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5:00 AM
Need to be more specific. We are coders. I don't think we'd say that.
I don't say that :D
hehehe dont take it on your,, now what i was thinking..i have committed some sort of crime asking a question
Though I do professionally identify as a fire juggler. Coding is just my "pay my rent" job
you are checking a word like every word that i have written here is just to pin point the group members
Well, precision wording is pretty key in programming
5:04 AM
it means i have to use prefix and postfix with every word or teerm i am using i my sentence ..come onn
@stylishCoder "Coder" is definitely too board and need to be more specific. For example I can identify that Chinese programmers love to say HTML5 as H5, or that many senior member in this room don't think jQuery is necessary now. I can also say most real life programmers I know in Hong Kong and UK pronounces MySQL as My-See-Qual. These are much more specific groups than "coders".
Alright now i got it @Sheepy the term precise.. will use that
5:35 AM
@stylishCoder Precision is important. For example, cookie session (generally "cookie") is generally slower and less secure than express session (generally "session").
If you confuse the two you would mix up the bad way from the standard way. Which may be what is happening because the answer use cookie, but you said session.
5:54 AM
@ibubi maybe you should mention to whom you are refering :p
hey @you all :)
> V8 implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262, 5th edition, and runs on Windows (XP or newer), Mac OS X (10.5 or newer), and Linux systems that use IA-32, x64, or ARM processors.

V8 compiles and executes JavaScript source code, handles memory allocation for objects, and garbage collects objects it no longer needs.
v8 is a javascript compiler wriitten in c++ in other terms right?
you can even get the source if you wish
no i just started to learn about node.js
@ibubi We usually regard V8 as a JS engine, though. Compilers are not normally responsible for execution.
It is more proper to say V8 includes a javascript to machine code compiler in it.
6:00 AM
what "the execution" means there?
@ibubi It means "running the code". Compile (usually) means "turning human readable code into machine runnable code", e.g. turns code into .exe or .apk.
There are some articles/videos that describe how node and/or javascript engines works.
yes, i can execute an exe by double click on that file to run the compiled code.
can you refer a few, i really need a clear article
You need to find them on your own I afraid. We swim in very deep sea where no surface light can penetrates. That and I'm waiting for a meeting call. :|
alright, thank you anyway
@ibubi Keep in mind that although we are now using EcmaScript 7th Edition, modern JS engines works haven't evolved much in the last few years and have similar structures and working method.
this is neat
thank you @Sheepy
i hope i get out of idiot class after readin this :p
@whitesova93 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh LOL
so, finally managed to fix the wifi+touchpad problem
in the bios, there was an option to switch the touchpad mode from advanced (a windows thing I guess) to basic
apparently that fixed wifi
I am trying to make a gallery showing 1 tab onload because right now it's showing all the tabs when the page loads.... This is the link if someone can help: plnkr.co/edit/wXBBUt1yXM2eP8vTkmoj?p=info
can someone help?
6:43 AM
@whitesova93 your code is little too long for general persons timeframe....you can just reduce the code line so that one should not spend time figuring out which code is actually the one we need to look at.
just a friendly advice
6:57 AM
@whitesova93 Hide all thumbnails with CSS (not javascript) and display them with javascript. Then it won't show the images before the javascript kicks in.
@Loktar Happy birthday! :D
Happy Birthday
> @SomeGuy's birthday database leaked: confidential information of over 1M world citizens is now in the hands of anyone
I came back, just for you!
both you and @BadgerCat :P
7:01 AM
For me it's usually just Facebook or Google+
@Loktar Happy Birthday~
My birthday's comin' up soon
⁽⁽(੭ꐦ •̀Д•́ )੭*⁾⁾ ᑦᵒᔿᵉ ᵒᐢᵎᵎ
Which day?
Ask @SomeGuy or @BadgerCat
You'll also have to take into account the rotation of the Earth
@Sheepy 9th October
@monners That's the worst.
7:11 AM
@Loktar happy birthday!
DAE use habitica?
Good morning
@BadgerCat I've used HabitRPG before. Looks like the exact same thing - maybe they changed the name?
I think it is
It felt too gamified for me. I just wanted to organize things better, so it wasn't providing much value
I use Workflowy + Google Calendar now
It's been working well with me
7:16 AM
On Workflowy I have 43 lists
31 for each day of the month
12 for each month

