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4:01 PM
@ssube thanks, it works now - I did what you said changed var funcs = {}. then got rid of the first for loop and instead in the second I check if funcs[property] is undefined before trying to execute it.
@zeddex Did you even read the code?
<script src="/dist/tesseract.dev.js"></script>
That's not going to load, if you aren't serving it from a server
@rlemon incoming pic in a minute or two
so this is node example then?
4:03 PM
couldn't github just have a seperate category for nodejs
its not even js
f node
I'm done
4:03 PM
nodejs is absolutely js
nah i need to try it sometime
i just like regular js
sorry node fans, lol
it is regular js
you're mixing up language with apis
it's beautiful
its server dependant js then wwhich requires installs
@KendallFrey got a 3d printer?
4:05 PM
sure did
it's still js
@zeddex it isn't server dependent
you can create servers with it, but it isn't dependent
How is node comparable to angular? That's nonsense
@KendallFrey so I can send you $5 and some cad drawings?
i thought you need to run either on a host/server or install a local server software a bit like xampp for php
4:06 PM
$5 for a small thing maybe
node is an environment
server emulator then
it's no more a 'server emulator' than Python
it's just an environment to run js in
node doesn't have to be a server, it very well could simply be a script that runs and exits when done.
Also the filament that's included turns out to be not very much, so I'll be waiting for more before too long
4:06 PM
This conversation is weird... I've never seen someone claim node isn't js and then compare it to angular...
@KendallFrey might need some custom stuff when I build my indoor 'garden' for the watering system and stuff
Centos users, is there a way to force this command to use an ipv4 lookup, it's defaulting to ipv6 and timing out
rpm --import http://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
so small custom fittings and shit
so if i install node js environment and run that tessa js example locally it works?
4:07 PM
node isn't a webserver
or do you need to host it online
you can make one with node, but it isn't a webserver
He's your problem now
@rlemon That's perfect
@KendallFrey make a KSP chess set
that would be outstanding
4:08 PM
holy damn
i am not a node hater or anything, just never tried it and get annoyed when i find something that looks cool run locally chrome loads then nothing happens, oh yeah its nodejs
chess set is one of the things I've been rolling around in my mind
but whatever
i will install it
@KendallFrey just get two different coloured filiments
man.. I could make you the chess board
(wood ofc)
if i install node js would tessa js in tampermonkey then run?
4:11 PM
you really need to step back and learn what in the fuck nodejs is dude
these questions are all the same question over and over just reworded
or would i need to host tess js on a node based webserver then call it as a script
ok, i am coding a calming rain sounds script using the sound apis
seriously though i will install node now
I have logged into my online github account. I have forked a another project.
In my online account it says something like this
This branch is 1 commit ahead, 19 commits behind openmrs:master.
how can I make my branch to be up-to-date with the original project's master branch?
@rlemon Well yeah, I'm gonna get a bunch of black and white, not sure what other colors I'll want yet
4:21 PM
twenty one pilots is great btw
i just installed node but using npm i got this warning:
C:\Users\username>npm install tesseract.js --save
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\username\packa
shouldn't the installer make that?
I said all this though so im guessing it worked:
`-- tesseract.js@1.0.10
+-- file-type@3.9.0
+-- is-url@1.2.2
+-- jpeg-js@0.2.0
+-- level-js@2.2.4
| +-- abstract-leveldown@0.12.4
| | `-- xtend@3.0.0
| +-- idb-wrapper@1.7.1
| +-- isbuffer@0.0.0
| +-- ltgt@2.1.3
| +-- typedarray-to-buffer@1.0.4
| `-- xtend@2.1.2
| `-- object-keys@0.4.0
+-- node-fetch@1.6.3
| +-- encoding@0.1.12
| | `-- iconv-lite@0.4.15
| `-- is-stream@1.1.0
+-- object-assign@4.1.1
+-- png.js@0.2.1
`-- tesseract.js-core@1.0.2
does WARN in npm mean problems or should you just ignore it
omg printing gear teeth makes the printer fucking musical
4:37 PM
@JudeNiroshan you should merge from their branch
What do you do in this situation?

myapi.com/resource [I want some kind of filter here.] /childResource [I want some kind of filter here, also.]
