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4:02 AM
@Feeds Alt text: NASA try to pad their numbers in the annual reports by counting Galileo's redundant systems as multiple computers, but they're falling behind badly either way.
If you folks agree with me, please dismiss this improvement request: stackoverflow.com/documentation/improvement-requests/view/5007/… -- The fact that arrow functions do not expose an arguments object is a very short and simple statement; asking for more verbosity is a good way to clusterfuck up my pretty docs page.
It's pretty complete.
Most people that view or participate in the SO docs are complete knobs, and so most of the docs are just messy piles of regurgitated spaghetti. I've been trying really hard to keep my arrow functions page really clean.
I considered contributing to the doc but I got a baby's life to plan :<
4:17 AM
It's not worth it... people will just come along and smear shit all over your docs anyways
It's frustrating
Send us a picture of the baby sheep.
this isnt a sheep it's a yak but im so thrilled by it
Absolutely! Will try to upload an ultrasound two hours later. Speaking of ultrasound, I was genuinely disappointed when the baby is too big to fit into the photo :(
4:38 AM
Basically when I get my code correct, no matter where I click the title will turn green.
The problem is, I need to capture only one of the first siblings depending on where the target is.
@Sheepy you're awesome. Thanks a lot for helping me with my question on SO
If you see in my css I have .card.animate h4 {} and .card h4.animate {} I want the .card.animate to be the toggle always, never any other child node.
Got my first gold badge
5:22 AM
@littlepootis Congratulation! I haven't got any ._.
It seems that I am a mage of some sort. My most numerous badge is "Necromancer".
5:37 AM
I also don't have any gold badges
5:55 AM
hey guys
@mcmwhfy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
a small question in early morning :D
is possible to count from 3 in 3
with someting like
var bar = 3;
bar += 3;

6:27 AM
Does matter.js (brm.io/matter-js) have revolute joints like those found in Box2D (iforce2d.net/b2dtut/joints-revolute)?
I have attached datepicker to some HTML textboxes using CSS class name & onSelect event handler I need to know the selector class name on which current onSelect happened.. the elements have 2 other classes applied other then the one I am using to attach datepicker
I checked the datepicker object that is supplied to the event handler but there is no index that mentions the selector used to attach this particular datepicker instance
7:05 AM
@mcmwhfy for (var i=3; i<=15; i+=3) ...
@Neil I know this method, I was testing += method
@mcmwhfy ++ is the equivalent of +=1
@Neil if you will do this in console :
var x = 0;
x +=3;
you will run one time in console
and after that delete or comment var x = 0;
will continue conting from 3 in 3
runing second and thir and so on
in console
@Neil ty
I did nothing :)
Delete only works on object properties or global variables
If it starts with var, it isn't considered global
7:58 AM
let thing = ((prop => {
    return { hello: prop };
})('world')).otherthing = (prop => {
    return { foo: prop };


// [object Object] {
//   foo: "bar"
// }

let otherthing = (prop => {
    return { hello: prop };

otherthing.otherthing = (prop => {
    return { foo: prop };


// [object Object] {
//   hello: "world",
//   otherthing: [object Object] {
//     foo: "bar"
//   }
// }
I feel like I'm missing something here, why does the first example not provide the same output as the second?
I am surprised that no one managed to answer clearly a simple rounding error and give detection code for a bounty question close to ending.
8:13 AM
Nevermind, figured it out
Forgot how assignments worked for a few minutes
8:57 AM
hello guyys
i need a help with ionic
any idea how to navigate back to a specific page when the page reloader from user ?
9:21 AM
@gtzinos no, sorry. I spend a decent amount of time to write applications where you shouldn't ever have to hit the back button ;)
9:40 AM
no my problem is to don't refresh his page @neil
i tryied that
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@gtzinos Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
var windowElement = angular.element($(window))
windowElement.on('beforeunload', function (event) {
    // do whatever you want in here before the page unloads.
window.location.href = '/index.html';
//return false;

i should change $(window) to angular window
10:05 AM
Hello everyone

I have an issue to combine two jQuery effects. So far I have 2 things:

- an image map. When you hover certain parts of it the "light up"
- the same image map that uses a plugin to create a zoom in effect.

