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2:01 PM
@Riccardo990 I think you want this: jsfiddle.net/srymdakg/2
this is the right one jsfiddle.net/qqh0wyq9 @Cereal it is correct now forgive me
haven't checked it out yet
Does this logically work? if ((Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, ['internal', 'admin'], clinic.slug) || !this.connection) && isPatient) {
> now forgive me
I picture a very angry emote missing from that statement
And it makes me snortle
2:03 PM
Would you classify Node as a framework? I see too many people calling it one, but I always just saw it as an API extension, like the DOM
welp that's a new one for me
@Riccardo990 see above
just seen so why you have div as parameter inside fn function?
@Nick It's a platform
@Riccardo990 that code is so 2006
2:06 PM
@BenFortune Sure, I see it that way, and instead of having the DOM API, they added the FS api (amoung other things). I get pretty irritated when people call it a library or a framework
what you mean with is so 2006? @rlemon would you suggest me to use jQuery lib?
@Riccardo990 because you use it in the function
@Riccardo990 Hey! The 80's called and they want their code back!
before starting to use jQuery I would like to handle javascript callback correctly
2:07 PM
they also want their joke back
@Nick That's pretty much it. Browser APIs replaced with Node APIs
Why don't these ads ever say "Got hired at her dream job"
I find my dream job every day, still not working there
@Riccardo990 you're just missing the "asynchronous" part
My dream job would be astronaut -- but I'd settle to be a developer at SpaceX
@FlorianMargaine haven't I included it inside the loadDoc function?
2:08 PM
My dream job is to code for like, Supercell or Valve
Valve, yes
My dream is to sleep - all the day.
I want to work at blizzard
jsfiddle.net/srymdakg/2 isn't this asyncronous?
I love working with game APIs
2:09 PM
@Riccardo990 oh, it is now
Right? Game developing doesn't even feel like work
It's so fun
@Cereal thank you besided might I ask you why you entered the 'div' parameter inside fn function?
working at blizzard sounds miserable
I know a couple of Game Devs at places like Ubisoft, and they tell me how hard they work the people
@Riccardo990 because you use it inside the fnuction
@Nick I like working, soooo
>>> [str(x) for x in range(7)] # python's loop is quite a thing
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
2:11 PM
it stands for idDiv isn't it? @Cereal
@AwalGarg aka "list comprehensions", if you want to google
Yeah, but that's Ubisoft
@Riccardo990 I'm going to say yes
@FlorianMargaine i know
@rlemon Some of my items are disappearing. I blame you.
2:12 PM
for..of in ES6 was such a cool opportunity, they totally missed it
Where's my fishing pole? Huh? HUH!?
now I have this: TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null @Cereal
backup early, backup often
@AwalGarg Array comprehensions are in ES7, plz shoot me
@Zirak did you select the mode where you drop items on dead?
2:13 PM
It would seem that blizzard is fun to work for, but of course that's the image they'd want to portray
@rlemon Why do you take me for a pleb?
whether it really is or not only a blizzard developer can say for sure
@Zirak because you are
but I still I want that Pythonic for loop in ES. It is so damn powerful
> Array comprehensions are in ES7
> plz shoot me
2:14 PM
@Zirak shoot
@AwalGarg 7.times.map(&:to_s)
[for (x of iterable) x]
[for (x of iterable) if (condition) x]
[for (x of iterable) for (y of iterable) x + y]
Ruby ~
@Zirak Array comprehensions are awesome
@rlemon that looks awesome
I find it funny that the supporting tweets have like 1 favorite each
@rlemon Holy shit, that jump. He saved his coccyx.
@copy I don't think they're necessary
This just in: Different sexes have different body temperatures. More at 7
2:15 PM
@Cereal I know how much unreadable Ruby is, thanks
> Finally someone is acknowledging that AC hell is not a figment of our imaginations, but is actually a form of sexism.
Solution: hire an office climatologist
are you fucking yanking my pole now?
If I take any more clothing off you'll complain my nudity is sexist
Not yet bro, your gf will find out
They're more trouble to implement, they have shortcomings, and when you compare to actual functions they fall short
2:16 PM
you can put on a sweater. fuck off.
So I don't see the power, or rather, don't appreciate the power as much
@AwalGarg seven times, map to string
It literally reads as english
seven times what?
