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2:00 PM
Yeah but i didn't get an http error
Also second... didn't you used to have an anime gravatar?
Would you say that "iterating all the files in a directory, then including each of them in a loop" a stupid idea?
Doesn't he still?
this is awesome
Node ^
@HatterisMad I still do
2:03 PM
Oh wow it looked like it changed hahaha. No thats the exact picture i was thinking of
Is that a popular image? I saw a user account on css-tricks with the same image haha
Hahaha, nice cap :P
@HatterisMad That would be me.
@Magikaas It's my mod cap :)
2:04 PM
who is that charecter? with the stick
Awesome! :o
nice. I was gonna say. how many people in the world have a cap photoshopped onto this anime picture lmao
@argentum47 Madara Uchiha, in his Rikudo form.
@HatterisMad GIMPed*
@HatterisMad Yup
2:05 PM
i missed the episode maybe
@argentum47 Manga
All of the girls i have dated loved naruto. I never had enough time to watch it past the first season.
The staff symbolises the moon, the spheres each symbolise a different dimensilon, apparently.
i see.
a few of the episodes were crap. specially the start of that GlobAL Ninja war..
2:06 PM
@argentum47 The beginning was utter crap
@SecondRikudo You forgot what the spheres symbolise? Or did you get that robe gifted to you?
I never made it that far lol. I need to go back and watch it O.o
But it picked up near my reanimation.
@Magikaas The cloak is made of chakra.
My usually attire is a red armor.
Yeah, but how can you say 'apparently' if you are wearing it and you made it O_o
It's like saying "My jacket has 3 pockets, apparently"
2:08 PM
After making yourself a jacket
@Magikaas The Gudodama (the spheres) came when I became the host for the Ten Tails, all I know is that they encompass all of the elements found in any dimension.
Bit of a strange example, but I hope it works ~_~
maybe you were drinking.... or just have a terrible memory like i do :D
well there goes spoilers lol
@SecondRikudo I see, haha, that explains it :P
2:08 PM
I honestly don't really care what they symbolise, but anything that touches them get turned into a fine mist. That includes energy.
Aha O_o
what does fine mist turn into?
At this point I've stopped caring about naruto spoilers, lol
@KendallFrey Matter will turn to dust. The dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become nothing.
wait dont tell me it is still going on?
2:09 PM
@HatterisMad Manga about to end.
second what about quarks?!
@HatterisMad Nothing
With all that has happened so far (in the anime), I don't think I'd be too surprised about what will happen after where I stopped watching
oh, thats cool. tell me what happens. i saw naruto, his father, sasuke fight the madara. after that what happens?
2:10 PM
@SecondRikudo So your robe defies the laws of physics?
If it turns stuff into nothing
its magic
@Magikaas Not the robe. My stick and balls.
Big, black balls.
Pointy balls
the coin vanish trick.
I see, hahaha
2:13 PM
@Magikaas The combination of the 5 elements (water, earth, lightning, air, fire) disintegrates any matter, and the addition of the 2 Yin and Yang elements (light and darkness) cancel out any ninjutsu
@SecondRikudo does madara show signs of dying or is inspired by naruto, like everyone else
@argentum47 Spoilers much?
So you make energy and matter just disappear
@Magikaas Poof.
i can't watch it, i have 10-12 long office hours. i would like spoliers
2:13 PM
Well, that's quite something
Isn't that a bit overpowered?
@argentum47 Madara ends up being a host for a Bijuu (ten tails), after it was extracted from him, he died.
@Magikaas A bit?
I can think of maybe maybe 3 or 4 anime characters that can take him on in that state.
I doubt even Accelerator in his winged mode is a match.
Most DBZ character would lose to him in that state :P
then the 10 tails is on its own?
@argentum47 10 tails is a combination of all 9 beasts, it got split back to the 9 beasts
@SecondRikudo Obviously, they're still 'mortal' so they'd just die if they touched your balls
How to convert a sound file into .mid (MIDI format)?
2:16 PM
@Magikaas Anything that touches my balls DIES
Well, that's quite a quote, right there hahaha xD
@Magikaas They're also extremely malleable, they default to spheres, but they can be made into weapons (like the staff), a protective shell around me, etc.
Wow, multi-purpose balls that make you almost invincible
The protective shell was able to easily withstand 4 hydrogen-level bombs in confined space.
@SecondRikudo Cool story
2:18 PM
@copy ikr
Alright I wasted enough time talking to your mortals
Back to work
I watched part of some anime last night. It was fucked up.
@Jhawins What did you watch then? O_o
@Jhawins Define 'some anime'
There are plenty fucked up anime out there :P
@Jhawins Have you seen DyE Fantasy?