Both things work separately but when I combine them it stops working and I don't understand why. Does anybody have a clue?
@Carlos matter js is really nice concept thanks, i come to know about it from your msg, but i can't help you
I need to match .endDateLogin in the string like text fromReport endDateLogin hasDatepicker" but I want it to match if the exact word is there.So the string could also be like text fromReport endDateLoginInterval hasDatepicker" which should return false
how to do that?
Have you thought about using a regular expression?
yea but Im not an expert with that
Using the default text supplied by RegExr and picking out a specific work
10:17 AM
the matching text comes in a variable.so its like
`var regEx = new RegExp(k);
if(regEx.test(classNames)` where classNames has the string where match is to be found
I need to do 2 things.
1. Omit the "." in the beginning of matching text.
2. need to check if the part excluding the "." has an exact match
Can you show some example input strings?
Part 2 is covered by a regular express. Part 1 is just a case of knowing your input classname variable. If you know it will always be .classname then you could strip off the first character. Otherwise you could find the . and then cut off after that point
It sounds like you don't really need to use regex at all.
Hello every one I have issues in Cordova(4.1.1) Updated version can any one help me from my issues , if any one from Apache Cordova Android developer ?
Don't ask to ask, just ask
10:29 AM
Hello everyone

I have an issue to combine two jQuery effects. So far I have 2 things:

- an image map. When you hover certain parts of it the "light up"
- the same image map that uses a plugin to create a zoom in effect.

Both things work separately but when I combine them it stops working and I don't understand why. Does anybody have a clue?

Thi is my current code: https://jsfiddle.net/o6hu33sL/4/

You can either comment everything from line 1-33 to see the "light up" effect If you comment the rest you can see the zoom in effect
@trilolil You only need to post your question once.
@BenFortune Yes I know, I reposted it entirely in order to not have chunks of my question spread everywhere. And new people entered the room.
So I can have one message with all the information.
@BenFortune an idea about what could be the issue?
@Nit I have to match words like '.className'(note there is a leading '.' which is to be excluded) in the source like 'text className foo bar foobar'... source may also be like 'text classNamePerVal foo bar foobar' in this case it should fail
simple indexOf wont match due to leading '.' so I am trying to find correct regex which can omit the '.' & make a complete match.. I think someway by using word boundaries?
@techie_28 Use .substr(1) on your needle, then simply do .split(' ').indexOf() on your input
@Nit yea but isnt it better to do this using regex? It will eliminate lines of code
10:41 AM
Less lines does not mean better code. Readability and understandability is key.
@trilolil Updated your image links, you were loading insecure images over https. Works for me: jsfiddle.net/o6hu33sL/5
The difference between speed regardless of which way it goes will be irrelevant regardless
Make your intent clear and code readable to humans
@BenFortune no still doesn't work. If you comment line 33-end you will see that when you hover over buildings they become blue. That's the jQuery effect that I am missing in the link you just sent me.
Now you only have the zoom effect, the other one doesn't work.
the javascript part is divided in two parts. One part which is responsible for the zoom effect and another part which is in charge for the "light up" effect. The issue is I can't make both effects work together.
Javascript WTF
it's magical sometimes, isn't it?
10:45 AM
The zoom plugin you add changes the CSS properties of the image, which is breaking your map
hey Ben. How're you doing, mate?
yes but, when I don't zoom the image is in it's "natural state" , so the hover effect should work. On the other hand I agree with you that when you zoom into the picture the map is broken.

