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3:00 PM
@rlemon when you do wrong ways you learn a lot :-)
so you are learning :D
// like i am learning a lot about javascript and c and how they are better when my teacher teaches me java :D l... serious ...|
someone star lemon's thing please
No sorry.
@OctavianDamiean hates trees
It's his thing ...
he's a bush man
3:01 PM
hah :D
I just don't want to have to dig it up when I get to work
@rlemon your bushes look awesome
I starred his thing, but it was a totally hetero-starring.
3:02 PM
We should have a community shared bookmark list
it's in there :P
Anyone heard about this synthetic weed that makes people crazy cannibals?
it was super easy,
- draw the trunk with quadratic curves
- the foliage is just a bunch of green circles with shadows drawn around the top of the trunk
- metaball the entire thing.
do you know a foopaste site with right and left panel, to show before and after?
3:05 PM
@Shmiddty Two cannibals were munching on a clown when one turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
sorry i didn't followed the today discussion about me , and i didn't understand what happened do you need me !?
has anyone here ever worked with calling square/cube via REST? i have a question about getting a distinct result
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak @OctavianDamiean
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone i have something for u
3:06 PM
@darkyen lol
@Darkyen yeah dude shoot it out
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone we were discussing you and whether or not our attitude towards you is unjustified. People felt that talking about you openly without you being here to defend yourself or at least share your opinions was unfair, so you were pinged.
the conversation is over now. so read the pinned message from Benji and comment there if you want to
<Local time zone appropriate greeting> Chaps. By any chance are any of you well versed on the more theoretical sides of REST, the side not constrained by what you can do with JS in the browser? Mind sharing some thoughts on this?
@name Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3:07 PM
really really nice i'm proud about this @rlemon
I'm trying this code
but not working
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone see this Surprise
@djtechie format please
so if you need me here i am, but would like to not go on on same things ok? if now everythings ok we can stop that here ;)
letme give u fiddle link
3:08 PM
$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#add_box").click(function () {
        $("#site_boxes").append('<input type="text" class="span9">&nbsp;<input class="" class="go_url" type="button" value="Go to URL" style="font-size:14px;font-family:Calibri" />')

    $(".go_url").live("click", function () {
        /*var url = $(this).siblings().val();
@Darkyen wtffff rofl dude
your code @djtechie ^^
@rlemon Thanks
// @Zirak :-( it didnt induce a heart attack :-(
damn :-( .... u said that picture induces heart attacks
Can you please point out my mistake
3:09 PM
Hello everyone :)
@Darkyen it's little bit scaring me but lol anyway :D
I'm appending button by clicking on link
I can point out many mistakes. I'm not sure what your issue is, so i'll just start with the obvious ones. Give me a second, i'll comment the code.
and that button click event should alert something
I've used live but its not workign
I have some issue with javascript
3:10 PM
@rlemon LOL
looks like random trees made in mspaint
@djtechie what version of jquery are you using?
including latest jquery file from jquery CDN
$(document).ready(function () { // what is your driving reason to use .ready? This has a follow up discussion about how to style your js, and why I think .ready is stupid.
	$("#add_box").click(function () { // .click alias uses .on('click', internally and is also confusing. Use .on('click', fn) instead.
        $("#site_boxes").append('<input type="text" class="span9">&nbsp;<input class="" class="go_url" type="button" value="Go to URL" style="font-size:14px;font-family:Calibri" />'); // this is by far the worst way to create elements.. you also have two class attributes?? and inline styles?
@djtechie read my comments.
@Loktar dude! they are high-res man.
super awesome graphics !
see that colour blending?? like a mother fukking bauce!
3:15 PM
you know those low end graphics type games
slap "indie" on it and it's ok
those are my "indie" graphics
lol indie still have a nice stylistic look dude
indie ^ trees
They have faces...
3:16 PM
@rlemon OK..I'll take care. Will .on will solve the issue?
@KendallFrey they are smiling at you
indie ^ trees
@rlemon whats cool is that they are procedural in that style
@Loktar I must have forgotten what a smile looks like.
3:17 PM
you could totally make procedural kindergarten images
like a sun in the same style
and rolling hills
procedural kid picture maker "I love you daddy"
buggy, I was uber tired when I was doing that
3:17 PM
combine those and add a sun lol
oooo and clouds!
that would be pretty easy I imagine using your tree code
lol seriously man that would be cool
also, how in the hell did that make a pick?
3:19 PM
@Loktar dude since you are the only person who can render :$
@rlemon haha idk man
but whatevs
ever tried doing 4d perlin noise for clouds ? (4th dimension be time)
Append doesn't parse arbitrary html right?
its still cool
@Darkyen no perlin noise confuses me tbh
^ thats a cool effect
any 4d noise ?
3:20 PM
no, I started messing with it on Friday though, trying to do some simplex generation
@Loktar I wanna try diamond square next .. Hopefully I won't be too confused by i t
@Loktar whats so wrong about perlin noise ?