@Zirak Less power, more readability
It's shorthand for [0..7]
2:17 PM
Most of your expressions are simple anyway
@copy Also in readability
It doesn't seem like a huge gain on chaining/composition
@SterlingArcher seriously. is this the age of "everyone is a bigot in some way, we just haven't invented it yet"
Right, they don't chain/compose as well. But they're readable like English
I say this to my gf all the time, I am not turning up the heat. you can put on more clothing, I can't take any more off. deal with it.
2:18 PM
@FlorianMargaine put it this way: can you get key and value as locals to every iteration with ES' for..of? (and don't give me that .entries() iterator crap, it is terrifically unreadable)
function buildDoc(xhttp, idDiv) {
document.getElementById(idDiv).innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;
sigh, even PHP can do that
this is the problem
@AwalGarg On anything iterable? Yes
You can't put Symbol.iterator on objects because then everything is an iterable
@Zirak enlighten me?
2:19 PM
@rlemon right? I get sweaty pretty easily.. I'd rather be frigid at work than a sweaty, smelly mess
@Riccardo990 idDiv.innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;
@SterlingArcher ha, got torn up in the comment section
just idDiv
@AwalGarg Have you ever walked on a Map?
thank you @Cereal
2:20 PM
2015 - the year the "world" was offended by absolutely anything
Then you're enlightened
@GNi33 hey, I'm offended by this statement
@Zirak I follow them, don't walk on them
@GNi33 by world you mean middle class white female americans
2:20 PM
by world I mean people that desperately want to be offended
SOchat is freaking out on me right now.
  grunt.registerTask('boot', function(){
    child.execSync('start cmd /C "npm start"');
@rlemon triggered
I do something like that...and the shell wherein I typed the grunt commands waits....
@Zirak I don't think that works on arrays. There is pages long discussion for this on esdiscuss
2:22 PM
@deostroll Sad
if your life's that boring, go out and do something, don't get pissed off by every little thing, for christ's sake. I could bitch all day if I would want to, I just don't think that this will get me to anywhere as a human being
can't find it right now
@deostroll Because it's synchronous...
@AwalGarg On arrays? What would you need?
2:22 PM
@Zirak say, the index.
You have methods
Methods > syntax, every time, always, since forever
no, I want a loop
Then shut up
@BenFortune execSync is synchronous, but the command should return immediately...
That's frightening
2:23 PM
@rlemon no, I want a poop (source)
@deostroll Why should it? It's synchronous. It's also exec, which runs the command and waits for it to finish.
TIL triggering is a synonym for stroke
2:24 PM
but start.exe usually returns immediately...
@deostroll You're running npm start....
I am trying to start it in another command prompt window...
@AwalGarg And you find yourself disagreeing?
hence start.exe cmd /c "npm start"
what happens if I flag @rlemon s gif as offensive? :P
2:26 PM
Doesn't matter, if you're running with exec then it will wait for the execution of npm start to finish, which it probably won't if it's a server
@Zirak disagreeing with what?
the entries method? yes
@Maurize everyone hates you
@Maurize I get triggered then
even more!
so whats am I doing wrong then?
Wait, I just realised you're a filthy hypocrite @AwalGarg
2:27 PM
because if I can't even do some really basic things with a new syntax addition to the language, that addition is useless
So I will simply hit "star as interesting"
exec simply kills the other window...won't keep-alive the server program....
i.e. npm start
@deostroll Use spawn if you want the output straight away.
You are just a potato who likes methods :-P
2:28 PM
@rlemon the .. emm .. landing platform requires some additional thought
You can't just do for idx, val in arr in python, you have to do for idx, val in enumerate(arr) @AwalGarg
@tereško ikr. if you look close there is a lip, the kid had to lift his ass to save his tailbone
Because of course you have to, otherwise how would you
in php I can. also in python atleast I can walk over dicts
you don't have real arrays in php, so you can't
2:29 PM
And so can I in most derivatives of JS (not sure about TS)
php doesn't have arrays, and you know exactly why we can't walk over plain objects in js, and that's not what the discussion is about
Don't weasel your way our of your hypocrisy
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys.
@FlorianMargaine ...
Well technically, you have 2 types of arrays in PHP. A normal numeric index based one, and a dictionary style, associative array
Is a numeric index array an ordered map?