In other words the non-zoomed/default view of the image should not yield in a broken map I think.
@trilolil No it's not. Regardless of when you zoom, the plugin adds some default CSS properties.
Check the image style attribute before you even click.
@BenFortune what line are you referring to right now?
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/J1heXs3.jpg" class="zoomImg" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; opacity: 0; width: 2364px; height: 1142px; border: none; max-width: none; max-height: none;">
It's overlayed over your image
@GNi33 Hey man. Pretty good, just procrastinating at work :) You?
10:52 AM
@BenFortune I think I see what you mean, but am not sure though. Do you have any recommendations about how I can solve this issue?
What you mean is that some copy of my image is being put above my image map by the plugin itself. Which causes the browser not to detect when I hover an area, which is actually under the image that was placed on top by the plugin?
Pretty much
Maybe find a plugin that uses the image itself, instead of an overlayed one
Anyone else's chat fucked up? It's stopped auto scrolling and scrolls to the top by default instead of the bottom like it used to.
Are you sure of what you say? Because there is indeed a copy which is being put on top of my image. But that copy is the zoomed version...

No nothing fucked up, on my side.
		position: 'absolute',
		top: 0,
		left: 0,
		opacity: 0,
		width: img.width * magnify,
		height: img.height * magnify,
		border: 'none',
		maxWidth: 'none',
		maxHeight: 'none'
@BenFortune hehe, sounds good. I'm doing fine as well, trying to juggle 3 projects at a time right now, I sometimes need a little break
@BenFortune Ok, does an image get overlayed even when you DON'T click on the image (= default/unzoomed view) to get the zoom effect. Or does one only get overlayed when one clicks the image?
I think this will clarify my point^
10:59 AM
Yeah, it gets set when the plugin is initialized
oh shit... ok
@BenFortune OK I should find a way to put that copy behind my image when the plugin is initialized. And in front when clicked. Is that possible?
Plus the zoomed image won't work with the map, because the coords are wrong. You might need to find another solution.
@BenFortune yes but that's not an issue in my case.
man, I wish Chrome would implement Vivaldi's tab stacking feature
Wait, I'm wrong
11:03 AM
Just noticed the opacity
things may turn in my favor...
@Loktar hey man. I'd really need a new notebook for WebDev, Java (AndroidStudio) and maybe a little gaming on the side (Arma, Skyrim maybe...). Could you give me a tip on what to look for?
@BenFortune what do you think about it now?
@GNi33 me too..
11:08 AM
@GNi33 MSI do some nice gaming laptops
yeah, I've been looking at some, but I'm not sure what I'll really need
I have an old MSI gaming laptop right now, I was pretty happy with it for a while. Not sure if I really need a gaming laptop though
gaming is definitely secondary
@BenFortune Thanks pal! What was the issue?
.zoomImg {
  pointer-events: none;
11:10 AM
Lets you click through it, even though the opacity is set to 0 it's still clickable.
Oh you added that line, ok now I see.
Thx pal.
omg it's horrible
@BenFortune oh god no
12:00 PM
@BenFortune one last question if I may is there a way in this code to make in "zoom in" slowly and not that quick?
I have this in a jQuery.each where k is the key of the object being iterated upon
`var regEx = new RegExp(k);` how to apply word boundaries in this instance?
@trilolil Because of the way it works (it slides to move to your cursor location) it might not look right, adding something like transition: all 0.5s ease; to .zoomImg might work though.
@BenFortune Thank you that already looks better :)
Transitions are annoying, don't overdo it
@BenFortune the goal actually was to have a pseudo google earth zoom in effect. But I guess that's better than nothing.
12:18 PM
more guns
I mean
Pseudo Google Earth zoom is 135% cooler if you leave off the last word
Would make a great punk band name, at least before the lawsuit hits
@techie_28 you mean \b?
Hi there
@SunilChaudhry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
12:33 PM
can anybody recommend a select box for react other than react-select ? github.com/JedWatson/react-select
seeing as that's JedWatson, it's probably ok, it's just I'm about to use this thing everywhere and thought I'd ask
HttpPostedFileBase returns null after using jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js
@KendallFrey yes
@techie_28 so... what's your question?
Q: Regular expression to test exact word with a trailing dot

techie_28I am having a dynamic variable which I need to match against a source. Source: 'text clientLogin padding float'; search: '.clientLog' The search text has a leading dot('.') which should be omitted while comparing. For the above example I should: Get the part of search after '.'(dot) Check t...

