(inb4 'shakespeare was considered lowbrow by his contemporaries, so don't take any English lessons from him')" but I deleted it because I didn't think anyone would actually make that argument.
Baez index: "20 points for naming something after yourself. (E.g., talking about the "The Evans Field Equation" when your name happens to be Evans.)"
3:16 PM
@Ffisegydd Were they actually breakthroughs or more like "icebergs are sexist y'all" "breakthroughs"
@Kevin when you see one set of footprints in the sand, it's because i've turned back from our walk to shitpost on the internet
My rhetorical tool of cutting my opponents off from making valid counterarguments by making them first myself, doesn't work unless I actually do the second part.
They were rubbish. Seriously, take time away from your "startup" to read it.
> The psychedelic experience proves to any who undergo it that Nature has arisen from a subatomic realm of consciousness;
Ah ha, that makes a lot more sense.
@Ffisegydd oh god that cut deep
3:17 PM
Plus, wasn't it glaciers?
TL;DR guy trips on acid shrooms and decides that he's fixed the global economy by using solar powered cell phones.
Those breakthroughs look amazing
@Morgan no! No TL;DR! Read it all!
@DSM idk, i think the only thing that really bothers me about it is that it's tax funded. if people want to loon on about imaginary problems and fields of study, fine, but i spent more than the sticker price of a bmw m3 on taxes last year and if you'd notice, i'm not currently driving like an idiot on a track
Related: Slate Star Codex's article Why Were Early Psychedelicists So Weird? shows examples of scientists that exhibit deeply odd behavior, some of whom continue to have productive academic careers.
3:18 PM
> ... when I ingested five dried grams of the Copelandia Cyanescens psilocybe mushroom for the first time, I was led through the myriad frequency dimensions of the Multiverse into the awesome, glorious and magisterial presence of the One Being of the cosmos, who is the Creator of all Creation. The Heavenly Father stands as a vertical axis of omnipotent and omnipresent light at the toroidal core of space-time. God is the experience of omniscient solitude.
> If I ever get a chance to write it, my autobiography will be entitled “Finding God: The Search For The Fundamental Frequency.”
I have things to do today. I shouldn't be learning about "Vortex Based Mathematics".
Think of the implications for interstellar travel and limb regeneration!
Isn't that exactly what you do when you're unemployed?
@Ffisegydd: as of Monday, wouldn't know. :-)
3:20 PM
Better take the time to enjoy it while it lasts then.
>the theoretical link between the frequency spectrum, the curvature and torque of space-time,

what kind of horsepower does this theoretical link put out?
"Gandalf was a Maiar and it is the purpose of the M.A.I.A.R." <- So he back-ronymed the name of his institute from a fantasy novel?
Perhaps we could use these theories to convince someone to let us found a new Enron
"The Toroidal Economy has the power to bring rapid financial freedom and prosperity to every corner of the earth, via mesh-net enabled mobile devices." i'm still pretty early on in this, but i feel like he believes "the economy" to be a natural resource or physical matter and not a system of symbolic wealth
wait, was this posted on kickstarter @Ffisegydd ? is this you way to try to get more backers on one of your projects?
3:23 PM
@DSM Pro.
Protip: if you discovered a way to hack free money out of the economy, the most efficient way to get press is to not spam academics, it's to make a billion dollars in a day and put whatever headline you want on the Wall Street Journal because you own it now.
No comment.
_ I have a history in the arts as a performing artist, author and poet._

oh, no, that makes sense.
i'm quietly enjoying that i didn't log onto google hangouts to prevent procrastinating, but i'm reading a wall of text generated by a performance artist with holes in his brain from constant drug use
I legitimately wonder what would happen if a conference was organized at which he could explain the specifics of his models. Is there enough connection to reality left for him to realize he didn't have viable details, or would self-protection kick in and a sudden illness prevent him from attending?
I suspect people with persistent delusions will generate additional delusions to protect the first delusion. Ex. "The media won't report on my groundbreaking work because they're controlled by lizard people"
In the course of my OEIS duties I had a correspondent who would send us violent revenge fantasies in which we were defeated and he was vindicated. Charming fellow.
That a person could get angry at a website which contains only lists of numbers, reveals something about human nature.
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences?
3:37 PM
Yep. By the end I decided that the best way to deal with him was to be persistently cheerful and slightly random.
Wow, literal nerd rage.
I worked with someone that alluded to the fact that he had a lot of guns in an attempt to threaten me once. That was cute
> You're free to believe that (metaphorically, anyway) a gang of thugs is beating you bloody, because they want to put the generating function in the name field and the Binet description in the comments, whereas you want to put the Binet description in the name field, and the generating function in the comments. Everyone has different ideas about what's desperately important, I guess.

> I'm reminded of the original Star Trek episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", in which the same species had two sub-populations: one was black on the left and white on the right, and the other was bl
Seems like a well-adjusted fellow
I would have responded "i didn't see that episode, but then again, I'm not a huge fan of George Lucas's later works"
3:41 PM
That's stargate, silly
Erm.. just to be clear, that was my response to him, tristan. I'm now a little concerned about myself.
@Ffisegydd I guess it could be genuinely from Mark Wells the actor. The only refs I could find via Google for mark wells maiar institute are a couple of posts discussing that email. However, I just found this: Narnia Actor Sends Bizarre Mass Email - Cry For Help?, which appears to be written by the same person. Whoever it is, they appear to be suffering from psychotic delusions.
@DSM Hah, I imagine it makes sense in context, but it's a bit odd to evoke the imagery of people beating the life out of you over relative placement of function names versus descriptive text in a corpus
#realtalk: a childhood friend of mine developed schizophrenia in high school. I suspect that the OEIS guy was seriously mentally ill, and went through phases of relative lucidity.
@PM2Ring My friend got the email because he was a PhD student at Oxford, he thought the email was genuine. Apparently the economics departments invited him to give a talk.
(the email was sent to every academic in the university)
3:45 PM
@tristan: yeah, his original email had a very violent and concrete description of how he thought we were treating him, and what the public would do to us when they realized how we had suppressed his work. That was about the point when we decided we weren't helping him with our tolerance.
@DSM Yeah, that's pretty much the context I imagined when you stated it was from you.
you can't defuse a crazy bomb with logic
@Ffisegydd They invited him to give a talk after reading that stuff? Wow.
@PM2 I think they did it to take the pi**, but yes. Not sure the talk ever happened.
@Ffisegydd Fair enough.
3:48 PM
It's economists, not real scientists. They're happy as long as you draw 2x=y graphs
I've only just realized how deeply I take the convention of putting y on the LHS.
(i may or may not have done that intentionally)
y on the left is sacrosanct, surely
@DSM Thank god I wasn't the only one.
I was hyperventilating.
@Ffisegydd Or maybe they thought he could be the new Nash...
3:54 PM
Someone had to get me a brown paper bag to draw tristan's face on then rip to pieces.
haha. i grimaced after hitting enter
"oh man, they're going to hate this type type type"
@DSM :) It made me a little uneasy too. But as long as the actual graph has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis vertical I don't mind too much.
prepares all graph paper using z and x axis only for sopycon 2017

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