And then I can just put work into each "bucket" and not have to deal with having to remember it. Work stays fairly balanced too
I'm so obsessed with the app, yesterday I cleaned the whole house, worked on my thesis, did some coding exercises, went to the gym and ate healthy only to increase my character's level.
Hahaha nice!
I've never been this productive before.
Let's hope you keep it up!
And I joined a guild and the people there are so encouraging.
Yeah :P
7:18 AM
Oh, yeah, I remember that. The community was pretty small back then, though
@ibubi Sorry I just finished that page. It starts off with a good introduction but doesn't get any deeper... so here is a slightly more technical blog: creativejs.com/2013/06/…
Curious. I used to read some nice js engine structure diagrams when I was learning about them, but I can't find any now. Any one?
@Sheepy just finished the telerik article and this help me undertand where the engines stand
The creativejs one is nice. Not too shallow, not too deep, just enough for you to go to Google IO and have some idea what the V8 engineer is talking about.
Just make sure to follow the links to part 3 and part 4 :)
ok i will read that too but before that
in fact my main subject is nodeJs, and this article says it is a runtime and is an asynchronous, event-driven framework that allows you to use JavaScript on the server-side.
if it is server side then it should be a sth like web server
it is said that it is not!
It can be
When people say "on the server" in a Node context, they basically mean not in the browser
7:31 AM
@ibubi Node.js helps you run JavaScript code in server side. The JavaScript code can open socket and listen for HTTP request and send HTML back, making it a web server.
But Node.js can also run as a simple command-line javascript environment, like moving files or compiling video.
i have a nodejs version installed on my win os machine.
there is an executable file "nodejs.exe", it is a command-line, this is called runtime i guess
@OliverSalzburg I invited you to join a room I've just created
@ibubi Running javascript on command line is nothing new. You can do that with Spidermonkey before Chrome (or V8) is born. But you can't do much because you can't access file or sockets. There is no event and no API. Node.js provides them, so that you can run some useful js program from command line. Which includes web server.
@ibubi This is entirely correct. It allows you to use it on the server-side. It doesn't necessary mean that you must. See? That's the difference. NodeJS can run anywhere and do almost anything, including acting as a server on some kind of 'server-side' machine, or compile TS on your development machine, bundle some JS or CSS, run CSS preprocessors, etc, etc.
Hey people, Im making an application that uses a datalist which could potentially have multiple options (100+). I want to know if how i can alter the amount of values shown in the dropdown of the datalist, but i cant find any documentation that tells me datalist has a default maximum options to show. Does anyone know if datalist even has a maximum by default?
7:43 AM
@Roy_Dorsthorst Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Roy_Dorsthorst What do you mean with datalist?
@Roy_Dorsthorst No way. I assume you mean you are using a select element feed by a datalist element.
datalist (input element)
Hmm. More accurately, you can control the height of the dropdown (size attribute of the select element), but you can't "show top 100" from a long list.
I guess I could use a regular text input that changes to a datalist when a certain requirement is reached. Thanks alot! Have a good day people :)
7:53 AM
@Roy_Dorsthorst You can also try multi-level list. Have a good day~
@Sheepy Thats a great solution
@Roy_Dorsthorst Sorry I am a bit tired. I realise what your original question mean now. Still no way as far as I know.
8:09 AM
I just noticed this while searching for JS engine explanations... V8 now formally compiles to bytecode because it saves memory.
@Zirak yeah me and sahar saw that after we bought the kinesis
blank keys is hardcore
8:24 AM
@Sheepy @RoelvanUden srry i was a bit busy, ok i will ask a question from a different way, lets say u open a web api project on visual studio, create all needed functions and ready to be consumed, then create an angular supported web project and consuming the api. Everthing works fine. Then i cancel the web api project and thinking a nodeJS project instead on server side which supplies web requests, right?
