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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

2:04 AM
Q: MonoTorrent does not open any connections or exit Metadata mode

KoogleI have a personal project that I want to use MonoTorrent in, but I'm having an issue with connecting to peers. The torrents always reach the Downloading state and have a tracker, but do not open connections to peers. When attempting to download via a MagnetLink, the torrents never leave the Metad...

7 hours later…
9:23 AM
Hi there :)
9:52 AM
morning peeps :)
Morning and holy cow! 451 messages to catch up on! :D
this was a REALLY long weekend xD
10:18 AM
Good evening
howdy furier
Hey guys.
hello there gregory
Quick help
Is the following even possible ?
    public static class Formato

        public static enum FormatoDIPJ
            Alfanumerico = 0,
            Numerico = 1,
            Branco = 2,
            CNPJ = 3,
            EOL = 4,
            DATA = 5

        public static explicit operator Formato(object Formato)

            var dipj = FormatoDIPJ.Alfanumerico;

            //Code Validation

            return dipj;
@JohanLarsson Old one was placed there because of help vampire flooding. It was meant to be hostile to deter them & it did its job :)
10:27 AM
oh you're around! Morning
just felt like changing it
I'm at work so not very around :)
sorry, I was catching up on the 451 messages and responding as I was reading
never be sorry imo :)
& morning
well I think its fine now :) you did the right thing
we can always be hostile again if there's a need xD
And hey Furier/EL/Greg/Andre
10:29 AM
andre is a static enum even possible
yes well done Johan :) hi there
theres no such thing as static enum
so you can't define it as a child of static class i think
or may be you can but without static?
yea that would make sense..
because if you say public static class MyClass { public class MyChildClass { } } -- you still refer to it as MyClass.MyChildClass
but correct me if i'm wrong - i'm speculating
well intellisense hasn't complained :P
10:42 AM
i dont think it compiles
at least it didn't let me compile a static enum in raw namespace O.O
oh I wasn't talking about the static enum, that's not possible ( to the best of my knowledge) .. but I wanted andre to think about it :). intellisense didn't complain about the class within the static class as you mentioned above.
*correction declaring an enum as static is not possible.. but I am a dummy so im probably wrong somehow
2 hours later…
1:03 PM
Welcome back, WPF.
@NETscape dotpeek can offer you symbol server that will decompile anything on the fly as if its coming from official servers
(it can chain to upstream servers so if there's official pdb, it'll relay that through)
but i have the source and the pdb/xml build files
oh that i read - but since i was syncing up with transcript.. this is in response to that one line :)
but i can't actually be bothered to find that line again and link it :D
1:12 PM
oh okay :)
i know what line you're referring to
yea i know you do :D
you clever dev you!
welcome back btw
(looks like i'm able to step through non-struct types now :p )
Good Evening everyone here..
thanks :)
Evening sire
1:28 PM
how do you peeps deal with the rage that builds up while looking at broken and horrible code. I wanna go hulk on the office right about now...
that code is normally my own code from a few months back and i contain my rage :)
haha same ^
it happens on an ongoing basis - the day i stop feeling i've done a bad job will be a very dark day
no one has ever looked at my code, which is horrible, so I just get embarrassed by myself.
1:31 PM
no one can even look at my code (from this office) - it'll be all gibberish for them
they still code in .net 2.0 times
it'll be fun to see this all pans out when i move on to a new company :)
can someone tell me if i have two window application (WPF) both have text box on it i want to send notification from one application text box to other application textbox vice vera. when user change text of the text box. but not using notifiyproperty.
hello there
well I don't want anyone to think, im arrogant enough to say my code is without fault, far from it... but this app is like a rabies infected animal on life support
is there something which notify at the fly?
hi no9
1:36 PM
Q: Missing manifest file in ApplicationFiles folder with msbuild in NANT task

no9I have an application that is deployed via ClickOnce deployment. I have used NANT in order to automate the publish process. This is the Build part: <target name="Build Client" depends="Clean" description="Build"> <echo message="Building..." /> <exec program="${msbuildExe}" workingdir="...