@rlemon diamond square is easy :3 a noob like i got it
@Darkyen idk, I just suck at it lol
@Loktar err... how can u suck at adding n noises ?
yeah diamond square is pretty easy,but the end effect is pretty cool looking
3:20 PM
@Darkyen what is easy for you might not be easy for others, and vica versa
its basically taking a square of 4 points, adding one point in the center
these concepts are (mostly) all new to me. I mean, i've heard of them before but never studied them or tried to implement them.
then you avg that center point with the 4 corners
then you do that in the new 4 squares you now have
over, and over, and over
@Loktar yea, the 'concept' is sound. but implementing it (might) be hard.
3:22 PM
> Hopefully I won't be too confused by i t
@Loktar with perlin all you do is make more rough noise with less amplitude
yeah thats what I mean by it being easy
over and over again and add them :D
the concept is super easy to understand, implementation is annoying
@Darkyen yeah smoothing trips me up though
Ah thats the math :D
3:22 PM
I can make the random noise, but I cant smooth it at all
smooth trips me aswel :-( perhaps we need a good book on maths \o/ both of us :D
heh yeah, I should check out safaribooksonline
considering I have a sub for it
wait... you can get math in books now?
safaribooksonline has everything its crazy man
so glad to be done with that annoying technology. Give me paper! Give me Power!
3:25 PM
heh digital books :P
Tech is nice, but the human touch that actually teaches is hard to replicate
I haven't used Safari Online in a while. Still recommended?
but I still prefer to read a paper back vs digital
I print long blog posts
@ChrisBallance eh, I mean I use it maybe once every 2 months
Technical books don't as readily lend themselves to digital format. Especially if the conversion is not done well.
3:27 PM
problem with buying (most) technical books is the APIs for the languages change way too often to give the book lasting value
and without (some) lasting value I can't justify purchasing the book
and each book is $50 or more
safari sub is $40 so meh
Yeah, I have piles and piles of books that are useless now.
like 'The Definitive Guide' will be out dated very soon (almost already is)
Some of the architecture and patterns ones are timeless.
3:28 PM
We should all recreate old school screen savers on canvas
the information in it won't be wrong, just not current.
@Shmiddty someone already did pipes
raycast one, and lines are done too
That's one of the harder ones
yeah that one is really cool
3:30 PM
The magnifying glass one would be half impossible
I have a function test_function(test_variable1, test_variable2). I'm wondering how to send in test_variable2 without resetting what test_variable1 is?
ex: test_function('', test_variable2) will reset what test_variable1 is. my first thought was to set a php variable each time and pass it in, but realized you can't set a php variable based on a JS variable.
@Shmiddty nahh, you could do that without canvas.
The problem would be getting their actual desktop
@Darkyen eh?
nahh, do the current webpage with css
3:32 PM
man I used to love screensavers
first software I sold
comet one is still badass
@Loktar I wanna take a stab at live wallpapers for Android
see how hard this canvas stuff will be to reproduce in there
@Loktar Is that a desktop full of hearts?
its easy if you use the android canvas, the perf just isnt amazing unless you use opengl
@Zirak yeah thats my lamest one :?
adapted from some of my canvas code, was super easy
hrm... nice. nice.
make much $$ from the android apps?
^ thats my best one
no, I made maybe $20 total idk. The guts and goo one is the only one that I've charged for
3:35 PM
> ...this app does NOT emulate any plasma lamp I've ever used or owned. Lines are too sharp and jagged, touching screen doesn't even come close to showing how plasma track ing works. Uninstalling faster than anything ever installed!!! Very sad, can't imagine it'd be that hard to emulate and I was hoping this would. Bad attempt!!!
ouch. rough comment
haha yeah
it was a test app
Its gotten a shitload of downloads though
he's just a dick.
play.google.com/store/apps/….. my trees are way better than your ;)
I'm surprised he didn't include a link to his app
It would be neat to design the background such that it kind of incorporates the icons / widgets in some fashion
3:38 PM
oh yeah I forgot those are procedural
I didnt come up with that though at all
Like a maze whose exits are boxes which hold the icons and/or widigets
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fuck you, I'm getting the Gazelle.
make the icons little homes and have little people walking in and out of them
guy named @daisyowl did
In a few days/weeks.
3:39 PM
and interacting with eachother.
and having little 8bit babies in their icon homes
I tried to do that with windows, but it was a pita to get icon positions
@rlemon That's what you ought to try to make
make the mail icon the post office, the settings icon the mechanics, etc.
and then overlay them on top of the bg
8bit babies are epic
3:40 PM
I did make one screensaver I never released was so fucking cool.. made a heightmap from your desktop
then cars drove around on it and crashed ect.
used a physics engine, was soo cool
ok, so do this ^ but with people. and no crashing.. baby making...
@Loktar Y U NO release!?
never fully finished it :?
