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7:00 PM
If they don't, then I'll be pretty deep out of pocket :(
yeah... I would be furious
I can be an arsehole and threaten legal, since it wasn't my fault
@ZicoPL .then accepts a function as an argument. if you pass it the loadJS function as that argument it will be called and its return value will be passed onto the next .then
But they seem pretty happy to go along
good, yeah if they weren't I'd probably do the same thats over 1k destroyed
7:01 PM
Anyone know a good wm for arch?
That supports touch
@rlemon Promises aren't easily to understood
they arn't that bad
@Abhishrek no hital. I am outside. Looking. For parking
@rlemon do you mind if I keep asking you react questions?
no, but I'm not the best with React yet
7:04 PM
so don't expect anything spectacular for answers
@lix Just ask the room, someone will perk up
okay well currently I'm converting this shitty jQuery into real code
$.get("http://ipinfo.io", function (response) {
            $("#loc").html(response.city + ", " + response.region);
        }, "jsonp");
so far
            method: 'get'
        }).then(function(response) {

        }).catch(function(err) {
Though when I ask for the response and check it, it's not acting like it did in the jquery version
also I have no idea how you save variables outside of the render() function
Uh, state
async function getTheThingsFromTheServer() {
  const results = await fetch(url, options);
  const json = await results.json();
  return json;
7:06 PM
so even when I figure out what "jsonp" does here and get the IP and location back I have no idea how I'm going to get it over to the render
forgot to mention I have these, but there working as intended
 componentDidMount() {
        this.updateID = setInterval(() => this.getIP(), 10000);

    componentWillUnmount() {
Why are you doing it on an interval? Surely you only need it once
@Dopli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon sure :)
@BenFortune true
@rlemon going to try and implement the above
7:10 PM
you'll need more transforms
Is that something I need to add via my webpack? or can I just install that plugin and let babel handle the rest?
install it and add it to your babelrc
my babelrc iis currently pretty small
        "es2015", "react"
like that small
"plugins" : [
add that in as well
not using async functions? Why not?
they are the best syntax plugin, especially with react
7:13 PM
I'm new to react and ecma in general
all my previous javascript programs just used the vanilla js
my visual studio doesn't even understand react code
other than react, this is all still vanilla
so I had to turn off highlighting
@lix VSCode? They are very good at understanding React code
VSCode is great at react
TSX is our poison of choice these days
7:15 PM
Try VSCode, I would highly recommend it. And I'm not an IDE guy usually (used to just be vim)
I seem to be getting a load of unmet peer dependacy errors from npm
It's coming from webpack
Oh I see the problem
you need to install extract-text-webpack-plugin@^2, yours is at v1 still, and you're using webpack 2
I thought that was just a warning
I've had that one for a while but someone posted in the github issues board saying it was just a warning and didn't mean anything
7:19 PM
Usually when I get that error I just nuke the node_modules folder and start anew
The bit I'm confused about is the red highlighted text saying unmet peer dependency even though I have it installed
hmm it doesn't like something here puu.sh/tVJbY/5934d92977.png
@rlemon your script work great but DOM elements (like definitions Swiper) from second script (loadJS('js/library.js')) are not visible in third script, We can do something about it?
Accidentally hit my mod earlier at 230w, instantly burnt my coil, along with my throat and my dignity
can you use async functions in ecma2015
7:34 PM
es7 isn't it?
This probably explains why my code won't run :/
How do I install the latest version?
I'm guessing I just need to change the presets for babel and download the correct preset via npm
@KendallFrey No one else I know has heard of this. Truly the best cheese.
    "presets": ["es2015"],
    "plugins": [
and ofc install the plugins
Anyone ever watch a scifi tv program about a guy who had robot arms or legs?
7:37 PM
I'm not sure if regenerator is required or not.. but why not
About 10-15 years ago
@BenFortune 6 million dollar man?
I just got yelled at by a contractor for implementing something the customer wanted
What the actual fuck
@rlemon Nah, newer than that
Report to hr saying you smell alcohol on his breath
7:39 PM
He gained them over time, and could switch between human and robot arms or legs
Something like that
her. and she talk-spat all over my notebook it's disgusting
@BenFortune cartoon or live action
and the alcohol on her breath was unbearable
Sorta thinking farscape but it's not that
7:39 PM
UK or north american
I can't remember :(
I think @Abhishrek is trying to sell me SSO.