if someone can explain this to me i would be glad
is there a reason why publishing from visual studio the .application manifest is created in both root folder and ApplicationFiles folder?
you sound evil @Maverik! but in a good way
@TheEmpire your obvious answer would be to do PostMessage(WM_CUSTOMMESSAGE) to the other window (p/invoke realm fun)
Why would you not want to use notifyproperty?
but you can also implement an easier solution (assuming you have control over both apps) by implementing a small WCF service that listens on IPC Channel
sheesh Mav, we'd make a great dev team... and by we I mean you.
1:40 PM
@no9 artifact of copy paste deployment that goes under the hood
heh i doubt it Netscape - have you noticed the times when i come into office? :D
@Maverik is the application manifest file even needed in the ApplicationFiles folder?
thanks Maverik but need to know about WPF way
i have this question in one interview
Empire: there's no wpf way
you're talking about crossing process boundaries aren't you?
well unless you extend window and add a DP :)
if you're talking within the same AppDomain - then yea, your viewmodels should be sorting this out already
1:42 PM
yes but in same machine message transfer b/w two form you can say withount using property and its notifyChanged property etc
Mav, I think I could live with you and just watch you code all day
no you can net :P
ohk thanks Maverik
ask andre - he ran away after first night.. was too much for him!
Empire: if its across process boundaries, you have to employ one of the inter process communication channels (IPC)
and WCF service includes a builting IPC binding for the purpose
(though you're not bound to WCF, you can use servicestack / nancy or any other thing that will open a communication channel)
yes i told him that but he was not ready to use that any wcf services or any property..
1:44 PM
I learn by example though, as I said before. I have no mentoring/tutoring besides google, so right now I'm just praying I'm doing things right
i don't know what he want to ask me?
Interviewers typically have no clue what they're talking about
should have asked him
yeah I just remembered that would be a INPC if you use DP
yes ! right
if I was the one taking interview and you told me you'd use any form of IPC.. i'd accept the answer
Netscape: you can't -- INPC is in the same domain
1:45 PM
ask him why is WPF the choice of framework if you're not using INPC
he's talking cross appdomain
yea Maverik i used IPC
now I gotcha
what a messed up question
so the short answer is: If you have control over both apps.. use a service to marshal the notifications
if you don't - then you will have to drop down to P/Invoke level and send PostMessage(WM_FOCUS) or whatever of that srot to other window
ohk thanks Maverik for your nice reply :)
1:47 PM
as it so happens, i'm knee deep in p/invokes right now
trying to deal with windows routes xD
I had a long weekend - and i've already forgotten what I was doing lol
I am just basic level of WPF programmer.. expecially worked into web section core asp.net.
I am trying to learn the MVVM in WPF
i'm basic level too :) but I do know about PostMessage and all those cute windows events
yes i used window message for sendign message but it works in same machineonly
but it works only into current active window.
can we have some people who can suggest us what to learn new in .NET Technology and what is coming so that we can increase our technical expertise. we can have discussion or chat weekly or defined time. So that we can share our knowledge.
@Maverik Haha I ran away because you're too pro for me
@E.LDunn No it isn't possible. I think I'm trying to do something impossible ( probably because I have no idea what I'm doing )
@Maverik i am not able to post the question in stackoverflow. how to overcome from this issue
2:00 PM
@AndréSilva is that what we're calling it these days? i'll take the complement :D thanks!
@TheEmpire Generally that means some moderator has limited your ability to post
its best not to circumvent that if you've been moderated (you really should know if you have been moderated via some PM)
@Maverik I think i was did beacuse of i have some question that was unreplied. that was marked as negative..
nah that normally doesn't cause moderation
can't really speculate - and have to go for a bit
be back in an hour or so
2:18 PM
Sup Julien
that was rather weird... one of my 3 google chrome windows closed. no crashing, clicking or anything, just went away. The other two windows stayed open.
maybe you accidently pressed CTRL+Q
Or W
@Maverik leaves so empire leaves... mhmmm
why would Ctrl+W do such a thing? sounds horrible
ctrl+w closes a tab
while ctrl+q closes everything
or the window
ctrl+q does nothing for me
2:24 PM
ALT+Q maybe
Not quite sure
yeah it is ALT
because sometimes I try to press ALT+TAB and I accidently close everything
probably what i did then
thought IT was coming for me
hi guys
Hey @NETscape why don't you chnage your gravatar
Hey there @CnuSeran
Hey! How's it going?
is that good to use resource dictionary in wpf application ?
I'm doing not good because I'm in a training doing some idiotic work
Anyway.. it is excelent to work with resource dictionary
For instance, if all your textblocks has to be in a specific Font Family, you should use the Resource Dictionary to contain that
2:37 PM
because i have nothing to change it to haha
Come on... Be creative :D
Put a baboon butt or something
3:37 PM
4:14 PM
hes gone to find an appropriate butt! to be safe for work and all!
1 hour later…
5:42 PM
That wasn't so difficult to understand :X
Just kidding ;p
1 hour later…
6:52 PM
What'd you guys do with Stephan?
He's not tied up in Rudi's basement, is he?
He appeared some days ago
I doubt he is tied up with/without his will
seen Apr 12 at 1:31
Apparently he has not been active here. Probably in another chatroom
This was his last thing done in SO
A: change time output in bash script

Stefan Denchevi think this should do what you want: d="@$(echo $(TZ=UTC date +%s) - $(date +%s)'%(5*60)-(5*60)' | bc)"&&echo `date --date="$d"` `date --date="$d" +%Y%m%d%H%M` d="@$(echo $(TZ=UTC date +%s) - $(date +%s)'%(5*60)-(5*60)' | bc)"&&echo `date --date="$d" --utc` `date --date="$d" +%Y%m%d%H%M --utc`...

