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9:03 PM
(global.window || exports).Class = function a(b) {
    var c = "constructor", d = a[c], e = a.call, f, g = 0, h, i, j, k, l = function o() {
        f = this instanceof o, b instanceof d && (f ? b : e).apply(f ? this : b, arguments);
    }, m = l.prototype, n = l.$proto = {};
    m[c] = a;
    while (j = arguments[g++]) for (i in (k = j.prototype) && k[c] == a ? j = j.$proto : j) k = n[i] = j[i], h = i[0] == "$", l[i] = k instanceof d ? function(a, b) {
        return function() {
            return b.apply(a, arguments);
starting to look good
yeah i like that
@IvoWetzel my solution to exports is to have them in a separate file
in foo.js just have Class = function ...
and in foo.exports.js have exports.Class = Class
and then just glue them together at build time :)
but this is smaller :P
assuming global is a thing
and window is a thing
i feel like separate files is more reuasble
i just started doing it so i'm not sure it's great yet but it seems great
want a shortcut for instanceof and arguments :(
m4_define(ARGS, arguments)
9:06 PM
that will actually work if u just run it thru m4
i've done some dirty dirty things with m4
like CLASS
Does chrome's JS console do line-by-line debugging at all? Couldn't find a way to do it without inserting a billion break points.
press the stop button
Insert breakpoint -> F11?
(the thing that looks like something on a tape recorder) than step through the code
the arrow things to the right of the stop button
9:13 PM
or hit pause on the script tab
the thing that also looks like a button on a tape recorder
unless you have google analytics running on your dev copy
then it will break as soon as you move the mouse
it is really great how we have built in debuggers nowdays
js doesn't feel like a third class citizen anymore
Hmm, weird, I thought my script was running slow but the profiler says it's (program) using all the CPU, that's chrome right?
I get a full second pause when I click an input field but it's not running anything onclick or onfocus, tabbing through the inputs doesn't lag. No idea what's causing it and now it looks like it's not JS...
Neeevermind, it's recalculating styles that's slow. Should have checked the timeline not the JS
Chrome doesn't have a style profiler like Opera yet does it?
gosh got it under 400 bytes
Profiles tab?
@IvoWetzel @GGG thanks though, didn't know about the step through feature
@Zirak yeah
@BenBrocka nightlies have it
9:27 PM
Strangely the lag only happens in chrome, still trying to find what's up. The page is a giant form nightmare but shouldn't be that slow, and isn't in FF
You know what would be awesome? CSS position-x and position-y. So I could specify position-y: fixed and position-x: static.
chrome is really slow with css stuff
slower than firefox
<rumor start="true">I heard Google is trying to punish sites for using too much CSS</rumor>
(global.window || exports).Class = function a(b) {
    var c = "constructor", d = a[c], e = a.call, f, g, h = 0, i, j, k, l = function() {
        f = this != global, b[c] == d && (f ? b : e).apply(f ? this : b, arguments);
    }, m = l.prototype, n = l.$$ = {};
    m[c] = a;
    while (j = arguments[h++]) for (i in (k = j.prototype) && k[c] == a ? j = j.$$ : j) k = n[i] = j[i], i[0] == "$" ? g = 1 : m[i] = k, l[i] = k[c] == d ? function(a, b) {
        return function() {
            return b.apply(a, arguments);
oh god
@GGG Apparently...shouldnt' be doing anything though, except the default yellow glow on input fields
9:31 PM
that glow shit is slow
stripped out all the instanceof things :O
chrome is really slow with those gradients
@GGG Not 350ms slow...
I did notice FF was much better with gradients though
@IvoWetzel why are you using those impenetrable variable names :(
@GGG uglifyjs output
9:33 PM
I've got a "readable" version too
  * Copyright (c) 2012 Ivo Wetzel.
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
heh, got a 503 message, and in it: Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
ok maybe i am just having a noob moment but what is global
i know it's something in node.js
a reference to the global object
but not in browsers right
9:34 PM
aka window
The global object. Another name for window
or the nodejs global thing
it doesn't work in my browser
ReferenceError: global is not defined
is it, like, something you shim
or a strict mode thing or something
huh...weird...that worked not so long ago
gnah, stupid FX
9:35 PM
i know i'm having a noob moment here but i really don't understand it :(
so global is supposed to work in browsers?
or it did or something?
