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2:00 AM
@NicholasKyriakides no
then what is ti
ah ok, thanks @NicholasKyriakides !
got it
@NicholasKyriakides a grill.
greenhorn mistake :)
it's still not working
im not sure what you're trynna do here tho
is this what you wanna do?
2:05 AM
no, i want to have th elements in thead
and after that delete the th elemtents from the tbody
just move the first row from tbody to thead
jsfiddle.net/b7yz8a44/5 is exactly what i want to have, but there is still the 5 in the for loop. if i use oldCells.length, it loads forever
lol i dunno
do this and get it over with
var len = oldCells.length;
just above your loop
and use len in the loop instead of oldCells.length
ok this works. what is the difference^^
i have nill idea and nill time to investigate
is this the proper way to move a row
or is the a better one=
never played with tables
but I guess so
2:12 AM
thank you ! :)
2:33 AM
oh damn
i played my led animation, or what I've done so far
and i got chills
it's working
jquery is deprecated
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
don't worry that wasn't a question as it lacked the question mark
it's a bot
so who's the moderator in here?
2:41 AM
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Well you're a snarky one :P
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere <-- These italics mean one of the room owners
Slang Rudely sarcastic or disrespectful; snide.
Slang Irritable or short-tempered; irascible.

Had to do a search as I did not have the precise definition indexed. So, sounds like I am insultful. Well might I suggest that this room does use a ton of slang *indeed*.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere So far, I like your snark.
The pizza was agressive today indeed. Almost chipped a tooth because of a bone in my peperoni slice.
lol I see you've been snooping around
2:49 AM
Looks like a scary art display with a choclate bar that looks too chestnut coloured to be considered fresh dark chocolate.
I will not click the play icon.
Your life has a large Jimmy Neutron-shaped hole in it
too d4nk 4 me
only by clicking that video can you be complete
lol wthat the fuck was that
dankness served
2:51 AM
oh man I forgot about all these dank DankTube dankdeos
do you know what is the maximum length of a hash in URL? http://sdfajdklfjkladsjfklajdsklffsa.dshjfhajlsdljafhdl/#djahfkdsfjdsiauklscfod‌​unfnldvsanlfjnldsjvfklamfdnvscklkdjnasnklfvdslafvhndlsajkdjklfamsldkvlasjlvjcmdsk‌​lvalhlcsdl
i am curious. lots of websites are storing data in extremely long hash url
usually around 8k
or potato knishes
do you usually use it?
alright I'm going to be writing a beautiful report for @harambe doesn't exist
2:54 AM
harambe exists
was killed by clinton
garfield video wasn't dank
wow does the public know about that email or did she delete it?!
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Clearly the public doesn't know, because here we are looking at it
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The specification does not have an upper limit and actual limit is decided by implementations, mainly by browser. Old IE is known to die after 2000 characters. Most modern browsers handle at least 8000 because HTTP1.1 recommend it, but the same can't be said of other url processing tools, including firewall and search engines.
2:59 AM
@Sheepy rocket science
how is that rocket science?
@Sheepy so hard to understand now. 2k, 8k and blah blah blah
2000 chars is the spec
modern browsers handle 8k
Can anyone here help me with getting my angular to work in codepen.io/Feners4/pen/KggAwg ? I'm trying to get the cube to change color when mouse hovers..
@NicholasKyriakides Reference?
3:00 AM
and even this long tridiv url. it don't use hash. it use question mark: tridiv.com/app/…
@Sheepy you
@LearnHowToBeTransparent You shouldn't put that much in the url anyway. Most framework handle that with post parameter instead.
i think he's talking about keeing state in the url
for copy/paste to others
not about ajax calls
3:02 AM
Ok. What I do is I include a javascript compression library and compress the data first. Works reasonably well.
wtf???? compress it? i see people base64 encode the data.
By compression library I mean gz, bzip, 7z etc. Not js minification.
Compress the data, then base64 encode it to put in url.
3:04 AM
jszip work well for that job.
@littlepootis xz in linux. The algorithm name is LZMA, and you only need the algorithm.
@NicholasKyriakides To clarify, what I mean is the spec does not have any hard limit (upper or under) on url length. 2K is an arbitrary implementation limit from an older age, and 8K is a recommendation not a hard limit.
i'm not the one that's interested :d
And if I recall correctly, common browsers like Chrome and Firefox can handle over 10K.
@NicholasKyriakides You said I said 2k is the spec. So I have to clarify I didn't say that.
3:08 AM
thanks then
no wait
it's the spec
no wrong
it's not
you're right
I am asking that stupid question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39760790/how-can-i-listen-to-onclick-event-spotlight-helper-and-attach-the-transformcontr
Do you know how to improve this?
Just learning to ask.
fix your identation
yeah. my indentation is poor. i copied the threejs boilerplate and insert code to make the example minimal.
3:14 AM
saying that it's poor aint gonna fix it
is fixing
wait a minute.
is it enough? not submit yet.
The problem: When I click on the cube, TransformControls is attached on the cube. But when I click on the light helper, nothing happen. I want the TransformControls to be attached on the light when I click the light helper. Can you help me with this?

