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6:00 PM
I feel like I'm a naturally skeptical person... except when I read a library or tool's description of why I should use it
@rlemon what kind of email do you expect from me?
@JanDvorak rlemon is afk: coffee
Valentin Mercier, Paris, France
3.8k 2 5 23
You're ruining the expirement
I clicked on it because you posted it, not because of the picture
rabble rabble
@Cereal Pfft. Yeah the "experiment"
6:02 PM
....riiiiight ;)
I'll never understand users who are scared of people seeing their real face
It screams ego probs and they're always the ones who cause problems
@JanDvorak one that allows me to have your email address so I can reply to it
@Jhawins Have you met a significant number of users who say they're scared of people seeing their real face?
6:04 PM
@Retsam Nope. I just assume whenever a super model photo is used ;)
@Jhawins HA!
But he/she is in the top 0.05% this month and just started being active lol. So I do have to give a little respect
>The girl on the picture has no connection to me (it was randomly selected).

This is just a test to see how many people will access my profile. On the 20-th of July before posting this picture there were 100 who checked my profile in 1 year and 2 month although I had only been active for the just past two weeks.

Please do not be disappointed with this test, rather upvote my answers if you like the joke :-).
Oh god, I came back from lunch to this answer..
@Retsam Yea I saw lol that's why I posted
6:06 PM
(So maybe don't click that profile so it doesn't throw off the experiment too much)
@rlemon I have an email set on my profile page
> upvote my answers if you like the joke
I don't think I've ever echo'd out a script tag before
That was meant to be @SomeKittensUx2666, but can't quote and @
@JanDvorak no you don't ;)
6:07 PM
> you can quote and direct ping
Maybe you can.
@JanDvorak ^^
I clearly can't.
!!s/I clearly/on a scale from one to even, I just/
@rlemon on a scale from one to even, I just can't. (source)
6:08 PM
Oh. It's not public information. Can it be published, or should I use about-me instead?
@SterlingArcher User doesn't know the difference between single quotes and double quotes in PHP XD
That concat
use about me I suppose?
@Retsam You have to have clicked the lil direct reply arrow on the message, then do "> quoted content lorem ipsum butts"
@rlemon done
6:10 PM
@Jhawins :(
@Jhawins Ah, yeah, I often just type @Name manually, since I'm lazy about using a mouse.
@Zirak Wait, are you implying your picture isn't your actual face?!?!?!
@Retsam :P
@JanDvorak email sent.
Tab complete for names is nice for that
6:11 PM
miaou handles replies and edits tremendously well.
I should've rephrased my avatar comment better...
so about that color changing :|
@rlemon even in API?
What I meant was when a user uses an image of a different person who has nothing to do with them
Because said person is attractive
6:12 PM
@JanDvorak in API?? huh?
@Jhawins double quotes parse, single quote are literal, right?
@SterlingArcher For the most part...
Sorta lol
@rlemon for userscripts and such
@SterlingArcher "something $arrayOfStuff['dick']" doesn't work... It doesn't just do everything.. But "Something {$arrayOfStuff['dick']}" does :P
6:13 PM
Thats like saying I sorta, for the most part, put my foot in your ass.
@JanDvorak for miaou?
I dunno, ask @dystroy :P
@rlemon yep
@Jhawins at that's right, it's wonky for more than a simple variable
@SterlingArcher I will just let you Google it then bro. rtfm. :P
6:14 PM
Fuck PHP that shit is weird
@rlemon Fuck Programming that shit is weird (source)
But once you get a lot of the weird quirky stuff down it's not so bad.
It's very simple to use as well
6:15 PM
so is javascript
Even the most novice programmer can setup a crappy but working website with PHP
And then you feel clever for a second every time you use one of the knicknacks.. Before thinking "wait a minute that doesn't even make sense!"
@SterlingArcher as long as trivial SQL injection attacks are OK, then sure...
@SterlingArcher Anything not strictly OOP can be used by a novice pretty damn easily lol
!!youtube crazy little thing called love - queen
6:16 PM
@JanDvorak Are you asking a question regarding miaou here ?
@JanDvorak Crappy but working !== database
@JanDvorak well there's that, but $mysqli->real_escape_string() should take care of that, no?