It should reference the GO, I think
seems FX broke it
works in Chrome
not this ver
i have a slightly older version of chrome
because on an older version of ubuntu
probably not uncommon
i think i'd stay away from global
then, I'll fallback to the this thing
2 bytes more that is
the this thing is bad too
9:37 PM
Weird, it doesn't work in Chrome 16, but does in Chrome canary 19.0
well in production code
works in this case
just checking for the invocation of the Class constructor
easy way to figure out if it's called without context
or with new
isBase = this != global;
can you do that by sticking something in the prototype and checking that instead
or maybe that's longer
> The value of Infinity is +∞ (see 8.5). - es5.github.com/#x15.1.1.2
9:40 PM
There's also The value of NaN is NaN and The value of undefined is undefined
from philosophical point of view, you cannot implement undefined while adhering to its definition
Undefined cannot even exist
(in the real world)
It's always something, not undefined, so this means that either something is undefined, or undefined is something, in the either way, you've got to ask the same question again.
So it's obviously a trap, which kills of people with very high IQ (those have unlimited stack)
Pretty much halting them
OK, now I'm alone again :(
undefined can exist
There "is" nothing. We say that it's there, because our language is incapable of expressing nothingness
but then it's not undefined!
what is a Jabbafoobafabba?
9:45 PM
Unless you're talking quantum physics
The point of languages is to explain meaning, and nothing "is" meaningless, therefore languages cannot explain nothing. QED
In other news, language parsing is hard.
I guess we - as being pragmatic programmers - should solve this problem by defining that undefined = "kitten".
undefined = [][0]
@GGG e=undefined²
Obviously. Whenever you see a kitten, stepping on it won't matter, since it's undefined
9:48 PM
@IvoWetzel typeof NaN ==Number
stepping on undefined things could matter
ReferenceError: PitOfSpikes is not defined
@BenBrocka That's old!
catch ( e ) { /*I'm here just to mess with you*/ }
But NaN is a quantum thing
what happens if you put a cat and a NaN into a box?
NaN = "kitten"
9:49 PM
@IvoWetzel But relevant :P
I should make a library, have it be enormously popular, then sneak in a line of code which wraps everything in a try...catch statement, where the catch is empty
I mean the NaN could become a Number and then all hell breaks loose onto the kitten :O
Reminds me of the discussion about NULL in the DBA chatroom, NULL is much more complicated than NaN...
Or maybe the kitten could become Cthulu, and then we're all screwed
@Zirak Dunno, I fear that there's a "catch" to using that library...
9:50 PM
you can actually set NaN to "kitten"
Is Cthulu a number?
i'm surprised
catch(me){/*if you can */}
@IvoWetzel I tried to explain that to others, but this is just meaningless!
9:52 PM
@Zirak You mean it's undefined?
if ( you.get('action') ) {
Or wait.. not that would imply
"use strict";
(function () { return this; }).call() === "kitten"
Assuming we use the Ivo Wetzel standard of ES5
"use nyan";
!!give Ivo Wetzel a lick
@Zirak Mmmm! Ivo Wetzel tastes just like raisin
9:57 PM
lol wtf
Uh that's dirty! Do you think so...
!!give Zirak's mom a lick
Well I better not show you how a lemonade is made
Now I've got that flash thing in my head all over again
9:58 PM
evil smile
Q: returning either an object or false in dynamic languages

SeanConsider this javascript: function Foo() { function getPreferences() { if ([there is an existing preferences object]) { return preferences; } return false; } } And calling code that looks like: var foo = new Foo(); var prefs = foo.getPreferences(); if (prefs) { // do s...

@Feeds null, and your code won't work
> We made some targeted changes in this area in IE9. Our data suggests that making this quirks only would break a large number of web sites.
this mindset really annoys me
don't let users hang themselves just because they can
...or perhaps this is Google being too clever for their own good again (referencing second comment from Microsoft employee)
How can it be a performance hit?