Do you just string ALL of the GET variables at the end? That seems kind of messy...
myapi.com/childResource?parent=foo&filter=bar ?
pretty sure you have an X/Y problem there
you're trying to solve Y but you can't, it shouldn't even exist, X is your real problem
I see. Maybe I'm going about this wrong. I thought that child resources should always be behind the parent resource in the URL.
4:46 PM
in this case, why are you getting the filtered children of all items matching a filter?
They should be separate routes.
is anyone using polyfills other than core-js?
@Allenph the two filters won't play nice together, no matter what you do. That's the X you should be solving.
@ssube Is my problem the one I just noted?
That I should not be developing my routes as subsidiary resources and parent resources?
why does node js use a hidden folder for module
4:48 PM
@Allenph that might be a solution
rather than C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules
@zeddex does node_modules look hidden to you?
@zeddex you can't edit program files
that whole directory is shadowed
i assume it uses both right
4:49 PM
does it?
the program files is the default?
Any good resources on URL conventions for RESTful APIs?
so how can you manually add in a module if you had the dir
just drop it in C:\Users\username\node_modules ?
you can install modules and you can link modules
so you cant manually add to the users folder?
it has to be through npm?
4:52 PM
it's a directory, you can write files to it, but why would you want to? You'll just break things.
Anyone knows the minimum version of Firefox that support ReactJS (or where can I find that information)?
because just being able to 7z all modules i ever install then just drop them in after a re-install of windows etc would be useful
Looking for the browser matrix support of ReactJS but found none on Google :(
rather than doing loads of npm stuff
Did you guys hear the new kendrick song
4:53 PM
post it
@zeddex s/loads of npm stuff/yarn or npm install
it's one command
you should also look at the docs for npm link
ok thanks
listening to ken
tessrect working now
@TrungDQ whatever babel supports
otherwise modern errytang
4:56 PM
who is he addressing at 1:38
is he beefing lol
my bad
@rlemon thanks
Seems like he's trashing everyone who isn't him
vevo on the side bar says diss
check the liner notes, he probably didn't even write it.
4:57 PM
> rebrand "late notice" and "bad planning" as "fun excitement"
I'm pretty sure kendrick writes everything
nope, no he doesn't
he's faker than 3 dollar bill
Sorry you didn't know that
J. Cole is too
@zeddex Big Sean apparently
I put all of my faith in 3 dollar bills
ghost writen by bebe rexha
4:59 PM
lol bebe rexha
"HTML5 is supported in all modern browsers." (w3schools.com/html/html5_browsers.asp) can someone help me what are the modern browsers (which version)?
they failed hard enough at edm that they're writing raps now?
is that where breathe carolina is headed?
@TrungDQ the latest version
node requires full image paths :(
@rlemon Thanks :)
5:03 PM
cant have var a = "image.jpg";
for tessarect
oh well
@zeddex but node provides you with environmental variables :)
Hey, has anyone ran the IE edge virtual machine and had problems viewing an app on because its script src references localhost?
how can you get the image in the same dir as script with environ?
@zeddex then build an absolute path
@zeddex google environmental variables in node
5:04 PM
the docs cover paths rather well
@towc vars aren't the right way to do that
it would be a cli flag if it's not static
oh, how come?
because it's not part of the environment, it's part of the invocation
unless it needs to exist before the program loads, it should be an argument
does he not plan to invoke it?
@zeddex path.join(__dirname, 'foo.jpeg')
5:06 PM
can you also do var myImage = __dirname + "cosmic.png";
path utility is better
well, just in case, have a rootpath variable, set that to whatever (either __dirname, or /home/whoever/whatever/), and then use that instead of the normal __dirname. If you want to change it, you can always do so, and it will be in a single place instead of having to deal with all paths
ok thanks
make sure to give it the proper casing: $Root_Path
> the proper casing: $Root_Path
you know that's not right, right?
5:09 PM
oh wtf. All this time I thought that __dirname was an environmental variable
I guess, like most of the time, I had no idea what I was talking about
how do you define path
@zeddex require('path')
@ssube I'm convinced, absolutely, that's the way we need to go forward in the community
it's a node builtin
hate when people dont put the name of the starter pack in the actual starter pack image
5:10 PM
so basically its like including libs
@towc environment variables are supposed to be uppercase, it's a POSIX thing
You guys don't understand this cuz it doesn't have a title
@ssube yeah this was a joke.