It can be used for that, sure.
is that common usage?
@ibubi What is the difference between a "web api" project and a "nodejs project"?
Is the former a C# project template in Visual Studio?
tahts right
Has anyone tried Visual Studio Code yet?
8:27 AM
@ibubi So that question would boil down to "Can you use NodeJS to write something that you can write with C#?" and the answer is yes, you can
And, yes, people do that all the time
@OliverSalzburg Web API is the standard for REST and OData API end-points in ASP.NET world. In which case, yes @ibubi, you can create a replacement in nodejs. But that's not the only use of nodejs. See NodeJS as .NET. It can be used to create web sites, but also desktop applications, command line applications, and anything in between.
@littlepootis How is it?
Compared to editors like ST or Atom and to IDEs like WebStorm?
@MadaraUchiha It has less bugs than WebStorm, because it also lacks a lot of its features :P
That what I took away from my brief experience with it
@OliverSalzburg For example?
8:31 AM
@MadaraUchiha Visual Studio Code is pretty good. I had to get used to the horizontal tabs more than anything. I don't like how it works with TypeScript in comparison with Atom, but that's a mere matter of time (It's catching up in terms of versions). Other languages have all been great for me.
@RoelvanUden @OliverSalzburg @Sheepy thanks for shedding light..
@MadaraUchiha With webstorm, it's apples and oranges. It handles large files better than Atom. I haven't tried out it's git integration, as I stick to git cli. Supports the JS ecosystem well. I don't TypeScript, so I can't talk about it. Its plugin ecosystem is inferior to ST. Has poor support for other languages.
8:51 AM
9:21 AM
has anyone successfully used rollupjs with a react app?
i'm getting this odd error of Cannot assign to read only property 'history' of object '[object Window]' which comes from a react file
and i am not quite sure if it's react, or rollup
@bitten Why don't you exclude one of the files from your project and see if this error still occurs?
@jaySon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jaySon i have done that already, it's the react-dom module which is where the error is being thrown
i can omit import { render } from 'react-dom' from my file, the error goes away, although i can't render the app :p
Hey guys
I can use a little illumination
I am sleepy af and probably haven't been able to put simple pieces together
this is related to parsing a big JSON data file
@GandalftheWhite go for it
9:28 AM
I need some logical help
Hi bitten
let's say I have big JSON file, okay
@bitten So you know it's react. The interesting thing though is that when I try to overwrite the window.history property, I don't get an error.
now I want to traverse through the whole file but I need to search content based on input s
@Zirak awesome!
@jaySon yeah, strange huh
let's say on level 1 some content is there and based on search entry I'll have to traverse through its children whose depth is not limited
9:29 AM
@BenFortune thanks, it was not my best work.
Like on Youtube :P
and then again based on inputs I have to select specific data
None of you ever do :(
now illuminate me
Also @Loktar happy birthday bro
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi man
can you?
9:30 AM
Can I what?
Happy Birthday @Loktar
man I just need some logical help
@GandalftheWhite So you mean, you have different inputs having keys/values for different depths of your object, did I get that right?
I am kinda' confused
9:30 AM
Ok, you have 2 minutes, go.
@Yes Jayson
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am on.
@GandalftheWhite To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
@GandalftheWhite as in, what do you need help with?
I know what recursion is for god sake
Wait let me type the whole thing
Meanwhile, IE10 and Edge use the same JS engine - Chakra. But when testing both with a JS benchmarking tool (JetStream/Octane), Edge scores almost twice as high as IE10. Anyone have a clue why?
9:32 AM
@jaySon they don't use the same JS engine.
Try benchmarking Chrome 53 vs Chrome 6 and let me know what the scores look like.
@jaySon it's just a completely different engine en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra_(JavaScript_engine)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Let's say I have big JSON chunk with 90k or something lines