Is there a reason you're not using classList?
12:43 PM
@KendallFrey I have to match the selector with the class i.e .className with className.Former has a leading dot.
Sure, but what are you really trying to do?
It looks like you're trying to see if an element has a specific class, or find an element with a given class, both of which already have better solutions than your code.
99% sure it's a XY question
Im getting class selectors like .clientName I can use .hasClass() for this after getting substring of the search but I was thinking how to do this using RegEx
I am sorry I thought that would be more efficient?is it not?
12:50 PM
more efficient than the standard function of the DOM ?
I don't know why it would be
I'd expect element.classList.contains(myClass) to be the easiest to write, the easiest to maintain, and if not the fastest to run, at least fast enough that it's not slowing anything down.
We can omit the '.' & match using JS test in one line
contains is not supported in old browsers I think?
Only browsers old enough that people shouldn't be using them.
I need to cover I.E 7 etc
IE 7????
my the gods have mercy on your soul
(use jQuery)
1:00 PM
Why IE7? Serious question, because IE7 never had much market share. IE 6 and 8 did.
So it's an odd cutoff.
and IE8 runs on XP (the last version that did), so that is where a lot of people are.
Guys: Canonical proposal if anyone wants to take it on (preferably someone below 20k)
Does anyone want to write an async iterators canonical Q/A for a guaranteed 500 bounty?
Sounds like work.
@Luggage Aye, hence I'm offering payment :P
I can do it myself, but I'd like to give others a chance at it, because bounties are nice.
it is possible to run this kind of javascript selector : document.querySelectorAll(variable); //where variable is a selector that return many elements
Well, I know of async iterators, but am no expert. Then again.. that doesn't stop most people from writing docs for others..
1:05 PM
@mcmwhfy Er... yes? Why wouldn't it be?
querySelectorAll() is for returning multiple elements, yes. .querySelectio() is for a single one
@Luggage Research some about it.
@mcmwhfy variable must be a string
Benji's given out a great talk about it and the video is finally semi out there
See here @Luggage ^
is this a secret?
1:06 PM
I clicked
It's still marked as unlisted
So I don't want to have it indexed by Google.
You're too slow to be a god
But you can totally watch it @Neoares it's fine.
I know :P
@Kendall Frey , @Neoares or better, I have this scenario
Manye variables returning elements
1:12 PM
@MadaraUchiha Any reported issues for chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/32581916#32581916 ?
and I want to iterate through all separatelly
@BenFortune I'm not getting it
Which browser?
Chrome 52
@BenFortune Try in an incognito window
@Kendall Frey , @Neoares something like
1:13 PM
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@mcmwhfy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@MadaraUchiha Same thing
@mcmwhfy You can combine multiple selectors into one.. jsut put a comma in between
@BenFortune Console errors?
@MadaraUchiha None :/
1:14 PM
@BenFortune I can't reproduce. Can you post on meta?
document.querySelectorAll('.class1, .class2'); //elements with class1 OR class2
Will do, thanks.
Chrome 52 (OSX) does not have that behavior for me.
@Luggage Same as Chromium 52 on Ubuntu.
I mean 'macOS'
1:17 PM
@Luggage â„¢
I'll pretentiously call it Darwin.
@Luggage actully I want to use those variables into a "forEach function"
right, but by combining the selectors, you can ONE variable, so you can loop over it easier
or maybe I misunderstand the question
not really
Q: Chat message window not scrolling anymore on new message or page load

Ben FortuneOn initial load the chat page used to scroll to the bottom to see the latest message, this doesn't happen anymore and stays at the top. Initial load: When a new message is posted it used to scroll to the latest message, this no longer happens either and I have to scroll down to see the latest ...