5:10 PM
like var path = require('path'); ?
@zeddex correct
@Meredith no we don't
import { join } from 'path';
It's a "Catalan anarchist starter pack"
Which I still don't really understand
But at least there's some context
what kind of lame anarchist wears suspenders?
5:12 PM
Catalan ones
let your pants do what they want
buy pants that fit
I'm pretty sure that's actually a promo poster for the French version of Oregon Trail, too
not some starter pack meme
why does console log have 2 inputs: console.log('then\n', data.text)
5:14 PM
it has infinite
then writes then new line and data
65k ish :p
so you can chain strings
so you can log multiple values
console.log(foo, bar, this, that, otherThing);
console.log('then1\n', 'then2\n', 'then3\n', ?
if an output is
pre-main prep time: 70 ms
Hello World
from beyond
the Cosmic Void
how can i leave out nodes time counter
pre-main prep time: 70 ms
or perhaps thats tess
5:17 PM
node doesn't have a time counter built in
must be tessarect
but no timer stuff is set
just this:
i guess if i had a script to grab the return i can just exclude the first line
i dont see why debug is there by default though
var Tesseract = require('tesseract.js');
var path = require('path');

var image = path.join(__dirname, 'cosmic.png')

Tesseract.recognize(image).then(data => {
.catch(err => {
	//console.log('Errors: ', err);
.finally(e => {
process.exit(); shouldnt of been commented out sorry
otherwise it keeps running
working fine though
@ssube I just tried and it looks like the limit is closer to 2^17 than 2^16
@Meredith it's complicated. Arguments are an array, so there's a hard limit around 4b in most engines, but you run into memory problems well before that.
check that
5:22 PM
and some set their own, lower limit
better than kendric
Just ordered a bunch of hummus for delivery. Life is looking up!
Yeah just with the way you phrased it it kinda seemed like they used a 16 bit int
But yeah it's definitely just a memory issue
since you guys like hiphop
5:24 PM
@Meredith that is what I said and it was wrong
it's 4b for the hard limit
2^32 ish, not 2^16ish
We both learned something today
I never learn anything. Jquery is good.
What is everyone's favorite green day album
I always forget how good dookie is
Greenday is bad, so none
Are you 60 years old?
5:29 PM
hmm i copy over the contents of tessarect dist dir to a new dir
then run my script now errors
i though dist doesnt require additional things
Hey everyone. I need some help with NPM. registry.npmjs.org is blocked by my org, and while I'm waiting for it to become unblocked I'd like to be able to develop. I was able to set my registry to skimdb.npmjs.com/registry, but unfortunately that then pointed back to registry.npmjs.org to retrieve the package. Is there anyway to make NPM use the skimdb registry to retrieve the software package?
You basically have a free vacation until they get off their asses
@Meredith I'm not salaried
5:31 PM
@Vap0r plenty of ways, but if that repo is linking back to the origin, they all involve setting up proxies
@ssube I was able to manually grab the package, but have no clue how to feed the .tgz into NPM
@Meredith That's me! Only I don't own a robe.
the more time goes by working on this app the scarier the notion of enabling TS strictNullChecks is
@Mosho why not enable now?
5:35 PM
@Vap0r have you checked the docs?
because I have deliverables to deliver
@ssube I have not :(
@ssube ... so I will go check the docs
@Mosho then why ever enable strictNullChecks?
@Vap0r nulls are a very expensive mistake
so node scripts dont like being in other locations it seems
i try to put it in xampp folder was going to test some php exec stuff but now it breaks
Node is js... Xampp is php...
Of course it doesn't work
5:39 PM
yes i know
and it should fine
because exec runs exes and commandlines
php exec
C:\Users\James>node "C:\xampp\htdocs\PHP Basics\NodeJS\examples\R
ead Image Text.js"
throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'tesseract.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:470:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:418:25)
at Module.require (module.js:498:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\xampp\htdocs\PHP Basics\NodeJS\exam
ples\Read Image Text.js:1:79)
at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
i was going to exec node "scriptpathhere"
to a output var then echo it
but it breaks in cmd even
@ssube I understand that. But if "I have tuh delivur" is more important than an expensive mistake then it seems he already made his choice
bridge of php and nodejs = awesome possibility's
@zeddex no, it's a pretty shit combination
php adds nothing to node
5:43 PM
you complicate your process management a bunch
except for insane amounts of libs and projects
already coded
php doesn't have nearly the ecosystem that node does
sure if you start from scratch pick one or the other
it also can't do quite a few of the big things, like be a decent server
5:44 PM
i was going to mainly use it locally
for simple tools etc
when you do that it makes sense
there is absolutely no reason to use php for a cli tool
it is one of the worst options for that
i wrap php in a exe maker
Can anybody please tell me if that is a curve or line?
