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11:00 PM
finally getting to the point where my shit could be sold at Target :D
complete with some form of canadian headgear and a moose purse.
yeah externalizing the state sounds like the right approach
well actually, the keys and the plaid on its own are mine. the plaid with the hat and the purse are Hollys
@luggage just curious how are you reusing your modal class
reduce reuse recycle
I don't understand the question, actually.
11:01 PM
i am making the assumption that your app.shouldShowModal is a boolean that gets set when you want a modal shown, but how are you determining which modal
ohh, i see. The real code is more like show={!!modalContents}
@Luggage that was the idea behind the hallway too! entire thing is like $30 in lumber and a few bucks in stain/wax
looks good, you umm.. hardware nerd
@Luggage ahh ok
I need internet validation for my hobbies and I don't yet have an instagram account. bear with me
11:04 PM
i only use my instagram account for looking at playboy-ish models. i guess i could look at benches...
and coat racks!
lemon... is the owl there to stare you down and make you feel guilty after you get home from doing something the wife doesn't like?
the bench was actually built long time ago, but the stain sucked and one of my cats recently puked on it so I decided it was a good time to strip it down, re stain it, then do a mix of lemon oil and bees wax to bring out some grain
@HatterisMad wifes sister drew that actually (it's a print of her original)
That's the canadian god of remembering to get toilet paper
11:06 PM
@rlemon i remember you mentioning that you had hung something your wife's family members drew but i never actually saw a picture of it. That is awesome
really like the lemon oil
that shit brings out the grain real nice like
did you rub yourself off it?
all over
11:07 PM
@rlemon and a fine sanding as well im assuming?
twice to be sure
@HatterisMad stain -> 220 -> stain -> 220 -> oil -> 600 -> wax -> 0000 steel wool
gf says it feels like plastic
I take that as a compliment
feels like plastic after the clear? yep thats good
no clear
how in the hell did you bring out the grain and yet not have a rough feel to it
sand it with 80 grit, then 120 grit, then 150 grit, then stain it, then hit it with 220 grit, then stain it again, then again with the 220 grit, then oil it with lemon oil, then hit it with 600 grit sandpaper, then a generous coat of bees wax, then give it a buff out with 0000 steel wool and a tiny bit of distilled water
11:12 PM
yes i saw it the first time lol
but then you asked again 😛
soo, I gave it more detail
yeah just goes against what little i know about wood
thought that you brought out the grain by literally making the uneven surface more uneven
the bench is SPF from home depot. it's nice and hard, I'd say spruce if you ask me
the coat rack is raw pine I got dried
the bench was a leftover 2*8*12 I had, and the coat rack was a tosser plank of pine because of rot holes. I was able to make it 44" and cut out the rot. it was like the wood gods opened up to me and said "these scraps are for the hallway"
11:29 PM
@Luggage so basically I need to track the state in compA only then..so my flow will be handleClose() within compB and dispatch some sort of action to update isTableDisplayed state in compA..Is that what you are getting at?
does anyone actually use electron for anything useful?
it seems like something amazing for managing my own stuff
but not sure if it's worth investing too much time into...
on the other hand, it looks like there's not much to learn, once you get the basics going, the rest is just memorizing event names and methods
doesn't look like there's many job offers for people who know electron either out there
@towc gui for a touch screen system
electron wasn't a decider tho. it could have been built in a lot of other more stable platforms. electron was just easier because then when I port it to an online app as well the touch panel will closer match that (as it will be based off it)
you mean for museums/exibitions?
@towc Like do I use electron apps or do I make them?
Cuz I use a bunch of them
no, I work with corn
11:42 PM
corn museums, gotcha
and actually, is there any incentive not to have something running on the browser directly, if not for a minor performance cost?
this is the closest (in 10 seconds) picture to the type of interface my industry is used to dealing with
so instead of using the java based drag and drop tools everyone else does, i decided to use node + electron
so far it has been really nice actually.
electron + webpack + react === nice SCADA interface
well, it surely sounds a lot better than a java thing...
but still, why that and not the browser? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to be a fanboy
because it is going to be run on a local machine
it will be ported to the browser as well, but the local copy has other capabilities the browser version wont' for security
11:46 PM
and a system of internal ips popping up in the url bar would risk to cause confusion for some employees?
no, it is an offline GUI application
oh, I guess there's security as well...
it runs full screen and needs to run when there is no connection
and fair enough
mostly the appeal for something like Electron and nwjs is offline
11:47 PM
there are ways to get around it, but not worth it when there's something like electron around, right?
it is a 'browser' window, but offline. you can run windowed node apps without a 'browser' session or other bs
and you can compile it to a single executable.
but pairing it with online apis does also make it super handy.
thanks for this
think about something like writing an email client (or a code editor) with electron.
oh lol, iframes work as well
being 'online' is important. but being online isn't always everyones prerogative. gmail web client is great, but limited.
11:50 PM
A common electron project is a markdown editor
well again, web workers were introduced for a reason
desktop apps are still relevant. desktop apps in html5 with node are just so much easier to make a 1:1 (or close) web variant
I guess they just don't sound as fancy, and the normal user may have issues understanding what the app actually does, given that it's in the browser
I think they're called web workers...
11:51 PM
Electron isn't a browser
service workers
what does that have anything to do with what we're talking about
service workers allow you to preload html/js/css/anything after the user has loaded the page once
and it was meant to improve offline experience
I don't need the docs. I dont' see the point in you talking about it?
it's what fixes the issue with being offline
11:54 PM
it is still a webpage tho
but I guess in the end it doesn't allow you to apply changes effecitvely, if not by using localStorage/indexedDB
like meradith said, electron isn't a browser
how can I make you think of this... umm.. do you know what Qt and qml are?
yeah, and the point I was trying to understand was why use electron instead of a normal browser page. You argued that electron helps with offline
@rlemon googling
You use electron when you want a desktop app
Electron and NWJS are platforms for making desktop applications with nodejs and HTML5 environments (pretty sure both are v8 + webkit?)
11:56 PM
You use a desktop app when there's no reason to use a web app or when you need access to the file system etc
Like you can't make a music player using a web app unless you store the music on a server somewhere
oh right, access to the file system is a good enough reason
having a local node is reason enough for me
node gives you much more than just fs
I see the point, I think
and I agree
fs is usually the make or break thing
But yeah there's a lot more that it offers

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