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5:00 PM
There's also "quite a chance" that he's not.. so..
at least acknowledge that he's not using jquery. there is a win.
then i am using windows
is it about me ?
In any case, you need to learn how to use your browser's devtools. Debug in the console.
@ndugger he said he's using Windows! I won! :P :D
Congratulations, would you like a kiss on the mouth?
5:02 PM
@ndugger Yes please
if I give a mouse a kiss on the mouth, he'll ask for a glass of milk.
Did you never read books as a child?
i tried but not working
if I have to rewrite your code for you, I'm not gonna be happy
good god, no
don't use w3schools
this is from where i learned it
Stop using Dreamweaver, and stop using w3schools
why ??
You're on a path to self-destruction
use a better editor, and use MDN for learning
5:06 PM
then what to use ?
I just told you
W3 schools is, at best, a copy of real documentation sites to get ad revenue.
But it can be out-of-date and inaccurate. use MDN. It's better and so damn sexy looking.
mozila development n/w ??
here is a working example
5:08 PM
it's a site by mozilla, but but covers standard JS / html.
and even includes info about other browsers specifically
I don't even like their browsers, but MDN is the bees knees
@ndugger what IDE is in your opinion the right one then? (dont worry im not using Dreamweaver)
and what's problem with dreamweaver ?
what 's alternative?
I don't get ReactCSSTransitionGroup...
@Tom you don't need an IDE for javascript; you just need a code editor
I prefer Atom
any text editor you like is fine, generally.
but that would mean that dreamweaver is ok.
5:10 PM
DreamWeaver is not OK
I also prefer Atom.
DreamWeaver is ok if you know what you're doing and you don't use the preview pane
but if you don't know what you're doing, you're gonna write more bugs than working code
well, yea, never trust or lean on a preview pane.
but if it's just an editor, it's fine. I don't like it, but I have no objective reason to tell someon to avoid it for editing text files
@ndugger Yeah i know... Im using Atom\Visual Studion
i haven't use preview pane yet.
i haven't use preview pane yet.
5:12 PM
i haven't use preview pane yet.
@ndugger what atom plugin do you use for es6? I switched to language-babel recently, as it'll accept and code that your .babelrc is conifgured for
Just use a better editor, dude. Stop wasting my time by arguing and talking back if you have no idea what you're talking about
That's a list of alternative editors
@Luggage Yeah, I use language-babel as well
many themes look way different with it
"One Dark" looks ok, still, so I stick with that
5:14 PM
Just made an integration my bitch
!!afk integrating vape into deez lungz
I just use One Dark as well
oh god please tell me how do i change fontsize using javascript ?????/
I'm not too picky with themes, just as long as they're dark
@jagdish At this point, you're being a help vampire. Google it.
you already know how to change fontSize, you just have other errors
i will be back to you
5:16 PM
like the one I mentioned earlier about document.getElementById('demo') returning null.
@FrydrykChopin if you feed a vampire, you have to take it home
he lives with you now
I fell in love with them
Weird, ambient rock.
@SterlingArcher I think I figured out my serial problem
@KendallFrey SterlingArcher is afk: integrating vape into deez lungz
@ndugger mind sharing your atom plugin list for my curiosity? gist.github.com/luggage66/0918ec624a94a099fffd5e2ae8ae93bf
5:19 PM
@Zirak Then you might like this as well youtube.com/watch?v=QvVXz9qItSk
@Luggage I don't have that many, I basically just use atom-build
who let the dofz out
@Tom Thanks! I'll give them a listen
@KendallFrey explain
5:20 PM
also editorconfig
that's basically it
apm list
doooo it
serial.DtrEnable = true; // Triggers a board reset, which prevents some strange junk bytes arriving to the chip
serial.RtsEnable = true;
If I do that and wait for the arduino to reboot, I don't get the junk
@Zirak Im gonna give yours a listen
@Zirak this is dope
5:24 PM
@phenomnomnominal From that album I distinctly remember "Echoes" and "Shores of Orion" as being woah-inducing, among other tracks.
"All Is Violent, All Is Bright" is another awesome album of theirs.
@phenomnomnominal Oooh yeesss it is O.O
are there vox?
@phenomnomnominal hrm? Vox?
It's a little bit Balance and Composure-y, but less hardcore.
oh, from what I heard they're purely instrumental
5:26 PM
Ahh, oh well then :P
I get bored easily
Then I have news for you!
And then the album "Happy Songs for Happy People" youtube.com/watch?v=83GpuL_wUq4
There're sort of vocals, but not really. Usually they're overlayed with tons of effects.
It's been my work, chill, and commute music for the past week
@Tom That was interesting
@Zirak in a gof or bad way? :D
This is more me at the moment :P
I have never had a bad salmon sandwich.