@zeddex you should take a look at Go
5:45 PM
it runs php scripts in a window
I've to make that shape using canvas
if you want a binary to run
PHP Desktop
Do I need to use multiple ctx.lineTo() or quadraticCurve() or something else?
so the more options the better in terms of what can be done
and i cant code OCR stuff without using a library or app
though i started using C++ that can do loads of things on windows
probably a better option
5:47 PM
Any help please ? :)
just too used too js and php ;)
@zeddex none of the options you've listed so far are good
@ZahidSaeed you probably want to draw each segment
for ocr?
@ssube using .lineTo() ?
5:48 PM
i already made a working ocr tool with php
that execs the real tess exe
but was curious about the js one
and node in general
@zeddex you're building a monster
finally got round to installing it
scripting languages turned into fake executables shelling out to other executables
insane for web automation
Can you not
5:49 PM
captcha solving, data scraping etc
@zeddex what hackers challenge site are you trying to beat lol
grab window image from exe after automating the travel to site, apply ocr, automate etc
im doing some bot stuff
you're visiting a web page and then running OCR on the screenshot? wtf
python is the language for your image recognitions needs. there are bindings for tesseract, openCV, etc.
5:50 PM
@ZahidSaeed that looks like a sine curve from 0 to 2pi:
will check python
no opencv for node yet?
if you're writing scientific software or cli tools, python is the tool
and you're doing both at the same time
though if it's "captcha solving" then i won't be providing any more advice.
@ZahidSaeed I would just plot along that curve with lineTo, skipping a certain interval to create the line segments
php shouldn't even be in consideration
5:51 PM
@Vap0r How do I make it? I'm searching but not able to do so. Any help please?
well thats just one task
@ZahidSaeed I just told you dude
hmm okay
1 more question
Hey guys how do I quote myself
I hate when I have to do design work
5:52 PM
its not for anything bad just for automation not blocked by captcha
"@ZahidSaeed I would just plot along that curve with lineTo, skipping a certain interval to create the line segments"
Guess that works...
i already make bots in tampermonkey
but ocr is something needed
@Vap0r thanks. I'll try that out. Now 1 last question. I drew all other shapes but I don't know how to place each other. I mean put each shape in each position
though i will need to host it on a server and communicate
5:53 PM
using no randomness
but with proper alignment
@ZahidSaeed how did you draw the shapes?
@zeddex both the python and node libraries can run on the client or browser, respectively
@ZahidSaeed did you have to specify an x and y coordinate?
@Vap0r Yes
But is that how you do it?
@ZahidSaeed why wouldn't it be?
5:54 PM
so i can run a node script in tampermonkey
I mean no there is relative positioning? I have to give position to each shape from scratch
Just reloading over and over to see where it is now and where now and so on
@ZahidSaeed you could put 6 <canvas> elements side-by-side if you wanted relative positioning.
@Vap0r I thought I might be doing something wrong
@Vap0r I know but that's the problem. I've to use 1 <canvas> element only
@ZahidSaeed then you answered your own question
Unless canvas has added support for relative positioning, which makes no sense at all
5:57 PM
@Vap0r Thank you :)
@ssube what is that?
the documentation for the thing you just said doesn't exist
> The CanvasRenderingContext2D.transform() method of the Canvas 2D API multiplies the current transformation with the matrix described by the arguments of this method. You are able to scale, rotate, move and skew the context.
@ssube that is absolutely not relative positioning :)
@ZahidSaeed before drawing each shape, translate to the "origin"
@Vap0r it is
I got some cucumber hummus
5:59 PM
@ssube how is a translation to an origin anything different than what I suggested
dx and dy are the equivalent of CSS' relative position
While drawing shapes, I have no clue where my pointer is
when I use .moveTo()
why would i get this:
node "C:\Read Image Text.js"
throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'tesseract.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:470:15)

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