10:30 PM
I'm assuming because adding it to the window means very easy access
and applications utilizing it would have to interface with getElementById et al., which is slower
particularly in regards to name fetching
oh, for the programs themselves...thought he was saying it was a performance hit for the engine.
And wow, that's a "not insignificant" thing?
I recall reading somewhere that code speed was paramount for Google
...so they'd ignore standards and reason whenever possible in favor of speed
10:34 PM
I'll dig up the article
sigh @ Bateman's response to Zbarsky: "I think they usually end up going down different code paths based on other aspects of the page."
@IvoWetzel i just remembered 'self' ... you could use that instead of global or this :)
I just use this
this doesn't seem portable
like you can't cut and paste it into a function property
i mean self is garbage too but whatever :p
anyone have a cross-browser getcomputedstyle function on hand
looks ok
defaultView looks sketchy
10:52 PM
The function ( id ) { var elem = document.getElementById( id ); doStuffToElem; } pattern always seemed strange to me...what if the element doesn't have an id, and why can't I just pass an already selected element?
That does kinda suck… where is it a pattern?
I see it lots of times. Not so much in recent code, probably because most "js programmers" do these stuff by jQuery( 'everything' )
The code example above? I also space out some parens. To be specific, the most outer enclosing parens.
Absolutely. It limits reusability.
( (like this()) )
can't stand that pattern
10:56 PM
function getStyle (element, styleProp) {
  if (element.currentStyle) return  element.currentStyle[styleProp];
  var view = document.defaultView ? document.defaultView :
             document.getComputedStyle ? document :
             window.getComputedStyle ? window;
  return view.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp);
there's mine
i vaguely remember doing this before and getComputedStyle being somewhere else in some browser
chrome, actually, i think
this should work
It seemed kinda perverted to me at first as well, but then I tried and realized the extra clarity I suddenly get. I can't stand when people space out every parens, it kinda destroys the code intention, but I like my version.
space inside parens is weird
noobs do that
The Zend Studio formatter is a nightmare for that. It adds spaces everywhere. So function calls look like expressions.
yeah spaces before parens are for keywords
like each
Like this: foo ( bar );
10:59 PM
Great argument. "I don't like this, ergo n00bz do that"
oh, that just sucks
@Zirak aka resig code
i've never seen a style guidline saying to put spaces in there
it's just something ppl do for no reason afaik
ergo, noobs do that
Resig spaces out everythng. ( ( like this() ) )
case in point
My style guideline says that
11:00 PM
function dumb ( id ) { return this[ "document" ][ "getElementById" ]( id ); }
Well, it's his code ... unfortunately it's had a lot of influence.
And I do it because it makes it easier for me to see my code
I'm surprised nobody complained up-til now, I've been doing it for months
I don't even put spaces after keywords any more (e.g. if(foo) ...). I thought it would be harder to read until I looked at some Plan9 source code. Beautiful.
if I have a dom [div#sweepstakesToggle > div.title, div#contestsToggle > div.title]
$('.title', '#sweepstakesToggle') correctly get just the first div.title
$('#sweepstakesToggle .title') -- grabs all divs with .title
I thought jquery used CSS selectors and the second should select the first just the same, no?
@adscriven i keel you
11:03 PM
I can see the case for spaces with blocks
gotta put a space after keywords
@GGG read some Plan9 src and then keel me!
@Brombomb post HTML; get advice
i keel you now then read source
Src straddles the line between English and maths notation. It's a hard call.
@GGG hehe, that's okay too
11:05 PM
thanks @Matt
multiple id's all called the same
If everything were an expression then you'd definitely not want a space after an 'if'.
if if were a function
copy pasta
11:05 PM
pretyy much everything in js is an expression
except, like, var declarations
That's how languages like lisp and smalltalk and io work. Just functions or method calls.
It's a shame JS isn't a bit more like that given it's lisp heritage.
so no keywords?
sounds like some symbol soup
Smalltalk has only six.