This is the most minimal example.


or if you need code:

var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );

var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
i can't help you
i just told you to fix your ident
but someone else should be able to do so
3:17 AM
transparent, don't paste walls of code
i tried to make it minimal
i do this to prevent downvotes.
read this
yeah its better to post the codepen instead of both the codepen and the wall haha
3:19 AM
it's called gist gist.github.com
what's the point - you can't run the code
your loss my friend
... assuming the code runs
give me a solid argument why a gist would be better than a runnable codepen/fiddle
i know i have to wait 8 more hrs to get answers about three js: at 18:00 vietnamese time
my xp
3:20 AM
you might be doing something wrong
about how you ask questions
i read mcve already
2 points
- strip code that doesn't pertain to your question
- format your code correctly
that's all
and include a fiddle or codepen
with the same
i did it already
a week ago
and now i post
3:21 AM
also read this


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@NicholasKyriakides I think you overevaluate dramatically the amount of energy some people are ready to invest in understanding one's code. For instance, a gist serves all purposes for that: I can see code, and might understand enough to have some insight on it, but I will totally prefer nursing that glass of wine over fixing somebody's not indented code ;)
I don't get it
a gist is the same as a fiddle
the gist you cant
the fiddle you can work directly on
have read the room rules
I know, I really has nothing to say about functionnalities
I just like gist...
going to read the wordpress post
3:23 AM
I was never really confronted about not being able to modify or run it
hehe that's not a solid argument though
the pen: you can also comment.
oh no worries, you made your point :D
... is that unexpected?
3:23 AM
harambe tried to make his point but was shot
harambe can't be shot. when someone shots harambe, jon skeet reprograms their existence so they don't
i love the word gr8
i don't know that.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you should talk with harambe about that
3:25 AM
dude... is that the wordpress logo all over @JonSkeet's blog?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent You can use StackOverflow's code snippet to comment and run the code straight in your question, no codepen required.
I'm living a profound cognitive dissonance right there
what i dont know what does harambe mean.
Harambe is the person that solves Three.js questions
ask harambe
His name is Ambe Harambe Rodham Clinton
3:27 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent harambe is life
@Kuttoozz indent my code
now getting lots of harambe. i dont know where is he.
i see westlangley also answer 3js Qs
he's not with us anymore
3:29 AM
He's dead, jim
harambe died trying to answer your question
Questions out for harambe
3:30 AM
You need jesus to save you - you shameless harambe killer
i dont have knife
that's a confident take on the situation
I looked at your codepen and at threejs
so confusing
3:32 AM
never used 3d in js but..... are you sure that raycast will detect an object with no mesh?
try assinging a mesh to the light and see if you can then raycast to it
i dont know. threex domevent can detect a light helper but it is crazy. click on light helper, transformControls attached. click on cube, transformControls attached release mouse transformControls attached to the light again.
so mad.
i thought light helper is a kind of mesh
guys, your language is beautiful
3:39 AM
more like that part about meshing the light so we can raycast it.
look at three js editor
they can do it magically
3:42 AM
hey that's cool. what is it?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent WebGL is extremely slow.
i havent benchmark it
@littlepootis haha. And can you support your answer?
3:44 AM
to be fair, the claim lacks some plane of reference too...
@littlepootis why are you keeping saying no?!
i don no
@littlepootis so you are just saying no?
3:45 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent what I am thinking now :/
@littlepootis wanna have sex with me?