the depth isn't limited and the content is kinda' full of depth, as in children has chidren and the saga continues for 6-7 level or more.

now on first level I have some inputs based on which I have to decide if I shall get into the children or not and once I am into the chidren the depth is not limited and I have to pick data from children based on inputs. I have to traverse through complete depth there as well.

I haven't been able to put pieces together. Doing something like this for first time. I have faile
@GandalftheWhite dude, use a database
not a practical test
Data storage and querying is hard.
let's say this is an academic test cum assignment
9:35 AM
Use a database that let's you do this.
@GandalftheWhite Do you have an example of what your JSON looks like?
all my life I have used DBS for practical stuff
Well, I am not sure I can share that
@GandalftheWhite look into breadth first search, that's the term you need.
I am under TV atm
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am on it mate.
Breadth first search, or BFS, the problem is called "graph traversal".
9:36 AM
Cheers !
It doesn't have to be data, just abstract it, like using "foo" and "bar".
And what do you compare the inputs with? The keys or values of the JSON?
1 message moved to Trash can
@jaySon Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
As far as I understand you, the array function reduce might help you. It's actually not designed for this purpose, but I found it very useful to abuse it for deep JSON searches.
var yourJson = {
	inputText1: {
		inputText2: {
			inputText3: "result here"
	foo: "test",
	bar: 123

var result = ["inputText1", "inputText2", "inputText3"].reduce(function (prev, cur) {
	return prev[cur];
}, yourJson);
@BenjaminGruenbaum So, how would I be able to tell that they are "completely different" as you say, when they even have the same name?
It even states in the Wiki article you linked that Edge's JS engine "is a fork of the JScript engine used in Internet Explorer".
9:50 AM
TypeScript question:
async function testHandler(): Promise<void> {

function test(handler: () => Promise<boolean>): void {

testHandler returns Promise<void>, not Promise<boolean>. Why is this valid?
@jaySon value
let's say if value is something getting matched then I need to make a search on it's chidlren
children and then again in children as well search on values continue
"somedata" : "somedata",
 "children" "[{children continue}
I have to run search always on value
@GandalftheWhite OK, so children is an array of objects, right?
and then it goes in depth again
Just check if it is an array and recurse into it
a basic example would do
I need something graphical
9:59 AM
function checkObject(obj) {
  if (obj.children) {
function checkChildren(children) {
  if (Array.isArray(children)) {
  } else {
31 mins ago, by Roel van Uden
@GandalftheWhite To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
This is exactly that. Just pointing that out.
Hi js developers. How to do element extraction in javascript?