@BenFortune I'd have said full metal alchemist but .. not live
@rlemon if I'm going to use es2017 don't I need to set that as a preset?
read the babel docs
@BenFortune I just googled every one en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyborgs_in_fiction#Television
none match your description
but I totally wanna watch Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future now
7:46 PM
> First episode date: February 9, 2002
Final episode date: August 24, 2002
sounds like a real winner
Been looking for it for like a year
Am I right in saying that these transforms will essentially bundle a version of my code that is readable? I just read through the other pages and installed everything, though now it's giving me an error that looks like it doesn't understand imports in my react code
Quick question. Does anyone these days use Node v0.10.X or v0.12.X
as they are hardly es6 compatible
sure, lots of people still use them
but probably not for things like you'd think about
7:57 PM
May you elaborate those things a tiny bit?
beagle bones ship with 0.12 iirc because its what the native modules compile under
I used 0.10/0.12 for similar reasons, specifically serial port access
mostly from what I see it is hardware related
node-gyp and node-pre-gyp suck
So, I don't need to worry about using es6 basis features like class(basic), let, arrow function etc. Right
if you don't support them, no. but you can always compile using something like babel to code that node 0.12 will understand
it is always recommended to get the latest version of node you can.
but you asked if anyone still uses the old ones, and yea, lots of people do.
can you hack my website for test?
8:12 PM
@Loktar we've got another challenger
10/10 would blackhat
@rlemon haha
you can destroy it if you want
I am no hacker but I like messing around with things
Breaking things is fun
8:13 PM
> you can destroy it if you want
:posts classmates website:
@rlemon I can recreate the db etc with no problems
I think before we agree to fuck with your site, you should prove it is yours
only thing please dont put me in troubles
do you agree?
Already posted your nudes to backpage
you can test the register, login, account pages
if you want and then tell me bugs if found
8:15 PM
1 min ago, by rlemon
I think before we agree to fuck with your site, you should prove it is yours
change the title to "take the wheel JS"
in the homepage I will put an h1 with text you want to prove it ok?
now wait 1 min while i push
it's on heroku
login should allow only 1 user at time (the second user have to wait until active user logs out)
admin and administrator are usernames already taken
token is not sanitized yet.. so you can break something i guess
I will try to fix it later
@neoDev Yea, I did not find any bugs there lol
Well, I didn't really find anything lol or it wouldn't let me in? not sure
database is postgres 9.6.1
If u type ur pw bw it ***
8:28 PM
any open source thing that I could start trying to contribute to?
how do you create a route with angular cli?
@towc mine if you want
something worth spending time on?
do you want me put the repository on Github?
@Jhawins what do you mean?
no offense, but was thinking of major projects or stuff that would get me noticed by the community
8:33 PM
what I plan to create is a youtube bookmarks (personal playlists) tool
where you save links you like
aren't there plenty of those?
@towc go replace all the vars in a repo to const
doesn't youtube have that already?
cc @Jhawins ^
@Loktar lol. Might actually work
well, tbf I don't think that's a good thing...
8:34 PM
lol a user here did that it wasn't good
@loktar what happened?
do people now use it in production without transpilation?
(also, not everything should be const, but keeping that in mind)
@towc You've betrayed yourself
is it good practice to always use const now?
8:36 PM
const until you can't
As in, all of your variables shouldn't be reused for stuff which isn't their original purpose?
@towc god, definitely not
@Loktar LOL
the main thing that I'm thinking about is when you have something that has a semantic meaning but not a single "value" meaning. For example when you're writing a utility function and you declare a variable to be your "ret"urn variable. You may assign it to a parameter, then do some manipulation and make it a string through another function (ret = otherFn( ret )) and stuff like that
8:39 PM
so nobody found some bug in my website?
Anyone had to deal with this issue: css-tricks.com/hang-on-placeholders
const wouldn't allow it because you can't reassign it to another object and stuff...
@neoDev I found a bug, it had no style
also couldn't login or anything
@neoDev nobody looked. If you want me to, my hourly rate is par hour
was you talking about me about var's in my code?
8:40 PM
@neoDev no
I looked @neoDev
NO one uses angular?
I couldn't login
It seems when I click inside the input box in chrome android, the placeholder text disappears as son as I click inside but on iOS.... the text remains until the user starts typing
not everything is about you, son
8:40 PM
@Euridice01 oooh that's fancy actually
I might steal this
I was wondering what do you think about the diffferent behaviors?
would you fix it for ios? lol
or leave it be?
I leave it up to the browser
@SalOrozco not a soul on this plane
or planet
@loktar how you can't login??
I wouldn't try to fix it
8:40 PM
@Luggage ^
@neoDev idk I even made a bro account
I was told i have to learn it lol
bro, bro, bro@bro.com
I mean on chrome, the behavior is different from android vs. ios
vs desktop
Who is that bald guy
8:41 PM
Is that okay or ...?
That's me
That's a thumb
What's wrong with different browsers handling placeholder different?
@Abhishrek you mean dat luggage?
hair is for poor people
8:41 PM
Yep dats luggage
it's not like people are going to have all of those devices open at once and then be confused because one is every so slightly different
@KevinB it's not consistent
oh hey @Luggage
hai luggage!
