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2:01 PM
@Abhishek got that fiddle?
ohh you're writing it :P
hehe, thanks
nihilogic.dk/labs/pocket_full_of_html5/#presets/fft.js you should put something like this in with your player
2:06 PM
@rlemon at the moment i am trying to get my ID3V2 work on node.js :(
12 hours no go :O i am frustrated as hell :D
man these visualizations are cool
Agree , espcially the struggle one (xD)
meh firefox
@sg3s works on chrome
2:08 PM
@sg3s works for me on chromium 20
should work on chrome
@Abhishek not for me
> Google Chrome 18.0.1025.151 (Official Build 130497)
@rlemon wut ?
ofcourse I need to upgrade, chrome 19
works for me :D :D lolz
but I don't want to restart my browser
2:09 PM
ANyways i am going for a nap
i am hoping to be needing to code .net :(
i should say .net modules for node.js :-'(
Q: Can you help me with my bad English?

Kirill0909Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in space Today (visit) to the Parthenon are still filled with (admire) for its beauty. The first (impress) you get is one of balance and harmony. Although the details of its (construct) have been lost, we know it planned by Pericles and famo...

@FlorianMargaine lmao
@Abhishek ok and the fallback is to check for FormData and if that does not exist iframe hack it yes? (or just regular post if you'd prefer it :P)
2:11 PM
what a discovery
I had to refresh to get the flash fallback to work
@rlemon i just prefer regular post :P
i like being hacky. makes me feel like a ninja haxxor
i dont see a point in giving a chocolate flavour icecream to those who dont have teeths :P
start droppin $($); all over you're sites like a boss.
2:12 PM
no thanks!
i cant afford my JS to go even heavier :-(
hell its already encoding to LAME :<
i cant do much on client :@
seriously -__- after finishing whole libLame on js
i am stuck at node.js mysteriously improperly-reading file buffer ragequit
I bet you just haven't cuddled node.js enough.
@sg3s nope :-( i havent
@rlemon by the way you can also do [wait a second fiddling] to make stuff more fancy
btw darkyen.vacau.com is horribly horribly broken for me
for me too :/
@rlemon lolz me too (XD) i gave up on that ages ago
cool i'll look it over
i didn't like my template i made so now i'm busy customizing bootstrap again
@rlemon lolz
bootstrapt :-)
you using jQuery !
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/tMDEL/2 @rlemon see this one i forgot something really necessary there
anyways i am off to sleep :D see you guys at midnigt :D
@Abhishek nope just CSS components
Q: Javascript variable showing as undefined

xtraI'm struggling for a while now, I cannot find the reason why this code won't work. When the #submitmsg is clicked it should trigger another function which gets time from a php file. This is sorta chat-box and it should display Name (which is Ja) in this case and time next to it which is varible "...

2:49 PM
@Abhishek drop out of your college
@rlemon i was trolling matt by asking him to test nn. It's cool when your thing works in nn :)
@Raynos what os you run?
I run ubuntu 11.04
and I boot into windows 7 when/if I need windooze
Nov 1 '11 at 17:53, by Matt McDonald
I've finally found a legitimate reason to test on IE:Mac:
This conversation was interesting
I miss the good old times :P
3:18 PM