I have an exe somewhere for it
make the 'grave yard' the last screen on your desktop and when 'people' get old and die they get grave stones
yeah idk, I was really into live wallpapers but I got too into canvas again :P
3:41 PM
new generation ever 24 hours or so
plus play store sucks :? its a sea of shit with a few treasures
but they make it hard to find anything
I wanted to get into three.js, but I realized I needed models
So I started learning blender in order to make the models.. and now I've lost interest in three.js
Why is it so hard for me to concentrate on one thing?
@Loktar Do you still need to pay $5 to submit something?
I think its like $35 for a year
@Darkyen Not much. I went out for GRE classes. I understood what your project is all about but I don't know Natural Language Processing. What am I supposed to do exactly?
4:04 PM
@ManojitGhosh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AaditMShah So far we are only able to parse simple sentences
which are like 10% of an article
rest whole article is written in incredibly horrible english
maybe.... find more ideas :D .. even i wanna re-work on it
Can someone give me some ideas on how to implement the page flip effect on clicking a tile in this page: purplesquirrels.com.au/blogstuff/win8/index.html ?
@OctavianDamiean @JanDvorak is there something that allows u to make zoomable maps
Goggle Maps?
and allows u to specify points on it [ maybe custom ] if no ?
@JanDvorak the second condition must be met :-)
4:12 PM
Doesn't GoogleMaps have markers or something like that?
it does
!!/choose play or work or learn
@copy work
!!does copy hate you now?
4:20 PM
@JanDvorak Doubtfully
Damn you bot :(
!!Who created you? Zirak?
@ManojitGhosh That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
the bot created itself
!!tell ManojitGhosh echo STOP
@ManojitGhosh STOP
@Zirak ^
@Darkyen ಠ_ಠ
Don't make me buy a ticket!
@Shmiddty STOP and the likes aren't regular things. They respond to free-text (you don't need to use the !! prefix)
4:25 PM
right, but the bot listened to itself there
Yeah, a bad side-effect of that...I've been meaning to create better IO architecture.
I'll be back.
Make some 3 layers out of it.
!!learn STOP "<>!!STOP"
@Shmiddty Command stop learned
4:27 PM
oh, thanks for reminding me, I was about to fix that /unmute
You could have made it just say STOP without !! ...
I know
4:27 PM
!!Install Lubuntu now or another day
was making sure it didn't execute the command
@OctavianDamiean Install Lubuntu now
OK, this has to stop
4:28 PM
!!/forget STOP
@Shmiddty Command stop forgotten.
only the last term is used
4:29 PM
@Zirak I awoke on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 13:53:30 GMT (that's about 5 hours ago), got invoked 33 times, learned 107 commands, but forgotten 1 commands, teleported 34 goats
what are those goats?
!!/unmute 1337
4:30 PM
@Zirak Unmuted user 1337
!!stat 1337 extended
@JanDvorak Brad Gilbert has 11342 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 379 answers.avg. rep/post: 29.53. Badges: 4g 37s 68b
do we know him?
4:30 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fixed the /unmute bug ^
Oh he's a Perl programmer, it was legit to mute him.
No, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't actually unmuting someone.
I didn't want the bot to rely on its memory for these things, so /unmute goes straight to giving the user rw permissions.
Does it read the read access list back in to know who's muted?
Nope, for that it relies on memory. Maybe placing muted users on explicit-read so they'll stand will be good, but I'm not sure.
It already needs the memory to know the mute end-date
There's a bonus to adding users to explicit read. Next time the room is in gallery mode, they'll be auto-muted.
4:42 PM
Muting removes from the explicit-write altogether. So on that end there'd be no difference.
Crap, you just summoned flumbernsappers!
what lol
Get with the times, man
19 hours ago, by Zirak
From now on, "flumbersnapper" is a type of cactus which eats baby seals at night.
!!Should I checkout Couchbase?
4:46 PM
@OctavianDamiean Yes!
am i right? find(); goes Down & closest(); goes Up ?
cool Thanks
!!tell connor jquery find
4:48 PM
!!tell connor jquery closest
!!/choose play or work or learn
@BadgerGirl work
Are you broken?!
4:54 PM
!!play or work or learn
@Zirak work
She's a communist.
!!play or play or play
@JanDvorak Cheater cheater your house is a heater
Did I introduce a bias for "work"?
4:55 PM
@Zirak Did you?
!!work or work harder
@nderscore work
!!Did Zirak mess with your internals?
@OctavianDamiean That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
4:55 PM
@BadgerGirl Nope, probability hates us. ~3.7% chance of that.
(1/3)**3 ~ 3.7%
But now I have to work, my boss is monitoring the chatroom. :(
@OctavianDamiean odd, apparently did isn't on the list
I'll add it real quick.
!!work or "monitor" the boss
4:57 PM
@JanDvorak work
@JanDvorak "monitor" the boss
when anyone return back in my website then cookies automatically delete... how i can do it for my html site... radiochowa.com
!!did it work?
@Zirak Did you just add did?!
4:59 PM
@Zirak Indeed
I was about to commit my changes.

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