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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 15:00

9:07 AM
@Indiandroid @Bhagat
i am on dieting :P @Indiandroid
@berserk I pinged you
If you have time u can check that because i have to go at 4 PM and i m busy with one app.
yar working now
i will see in evening
@berserk really.? O_o
9:13 AM
@Indiandroid HB
yeah bro
how to display hint into spinner of android?
make custom it.
@Indiandroid yes :)
9:17 AM
@Indiandroid HB means Hello Buddy
@X'Factor merci
@Swap-IOS-Android Wel come!
@X'Factor O_o o_O
I tried to change button background color using new drawable and not the first button is flat and bigger
How do I fix this?
*Change color when button is pressed and not
@KalaJ show selector code
9:22 AM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="true"
android:drawable="@color/button_selected" />
<item android:state_focused="false" android:state_pressed="true"
android:drawable="@color/button_selected" />
<item android:drawable="@color/number_button_grey" />
Use pastie.org for codes.
if u r using drawables then both should have same height and width ( ie 55 * 65 and 55 * 65 )
both buttons?
u need to put both images same in selector.
1 selector = 1 button bg
I mean to say, I want to keep the properties of the regular button
with rounded corner and size
but with a lighter background
how do I do that?
now the button is flat
for the drawable, I'm not using images but regular colors to change the background
9:31 AM
@KalaJ r u using image as background or XML?
okey let me show u 1 example
I'm not using any image as background
just a regular color resource
Example - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14023886/android-button-selector
TOOL to create XML - http://angrytools.com/android/button/
that example is kind of what I did
I will try the tool to create xml
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. The practice is also known as "teddy bear debugging" for similar reasons, most notably an anecdote in The Practice of Programming. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to...
(y)(y) @berserk
9:43 AM
ty ty :D
i have an admin panel of my android app. That is for product update. So the situation is, when a new product arrives admin will input it from a webpage hosted at their sub-domain address. Then a notification will go to user device. As far as i know push notification works with GCM service. So i am not sure about how this feature could be done, any suggestion?
@rekire There ?
Heard of "Unmarshalling unknown type code run time exception" ?
I wonder how can I solve it ?
i just know its for parcable objects
9:52 AM
There is no issue with the serialized names of the variables
yes for it in CREATOR
They're same as in response
I am Not using progaurd
9:55 AM
Q: Toggle between several regular buttons

Kala JSo, I have my buttons lined up like below: Here's an image of what I'm trying to achieve: In the image, the first row is just a row of buttons with no button pressed. In the second row, only the first button is pressed. In the third row, I clicked on 4 and only the fourth button is pressed...

hello whats up
I am wondering, is it possible to just add a radiogroup and toggle between regular buttons instead of the checkboxes in the answer?
@rekire I don't get it.
@Appu Uh I can remember that I pinged you but I forgot why^^ it's too long ago
@TheLittleNaruto yes here I am
@rekire It's about editions of your app
sorry I have checked your ping just now ;/ so couldn't reply at earliest
10:00 AM
Ah I remember that was about flavors and to create seperat apps for different target apis
@Appu don't worry I knew that you would reply when you have time
But there is only one flavor for my app.
@TheLittleNaruto no idea right now
that flavor topic was to appu
@TheLittleNaruto free?
10:05 AM
@rekire Installing your calendar app
please use the most top menu option
Ok I will
@rekire Great and attractive UI plus functionality is too good
thx :D
how to create Group in android
@rekire How you handle all this. I think i never implemented such a animated type app
10:11 AM
you mean that menu when you press the plus button?
@rekire where is the app?
URL please
@rekire Not only that but all over good. Plus you need to publish in english version
linked in my profile on Stack Overflow
I talked soo often with our pm it will come but not soon
I have a english translation already but it is not good enough for customers^^
@rekire Okay. And one thing is like i most in your second tab swipable calendar
@Edge Not now
10:14 AM
you mean in the overview that on the top? that is the recylerview
@rekire yeah i saw it. And animation using ObjectAnimator?
@rekire Do you know Android Lolipop introduce one one class
you can see a striped version on github: github.com/rekire/RecylcerViewBug
@X'Factor the lollipop support will come in about 1-3 weeks
@rekire But one new class it has named AnimatedVectorDrawable
and you can see this link blog.sqisland.com/2014/10/…
@rekire seen?
10:19 AM
amazing I'll bookmarked it. that is new for me
@rekire Yeah i also bookmarked it. Nice and amazing it is
@X'Factor mast che
@Indiandroid Yes bro
@rekire nice app :D
nice animations
I wonder how long it took to make such animations :3
10:22 AM
@rekire gave 5 rating and left a comment!
@Indiandroid was remaining
After being a software engineer for 6+ years at Google and 1.5 years at two startups, I now run my own mobile development company

