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11:00 PM
Seriously ?
I know I can use TS without babel, but when doing a project you usually don't just do Angular, and I wouldn't use TS for anything else than that
@dievardump yeah, who needs more robust code anyways
!!> var two=2, three=3, wat = one => two <= three; wat(1)
@crl true
I was not found of how things where done with angular 1 but at least it was really not annoying
@phenomnomnominal TS is nice, Angular is absurd
11:02 PM
ly great :)
@copy meh, it works pretty well for a large team when you pick a certain way to do things
Like Java
@phenomnomnominal it might be more robust, that I won't deny. But that's imo pretty awful to read and complicate things.
but don't try to pull a false equivalency on me
11:04 PM
@copy noice
@copy ooooor anything code-wise ever?
That's exactly how I see TS when I read it : Java for the front.
@phenomnomnominal Angular is literally Java, which is literally cancer
@SomeKittens it's called trade offs
"It's a good idea to agree on a certain way to do things in large teams" <- gotcha
11:06 PM
@dievardump but it's not, it's .NET for the front end.
@phenomnomnominal I'm totally onboard with TypeScript
@SomeKittens I know you are :) and I know you understand trade offs
Saying "oh, it's got some semblance of typedefs, therefore Java" is ...odd.
Comparing plague and cholera, great.
TS doesn't force you to make everything a class, so it's lightyears ahead of Java
11:07 PM
@dievardump "something is different AND I DON'T LIKE IT".
Not a particularly sound engineering decision
I said imo, I am far from being afraid of what is different, I say it, imo, is hard to read and complicate things
@phenomnomnominal Except it's a return to the familiar. JS is the different thing.
@dievardump it's a superset
so don't use the additional features
when js get simpler and faster, and easier to read with es6, people are adding keywords and interface, and typedef and... with supersets
I've used ES6 a lot, and TypeScript a lot
The difference in readability is none
11:11 PM
TS is very light
if you don't want types and interfaces, don't use them
Then you just have another ES6 transpiler
Why not just use babel then?
supports more es6 features
Because type checking is very useful
Yep, why not. A2 works perfectly well with Babel
and because you wouldn't have annotation
@phenomnomnominal well then we can disagree on what is readable or not. adding keywords everywhere is for me a distraction and really bother me when reading code. All the ": typeName" are annoying for my comprehension of the code
11:13 PM
@phenomnomnominal oh I wont use A2 anyway :p
@dievardump What keywords?
what about type definitions?
are those a pita at all?
Thats always been my hesitation
class Student {
    fullname : string;
    constructor(public firstname, public middleinitial, public lastname) {
        this.fullname = firstname + " " + middleinitial + " " + lastname;
don't really want to rely on needed type defs for some plugin
@crl angular 2
11:14 PM
interface MyInterface {
    property: string;
    otherProperty: IOtherInterface;
all those : string (pulic varname, public varname, public varname)
annoying as hell
@dievardump as opposed to the JS:
@dievardump ...wat?
class Student {
    constructor (firstName, middleInitial, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.middleInitial = middleInitial;
        this.lastName = lastName
        this.fullname = `${firstName} ${middleInitial} ${lastName}`;
11:16 PM
I love public even though it's syntax sugar
Also, you don't have to write classes at all
@SomeKittens it's for me annoying to read and to understand what is goind on. It<s like visual "noise"
oh fancy with the template string
and this.firstName = firstName;... is?
TS has templates too, of course
@dievardump just wait 5 years
> Why TS was bad and why we are going to Goobly Gook
11:18 PM
My one big complaint about TS is I wish you could select features as a target, instead of just ES5 OR ES5
also, fullname should be a getter
@dievardump I understand you, but hopefully some editors would make them less opaque or something
unrelated, awesome deal for mad max the game bundlestars.com/en/game/…
I am not against interface extends etc... I was fond of MooTools Class
It's the typeallthethings that is a real problem for me, and the "reading and understanding this takes too much time"
Well, what was supposed to be me doodling on a whiteboard for five minutes turned into a two-hour design discussion.
And the project's better for it, so huzzah!
11:21 PM
actually... amazing sales all around right now
I really loved mootools inheritance system though!
god no
whats annoying with Angular *, is you pretty much have to learn it if you want to stay competitive jobwise
like a few years ago (and even now in many cases) of not knowing JQ
@Loktar How's that annoying?