I have placeholder with any web page url. It should extract the elements when i click on button. I have to show elements and xpath values in my page. How can i do that? Please help me.
@sandeepvedam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
10:04 AM
Bot fail (2)
What makes you say it failed?
@sandeepvedam a little more details would do
@RoelvanUden "Hi js developers. How to do element extraction in javascript? " sure it contains HI but it is a direct question. Surly not asking if anyone can help.
I'll help you in a while
busy with something atm
10:07 AM
@Shashi So? The bot is giving a few "Please don't" statements that need not directly apply to the message in question. It's like a the general statements you may get, e.g. please don't pee in the pool. It doesn't mean that you don't get that message just because you didn't pee in the pool.
@Shashi it's a generic message that's trigged if it's the first time the user has posted in the chat
@GandalftheWhite Actually i have field with url and extract button. It should show all elements and xpath values when i click on extract button
@jaySon I couldn't find any "Hi" like question in my initial question. I thought this was just a general hint, displayed for everyone joining.
@GandalftheWhite Thanks :)
@RoelvanUden @bitten aha! wan't aware that this is a generic message.
10:09 AM
@Shashi ^^
Sorry if I can't drop this Chakra topic, but this is somewhat important for my diploma thesis and I can't quite get it. Afaik, the only difference between the IE10's Chakra and Edge's Chakra is that Edge's Chakra core is open-source. But what's the reason for a performance difference of 90% between the two engines on the same device?
@Shashi Yeah, it's the message you get on the first message you post in this room.
@jaySon Well, programs evolve. If you compare Chrome 6 with Chrome 53, they both use the v8 engine, but one in 53 is a vastly improved (possibly even redesigned) version of the original in 6. Idem in IE10, IE11 and Edge. They're improvements on the original.
Hmm... ok.
@jaySon Quite possibly because Chakra has parallel JIT now.
I'm not even sure IE10 had a JIT.
@RoelvanUden So, I only know JIT compilers. But when talking JavaScript, we're talking interpreters which by nature are JIT if you will. So, could you please help me understand what you mean by that?
10:19 AM
@jaySon No, no, they're really not. The first JS engines were a mere interpreters. They read instructions, transformed it into a AST, and advanced a little state machine over the AST. It continued doing that over and over, and it worked. Current engines still translate JS to an AST, and then transform those into byte code. When the execution engine comes in, the function is compiled into native code (e.g. ARM or x86 instructions) and executed. Then even later it can do optimization passes.
Refer to creativejs.com/2013/06/… (which seems good from first glance)
All the crazy tricks like hidden classes and type inference are.. impressive.
@RoelvanUden Oh, ok. Thanks!
@jaySon Have you read the Edge blog? They explain a little bit whenever they get some code runs much faster.
@RoelvanUden I'm quite sure IE 10 had JIT. I think would be even slower if it didn't. Firefox had JIT when Chrome arrives, and still eats dust even then.
10:35 AM
@Sheepy I have not read the Edge blog. This question came up just a few days ago when I did some benchmark tests on several browsers, including Edge and IE10.
@RoelvanUden Ok. Wiki says IE 10 is the first version with JIT. That's close :p
@jaySon Try it. Once you are through it and want to read more you can go back to read the IE blog. It's a journal of how they catch up after a whole decade of neglect.
@RoelvanUden Have you read these slides from 2012? v8-io12.appspot.com/#1
@jaySon Would you say Chrome 1 and Chrome 53 are the same browser?
It's hard to define when something stops being itself en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox
@RoelvanUden it did
10:51 AM
11:04 AM
@Sheepy Yeah I have. A long time ago.
11:16 AM
wait wait this slide show
is comparing javascript to C++?
@misha130 what slideshow?
the one Sheepy posted
interpreted language vs compiled language
>JavaScript is 60% faster than C++!!
@misha130 60% faster than unoptimzied C++ ;)
I know I know
hello guys
any idea how can i convert a "1403454068850" (unix timestamp) to Sat, Sept. 10th 2016 ?
11:29 AM
(new Date(1403454068850)).toString() - having said that this results in "Sun Jun 22 2014 18:21:08 GMT+0200"
!!> (new Date(1403454068850)).toString()
@Neoares "undefined"
@Neoares "Sun Jun 22 2014 12:21:08 GMT-0400 (EDT)"
oh so cap is located on GMT-4
@Neoares She lives in Kitchener, ON, Canada.
11:33 AM
(new Date("Sat Sep 10 2016 18:21:08 GMT+0200")).getTime()
--> 1473524468000
!!> navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos){console.log(pos)})
@Neoares "TypeError: navigator.geolocation is undefined"
that's true since she's not a client xDDDDD
or... maybe she is?
who knows
!!why you don't want me to find you D:
@Neoares because you touch yourself at night
da fuck
11:37 AM
@GandalftheWhite Are you available?
@CapricaSix amazing
11:55 AM
anyone please help me how to add roboto font into summer note...
@abdul Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok @CapricaSix
@abdul summer note?
12:11 PM
Any one know about extraction element in javascript?
I have placeholder with any web page url. It should extract the elements when i click on button. I have to show elements and xpath values in my page. How can i do that? Please help me.
@jaySon i have the time i need to convert it
can someone help me with this ts error?
TypeScript error: C:/Users/michael/misiteApp/app/directives/visitHeader/visitHeader.ts(40,61): Error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'google'.
it keeps happening and I have typings installed........
12:30 PM
@ibubi yes..
@abdul i think you should do something like that, stackoverflow.com/a/18484060/2289430
@misha130 Is the typing included in the project scope?
I don't know why, but I find that funny.
valueLink in react is niiiice
@RoelvanUden if by scope you mean the folder then yes there's a typings folder with index.d.ts referencing globals google.maps folder
12:40 PM
thank you @ibubi
Got a bunch of other typings aswell like lodash and shims and they work fine
@misha130 I mean your project scope. What are you using? tsconfig without explicit files listing, I suppose?
Ah okay.
Then check your typing to see if it is a module rather than global.
You might need a google-global.d.ts or something.
The fact that I installed it with --global?
Doesn't indicate...?
Ill check when my pc unfreezes
What exactly are you using to install these typings?
(e.g. with typings and react I also needed react-global)
I just typed typings install with the name
Hmm maybe this is because its from dt
It found the name and installed. Theoretically it should work
12:48 PM
Yeah but sometimes typings are split up to suit different environments
e.g. moment and moment-node
e.g. react and react-global
I see
You needed google.maps?
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!
Have a blast
12:50 PM
@misha130 Yeah the google maps definitions don't have a global apparently
they just assume you import it
Maybe ill just declare and that's it
sounds like an idea.
Oh I forgot to mention vs code does see it but compiler doesn't
Well screw it, thanks anyway
That's due to your tsconfig then
Or lack thereof
Ill investigate further

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