@SterlingArcher Those are one and the same
You can treat one like the other
2:32 PM
keyword: can
That's pretty useful in some cases, too. I'm not slamming php for that.
@BenFortune tried that...it always throws error with code ENOENT
So I'll just switch to php chatroom because if we are talking about php they are talking about js? -> damn.
You're right, we should never discuss anything other than js
2:34 PM
Fuck javascript
@Maurize well... they are
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
function div() { }
$('div'); // fuck web dev
"2 mins ago" ^
If a discussion crops up which has a part in non-js-land, we should immediately stop and consider what we've doing
26 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
Fuck javascript
what the fuck is going on here? :D
So for shame @Maurize for steering us off-topic to discuss what's on-topic and not js.
2:35 PM
@Zirak stop whining
Morning! Does anyone here has implemented Google Calendar javascript API before?
For shame @FlorianMargaine for reprimanding people and not talking about js.
@Frondor sorry I have not
2:36 PM
@Zirak $stop.whining()
@FlorianMargaine your lack of oop is disturbing
@tereško fuck oop
Y'all need Moses, cause Jesus ain't got time for this jQuery shit.
2:37 PM
How do you pronounce that name? Ball-jeet?
20 minutes remaining with you crazies until I'm allowed to drive home.
2:38 PM
^ omg
@SterlingArcher bal - jeat
how do you escape the backtick here or in SO comments or posts?
` var s = k${x}!; `
2:39 PM
how many layers deep have you guys had to escape strings before?
as many layers as your mum has
actually, sorry... I'm not kendall
I once had to escape a command being launched in linux in a language that had its own escaping, and I had to pass a string inside
once I had to escape a SQL query param
I'm so coooooooooooold
2:41 PM
@Nick I've read layers? Here you go: dropbox.com/s/73jcb68b2g32n86/index.html?dl=0
@Neil 4 or 6, something like that
I once had to escape @Zirak's basement
@Zirak ORLY?
 var s = `k${x}!`
t'was hell, in Batch too. Did it escape you that you escape with ^ in batch?
2:43 PM
Come to me, delicious salad
Imagine template strings inside the ${} part of a template string
I guess you could say...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
You're a real escape artist.
Fire bridge summoned from hell ... that really is oddly satisfying
                  so (•_•)
                           many ( •_•)>⌐■-■
very (⌐■_■)
2:45 PM
omfg there's crab meat in this salad <333
@SterlingArcher Sir, I'm going to have to revoke your man license. We've been getting reports that you experience sexual pleasure from eating a salad.
holy fuck! PUMPKIN MEAD!
@Zirak but it's got chipotle chicken, crab, and some steak in it D:
2:47 PM
why have I not already started this
@SterlingArcher You put steak in a salad?
he puts stake
sigh Maybe The Comedian was right all along
@deostroll Spawn and exec's API are different.
2:49 PM
That's offensive to all steaks identifying as stakes, you cis-steak scum
Yeah, right? With the proper blood sacrifice, a salad becomes fun
steak + avocado
2:50 PM
sign me up
For war?
star war
@Nick I don't fuck with the war
You'll be storming normandy in no time you canuck
2:50 PM
D̛̠̲̣̮̯̾̉̽̄͑̉ͧ̒̽̏̂̑̚͠o we have a zalgo generator?
