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3:00 PM
@towc just make a awesome face spritesheet yourself in inkscape. Perfect for your case and very easy to create.
@erikroyall the entire jquery lib is deprecated
@erikroyall jquery itself should go away
@erikroyall hilo beats it so what? Even manmohan singh can beat jquery! no big deal.
I've heard vanilla JavaScript is pretty fast too
@Jonathan Is that a joke?
3:12 PM
3:25 PM
@AwalGarg pretty much
@towc I just draw squares man. What are you looking for?
3:48 PM
hey can someone explain a regex to me?
@AwalGarg ask
It does what I want it to do... but I don't understand how.
It should match _ and . when repeated simultaneously.
It asserts continuously two characters (only underscores or dots), and the last one is captured in group one ($1).
but, it matches _. and ._ as well
Because you're not using a backreference.
Try /([_.])\1/.
3:50 PM
(x|y) should match either x or y, right?
@Unihedron so in _., it matches _ or .?
posted on November 02, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} You suck, humans!

It matches both.
You quantify it with {2,}, so it matches the criteria of two or more.
@Unihedron what if the quantifying brackets were not there?
3:52 PM
@AwalGarg show me?
@Unihedron there?
Then it will match either _ or .
damn bot is down
Use your developer console in browser
@Unihedron it gives "_" two times in an array :?
3:56 PM
@AwalGarg The first element is the match, the second is the group!
You used a capturing group.
(_|\.) can become [_.].
Hey all, how do I intercept a "onclick" event with Javascript and then manipulate the input element that had the event? Is that possible?
@Unihedron kk. I understand that now.
@AwalGarg But if you want to match on the two same char, use backref.
I am wanting to reset the selection start and end, I could only find a jQuery example

selectionStart : 0,
selectionEnd : 0
@Unihedron ok. so in my original regex, the quantifying brackets caused the matching of _. and ._, right?
3:59 PM
@AwalGarg no
the way regex works caused the match of _. and ._.
y i no understand :/
(\.|_) means match either . or _, right?
@Unihedron ^
4:02 PM
(\.|_) matches . or _. (\.|_){2} matches . or _, then another . or _.
right right
stupid me :P
thank you so much uni
4:16 PM
I found the perfect picture to set as my terminal's background :D
Does anyone have any idea about, what's the best site to find IT Consultants in London, UK?
4:34 PM
Sigh.... my function is defined but I am getting this error

ReferenceError: resetCursorPos is not defined

<!DOCTYPE html>
Not sure why its mentioned a doctype declaration :S
When I check it with JSlint I am getting unexpected character errors in my code but its just whitespace :/

Any ideas?
@loosebruce pastebin?
I can do a fiddle if you like?
Sure, do it.
@erikroyall was it you who once linked to a big color pallete for flat ui?
@AwalGarg Yes;\j\
link 'gain pls pls
o_O Looks like I did bookmark it the last time you linked it :P
4:54 PM
@AwalGarg hm..
@loosebruce `function resetCursosPos() { ... }`
There was a typo in your code.
@erikroyall ; thanks, what was it
Damn , its really painful trying to turn my code into vanilla JS from jQuery
Now I have to deal with all the DOM madness for different browsers
Make small utility functions that handle the DOM for you.
Write them yourself.
vanilla dom is better and faster than jquery
5:09 PM
Yea thats why I am wanting to do this, but now trying to handle keyCode is a pain
Write code violently, without looking at what you type. You will then have a block of code with weird things. Instead of writing display="none", you would have written display="false". Doesn't matter. You can correct everything... and once you correct it, it would sink in your heart. Next time, you won't repeat that.
Hilo.key object has the key codes for almost every key you'll ever need.
They can be accessed like so:
`Hilo.key["1"] // 48`
`Hilo.key.A // 65`
`Hilo.key.a // 97`
`Hilo.key.f12 // 123`
Hilo 3 jQuery 0
$("#textinput").keydown(function(e) {
e.keyCode; // this value