3:38 PM
working on a solarized twitter bootstrap theme... jsfiddle.net/rlemon/XSAFJ
3:54 PM
hi everyone! why does the following code works?
$('p').mouseover(function() {
$('p').mouseout(function() {
sorry, not this one, but the following:
over = function() {
out = function() {
$('p').hover(over, out);
they both do the same thing
but I guess you already figured that out
how does js knows, to what does this refer to? is that called closure?
what? and no
Because it doesn't have any errors in it? (Besides the expected inefficiency and the improper declaration of over and out)
how does js knows that $(this) is actually $('p')?
3:57 PM
this is why people need to learn js before jquery
Functions have a hidden argument passed to them, called this. event-handling in general and jquery in this case calls event-handlers with a specified this value.
so this doesn't have to do with closures?
No. Closure is about function scope used for encapsulation
(function () {
    //variable inside "closure", isn't visible outside
    var win = 42;
//referring to win here will raise a ReferenceError
why is the declaration improper?
behind the scenes the callback you passed to the even is called using callback.call($('p'), event) and thats without going into it too deeply... the function call or apply will execute that function and make the first argument to the function this.
3:59 PM
I've answered something similar (and explained this) here: stackoverflow.com/questions/8553482/…
out = function () for instance is an implied global - will be attached to the global object (window), since you didn't declare it in the current scope using var
@sindikat read the link @Zirak it explains it quite well
function out or var out = function would solve that easily
@Zirak, i do include them in (function() { ... }); anyway
Doesn't matter. Implied globals are rather global.
unless you add "use strict"; to the top of that function, then it throws a warning
in modern browsers
4:03 PM
anyway, what can you recommend to read to understand javascript internals? most tutorials i've read are quite stupid and quick-and-dirty style.
got that right
first, try to avoid jquery if you really want to learn, jquery makes you stupid
Frankly, the best I can suggest is this: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/learn/javascript
But I've yet to see a satisfactory basic-js tutorial...I can't remember squat about how I learned the basics
Anyway...play around with js without libraries or flameworks or shit. oh, and steer away from w3schools
w3schools taught me null, so i never go there again
4:09 PM
good, very good
you're about a thousand steps ahead of the pack
@sindikat w3fools.com
@sg3s, i never used javascript, but now as i have free time i want to write a roguelike with logic written in python server-side, and graphics in js client-side (working with canvas), that's how i started
about basic-js tutorial. i remember how 'dive into python' made me rethink everything i knew about programming. all these dir() and 'everything is an object' and references and so on. i want something for js like that
So do I, but all I can find and write myself are things which rely on proper js knowledge; I don't know something that well explains js on an introductory level, and have no idea how to write one
@Raynos i wish dropping out of college was possible in this third world :-| unless i earn enough to migrate i will have to stay stuck in here
Rob a bank or 1 million old ladies
@Zirak i'd rather code my way :P
4:16 PM
Smart. Make a robot that does it for you.
I am ethical , but hey good idea :D :D
I'm well into making a Zombie Robot Unicorn Velociraptor Jesus In Space. Finding parts is hard
i try code but dosen't work
Is somebody willing to volunteer ? for a node.js Id3Reader ?
we have an intern that makes me wanna murder people
4:19 PM
@Abhishek will it blow up my server?
@Esailija feel free to elaborate on that... Sounds interesting
@sg3s nope its just an id3v2 reader
can read mp3 tag information
@sg3s refer to the message I said just before that
The current way i am doing is "Write the shit in javascript" , easier way is "Just use a f*** libLame and libmpg123 bindings with C++ "
he just pasted a huge chunk of code and literally only said "it doesn't work"
@Esailija who ?
4:21 PM
can you like walk over to him?
and then hit him?
because you should
@Esailija relax , shit happens.
on the other hand you can't blame him, they don't teach real debugging in school, shit takes time you know
is he a jQuery developer ? { I hope not }\
if someone uses that as a job title please hold me because I will kill him/her
unless ofcourse, you work on the jQuery core
it's just common sense.. I cannot respond to it in any other way than asking for clarificatoin
saying "doesn't work" is ragingly useless and annoying
4:23 PM
but then you still wouldn't be a 'jQuery developer' as job title
yeah but really only because he expects you to know where the problem lies with the information you've been given, half an hour later you figure out the problem is actually between the keyboard and chair :p
did I mention it's sunday evening here
so it's not even work day
@Esailija yo , next time u need an intern or there is an opening please drop me a line :D :D
you'd move here?
@Esailija yes :P , i am more then happy to move out of "HERE" and i can move to where u are :P
4:29 PM
right :P
Just me or wix.com is a peice of shit ?
it is not just you
I am testing out there HTML5 - designer thingy ... f*** hell notepad is 100x better :|
if you know html/css, probably
any drag/drop GUI is disgusting to programmers that know their shit
@sg3s not really
silverlights developer thingy is great u know
4:33 PM
cough silverlight?
I think designers design things with gui and then coders have to make it work.
@sg3s i was joking :P
@sg3s though i like the C# part of silverlight ..
gives it a hell amount of "edge" over Actionscript | no flame war intended
4:52 PM
@Abhishek new rule. 99.9% is a piece of shit by default
@Raynos what ?
@@Raynos ??
@sindikat the best js tutorial I know of is javascript.info
> I'll just call it call from now. get it? call it...call...nevermind
@FlorianMargaine what did raynos wanted to say there ?
@Zirak quite a funny guy you are!...
@Abhishek: have you seen which message he was replying too? :)
yeah still dosnt makes sense (XD)
@FlorianMargaine getloupe.com/create
5:05 PM
Sometimes i think people .... are sooooo stupid :-|
see the loupe src code
I mean the points from there src code

-> for even the simplest gradient we shall use an image !!

