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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

10:02 PM
@rgchris just was wondering how rebolbot was accessing a local file which was on your server
@GrahamChiu The default root for files is http://reb4.me/md/ and will resolve there unless a different 'root is provided.
need more coffee to wake me up .. dog keeps waking me up during the night to be assisted
@GrahamChiu Yes, it used to. I found about it yesterday or day before. I guess Cyphre changed something in the underlying code (again). I'm looking into it.
do http://reb4.me/r3/makedoc make-doc/custom "Test" [template: {<pre><%= document/render %></pre>}]
10:07 PM
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do reb4.me/r3/makedoc make-doc/custom "Test" [template: "<pre><%== mold document/document %></pre>"]
== {<pre>[
    options []
    para [&quot;Test&quot;]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do reb4.me/r3/makedoc make-doc/custom "Test" [template: "<pre><%= document/render %></pre>"]
== {<pre>
<!-- document begin -->
<!-- document end -->
@rebolek Seems he only tests the styles he authors and not yours!
we do need a


just for fork!
@GrahamChiu Always returns the document bound by []
@rgchris Ok, looking forward to seeing docs
@GrahamChiu I guess I have to add tests for them :)
@GrahamChiu How far forward?
10:11 PM
@rgchris a couple of days
got lots on my plate with getting rebolbot stashing chat messages somewhere now
10:42 PM
@rebolek well, the demo should also catch them
Is there an iterator for lists as there used to be for VID?
10:59 PM
@ingo Interesting ... I take it you would know how to best store messages so that they can be queried?

Is this a JS timestamp?
@GrahamChiu Looks like Unix time.
@RebolBot do
import http://reb4.me/r3/form-date
form-date now "%s"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> import reb4.me/r3/form-date form-date now "%s"
== "1371250877"
( now - 1-Jan-1970) * 24 * 60 * 60
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> (now - 1-Jan-1970) * 24 * 60 * 60
== 1371168000
so seconds since 1970
curious.. not that precise then
@rebolbot source to-json
11:12 PM
to-json: make function! [[data][
    json: make string! ""
    if parse compose/only [(data)] [here: value] [json]
store messages as json or rebol objects?
so looks like this
{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371251128,"content":"curious.. not that precise then","user_id":76852,"user_name":"Graham Chiu","room_id":291,"message_id":10002448}
going to have zillions of messages stored locally until we figure out where to put them
line formatted messages are just using \n inline?
So, what is happening at present is that rebolbot reads the data and parses out the json messages, converts to rebol objects.

Now if the message is over 2 minutes old it now formats them back as json and stores locally
Will have to wait 2 minutes to see!
{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371251953,"content":"<pre class='full'>Multi-\r\nline formatted messages are just using \\n inline?<\/pre>","id":19883671,"user_id":135724,"user_name":"earl","room_id":291,"‌​room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002589}
11:26 PM
Hmm, so partially pre-rendered.
What about inline formatting?
{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371252422,"content":"What <i>about<\/i> <b>inline<\/b> <code>formatting<\/code>?","id":19883805,"user_id":135724,"user_name":"earl","ro‌​om_id":291,"room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002626}
@RebolBot version
@GrahamChiu 15-Jun-2013
@rebolbot fetch 1000262611
@GrahamChiu {"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371252422,"content":"What <i>about<\/i> <b>inline<\/b> <code>formatting<\/code>?","id":19883805,"user_id":135724,"user_name":"earl","ro‌​om_id":291,"room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002626}
@GrahamChiu Sorry mate, message 1000262611 is not in my store
OK ?
11:42 PM
@RebolBot fetch 10002626
Interesting discussion. I find the current search to be good enough. Flagging useful messages with * could be expanded on. Tagging starred messages with topics would be nice.
@earl {"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371252422,"content":"What <i>about<\/i> <b>inline<\/b> <code>formatting<\/code>?","id":19883805,"user_id":135724,"user_name":"earl","ro‌​om_id":291,"room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002626}
It's good to stay in control of this irrespective of whether search is good.
Better keep a copy of our data to ourselves sooner rather than later. Esp sooner than when it'll be too late :)
@earl that seems at odds with what we have been saying that this is disposable chat!
@GrahamChiu I see no contradiction. Ephemeral and persistent at once! :)
That this room keeps a persistent transcript is no secret.
11:56 PM
@rebolbot search ephemeral
On: 1371253568 by Graham Chiu in 10002748
On: 1371254189 by Graham Chiu in 10002834
@GrahamChiu On: 1371253624 by earl in 10002756
@rebolbot fetch 10002850
@GrahamChiu On: 1371254254 by Graham Chiu in 10002850
11:58 PM
@GrahamChiu On: 1371253568 by Graham Chiu in 10002748
@GrahamChiu {"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371253568,"content":"@earl that seems at odds with what we have been saying that this is disposable chat!","id":19884014,"user_id":76852,"user_name":"Graham Chiu","room_id":291,"room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002748,"parent_id":10002740,"show_parent":true}
@GrahamChiu {"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1371254254,"content":"@rebolbot search disposdssssd","id":19884191,"user_id":76852,"user_name":"Graham Chiu","room_id":291,"room_name":"Rebol [and Red]","message_id":10002850,"parent_id":10002842}
hehe .. finds the search term in query message .. so that's wrong
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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