your loss
citation needed
3:46 AM
no, your loss
@littlepootis want to be the best haskell programmer?
stop talking BS
that's not happening
post a dank youtube video and stop acting like 5 year olds
3:47 AM
@NicholasKyriakides OK back to NY point.
@HatterisMad worth a flag
@LearnHowToBeTransparent no need
@LearnHowToBeTransparent no
Try to keep less disruption.
3:49 AM
i don't think anyones feelers were hurt there
@littlepootis say no one more tie I dare you!
you should double dare him motherfucker say no one more gooddamn time
usually when i want to flag/downvote i usually say worth a flag to warn the OP. I dont have enough rep.
Back to my point
3:50 AM
warn him for what?
WebGL is extremely slow. Won't even work on my tablet properly.
your tablet is slow
WebGL is extremely slow. Won't even work on my tablet properly. => your device dont support webgl
@Dsafds Most tablets do not have graphic card. If you use Three.js it may fallback to software rendering. You should try that on mobile, then you'll see what is really slow.
3:56 AM
alright kids, learn this: X doesn't work on my <insert platform here> or X works on my <insert platform here> is the singlest worst proof you can have about anything
including explaining to someone why something works or not ;)
settle down big boy
@Sheepy compare that to OpenGL
Or even more low level ;) .. Systems Graphics
@littlepootis hahaha.. I beg to differ
@Dsafds Well, if you can use OpenGL you would have already done so, I expect.
And OpenGL does not have software rendering fall back.
@Dsafds WebGL is OpenGL ES 2.0.
@littlepootis So in that particular statement, your saying WebGL is in fact Open glass?
4:01 AM
Open glass?
By is, I mean it.
Apparently, WebGL 2.0 is OpenGL ES 3.0/
OpenGL. It's my autocorrection at it again :/
@littlepootis but "Aparently" OpenGL runs much smoothly than WebGL
Err wat
Something you don't understand about that statement?
It's getting late here 12:05am..
4:05 AM
please stop being in my timezone
also it's not late
I go to school
It's late for me..
12:05am should be in China
4:06 AM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well. I need to be like 18 to work for programming job
@QI.soa I'm not in China...
I've been working since I was 12.
@Dsafds What little pootis mean is WebGL is literally part of OpenGL, so OpenGL is WebGL and WebGL is OpenGL... a technical word jungle.
@littlepootis what don't you understand?
My first job was setting up a WordPress MU network.
@QI.soa China is 12:00nn or 12:00pm. Which is also why I prefer 24-hours clock...
4:08 AM
sits back
@Sheepy WebGL is basically OpenGL in website form
That's exactly why it's slow!
lights a cig
@littlepootis WordPress Pffff
WebGL is not slow
Your tablet is slow
@Dsafds I know what it is, thanks. I watched it defined and demoed it before it is a thing. And it may not be so slow on my new Core i5 tablet.
4:10 AM
@Dsafds easy moneyz
@littlepootis boi please
They reached out to me a year later because one of the 60-something plugins they "activated" was slowing things down.
@Sheepy I'm talking specifically about three. Js
@Sheepy yeah,it's 12:08 pm now ,and I was just about to have lunch.
@QI.soa it's 12:11 here so not same time
4:12 AM
They also hired a designer who basically bought a theme from that Envato store, changed the color scheme, sold them for a price 50X higher.
Y'all need to use better, synchronized clocks.
@Dsafds And specifically about your tablet. What tablet and what browser are you using?
@Sheepy chrome device. RTC
A Chrome OS pad?
Ok I need to go to sleep ill talk to you guys later
4:14 AM
@Sheepy no lol.. Android
Baiiiii :)
5:09 AM
@Loktar happy birthday
I think its still birthday in your timezone :D
5:42 AM
think you got him a few minutes late haha
6:03 AM
Hi can someone help me
@ArpitMeena Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: how to use sinon js with Express js unit testing

Arpit MeenaHi i want to do unit testing on my express js code i want to mock data so after searching multiple websites and blogs i found this library but i am not clear how can i use this library for mocking or data. My testing code is var request = require('supertest'); var server = require('./app'); var...