1:19 PM
I want to iterate through tem separattly
ohh, then.. what's the question?
If I put all variables in a big one will iterate through them once
let me give you a small example
Working fine, here... Usually, a reload fixes that :-/
Reload didn't work, same with incognito
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@mcmwhfy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1:22 PM
Yea.. I saw that non-formatted example before, but it doesn't show me what you want.
@Luggage you saw that each variable is returning elements
@Luggage for each variable i want to return each elements values and calculate the sum
ok. do you know how to loop over an array?
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@mcmwhfy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1:24 PM
still can't find CTRL-K on your keyboard, huh?
@BenFortune Works fine for me as well
She's telling you what's wrong. Just read it instead of getting angry at her. :)
why is not formatting the code wile pressing ctrl+k
1:25 PM
maybe there are some spaces on the first line already
anyway, I am using a foreach function
4+ space indent for all lines is how it works. sometimes if it already has spaces onthe first line is thinks "nothign to do"
well, you need to call the forEach function of an array.. right now you are just putting a .forEach() in the middle of nowhere
so the problem is hot to itterate through each variable that is returning elements separatlly
try prepending one of the variables to it
yes in this way is woking
I thing I need a for loop to do this for each variable
right ?
1:28 PM
get one working, then do it three times (preferably in a function so as to not repeat code, but..)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just noticed
You give a throttle example for your autocomplete, but throttling is not the thing you want there
You want debounce
(Not that it's significantly harder to implement or something, just noticed it)
does throttle not guarantee that the last run is the most up-to-date?
@Luggage No.
That's debounce.
Throttle sends the first, then waits for N milliseconds of silence.
Debounce waits for N milliseconds of silence, then sends the last.
I kind of imagine throttle doing both.. first, wait n.. do one more (even if multiple were requested) after the timeout
just off the top of my head.
nah, you get either first or last
1:34 PM
so it'll throw away all requests during the silence, and never fire one at the end?
I wonder if knockout's throttle doesn't follow those rules or if I am just wrong about my assumption. Because that is what I am really thinking of..
throttle is eager and fires on the first event, then waits for the delay to run out before even caring about other events
typically, in underscore/lodash and most other places
ohh, i guess it doesn't matter.. i am not using the throttle extender anymore
yea, i got that part.. i just assumed that throttle would still fire 'one last' if it had 1 or more requests during the cooldown.
that would be useful, but I think it's dumb
pretty sure they just discard events during the cooldown
sorry i am drawing a blank what is currentPage -1 syntax again? currentPage =-?
yea, i believe you. I still think I am thinking of some KO-sepcific helper.
I use "rateLimit" in knockout.. looking up its rules. they may be what I am thinking of.
1:39 PM
@BenFortune What browser? IE?
I can ONLY reproduce it when I change my user agent to match IE<10s
what is shortHand again? currentPage = currentPage -1;
Check if you a UA switcher on.
@JoJo currentPage -= 1?
@littlepootis ty let me check
ok going past it for now..
@JoJo --currentPage
@OliverSalzburg ty
1:41 PM
@littlepootis Chrome
Doesn't work on the mobile site either, wtf
@ssube not that you care, but yes, I am thinking of KO's rateLimit, which acts more like debounce, but will 'fire' every so often even if the changes haven't stopped, yet.
@BenFortune You're probably affected by "geo scrolling"; the absence of auto-scrolling in certain geographical regions
Which replaced the old 'throttle' in KO, hence my confusion.
@OliverSalzburg lolwut?
ah, the good old scrollxit
1:44 PM
@littlepootis More seriously, broken JS on a CDN node
@rlemon :D make an imgur album of your progress!
@OliverSalzburg Yes. better commandline experience in windows all around without a VM is what I Want. It's not important, though, my main work machine is OSX.
@littlepootis what he means to say is that if you combine geo scrolling with auto scrolling, you get a nuclear explosion
1:45 PM
@SterlingArcher timelapse GoPro
@Luggage I'm pretty happy with ConEmu + Git-Bash. I'm not too happy with the BoUoW, because it lacks integration (like Pagent and shit like that)
@Luggage that sounds mostly like the normal debounce, named wrong.
@ssube probably. Sounds about right for KO.