@erikroyall , is this jQuery snippet?
@erikroyall that site should have some ability to manipulate those colors... like clicking on them would allow copying the different color codes, show contrasting colors etc...
5:21 PM
@AwalGarg Use colorhexa
what's that?
@loosebruce I don't really know jQuery.
!!tell @AwalGarg google colorhexa
@loosebruce Ask @AwalGarg, he's a jQuery expert.
@erikroyall lolwut!
@Zirak @rlemon y cap down dis tym?
!!are you alive?
5:23 PM
It's down.
@SecondRikudo you are room owner, can you do !!live pls?
can someone help me with my previous button ? its not counting down properly from the current value jsfiddle.net/dbknz01u/3
or any room owner around? @darkyen00 ?
I assume she's down because she's actually offline, though. Paging the lemon. @rlemon
Hmmm still getting event undefined in Firefox :( any advice on how to use it with "onkeypress"
@rubberchicken ; I don't want to use jQuery this time around. I am converting my script into vanilla
Everything works great in jQuery but I thought maybe I should make a vanilla version for people
looks like you are infected with jquerybola
5:32 PM
No I am actually #JakeWeary
@erikroyall thanks but this still counts up on the first click (prev button)
@rubberchicken Yeah, that's weird.
@rubberchicken Remember: i !== arr[i]
may I know the problem?
@AwalGarg prev button doesnt count down properly jsfiddle.net/dbknz01u/3
Hilo(el).on("keydown", function (e) {
  if(e.keyCode === Hilo.key.del) {
5:42 PM
Thanks I am making progress now :)
Puck jQuery, Physics and Organic Chemistry.
Hurrah I've removed the jQuery menace. Thanks @erikroyall @AwalGarg
@erikroyall physics is ok... organic sucks... fuck organic chem! burn all organic chemistry books, get it the hell out of the syllabus!! UGHH!!!
Organic chem. is horrible. I expected that it'll be something like biochemistry. Hell, no.
both are absolute crap
chemistry has only some interesting things (according to the cbse syllabus ofc), like waves, quantum effects, atomic structure etc.
5:52 PM
Not sure what the conversation is about but if you get a chance to study Physiology or Pharmacology, then take it as they are great subjects.
rest is nonsense
cbse sucks, very hard
I can go about it all day long, our ES is a POS.
We have the same syllabus, the ncert.
education system
true that.
@AwalGarg REST as in GET/POST/etc?
5:54 PM
@SomeKittens fu
or is this another Indian thing that I don't understand because I'm a stupid American?
@SomeKittens Rest: Organic, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry
Are you all in college/uni . wow I feel old now :(
I would excuse out that physical part if they went in a bit deeper in it and explained the underlying principles... but alas, there is nothing to do other than cramming
5:57 PM
@loosebruce Nah, I'm in the workforce
da hell @erikroyall y u bring up such a crap thing ;(
@AwalGarg I have an exam tomorrow. :|
@erikroyall mehh no big deal
I scored 2/60 in chemistry in my last exam. Advanced mock-test. 2/60.
!!afk F5
5:59 PM
23/180 :/
When requiring node modules, I tend to use __dirname+'/../etc because I disagree with node's treatment of paths, in that ./ for require works differently than everything else.
Since everyone uses ./ anyway, I am also inclined to follow that practice.....
Can someone give me an argument to help me settle this in my head?
I feel that using ./ is wrong and that I should stick by that, despite the typical practice...
You mean ./ should use path from which node is being run
Yes, like it works everywhere else.
@AwalGarg This is so cool. coolors.co/intro
6:11 PM
I just try to ignore that it even does that because I can't see why it would do something so inconsistent.
That doesn't make much sense for importing though
There is a need for local import
I think in the interest of not being overly verbose, the default should be ./ everywhere and the verbose thing should be the other way
See what I mean? It's backwards.
I mean using the pwd path doesn't make much sense for importing
It makes a lot of sense for handling files
@erikroyall nice
@copy so, to you the way node does it does make sense to you? I'll just appeal to your authority if so.
I just can't justify it my own mind, but I know well enough that your opinion should have more weight than mine.
What they have is pretty reasonable. Given the constraints.
It mean yes
7:06 PM
So, I should use ./ for requiring and not consider the inconsistency with other uses.
Yes, you should use ./ and it makes sense
I'll take your word for it ;D
7:19 PM
So, today took place the voting for romania's president. Here we had 9 candidates, and only 2 are chosen, and one of them will be voted in 2 weeks to be the only president
The current prime minister and a german guy passed
Anyone got an example of how to demo some Javascript on a website?
My demo page is pretty bland and not beautified
Like this is a pretty cool demo page : amsul.ca/pickadate.js
jsh.zirak.me to demo js
@loosebruce towc.eu/demo
@loosebruce then follow that
Ok for me to "use" your html source and css ?
I will add a note on the footer
@loosebruce a lot of people just use twitter bootstrap for quick style. You can check out the bootsnipp website for copy/paste code too
7:30 PM
!!google bootsnipp
Don't be lazy.
@m59 no fun in that
Google maps?
the heck...
bro, do you even internet?
Bro do you even less-vague?
It's an expectation here to not be a help vampire and to not encourage it.
7:34 PM
@m59 leave it...
You act like I'm trying to start an argument.
It's my expectation that unless someone is a child, say > 13, that they can reasonably google and/or navigate a website.
I know you are right, @m59 ;-)
Dude you said this "!!google bootsnipp"
Thats what I googled for
That was a command for the chat bot, which didn't respond.
Well I don't know that....
7:39 PM
Also, use some reason about what people tell you. What could that !! possibly have meant?
It clearly made no sense to google the word google with exclamation points.
And you got the correct website anyway... I never said anything about a google maps page. I said bootsnipp.
But there are google operands
Maybe that was one of them
I get all of this. What I'm saying is you need to be able to take keywords and figure them out. You really will not make it far at all if you have to be spoon fed every detail.
heh, my paycheque disagrees....
@loosebruce give us candy!
7:49 PM
@AwalGarg what about fish and chips?
@loosebruce I am vegetarian... @m59 would get chips ;)
Hook me up with dat fish.
I'm hungry.
Maybe you're right ;D My pay is low for a dev.
But working from home is WIN.
only if you have a good spec laptop, and not a bulky desktop like me due to which you don't get to stretch legs ;(
my laptop is all kinds of awesome
and I just about have my standing desk done. Unfortunately, I have to order some more parts :/
They're dang expensive.
I am soon gonna buy myself a cheapo Dell by freelance pocket money :D Then I can stretch my legs ;p
I am pretty sure that cheapo would also have double more power than my present pc... I am on a very shitty computer lol
8:32 PM
9:05 PM
If you like that, "Lasers and Feelings" is a great album
Hey guys i have a javascript object