5:33 PM
I did once. Tasted funky, gave me food poisoning
is atom build on top of that electron thingy?
youtube.com/watch?v=X8RC6XuVlIk In case you didn't there is actually some great german Musik ;)
@NicholasKyriakides yes
that's pretty cool
used it once for a side project
really nice
I'm currently working on a UI library for react in electron that I hope to utilize for a couple of projects I have in my head
for electron in react*
or whatever
5:35 PM
i've yet to figure out what so cool with react
no more HTML is pretty damn cool
if it's the speed it ain't that great
what's wrong with html?
React is actually pretty damn fast, except for initial rendering
not sure where you're getting your info
Also, there's a lot that's wrong with HTML
Well, a lot wrong with it when it comes to what it's used for
markup isn't a great way to respresent web applications
you mean web apps?
5:36 PM
I had no idea knockout was slow af
every web-appy framework is just as fast as react give or take, no?
polymer, angular etc
knockout isn't slow, but it can be, just like react.
i think react does some fancy dom-diffing in the background of some sort
In most benchmarks react was 10x faster than angular
5:38 PM
I've re-written slow pages in knockout to react and go the same render times.
so what's the deal - does react need a transpiler?
for that JSX stuff?
if you use JSX, yes. Otherwise, no
Got it
I'm sticking with Polymer
it builds on top of Webcomponents
no need to worry about leaking CSS anymore:)))
the web components spec will never be finalized
5:39 PM
yea, i'm afmiliar. it doesn't solve the same whole-app problems that react does
why's that?
you mean in terms of performance?
@NicholasKyriakides I'm on the mailing list; no progress has been made on it in a long time, and when the topic comes up, they only just argue about it
and it made soooo much sense
We use Aphrodite to hash out classNames and avoid style leaks
jsfiddle.net/5Lhyw6es now tell me what is wrong in my code???
5:40 PM
React + Aphrodite is the perfect combination for desktop apps in Electron
@jagdish well, you still get the same error, so.. probably the same thing as before
onChange="javascript:f4()" what's f4()
still does
dude you're just being a dolt now
5:42 PM
then how do i call javascript function ???????
if you don't know sh1t about js
@jagdish GOOGLE how to add event listener javascript
why bother?
Fucking hell, dude
@jagdish google "MDN addEventListener"
5:42 PM
omg what?
mate the vast majority of your problems can be solved by asking google
you're burning more calories asking here
ask the hard parts here
way to get me banned from chat
I'm about 1.372 vamp questions away from kicking
? nobody kicked you @NicholasKyriakides
i'm worried i might be heheh
company around here is gooood
please, have you seen @ndugger?
5:44 PM
Do we have that bad of a reputation? Why would we kick?
i was under the impression that saying shit
wud get me kicked
you can say shit or fuck.
but you can't fuck a shit
5:45 PM
what is this?? A CENTER FOR ANTS
@ndugger don't tell me what I can't do
though some ass-clown might flag it, because.. well, people.
@SterlingArcher google "arctic corndog"
At work no thanks
5:46 PM
when you freeze a turd, and give it to someone to be used as a dildo.
I didnt really need that description, thanks
um. now you are trying to get flags?
ndugger's the culprit
dont shoot the messengeer
I'll shoot who I want, thank you.
5:47 PM
I only said to google something; not what that thing actually was. I'm innocent.
No. That's offensive. I say America
give me an S
give me a P
No more caramel filled dove chocolates in the freezer here at work because I ate them all :( first world problems
give me a Sarah Palin
5:48 PM
ok, she's yours. next?
all i want
I'd cage her and have her sing me 'Hopey Change and hockey moms' all day long
nothing else
I prefer free-range idiots.
I've got since yesterday
2 browser tabs that are hung looping
bad while loops
5:50 PM
buy a new computer
lukewarm :)
In this code:
`data.filter((d) => {
return (d.idCustomer1 === node) || (d.idCustomer2 === node);
//Add the linked node to test
@NicholasKyriakides Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
why do people use d instead of item or smthng else`/
@CapricaSix thanks
why d though
5:51 PM
some people like the d. Preferences.
hah that was on fire!
no, it was in a chat room
a very fleek chat room, right jordan?
@Tom In a good way, but it does sound like they have room for improvement.
5:52 PM
fleek is jordan's favourite word
i hate you
@Zirak Well...i hope theyll make a second album
trivia question
makes sense
5:56 PM
because indexOF returns a number for other cases, and arrays are 0-based. so a negative number is the only number that is not already taken
var myFunctionReference = function() {       document.getElementById('spn').innerHTML="something"; };
	var e1 = document.getElementById('extra');
	e1.addEventListener('click', myFunctionReference);
now what's wrong with it ?
and returning false would be confusing, since 0 is also falsey.
makes sense
@jagdish what makes you think it is wrong?'
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null at last line
5:58 PM
because e1 is null, then
Thank you for using your console at least
<button id="extra">extra</button> is it null ??
is this in a fiddle?

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