!!zalgo yes
@AwalGarg y̧̧̙͎̲̻̙̙̬̤̼͇̰͎̖͖̯̭͑̌͗̑ͥ͗͊͑̏͟͟͟ͅȩ̸̷̸̥̖̞͇̘͚̫̞̲̹̻̣̪͈͎̲̘͖̺ͣ̓̆ͫͮ͛̌̋̅̄ͯ͐ͪ͗̽͆s̴̷͗̓̈̚͠‌​̵͇̠̯͍̥̲̙̼͔̝̪͖̘̠̪
!!zalgo no
!!zalgo no
@SterlingArcher n̶̨̜͍̠̪̟̬͍̹̬̫̖̤̓̆ͧ̐̓̎̉͊̏̑̈́̿͆̍̄̀̔͒ͧ̀ọ̸̗̦̣̲͇͙̳͈͔͙̾ͮͮ̉̑͐͋͑͡ͅͅ
@rlemon n̸̶̠̥̖̯̻͒̂̍̾ͯ̄̓ͥ̿͛̀ͬ̚͢o̘̫̪̭̟̪̰̱̘̖̳̱̒ͪͬ̂̀͆ͪ̅͟͡ͅͅ
@Nick hͧͨͧ̅̽̇̀̀̋̒ͪ̚҉̨̧̗̠̳̘̀̕ȩ͔̜̘̥̣̠̥̥̜̭̜̠̭̲̝͈͓̌ͨ̆̇̓ͯ̌̑̀͘͟ ̶̵̨̡̛̲̣͇͙̦͚̞͗̂͊̒ͭ͐ͪ̈̐ͦ̇̈c̢̥̲̪͈͕̯̳̯̰̮̪̯̰̩͆̏ͣͭͤ̂ͦ̆ͭ̐ͦ͆̈́̏ͨ͠u̗̲͓̱͍͎͙͉̠̞͕͚̤̦̮ͧ̇ͮͨ̉̚͠͞‌​̫m̛̛̪͙̯̠̲̼̞̯͎͍̪̹̱̗͇͈̖̗͒̋̅͑͑̾ͬ͢ṣ̷͓͚͚̫̫̥̩̮̺̲ͦͧͪͨ̓̒͗̿͒̎͛̑̍̌͌͛͂̇́̚̕͢
2:51 PM
!!zalgo shut the fuck up
@Maurize s̵̡̰̤͔̘̦͈̱͙͕̳̼̫̯̟̹͙̦̋͐̈̌̇̈̀͠h̦̠̰̠͔͍͉̬̜̅ͬ̇̉̿̽͛͗̀͘͡ͅu̷͎̮̭̫̺̟̪̲̘͎̿̅̂ͦ̅̌̇͠ͅẗ̈́̓̓͌ͯ́́‌​̷̶͖̩̦͔̭̝͇͇̗͔̳̭̰̤͟ ̝̩̰̙͚ͪ͊̾ͭ̑ͥͧͫ̃̍̿ͯ͌́̕͟t̢̧̪̼͎̱͙̓̓ͧ̊͑ͬ̍ͧͬͨ͋̈̏̽̆͋́͡h̢ͧͪ̈́̂ͮ͟͡͏̻̖̩̺̭̭̯͎̱̣̹̹́e̿ͪ̊͑ͨͩͮ̔̈‌​̼̩̳̲̘̤͑ͣͭ͒̓ͨ́͠ͅ ̸̼̘̯̩͓͔̿̆̒̆̅̊͆͗̐̒̐͂ͦͥͫ̉̾͋͡fͨ̍̏̍̎̽̃͌͒̍ͥ̔̍͏̧̻̟͎̭̙͖͇͈͎̩̯͖͜͡ǘ̸͕̜̤̭̖̮ͣͧ́͐ͭ͊̎ͯ̊̆͐̊́͜͠‌​̻̬č̶̴͇̙̜͔͚̝̩̳̮̥̝͍̫̲̰̾̎ͩ̉̿͒͋ͭ̈ͯ̊̈ͤ͑͗͛k͑̅͌ͭͤ̆ͩ̉̑ͭ̉ͬͤͥ҉͏̤̠̗̯̞͔̤̠̭́ ̸̤̯̥̬͓̜̞̥̠̲̹̞̒́̇̉ͮ͂̃̒̍̇ͭ͑̑̈̒̌̚͘͘͝ư̡̘̺̥͍̹͕͉̝̥͙͍̲̬͙̮̈͊̓̈́̒̓̓ͮͣ̈̄͐ͯ͒͒̓̀̚̚͝ṕ̢̛͇ͦ͐͂ͣ‌​̲͇͇͎̻̥̰͓̠̦͎̱͙̜͍̫̹
!!zalgo how long can you make these before cappy fails, I wonder? Ahem... onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine
2:52 PM
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
he came D:
@SterlingArcher he saw
flash game to waste 15 minutes on? (only 15, I should not get addicted)
@AwalGarg Clicker heroes, good luck.
@AwalGarg vanar.io
2:53 PM
@AwalGarg not quite flash but... slender.en.softonic.com
uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
uhh, the build completed too fast. shit
I'd keep these for laters, thanks
@BenFortune but still the same result...they stay alive the time grunt process is alive...post that...they are terminated...

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