Blogger's about me...!
@X'Factor great :D
@berserk well I did not really invest much time in animations yet... only that 9 button menu uses self implemented animations
kk :3
that forecast on the top only jumps to defined positions with methods given from the recycerview itself
I ported that also for wearables :D
10:28 AM
@rekire teach us something also. share your knowledge with us
hi @rekire
how are you??
that scrolling stuff is basically a scrolllistener which calls smooth scroll to position x, where x just picks a position relative to the current in the middle
hi @asifa, I'm fine
@rekire Okay i will try it
@Indiandroid O_O
Out of memory issue
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(currentProduct.getimage());
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);
10:32 AM
Happy Diwali all in Advance. Will meet after Diwali
Happy Diwali.. :)
happy diwali
@X'Factor Happy Diwali
Bye bye All
10:33 AM
@asifa you are proberbly leaking memory or your bitmaps are too big
how to solve that @rekire
check this of my ansers
@X'Factor btw I'm proud of my dialogs that theming was tricky
@X'Factor bro bye
have great vacation
@berserk yeah blogger is pro - blog.sqisland.com/2014/10/…
10:52 AM
@rekire i am running it on device
@rekire logcat
please check
you use too much memory, but you know that already...
but I dont know how to prevent it
I cannot say anything more from here
11:27 AM
The issue "Unmarshalling unknown type code" is with Moto G and E only. It works with no hassle in other devices.
hi any know how to design Nexus 5 layout
I mean "WTF" ?
@rekire any idea for that
@TheLittleNaruto o_O
11:47 AM
hello everyone
hello all :) it's any way to use Theme.Holo.Wallpaper in styles but with AppCompat
Theme.AppCompat.Wallpaper - isn't exist
@KeTaN like any other device!?
@rekire i know that but my layout not set in nexus 5 device
@KeTaN I don't understand... why?
layout display in nexus 5 wraped
12:00 PM
do you have a screenshot?
@rekire see the last screen service and priority get wraped
there is too less space I would check if the font scaling feature is activitated
there is not you could to else except to reduce the fontsize but that is a bad habit
12:16 PM
I would use RelativeLayout and elipseSize
I am fu***ng tired with this issue. This keeps annoying me. x-(
@KetanAhir i also use Relative Layout but in LinearLayout
use one RelativeLayout for those four textview
can you help me please??
@TheLittleNaruto what's up?
12:19 PM
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(currentProduct.getimage());
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 4;

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(currentProduct.getimage(), 0, currentProduct.getimage().length,options);
the image view is displayed as a blank box
white box
@asifa do you free the memory?
okay that is something about the bounds of the image you need to set it by your own that is a bug in android
@rekire can you please show me
55 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
The issue "Unmarshalling unknown type code" is with Moto G and E only. It works with no hassle in other devices.
The problem is our most users are having Moto G/E
12:23 PM
I need to fix something that I can look @asifa
@TheLittleNaruto still that? hm we don't have such a device here do you have a stacktrace?
tripEntity = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(Constant.KEY_TRIP_ENTITY);
Hey There Karl @Joe'sMorgue
@TheLittleNaruto How are you?
@TheLittleNaruto I would try for debug to add to all SerializedName a custom prefix
just to avoid that something is overridden
12:30 PM
any idea
i am getting empty boxes
@asifa wait a little
@Joe'sMorgue I am fine so far. thanks How are you doing ?
@rekire Checked all serialized name. They're correct.
Still trying to wake up.
I found an app the other day teaching Adnroid, but I'm not sure if it's independently runnable
Let me grab a portion...
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "P" );
  btn.SetOnTouch( SayHello );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  btn2 = app.CreateButton("@");
  app.AddLayout( lay );
Can I run this outside of an App on an Android device?
This is the first 10 lines, the only other parts are two more functions, and nothing else exists outside of them.
Is this thing on?
you are a little anoying I hope you know that...
if(icon != null) {
// fix bounds
icon.setBounds(0, 0, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
12:45 PM
@rekire those are too kind words ;)
until I get a tickel in my forefinger... I think you know what I mean :)
@TheLittleNaruto, Can you tell me what that is?
hey @Joe'sMorgue that code above looks like java script. that is not native android programming
I want that one now
@Rekire, I was afraid of that...
I never really tried to write webapps so I'm not very familar with that
12:55 PM
I'm trying to find an App that will teach me the basics for doing my UI on Android
I started learning android at university, but basically we tried to learn it autodidactic
@Joe'sMorgue What is what ?
@TheLittleNaruto You lost me...
1:12 PM
@TheLittleNaruto What did you mean "What is what?"
What you want to ask Here ?
That is a classic dialog out of Asterix and Oberlix "What he says?" - "Was sagt er?"
guys anyone used IBM Worklight
Do you know of a good App that teaches code?
no I don't know such apps
1:42 PM
Could anyone help me out?
2:30 PM
bye guys
I wrote bye!
ohh sorry sir :)
01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 15:00

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