8:42 PM
@loktar you are not in the database
are you sure you didn/t get some error?
yeah @neoDev it said an unknown error occured
and then I lost interest
@Abhishrek is posting naughty pics of you
and I'm photoshopping them all
damn it rlemon XD
8:43 PM
@SterlingArcher my hair's so thick you can barely get a comb through it
my barber charges me double
I blame lack of showers
I'll get pics of @Abhishrek flop sweating during his talk
I'm a little disappointed now. your profile pic is misleading
@BenFortune heard of render conf?
8:44 PM
you don't have that much hair..
@towc nope
hear about it. now
@towc nope
't'll be at the end of march in oxford
it's a pretty major conference
definitely worth coming down to
yes I know the bug now @Loktar sorry
8:45 PM
I'm not driving to fucking oxford
you should cycle there
@BenFortune Now you know how it feels to be a Canadian going anywhere.
there's probably someone around your area coming, it's a really big conference. Do you know any devs there? You can enjoy each other's company :P
hi brianj
are you isis yet?
8:46 PM
Okay so I went away and did a bunch of reading updated plugins and learned a bit, I've updated my code, though I'm getting no errors now it still won't work gist.github.com/LiamDotPro/2f3545c411d7de3aeb5388d4f70f85d8
Don't really go to confs
@BenFortune well, I mainly asked you so we could finally meet and sip our tea
@lix because of this
this.response = () => this.getIP();
    ip: this.response.ip,
    loc: this.response.loc
setState is happening regardless of the return result
@towc how did you know?
it's happening before response returns I imagine
8:48 PM
@BrianJ I'm a l33t haxxor
Oh does it not wait with await?
oh idk, I don't use that fancy shit
@towc huh?
maybe it does I guess nm
You need async/await on that too
8:48 PM
@BrianJ I am certified by associates of the NSA
oh I thought you were reading my Facebook lol , don't ask
I'm intrigued
me too
return await {ip: result.ip, loc:result.id};
@towc Thanks for the offer, not my thing though
8:49 PM
@lix what is this?
@BenFortune but but but but but but but but but but
inb4 butt jokes
As in what is my code?
why did you await that?
I'm not even sure
I've been trying to make sense of what I'm doing for the last hour and I'm still a bit clueless
8:52 PM
honestly I'd have something like mobx
@towc I'm brushing up my CV paranoid about WFR's
and the ip would be an observble
yea, ^
then the component would just update once the IP came back
but the async/await should still do the trick
8:52 PM
you shouldn't do fetch/ajax/ect in the components just fyi
!!urban WFR
@towc WFR Work Force Reduction (WFR) is one of those Human Resources [HR] departments phrases to obfuscate a layoff. This is also known as a Reduction In Force [RIF].
Ahh I have been wondering that @Loktar
lol, RIF. I probably shouldn't laugh
how many people here have ever been fired? (is this inappropriate?)
RIFing the riff raff
8:53 PM
don't pay attention to the dispatcher or anything
but imagine that one way flow
@towc twice (well, technically once). neither time from programming
oh, what were you doing before/in-between programming?
@towc I've been shot at
does that count?
@Loktar there's a lot I want to ask
@towc bunch of stuff.
8:55 PM
lol and not even in the military!
lol probably for stealing someone's food
I've been shot, but they were not aiming at me, or even pointing the gun at my direction.
@towc me well not really I left before the WFR last time
LMAO no @Jhawins surprisingly not
!!drivethrusteal (why is this not a thing)
8:55 PM
@Jhawins Of course!
was drunk at someones house we were too loud neighbor came out and shot at us..
shot one guy in the face :/
they never caught the person
we all assumed it was a neighbor though
yeah was pretty nutty
someone was driving around shooting stop signs with a .22, I got hit with the ricochet. felt like a bee sting
8:56 PM
can I ask how much were you being paid in the military and what your level of expertise was? I'm still considering that
No that sucks tho
@Jhawins northern MI actually
in detroit plenty of crazy shit happened too haha
@rlemon nothing long term?
8:56 PM
but I was < 13 years old
@rlemon pic or didn't happen
it's on my leg
is clone() a React method? Can't find anything it anywhere. Does anywhere recognize it? No it's not jQuery
@towc lol we can tell where you're from..
@Jhawins ?
8:58 PM
@Loktar I'm guessing what I should learn from this is that the logic to get the IP and the location should be sent from the server to the client and I handle the logic over there?
if you're saying I've lived in pretty quiet not-dangerous places, you're right
sorry no it's just data flow
if you aren't using that info ANYWHERE else
@lix components shouldn't run queries, they should connect to a data store and tell it to run queries
then in the component is fine
@Jhawins still doesn't make sense
8:59 PM
but if you need access to the data outside of it you would want it in a data store that the components listen to and update from
Okay thanks guys I'll go read up on data stores
uuuuuurgh you suck XD

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