2:20 PM
Yeah, was about to say xD That doesn't really narrow it down, hahaha
Umm, this old (they all look asian always) chinese guy was teaching this young psychopath dude how to torture and kill people in the most evil ways or something.
my favorite anime is eggs with hash
And the part I walked into was a little boy and they made him cry and then had a tentacle demon thing eat him. Then I went to bed.
2:21 PM
are you sure it wasnt porn hawins?
@KendallFrey #koenigseggs (source)
sounds like 80% of animes I watched
No but it was extra fucked lol it was twisted
Like emotional torture and then they tell him he can leave and then he gets ripped to like 200 pieces by some tentacle demon thing
2:22 PM
I have been watching the most perverted anime i have ever seen. But it keeps making me laugh so hard.
My brother was watching it I was like dude this is probably bad for your mental health lol
so its a happy ending :'(
hey guys i am trying to execute a function in javascript however the name of the function is build by concatenating two strings and stored in a variable. I would like to know whats the most efficient way to do this. Under is what i have attempted:

var setRadioButtonOption = "rdb_" + key;

'key' is the other part of the function name
so for each key there is a corresponding function which starts with 'rdb_'
the function is being executed in a loop
@argentum47 A happy ending, or a happy ending?
so for each key there is a corresponding function which starts with 'rdb_'
2:25 PM
either way i hate happy ending
@devdar Why not just have one function called rdb and a key parameter? O_o
in fact can you even do what you're saying?
as heath ledger quotes " these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve."
!!afk heading home
@Sippy thats a good idea as well
@devdar You're not a programmer are you.
@Sippy actually yea i am
2:26 PM
$Random1 = ob_get_contents();
I know you don't wanna see PHP but what the fuck
Then why would it not occur to you to use a single function lol
@argentum47 We attributing everything the joker says in the dark knight as heath ledger wisdom now?
@devdar you were asking this same question yesterday...
@neil he died as the joker.... so yes.....
2:27 PM
@Sippy when i started the application i was trying to keep the code as modular as possible so i kept all my functions for the radio buttons separate
10 functions for 10 radio buttons isn't really how you'd define modular..
@HatterisMad Think we're confusing fictional characters from their actor counterparts
He never said those things, a writer did
@Sippy quite true i think i really overlooked that
@Jhawins caching?
I'm sorry that he died, but lets not begin thinking that everyone who died that was famous was wise beyond their years please
2:29 PM
@Sippy think i am going to fix this now
has anyone used D3 JS
@Loktar Idk dude I can't think of any reason to do outputBuffer -> 1 echo -> end OB
@devdar :D
@devdar: Whenever you start duplicating code, you should start getting a uncontrollable urge to simplify your code.
@neil You are trying to be rational with someone who is attempting to say that an actor is responsible for coming up with his lines? Also saying that the actor and the character are inseparable. I'm just bored and obstinate. You're just insane.
2:31 PM
The dude od'd... he doesn't sound too wise to me
@Cerbrus thanks
@HatterisMad Touche, I should have known you were just trolling
@Cerbrus That, but alcohol also works for many people
2:32 PM
@NickDugger oh was looking for you, i was in some doubt after you said i am creating global variables
Yea, when simplifying fails, grab booze
@NickDugger thanks for your fiddle
@devdar you were creating global variables
!!wiki balmer peak
!!xkcd ballmer peak
@Loktar he didn't OD in the regular context of ODing
2:33 PM
@NickDugger i am still trying to learn the right way to use javascript but thank you very much
@Sippy wasn't painkillers?
There we go :D
took too many?
He took normal amounts of like 10 different drugs, which is a stupid thing to do, but he wasn't trying to OD
Nah was loads of shit
He did take some painkillers
Some retardedly powerful ones lol
2:34 PM
lol I stand by my remark then, he doesn't sound wise.
@Cerbrus I didn't need an excuse to drink beer before, but it is good to give the wife an excuse
Yeah, not a wise thing to do
Guys, with express, is there a way to specify that a middleware or a route should only be valid for POST?
Booze -> better programmer
But he didn't try to OD, I think he was just a bit thick lol
2:35 PM
He is an actor, they are not known for being the most intelligent twit in the unemployment line.
Think about how many people have taken one too many pills and died from it, and everyone thought they committed suicide
Not like you can ask if their intent was to commit suicide or if they were just incredibly stupid
Although not always true, on both counts. Robin Williams anyone?
@Loktar wait, can that somehow be leveraged for caching? I'm not understanding
@HatterisMad Depression, not even the same point I don't think
@sippy i will never know robin williams, or heath ledgers state of mind before they killed themselves. And until i experience depression i highly doubt i will ever understand that either.