@Jhawins Haskell isn't strictly OOP ;-)
@SterlingArcher err... no
@JanDvorak I'm going to let you have that one haha
6:17 PM
@Jhawins LISP.
@SterlingArcher No sir. Not even close
guys.. step back and remember we are talking about security to the dude who emailed me his db creds by accident..
jhawins is 50% literal today, don't "use strict";
^ not even joking
6:17 PM
(Oops, Jan Dvorak beat me to that joke)
@SterlingArcher Are you familiar with prepared statements?
@SterlingArcher Oh no that was you? XD
I'm so confused, everybody told me to (when I used PHP) that "real escaping" would safely sanitize variables
I remember that
@Jhawins wat
6:18 PM
@Zirak so any word on that console stuff?
@Zirak I've heard of it, but I've never applied it
50 secs ago, by Jhawins
jhawins is 50% literal today, don't "use strict";
is it something you'll be able to implement easily after your current project?
@Jhawins that was me, but in my defense I was lazy and felt I could trust the lemon not to hack my test data :P
6:18 PM
Cause I won't fight back lol
if so I'll make the issue, if not no worries. would be nifty to have it tho
@SterlingArcher I got those creds too bro
@rlemon It's something I'll have to implement during my current project, so I'll just copy pasta
wat lol no way i only sent it to the lemon
cool. should I make the issue? or you'll just put it in :P
6:19 PM
@SterlingArcher I recommend you familiarise yourself with them. They're awesome.
unless you visited my website when apache2 started and displayed my whole directory
@SterlingArcher Oh yeah, that's right I'm lying
@rlemon Make an issue, I'll otherwise forget
@Zirak are they a common escaping practice for even like, Node?
6:20 PM
formatting console.log is super sexy btw.
console.log('%s is %d years old', 'Zirak', 94);
I never knew you could change the color of console text etc
So @RUJordan basically just said "guys my site is waiting for SQL injection" and our job is of course to go and tear it apart, right? Or am I not understanding.
> console.log("%cThis will be formatted with large, blue text", "color: blue; font-size: x-large");
@Jhawins no my website uses mysql module escaping with hashed and salted passwords
Not the most secure, but not trivially unsecure
@SterlingArcher The passwords don't matter :P
@SterlingArcher They're not related to the server-side language, they're a way to embed user input in SQL statements.
6:21 PM
Bro do you even inject?
I'm sure you get the basic principal
Same idea as XSS really
6:22 PM
@Zirak oh ok. Well i guess it's time to learn why prepared > real escaping
@Jhawins tbh I don't know much about hacking aside from sql injection and variable DOM manipulation things
Like changing a input field on submission or something that's easily avoided with server checks
Say your query is... DELETE FROM penises` WHERE size > $amount;`
More performant, less error prone. I dunno what real_escape_string does, but prepared statements send your data back to the SQL server, which says "cool, I got this, tell me when you want to execute"
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `clue` > 0
# zero rows returned.
Well you could change $amount from 2 to... "2 OR WHERE id > 0"
So now your query is DELETE FROM penises WHERE size > 2 OR id > 0;`
6:24 PM
And I'm pretty sure the SQL server knows how to escape stuff.
Your database is empty :D
Right, I know about SQL injections :P
But not so much XSS
Cause nothing ever stops a user from editing what is actually sent in $_POST and $_GET
shocking, I know
XSS is like an html mindfuck game, it's fun
6:26 PM
Yeah I only got to level 3 of that XSS game and I cheated on level 2
Eh. Dude go break some shit. You'll learn soooo much
But don't get caught cause people usually get pretty pissed... I only fuck with the local bands' sites anymore XD
Lots of politics in the music scene so when $band1's website says "I <3 $band2" it's a good laugh.
I should sign up for that site
I love older women
It's an 80s cover band that stuffs their pants and such.
6:28 PM
You'd love em. All men
You said Cougar Hunter!
Oh is that a band name and not an "Find a cougar to date" website? xD
Yeah it was the band name...
Sorry, a cougar life or whatever website has been spammed on my tv recently, so I got cougars on the brain
I just overheard the speakers over the train (outside of my office) say, "Your safety is our number one priority" -- as if it's so kind of "big brother" shit.
@NickDugger at Aperture Science
6:33 PM
@NickDugger Under the spreading chestnut tree...
1984 whooo
I read about half of that book...