11:26 PM
Because maybe I don't want to learn it
> In order to stay competitive, you have to be familiar with the latest tech
aurelia vs. ng 2?
@SomeKittens eh its one framework out of many
@Loktar Yeah, there's tons out there.
11:27 PM
Angular isn't appropriate for everything, but employers don't know any better
Thought good luck hiring for Dojo
@Nick exactly
It reminds me so much of the jQuery craze
@Nick it's almost like your job as an engineer might be to show them how and why it's not appropriate
> I know prototype
> Oh sorry we need someone with jquery skills
> Must have experience with javascript frameworks such as Node.js, Knockout, Ember, Angular, React, jQuery
11:28 PM
At least ExtJS is not a thing anymore... is it?
and Mango (actually saw it in a job offer)
@SomeKittens Because other solutions are less opinionated and coupled
@phenomnomnominal You would have to land the job first, and that would imply having the skills they asked for in the first place
^ exactly
we hired an "Angular expert"
he seemed to know angular really well
11:30 PM
@copy opinions can actually be a good thing. Or do you like codebases that do the same things 5 different ways?
the guy fucking sucked at JS
and was let go.
@nick so don't apply at places that don't know how to recruit properly
@Loktar Sounds like the guy that my last job hired for me to mentor. He didn't know anything about javascript; only angular. I had to hold his hand a lot... then I left lol
yeah thats what it was like at my current job, he was let go because of his inability to do anything outside of angular
@phenomnomnominal No, but Angular is crazy. It's in its own world, almost like a DSL
11:31 PM
well, when I talk with "js experts" who do not know what is es6 and what it add to js
@copy Yeah, it's like an octopus - takes over everything
though, as we've mentioned before, that's an opinion
@copy yeah some of the template stuff, sure. But that's the same with all template shit.
@phenomnomnominal I guess. Though typically if they ask for experience with certain frameworks they already have an existing codebase that they want to maintain.
it will take over the server soon
@crl shit man
all the websites will be so slow
11:32 PM
@phenomnomnominal @SomeKittens We agree, our conclusions are just different
Well I dunno, but over the past 2 weeks we've gone from 5 devs working on an Angular1/TS codebase to almost all of our devs (~100) having done something within it, and none of them had any issues. So maybe you all just suck :)
no u
@phenomnomnominal 100 devs with 0 issues, you must work in fairy tale land, or they just don't really care :p
*serious issues :P
11:36 PM
Fucking Rock Band 4 is $250 with all the instruments...
I'm still gonna buy it anyways
@Nick get rock smith
learn a real instrument
yeah seriously rock smith is awesome
and the time invested is actually useful in other places
11:36 PM
I already know how to play guitar, ukulele, piano, drums, a little bit of violin, etc
I don't need rocksmith
I'd played guitar for 10 years before I got it, and it still made me better
the thing that sucks about rock band/guitar hero/ect are all the extra damn instruments, they take up so much space
I see so many rockband guitars at goodwill for $5
the new guitar hero that's coming out has a different button layout than previous
hah figures
so my old guitar is useless :/
@Loktar lol right
11:39 PM
It's 3 buttons on top of 3 buttons; makes it slightly more like playing a guitar... slightly
I mean sounds cool, just frustrating to have to buy a new peripheral
man when was the last guitar hero game even?
Its been a while iirc
My beard smells like a pine forest
I subscribed to that dollar beard club thing
the beard oil it comes with is like heaven for your nose
> lot of PC Games (PC Windows) (Untested Junk) Diablo II Age Of Empires,Myst
that ebay listing title makes me sad.
Diablo 2.. AoE... junk?!
Does Facebook's GraphQL/Relay do any de-duplication like Netflix's falcor does?
11:55 PM
@Loktar have you been reading PS4 forums again?
haha ikr!
looks like something someone who hates PC would say
also known as "peasant"
btw, I have been looking for Blizzard to discount Diablo 2 and 3 .. no luck
they still sell diablo 2?
yes, €9.99 for the base game and same for the expansion
Man I don't even know in which world I live
11:59 PM
well, you probably can expect that they have also patched it to work with Win10 as a result

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