I haven't seen him in Bitcoin for a while. He popped in to watch me play guitar on twitch a few days back, and that was that.
He was to be tied up in a basement, I'd say he was in Maveriks basement instead of Rudi
I'll join the movement. #FreeStefan
It should be pinned
7:19 PM
I thought the mods were sleeping. We'll need to hide the donkey porn.
Are there any mods here ?
I know you're a room owner
I saw a nice career profile in the StackOverflow Careers
The company is in Dubai and are willing to pay the applicant to move there if approved
They are looking for someone between junior and medium
That is really interesting, do you think it is something I should try it ?
I'm not a room owner in this room.
I thought you were
Fe applied for a job in Dubai. It was crazy shady.
Naw. room owner's names are italicized.
Never noticed
Oh, you're right
7:31 PM
Dubai also has what amounts to slaves. So... you know... don't fuck around with it unless you know for sure.
Really ?
I thought it would be a nice startup to making enough money to live and help my family :X
Human rights in Dubai are based on the Constitution and enacted law, which supposedly promise equitable treatment of all people, regardless of race, nationality or social status, per Article 25 of the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates. Despite this relative freedom, Freedom House has stated: "Extreme forms of self-censorship are widely practiced, particularly regarding issues such as local politics, culture, religion, or any other subject the government deems politically or culturally sensitive. The Dubai Media Free Zone (DMFZ), an area in which foreign media outlets produce print...
Drugs found in urine or blood testing count as "possession" under UAE law.
Do not fly through Amsterdam on your way there.
However, foreign laborers in Dubai often live in conditions described by Human Rights Watch as being "less than humane"
You don't project as much wealth as the UAE without trampling some rights.
I wasn't thinking of getting rich, but get enough to maintain a home, family and parents
Yeah, Freedom of Religion doesn't make me want to go there anymore
7:38 PM
Well, it completely depends
the foreign laborer mentions are typically hard labor, not professional labor
you can make reasonably good money in tech in Dubai and UAE in general
Off the infrastructure provided by slaves.
At best it's morally questionable.
yes, though it does depend a lot on who and what company, etc
Not a big company, but I think it is something that would boost my career
I really need to find some kind of job that would make me focus in development and could open some windows to work in another country
looking at their website... I'm not active in Mobile so I don't know their name off hand, however there's a million of these guys....
Get me a resume Andre.
I don't have an updated one right now, but I can update as soon as I get home
@Billdr Are you going to do what we agreed some time ago ?
7:43 PM
I'm officially the senior developer now (scary, I know) I think I can use an underling assistant.
Lock me in a basement and give me a couch to sleep and a couple of meals a day :D
No, but you'll get paid a livable wage like a programmer ought to.
I cannot understand how a software developer cannot afford to live on their own. Mind boggles.
We're a C# MVC shop, but periodically I have to dive into php (web) and python (desktop).
With an english certificate ( that gives me a huge boost in my income ) I get 1337USD
hah, nice edit.
Is that weekly?
I get 40% at the 15th day and 60% by the end of the month
7:46 PM
So... get me your resume, and if my boss goes for it be sure to talk to me about wages before you interview.
Do you work in an office or at home ?
I work in an office, but if we're going to be honest about my day-to-day work, I'm a department of one so no one really gets mad if I work from home, like I did today.
*am doing, I guess. I'm trying to map out how I want the web portion of this project to work.
Haha that is excelent, I work with 50 people and I actually work in projects all by myself, mostly working with "Comex", "Labor" and "Transfer Pricing"
Comex being "Comercio Exterior" or Foreign Trade ( translated )
Did you ever break that site's capcha?
Labor being by Work law and value calculation ( taxes to be paid )
I worked in a mapping robot
I noticed I could error as many times I wanted to, so I mapped all the images ( about 25k ) and put some trainees to input manually
But I got shutdown by the first 10k
7:51 PM
They wouldn't let me write some sort of OCR because it would take a lot of time
So the project is working under those 8k~10k images
So if it gets mistaken, it just try again with no problem at all
"The government has put this in place to prevent automation. I want you to automate it." So Brazilian.
Brazilian Government thoughts are: "If no one is doing something wrong with my stuff, I won't think of fixing it"
So wait, it's working?
Yeah it is
7:54 PM
When you send me your resume, include a link to that form and a bit about what you did.
MD5 the image and search in the database :X
Really ? I just put trainees to input manually the data and I just compare the images with the database
That is amazing to me. Bravo.
They are not dynamically generated
Well, ok I can put that, no problem
What is impressive is that you determined there were 25k possibilities and realized it could be brute forced.
We're a security company primarily. Nearly all of my time this year has been spent looking for attacks like that.
They did not put all the possibilites to work, mathematically it could be a lot more than 25k, and just put a webbrowser inside a form and kept refreshing the image and retrieving the image source and MD5, after 2 days trying, it got 25k only, with a hell bunch of duplicates
But well, I can put it in the resumè, no problem.
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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