-> We can do all client side but we will use server side madness

-> we should use fileReader ,.. no thats for noobies we will just let em upload elsewhere so we canuse
@Esailija nice reference
5:22 PM
need help on this one
A: remove child div

Florian MargaineWhat about changing the text value instead of deleting then creating a new one? $( '.column' ).each( { // For each of them, save the firstChild's text var val = $( this.firstChild ).text( ) // Now, check if the next DIV exists if ( $( this ).next( ) ) { // If it does, ...

I need to use next() to get the next element, so I can't use $( this.firstChild ), also since I want to use text() (because textContent doesn't work everywhere) I can't do it like $( this ).next( )[ 0 ] because then I don't have a jQuery object anymore
note that '> :first-child' selects first element child while this.firstChild is first node child
so this.firstChild could be a text node?
instead of the div element?
it could be a text node, html comment
5:32 PM
.firstElementChild but that's pretty new feature
so just bend over and use jquery
I should use >:first-child then
edited :)
my answer gives mixed feelings tho, I get up/down votes :D
5:34 PM
so what was your question
I have this nagging feeling it could be done a lot smarter, but then again I can't say how @FlorianMargaine
@sg3s yeah same :/
I kind of understand the downvotes
.children().first() is probably more efficient but uglier
I'll use it instead, I don't like .find()
can't believe there isn't a method for it in jQuery
5:36 PM
yeah that's just .firstElementChild I'm looking for
both the find and .children will first select all the elements before taking the first
not that it matters but come on
why is there, parent, parents, closest but no firstChild
maybe children[0] is enough
I'll create a plugin
5:39 PM
you should use children[0] then
why? it works as it should
it's not like childNodes
only for one element :P
and it selects all children and then takes one
I want api.jquery.com/parent but for firstChild
5:41 PM
maybe while ( firstChild.nodeName !== '#text' )
how about comment ?
while ( {}.toString.apply( firstChild ) !== '[object HTMLElement]' )
doesn't work since it spits out [object HTMLDivElement] for example
how can I get the prototype?
firstChild.prototype doesn't work :(
I dont know and i cant think atm sorry @FlorianMargaine :(
why dont u read the jQUery src code to see what blackmagic jQuery is doing ?
5:48 PM
(function( global, $, undefined ) {

	var name = "firstChild",
		fn = function( elem ) {
			var child = elem.firstChild;
			while( child && child.nodeType !== 1 ) {
				child = child.nextSibling;
			return child || null;

	$.fn[name] = function( selector ){
		var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, selector );

		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
			ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );

		return this.pushStack( $.unique(ret), name, [].slice.call( arguments ).join(",") );
hmm, it needs jQuery.unique
$( "div").firstChild() would be a mess with that
var parent = getelbyid('derp'), child; do { child = parent.firstChild; } while (child.nodeName !== '#text'); ?
run $("div").firstChild("img") :D
on this page
$('div')[0].firstChild.getElementsByTagName('img') :p
@FlorianMargaine no, it retrieves first child of all div elements
also it pushes to stack so you can use andSelf() and end()
5:53 PM
@Esailija would u like to help me ?
$('div').firstChild > has no method 'firstChild'
u need to copypaste the plugin form my messagte above
oh that
5:53 PM
yeah sorry, just saw it :p
@Esailija um i know its sorta overkill ask
but i need help with the former at server side
@FlorianMargaine it will work exactly like .parent() but for firstChild
yeah I see, what is pushStack btw?
it's what makes .andSelf() and end() work
5:54 PM
so you can do
or whatever
yeah I see
@Abhishek any browser capable of reading files comes with base64encode/decode
child.nodeType !== 1, that's what I was looking for :D
@Esailija i know bout that
the thing is the server side fails :-(
what server side :P
5:56 PM
and mostly the code has to support android so i have no choice then to read the file on server side :-(
I thought that minor adjustments with node.js's fileSystem API will do the job
so what is the problem exactly
but when i ran it on node.js the output made me shit -_-
It reads half the tags :-(
and apparantely its doing something wrong with reading the file
i cant figure out what.
why are you reading the file as ASCII instead of binary
@Esailija : added the plugin to my answer :p stackoverflow.com/a/10270245/851498
Because as per specifications readAsBinaryString reads it in ascii
- MDN ,
It reads half the tags nicely
but after about a fixed number of bytes
'COMM' on client side becomes '? C '
on server and thats frustrating the hell out of me
6:01 PM
@FlorianMargaine now we need firstChildUntil :D
btw utf8 gives the same error :-(
I mean don't use encoding at all
that will necessarily mean to re-code the whole thing :-|
I mean use fs.readFile( file, function(){} )
why are you reading the file in character encoding ... mp3 files are binary files
makes it easier to understand
and code for me :(
i am not that well as a programmer with buffers and all :-(
6:09 PM
If no encoding is specified, then the raw buffer is returned.
i have no clue how am i going to compare TAG names in binary
that's what you want - raw buffer
encodings are for text files
@Esailija what we are looking for here is text
the Artist Name , Song Number , Album , Title those are all stored in text
but how do you know when to start reading a tag and when to stop
the id3 headers are stored as binary
furthermore, the library you are using is assuming binary format as well
at least partially... what a mess of regex etc :D
@Esailija -_- agree ...
btw its NOT assuming binary XP
6:15 PM
there is no need for indexOf/regex, the information how long a tag is is stored in its header as binary iirc
btw @Esailija its not a library its mostly my own mess -_-
with influence of one of my friend
screw it i am going with old id3v1 still being added to files :P
hey all
function arr2int(data){
    if(data.length == 4){
        if(tag.revision > 3){
            var size = data[0] << 0x15;
            size += data[1] << 14;
            size += data[2] << 7;
            size += data[3];
            var size = data[0] << 24;
            size += data[1] << 16;
            size += data[2] << 8;
            size += data[3];
        var size = data[0] << 16;
        size += data[1] << 8;
        size += data[2];
    return size;
I have a CSS quesion if anyone could help...
pretty sure that's assuming binary ^^
6:19 PM
@Neal go for it :D
	if(responseText.length > pos + bits_required && bits_required){
			var data = responseText.substr(pos, bits_required);
			var arrdata = data.split('').map(function(e){return e.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff});
			pos += bits_required;
			bits_required = 0;
			if(handle(data, arrdata) === false || bits_required === 0){
and this is where its not (x
Dunno how are you gonna read the tag when you don't know how long to read :P
@Abhishek something like this:
\0 :P
like brackets in the corner, and not a full border
(i did that quickly in paint)
@Neal 10 mins ?
for css
either you can use the w3c css border-image
6:24 PM
@Abhishek heh? what do you mean 10 mins?
oh thats simple
@sg3s o rly?
to work cross browser
well this specific case & how you lay it out, yes
|| for an insane-css example
@sg3s NO not really cross browser
@sg3s how so?
explain plz
6:25 PM
@Neal what are the browsers to support
IE 8+ ?
container, position relative, 4 children, position absolute, and positioned in each corner with small negative values...
@Abhishek I guess.
hi everyone
I need some help
@sg3s not really 4 ? ever heard about :before & :after ?
I need to wrap two <a> with different class
6:27 PM
@Abhishek so how would I do it? I am stumped :-(
@Abhishek yes, I always default to thinking about the most support I need in projects, thats IE7
@sg3s could u show me a sample?
2 elements
@Neal it could be done with 2 elements :P if IE 8 is minimum require
<a id="1"></a><a id="2"></a>
@Abhishek sure. yes, but how? Still stumped after making this: ninasdesigns.nfshost.com (now I need to make the actual site)
6:28 PM
how to wrap two <a> in a div with jquery guys?
That is just the intro
anyone help?
@Neal jsfiddleing it for you
@Abhishek thanks for your help ^_^
please help?
6:32 PM
@Neal no problem
@Abhishek can you help me?:(
@Abhishek ^_^
sorry forgot to save before linking @Neal
its more or less a cheap hack :-)
lol thanks @Abhishek Now I just gotta fig out how to make it work on a bigger scale :-P
just expand ;D
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/C7Lar/4 @Neal this is a % based example
6:38 PM
and before and after change the size of the brackets? @Abhishek
what they are doing is just making a huge white colored '+' which cuts the #F00 background so it illusions a bracket
@Abhishek cooooool
@FlorianMargaine that thing ,, idk why reminds me of facial recog. algorithms
wait lets just write one :D
wait i should not answer that with a facial recog inspired insanity in js -_-
any interesting js blog? I wanna redo my rss reader and need some interesting links
6:43 PM
Raynos ? - as in raynoses blog
and i need to re-design my blog aswell
hmm lets just do it 8-)
@FlorianMargaine did you saw nihilogic.dk ?
that person has got a "PLAYABLE" super mario game at his background -_-
@FlorianMargaine may i ask you a simple question
7:44 PM
@Esailija I disagree
It's 99.9%
7:57 PM
Good Night people

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