var user = (function (lastName, firstName) {


How can i make a call to user and pass parameters e.g. user('john', 'doe');
Exactly like that
@Zirak i am getting the message Error on domReady callback: TypeError: user is not a function
Tomorrow's a public holiday here, so of course everyone else in the office took today off...
9:12 PM
@devdar Are you sure that user is found in the scope in which you are calling it?
@SecondRikudo yes cause i can call other functions of user
@devdar Please set up a short but complete jsfiddle.net example
user is defined like this :

var user = (function(lastName, firstName){




and i can call user.save(), user.load()....
9:29 PM
I always get a chill when I install ghc :D
Hi! Do you know why the span here : jsfiddle.net/df5h24zw doesn't get its width ?
@basj Whenever I see your username, I'm reminded of Bast.
Please change your entire identity so we won't have to be reminded how we will not be getting any more Kingkiller Chronicle fun for the foreseeable future.
@Zirak I didn't know this trilogy at all... Is it good ?
It made me remember what reading fantasy books felt like when I was young.
So I create such strong feelings when you see my username ? ;)
9:40 PM
For a tiny fraction of time, yes. Followed by disappointment and frustration.
There is a second effect, but it happens 9 Megaseconds after. Beware.
Any idea for this jsfiddle.net/df5h24zw ? It should be super-mega-simple but I don't see ...
Do I really need a float:left for such a simple thing ? jsfiddle.net/df5h24zw/1
@Zirak Funny, that's how I feel whenever I see your username
!!> 9000000 / 60 / 60
9:58 PM
String.prototype.supplant = function (params) {
    if (arguments.length > 1 || Object(params) !== params) {
        params = arguments;

    return this.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, supplant);

    function supplant (match, key) {
        return params.hasOwnProperty(key) ?
            params[key] :
Spot the bug
It's subtle. Try running it a few times with something like 'ab{0}d'.supplant('cuddles')
...unreachable function?
wait, hoisting
it's not var supplant = function

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