6:32 AM
... Looks like I missed some politics debate getting way too personal o.O Bunch of notifications...
Whenever does politics debates not get personal on the interwebs?
When people realize that debating politics over the internets is silly
how can I resume my connection on page refresh with XMPP ?? I am sending the attach menthod but I need to reconnect because my connection object is lost on refresh and after that I am sending the attach
still nto able to resume the connection
any ideas on this ?
@Shashi I think you asked that yesterday and we (I) answered not possible, except perhaps shared worker.
@Shashi There is also a pretty old trick that you may be interested: Put the chat in a full page iframe, and put the connection in the top window. When you refresh, don't refresh top window, refresh the iframe instead.
so, (JS+PHP)Oxford was less of a mass destruction than we thought
turns out PHP guys can be fun sometimes
one of them gave a very fun talk on engineering ethics in the web dev context
there was another talk from an external about OWASP, which honestly was really not entertaining, and I doubt anyone got much out of it
there was this guy who had never programmed and was having euforic seizures when he saw anything :3 pretty funny
and I'm still trying to make bluetooth work on this laptop
oh, there were some "devs" that must have been 10 or something, and were messing around with html in codepen and being all proud and arrogant about it :D
they were so huggable
^ rapresentation of the kids
7:02 AM
Hello I need some help with this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/39570801/…
@Sheepy Yes, you did but unfortunately that is not the viable solution in my case. I need to figure out how its done from the strophejs itself because it has been done at many places without using Iframe or web workers (I am afraid I forgot the term you mentioned yesterday) concept.
I ended up posting a proper question
Please go through and check if you could help
@towc nice rapresentation
in PHP, 27 secs ago, by Joe Watkins
@MadaraUchiha no real php guys would be seen dead at a javascript conference ...
And no dead guys would be seen using javascript at a PHP conference
7:21 AM
@towc aren't you like 12?
7:50 AM
what is ES6
how to learn
Also, you need to ensure that all your collections have a text index specified. — chridam Sep 19 at 13:33
Also, you need to ensure that all your collections have a text index specified. — chridam Sep 19 at 13:33
Q: How to get the all collection names and perform the full text search on fine operation

Rigin OommenNow i rewrited the code like this I want the response for the search results from all collections var searchresults = []; router.param('params', function(req, res, next, params) { mongoose.connection.db.collectionNames(function (err, names) var collectionLength = (names.length)-1;...

@MadaraUchiha no real javascript conference would have anything but dead php guys
@arjunkori ES6 is the current version of ECMAScript, which is the standard behind JavaScript.
Essentially, it's the current version of JavaScript.
As for learning it, there are many resources around on the web.
8:13 AM
@arjunkori The best way should be learn ES5 (common JavaScript) then learn what is new in ES6. (and ES7.)
@arjunkori Some of us would recommend Eloquent JavaScript as a starting point. But like Madara said, tutorial is abundant.
@arjunkori It is just the latest version of JavaScript, you can learn classic JS, then pick up the additions of ES6, also go see ES7, the proposal is finished, so everything in it will be implmented in 2017
@DrakaSAN Not everything until the major browsers implement the whole ES6, which is likely in 2017 but is not guaranteed. (The last few percents are usually the hardest...)
@DrakaSAN Related reading. You may be surprised to learn that some ES8 features have already made their way into js engines, before we have ES8.
@Sheepy Wow, JS's evolution is really starting to be fast, if that continue, we will be at ES10 before 2019
Now it's one version per year. 2019 should be exactly ES10.
8:28 AM
@Sheepy The joke fell flat, I ll just go into the corner
Sorry not tuned for joke when I'm writing a requirement document... :(
No worry :)
2 hours later…
10:07 AM
hi anyone there?
Can anyone help me in this stackoverflow.com/questions/39765767/…
related to jqGrid
Another jqgrid question ? There should be a dedicated jqgrid room...
@RaunakGupta Please read tag-descriptions before tagging questions, has nothing to do with the <select> element
10:38 AM
@ivarni: thanks and sorry for that.
10:52 AM
@RaunakGupta don't be sorry for such silly things

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