Or somthing like that.
11:07 PM
hmm that sounds kind of appealing
i imagine you need somethign for flow control
unless you want to do it with functions
ifthen(cond, test, doIfTrue, optionalDoIfFalse)
Do it with functions (or methods).
but that's ugly
because not as readable as "if (cond) { foo } else { bar }"
I think lisp is if(condition, consequent, alternative)
@GGG Isn't that just what you're used to?
11:10 PM
ternary operator, like (condition) ? consequent : alternative; no ?
Some people argue that lisp is not as readable as C, but some don't
@adscriven it's closer to what i'm used to in english
willing to bet it's closer to other languages as well
Lisp has macros though, so you can have all the syntactic sugar you like (more or less).
macros generally aren't great for defining block level stuff
like if, while, switch, et c
at least in my experience
maybe it's different in lisp
Then choose Ruby or VB. if cond then foo, or foo if cond else bar
11:13 PM
cond in lisp is a macro
way more English-like
Well it can be. It doesn't really matter if it is or isn't.
None of these silly ( and {
it's not that the keywords are english words, it's the order of the tokens
an if token, a condition, a code block.
an else token, a condition, a code block
it just makes sense
(s in lisp aren't silly. The syntax is a syntax tree. That's what gets you macros.
11:15 PM
In Ruby you can foo if cond else bar, which is also a valid English sentence
i don't care that it's english, i care about the order stuff is written in
on github how would I roll back a few commits, I pushed to the wrong branch.
this order makes sense
So does that one
posted on February 06, 2012 by Vasilis

A better Photoshop grid for responsive web design » Blog » Elliot Jay Stocks The main reason why not every new site is designed responsively is because visual designers don’t know how to design them. I would be struggling too if my tool of choice was photo editing software. The most important thing we should focus on in the next few months or so is to get designers to understand fluid g

11:16 PM
@rlemon checkout whichever version and push that
Englishness isn't as important as expressiveness.
Sense does this order make, young Jedi.
I'm on your side @adscriven, btw. Insert Ƨ at the end of all my previous sentences, if that wasn't obvious
m4 has a similar macro, ifelse. it's a pain in the balls once you nest more than one. Way less readable than if...else
to me anyway
@Zirak Well, I guess I'm having a dumb moment, because it still isn't! :-)
and how would you implement a switch as a function? I can't even imagine
my point has nothing to do with english my point is keywords help organize things
11:19 PM
oh, right...Ƨ signifies "treat what previously appeared as sarcasm, in case that wasn't obvious". At least, I use Ƨ to signify that
@GGG It's not a function: it's a macro. The syntax tree gets transformed (or can be transformed) into nested ifs.
ah, yeah that makes sense
@Zirak I love typographic witticisms!
but since macros are invoked like functions the syntax is limited
No, macros transform the syntax tree at compile time.
11:21 PM
yeah but i mean the calling notation
not for example MACRO(){}
i mean keyboards have like three or four different brackets on them, why not use different ones for different stuff
so the code doesn't all look the same
() for calling functions
{} for code block
[] for array access
makes sense visually
Well, you could write (MACRO (blah) { blah }) (I think). But why would you want braces?
Braces aren't necessary in lisp like .s aren't necessary in smalltalk to call methods.
just saying it's natural to have different symbols with different meanings, not try to squeeze all possible meanings into one set of symbols
@GGG Well, that's interesting. Lisp was never meant to have the syntax it does. It was meant to have infix notation like maths, and proper syntax and stuff. But (dylan aside) no one got round to implementing it because people just preferred to write literal syntax trees. Kinda like people like writing literal objects in JS.
That kind of uniformity gives you a power that you just can't have in other languages.
I know where you're coming from though. I like JS's syntax. I find Coffeescript very hard to read for example.
i guess i don't understand what the uniformity makes possible that you couldn't do otherwise
You can treat code as data, and data as code.
11:29 PM
can i pass unparsed expressions around without them being functions?
Domain-specific languages become very easy.
that get evaluated later?