2:37 PM
@HatterisMad Depression is pretty nasty.
Suicide is the easy way out kids. Don't be a pussy, live it out.
@Jhawins Lol I was about to say HOW DO YOU KNOW HAVE YOU SUICIDED BEFORE
yeah thats right. suicide is the easy option. Homicide is hard mode.
I guess nobody ever would think about doing it
Unless you do something like swimming straight down into the ocean until you pass out and drown. That's kinda badass. Swallowing a bottle of pills is easy lol
2:39 PM
@jAndy What, killing themselves?
@HatterisMad So what's normal? Infanticide?
I almost had a suicide moment last month. racecar flip.
what I mean is, I don't think we can imagine what forces a guy into suicide
I'll shut up now.
before that happens, he probably might have said the same
2:39 PM
@SecondRikudo applauds
Pfft contemplating death can help you live
@Jhawins meh wish i could take another crack at it lol
Aaron maybe you are dead
And this is the afterlife
oh gosh
2:40 PM
You're bound to spend eternity writing Javascript.
must be hell then
yep its hell
@jAndy he isn't in #jquery
no hell would be PHP
2:40 PM
hell would be chicken
I love OHO
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
Best programming language
There are 7 levels of hell
Hell is a place on earth called Ohio.
2:40 PM
Then Malbolge
I thought it was in Phoenix, AZ?
Why would hell have to be in the US?
No. All of Ohio is one, giant, shitstained, hell of a fucktown.
Sahara desert
Is pretty hot.
2:41 PM
@Sippy DUH
you're pretty hot
@KendallFrey kindle plz
California is hell.
I mean they have no water
They're closer than any other state
2:43 PM
Yeah all that nice weather, hell on earth
when I went to California, I watered their grass #fuckthepolice
are they still in a drought?
@Sippy reusing shower water
Oh yeah fuck that
What are they in the third world or something?
Yeah there was a news story yesterday on how 14 smaller counties are about to run 100% dry and people are moving already
why can i never figure out iptables ?
2:43 PM
Pff, like they have showers in the third world xD
@darkyen00 I fuck them up too
What gets me is that Vegas has water, and California does not
I actually just found hell
someone was right here, its pretty near Detroit
@SomeKittens Ice Bucket challenge was the best. Because no water
2:44 PM
@jAndy Michigan?
Yeah I drove to Hell, MI once
"Scream's Ice Cream"
That must be some great ice cream.
@jAndy wtf is a "std"
2:45 PM
@Jhawins Allow me to educate you
do i have to restart this bitch ?
2 std in Michigan
gonorrhea and aids
2:46 PM
@Jhawins why is that in German language :P ?
@jAndy You posted the link bro
std in that context pretty much means hours
lol I didn't think google is that lame not to autodetect language
Good morning bros
@KendallFrey it can also be "Standard Telephone Dialing code"
@ChrisF post your thoughts in an answer. I also would like to disable oneboxing when needed. This last year in chat I have seen a few giant oneboxed phallus, a topless creature bearing both mammaries and a phallus and had to explain quite a few scantily clad women to my boss and co-workers. — Jhawins 5 mins ago
2:54 PM
which is why the correct term now is STI for infection
I think I properly avoided the term "tranny"
!!urban tranny
@DrogoNevets [tranny](http://tranny.urbanup.com/60542) 1. transvestite
2. transsexual
3. transparency (photog.)
4. transit van (veh.)
well i think i was only expection options 1& 2 there
(im bored)
!!urban std
@DrogoNevets std STD - stands for Sexualy Transmited Disease. The most commonly known is HIV/AIDS. To say the least you don't want an STD.
2:56 PM
@Jhawins "a topless creature bearing both mammaries and a phallus" I must have missed this. link pls
!!urban rod and staff
@Jhawins No definition found for rod and staff
@KendallFrey she it was flagged and removed yo
You really think that'd still be here hahaha
2:57 PM
it's probably on imgur
I don't actually care to see it :D
!!urban Parallel Parkinson's
@Jhawins Parallel Parkinson's An inability to parallel park. Sufferers of this disease may try five and six times to guide their vehicle into an open space before finally giving up, and leaving the automobile 2-3 feet from the curb at an awkward angle.
Hahaha WOD
I can't parallel park
@KendallFrey are you a woman?
2:58 PM
I had to parallell park the pedo van for my driving test
I had to parallel park for the test too
other than that I never do
me too, its a piece of pish
that ain't a pedo van. it has windows.
thats a sniper van no?
2:59 PM
used to drive one of these on big oversized tires :D
anyone ever seen "the jackal"
isnt that what he used?
12 person immediate family..

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