Gah. I know it was coming soon but dropping $1100 on tires really sucks ass
@OliverSalzburg pageant barely works as-is. Use a real SSH agent.
1:46 PM
@littlepootis no, more like matter + antimatter
@OliverSalzburg ConEmu + babun here, works pretty fine so far
@Luggage And even if you're using BoUoW, you're still going to want to use ConEmu, because the default console emulator in Windows is garbage
yea. the windows 10 one has a few improvements to make it more usable (like finaly being able to resize)
but yea..
@OliverSalzburg cmder is better IMO, uses conemu under the hood
ConEMU is no silver bullet, though
1:47 PM
I almost like minTTY more, but it has issues with some windows binaries
@SterlingArcher I had to overhaul my tires recently, even having to replace the rims because of the tire radius difference and it didn't cost me half that o_O
minTTY is cygwin, isn't it? That explains it not working
No, MinTTY comes with git-bash. It's it's own thing
@Neil large speed-rated tires :(
1:48 PM
@Neil do you have 19in rims and sport tires? lol
it might have been related to cygwin in history
My rims cost about $280 each
Sport tires about $244 each
@BenFortune From what I read, it's basically ConEmu + GitForWindows as a portable. So, what does it provide which I don't have already?
also mintty works just fine.. but since it uses xterm 'commands' it will hang on some processes that expect a windows temrinal. Like windows-compiled mysql, etc.
I'm too lazy to try and I always fear shit breaks my setup ;P
1:49 PM
for unix binaries and sshing.. it's fine.
@SterlingArcher similar for my runflats
Damn you got runflats?
all bimmers have em, so you don't have to carry a spare
gives you room for extra bodies in the trunk
See mintty does not have a windows console hidden behind the scenes like conEMU, so it only works with thigns that expect a proper terminal
it's a true temrinal.
Oh nice
Pilot® Sport A/S 3+
These are the ones I got
1:50 PM
the boxster just came with an air pump and a pair of walking shoes.
High reviews
@OliverSalzburg a full slew of (working) linux tools built in mingw, so you don't have to screw with pageant or any of that anymore.
@OliverSalzburg There's some windows command line enhancements mridgers.github.io/clink and a bit more room to customise IMO
@ssube What do you mean, I don't have to? I want my console tools to use the same agent I'm using for my GUI applications, it's convenient
@SterlingArcher oh. No. No, I don't, sir.
1:52 PM
@BenFortune But that's for cmd. I prefer to use bash
@OliverSalzburg but pageant uses a weird key format and generates even weirder keys. It's not really compatible with anything outside of putty.
you can convert back and forth, but yea, that's dumb
yeah, putty/pageant do a bunch of their own garbage
mintty + openssh is most of what I want out of putty, but putty isn't bad software. just too windowsy (reinventing wheels)
@ssube True. I have to convert every key once. But most of the tools I use on Windows build on PuTTy code and expect that format. And those that work with ssh-agent work fine with plink as well
1:54 PM
@Luggage and moving the spokes all to one side just for funsies
@OliverSalzburg what kind of GUI tools are you using?
Here's the culprit :(
Those tires look fun in the winter
like my old pilot sport 2's
doing a 1080 flat spin is fun
according to skateboarders, and they have 4 wheels too
1:55 PM
the boxster got stuck going downhill in 2 inches
so it's pretty much the same
I have AWD, now, so.. I get to move
I have AWD too, but sport tires still aren't that good in snow lol
But they'll do better than my old FWD cobalt
I got out of the boxster with it in gear and let the tires just rotate in place
@ssube MobaXTerm, WebStorm, SourceTree, WinSCP, pgAdmin, RoboMongo, that other weird DB management GUI :P
1:57 PM
yea, awd makes a huge difference. With summer times it's still not 'good', but a world of difference in just being able to bet moving.
and once moving, you can jsut manage your momentum
It's a hell of a lot easier to drive in snow with manual transmission too
can be, rocking and what not
So my 2wd cobalt drove better than a lot of other cars on the road simply because I knew how to drive in low RPMs
or if your car is too jumpy and doesn't let you modulate the throttle enough at low speeds, which is common (autos)
my old base-model lancer was absolutely miserable in the snow
could barely get over 3" lines from the plow
1:58 PM
!!afk sprint planning meeting
My mom's old imprezza 2.5rs (now my nephew's) with newish winter tires was a damn goat in the snow
my 325ix ('89) was a shitload of fun
I'd bounce that thing off snowbanks to turn harder and plow through every snow wall I could find, cause fuck it, car was worth a few hundred

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