@GGG You can do whatever you like.
so i could pass an expression as an argument to a function and it would actually pass the whole expression, not the result
`quote` is a fundamental operation in lisp.
11:31 PM
how is this different than running C or C++ or javascript through a macro preprocessor
the macros are actually built in to the interpreter i guess?
C macros operate on text. Lisp macros operate on the syntax tree.
hmm yeah that is cool
The downside is that you have lots of (s and )s. But there's an upside too.
Good text editors help a lot.
hmm yeah i imagine so... i haven't looked at lisp in years
last time i did was for scripting the gimp... i think that was lisp
Smalltalk is very similar, but there's an extra layer of abstraction, the object. Lisp was a major influence on Smalltalk.
@GGG yeah, I'm pretty sure that the gimp uses a lisp.
11:35 PM
i wish i knew of more practical uses for stuff like that so i could have an excuse to mess with it
i have to say the gimp scripting was not fun and i quickly got lost in parentheses, but eventually i got whatever i was doing done
i don't remember what it even was anymore, i'd normally use imagemagick
The thing that I find so remarkable about lisp, is that it is ultimately so powerful, and yet it is probably easier to implement a lisp interpreter than for any other language. I love ideas like that.
Q: Javascript regex shorthand?

WalkerneoI'm trying to enjoy some of the awesome javascript code golf submissions on anarchy code golf, but I keep seeing things like: for(;s=readline();)print("h"+/t.*/(s)) ...which was the JS winner for: http://golf.shinh.org/p.rb?ttp I don't understand how that is correct javascript syntax, and I e...

Those are the ones worth pursuing.
hmm.. is there a lisp interpreter in javascript
that might be fun to make
I expect there are loads.
But don't google.
11:38 PM
lol why
Just read SICP and make your own.
Much more fun, and more instructive.
i could use that emscripten thing
to crank one out
Bah. Just read SICP. There are video lectures too. Greatest comp sci course eva! :-)
yeah there's loads
even a "Lisp interpreter in javascript with jQuery"
11:40 PM
because obviously jQuery is key for interpreting lisp
Wtf? Ohgoddearjesuskillmenow.
this also looks cool - lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/892
Heh. LtU is a great site. Mostly over my head, which is why I love it.
The problem with that kind of thing is that it often descends into code golf.
SICP is more useful.
However, the fact that you can code-golf a lisp->JS compiler is telling in itself.
yeah that's pretty interesting
The only other language I've encountered that's similar is Forth.
11:45 PM
Isn't SICP Scheme?
Yep. But Scheme is a lisp in the broad sense.
Really Scheme is a simpler lisp.
I think it was Scheme that introduced lexical closures (but don't quote me on that).
Emacs Lisp predates Scheme, which I think is why it is dynamically scoped (and why people hate it!).
'Hate' is the wrong word, I hope you realise.
'Disappointment' is probably closer to the mark.
The main reason I, at least, hate elisp is because of lack of proper encapsulation
Isn't that a symptom of dynamic scoping? Or is there more to it?
Well, even with dynamic scoping, you can define a "namespace"
Okay, well that's 1up on JS already...
11:50 PM
Here, a great article on elisp's faults: steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/11/…
js is superbly awesome, because it combines awesomeness from Lisp and Self and some few more (I can't seem to remember where dynamic objects come from)
Well, I've got as far as Hallowe'en, ... typical Yegge ... still reading ...
Doesn't Self have dynamic objects? Smalltalk does.
Can't remember...haven't used either in a long time
AFAIK Ruby borrows much OO from Smalltalk.
Ruby borrows everything from Self. I'd call it Self mixed with VB mixed with COBOL
I don't know what Howl's Moving Castle is.
@Zirak Eh? Ruby has classes! It's Smalltalk/Perl.
11:56 PM
Doesn't VB have classes? Or was it VB.net?
VB has classes.
Heh, jscript.net has classes :-)
Oh. *Every* symbol in elisp is global?!
Even function parameters?
I don't think it goes that far
'Every symbol in Emacs-Lisp is in the global namespace.' Hmm. Well that's a pretty provocative statement then.

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