Ugh. Today I am weird.
Well. You didn't even let me finish :P
I really liked 1984
Okay, Kanye
6:35 PM
@rlemon hah that was a really interesting read
you're looking at all of your guns and trying to calculate how high you can lift your family cat now arn't you?
Not the biggest cat fan
very interesting start to this song
oh it's getting heavier
oh i love this!
6:38 PM
omg 40 seconds in and I found my new fav song
@SterlingArcher This is weird.... Moving to the truck for subs :D
!!afk smoke
@NickDugger went golfing and they had some huge (8-10') fans. The "I'm a pretty big fan" puns came out
@Jhawins send me pics of your subs again
6:39 PM
lol dude this song is weird
@SterlingArcher I listen to them
@SterlingArcher I just have 1 modest sized one
@Loktar you listen to Crown the Empire?!
@Loktar wait.. you are a metal fan?
6:40 PM
@Jhawins I love the carnival style intro
yeah thats one of the better carnival intros
usually I skip songs with them
I never knew we were also music bros!
also yeah I listen to metal @rlemon lol
metal core, post hardcore, ect.
6:41 PM
I love metal, metal is my life.
metal was my first love.
It's literally all that got me through high school without a mental breakdown xD
I have many others, but it holds a special place for me
thats why I love google music too
always finding new bands
my uncle got Countdown to Extinction when it first came out - I never looked back
6:42 PM
@rlemon same here. I remember growing up on country, and then boy bands because of my sister, and then on the radio I was falling asleep at like.. 12... and Metallica's "One" came on.. and I was like.. god I like this.
> yea, this is the music for me
And from then on, it's been metal and screamo for me.
Only recently been liking gangsta rap (I blame my best friend gavin)
during Jr.High/HS I got into rap a bit
I went the natural progression from punk/emo to screamo
albeit right now i'm listening to Queen ;)
my current playlist wouldn't out me as a metal head
6:44 PM
Quite the opposite actually
@sterling they're jump seats... They fold out and you sit sideways. Only little kid can actually fit anyway.
Freddie Mercury has the most outstandingly powerful voice imo
I just enjoy listening to him sing. doesn't matter which song.
@Loktar I just never got out of screamo. It calms me down, or if I'm at the gym or playing a game, I get super focused
yeah screamo is great but its evolved into a bunch of other genres
I'm working on a solution... I'm REALLY picky with my audio setups and I have this perfectly tuned ported 2cubic foot box that can recreate a thunderstorm and I don't wanna lose that earth shattering goodness lol
6:45 PM
and I love them all :)
The rest of the system is kickers and kenwoods
Same here. I never stayed up to date on the "genre war".. never cared. post hardcore, peruvian death metal.. dont care. It's all screamo to me lol
So guys who likes da musiks?
you listen to Asking Alexandria?
6:46 PM
Love them
Danny Worsnop has great vocals
haha yea
I think imma end up making 2 smaller boxes to go underneath the other seats.. I probly shoulda just not chose to drive a ranger if I wanted a big sub
Did you hear the song he did with Breathe Carolina?
fuck now I want to listen to metal ..
!!youtube imperium machine head
6:47 PM
He cut his hair and gained (not a lot) some weight but he's a monster at vocals
@SterlingArcher hah nope
@Sterling this is a home theater sub because it can do much lower range at full load :D
my gf hates anything metal
she calls it all screamo
sometimes, girlfriends just don't understand
@Jhawins I should have bought my brothers rockford sub and amp
I think it was the power series?
Idk why I've been listening to Capital Cities this week. They got some funky shit
6:49 PM
Either way, it shook the garage (my buddy Mitch bought it from him for $200, originally priced at $1200)
!!youtube tell me how to live
@sterlingarcher damn lol nice. I just had to pay for my amp cause the box and sub worked out free. So I over spent on the amp
I have a dual channel 1600W amp bridged to a single sub with a 2.5x10" port on the box lmfao
6:51 PM
It's stupidly good right now
Plus they're in my cab right next to me not in the trunk.
I wonder if a negatively voted, but popularly voted meta question can get featured as a "hot question"
Does anybody know what keywords or some explanation I can find on how arguments is constructed locally to a Function? I'm reading the arguments mdn but it only says they're declared locally, but not how.

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