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3:00 PM
well yeah me too
@towc I prefer working with the BeagleBones now that i've been exposed to both
I have 6 more holes
Well that's hilarious. Caprica doesn't respond to zigi
@SecondRikudo plays just fine
3:01 PM
@rlemon 895174 (?), 1355043 (?), 1858108 (?), 10 (?), 1005250 (?), 1941949 (?), 990192 (?), 2428683 (?), 1947276 (?), 1455016 (?), 2645256 (?), 2664200 (?), 3350338 (?), 3106345 (?), 1800668 (?), 1593459 (?), 2509223 (?), 3586251 (?), 3459110 (Awal Garg), 3517363 (?), 2959554 (?), 548083 (Ralph Wiggum)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I haven't tried it, so... I dunno :P
@rlemon that's 7.5 times more expensive than raspberry pi!
can you move a div by setting x and y ?
@towc depends on where you get them tbh
3:01 PM
@rlemon awal garg was banned? when?
that is bot ban, not chat mute
@towc Mind jailed
just means the bot ignores those users
3:02 PM
@towc when we started buying them they were $45/board - now because of increased demand places are back ordering and upping the price
some places you can still get it for $45, but not many
@SecondRikudo you do that :P
good morning
@rlemon I'm reading about keyframe animation (from what Nick Dugger sent me) and it mentions all the different -webkit-animation and -moz-animation and things. It says in a real world application all of them should be used. Is there a reason why you shouldn't do the same for js?
3:07 PM
in js you can 'determine' which the browser wants
in css there is no conditional logic so you have to include them all (to be safe)
!!tell mrzepka google prefixfree.js
or be lazy and just use this
and now I know!
window.location, location.href, or window.location.href?
or are they all the same thing
window.location is different
3:09 PM
window.location === location
it is an object, .href returns the string.
window.location.toString iirc returns the href as well
window.location is an object which contains some other properties and methods for dealing with the location
including href as rlemon pointed out
I have window.location right now, but its getting blocked by some x-frame-options thing
@rlemon Or use Compass to do it for you
@Zirak window.window.window.window
3:10 PM
@SecondRikudo if he's using SASS that is
@rlemon If he isn't, he should start to :P
@BenCraig that is called Cross Origin Resource Sharing
@rlemon is your contact page header text exploder thing on codepen? I need to figure out mouse tracking and I can't find good examples
!!google SASS
Do any of those get around that?
The 3rd link sounds promising
@BenCraig my guess is you don't own the iframe?
it is from a different server?
Also, the X-Frame-Options isn't what's blocking you.
@rlemon: those demos are awesome, but the mouse positioning doesn't take page scrolling into effect :(
3:13 PM
yes I think so
*mouse tracking
@ElliotBonneville no I was lazy
but that is a super simple fix
If an embedded page denies accessing it as an iframe, the frame'll be borked in the first place.
Im trying to redirect to my github page from a button on my website
and im getting "refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
3:15 PM
Unless by "redirecting" you mean "embedding in an iframe", that error's got nothing to do with that.
Can you move a canvas?
I want it to follow my mouse around
sure. it is just an element
@mrzepka That sounds like an excellent experiment to try
I'll get to googling more then
I dont have any iframes at all
3:15 PM
@BenCraig are you getting this error in jsfiddle?
because that is your issue
no, on the site itself
@Zirak haha what I was thinking
@rlemon what is this dat.GUI you reference?
!!google dat.GUI
3:16 PM
It feels like people's google is broken today
you are not here as often. it is constant :P
Especially today
I really love JS, but it has caused me object retardation. I just can't even C# right now.
get some glasses
3:17 PM
It's c# that has object retardation
I didn't think to google it, I didn't think that what appeared to be a random variable name would be on google.
cool stuff, thanks
@ElliotBonneville no worries. we're googletists
@zirak I've been googling for a little while but I know rlemon has worked with what I was trying to do
@mrzepka you need to seriously sit down and read @Loktar's blog
3:19 PM
haha I could learn from you guys
Tries... not.. to... star... own... link...
I need to write more.. I haven't in a long time
that was like my last big article and that was in Nov
yea man, I'm always pointing people to your blog
right before getting new jobs (yay!)
3:20 PM
@ElliotBonneville chat is much nicer than main. you don't have to pull any punches
Ugh... Why do so many people try to get me to join them on pyramid schemes?
tell it like it is :P
WakeUpNow. Totally bullshit
Because you look Egyptian?
thats sexist
3:21 PM
wut @Loktar has a blog?
@Loktar write more, pls
maybe I will later today after work
I have like 3 articles half written
@mrzepka he has tonnes of articles that helped me learn.
How do you tell your friend he is falling into a pyramid scheme?
I should write something for my blog :(
3:21 PM
and then you can always bug him for the tutorials he read to get more understanding
also @simonsarris has a good blog!
@rlemon yeahI'm finding that out
like I did :P
I haven't posted in months. but job.
I meant to read it yesterday but I had gotten what I wanted done and wanted to play league
I learned that programming all day makes you much less likely to program or write on programming on your free time
he hasn't written in a while either :?
@ElliotBonneville I code all day, go home and code all night
that is false.
@Jhawins "You are falling into a pyramid scheme"
but the info he provides is still relevant
3:22 PM
@rlemon didn't say impossible. just much less likely.
key is to not overlap things
at home I code personal stuff, at work I code work :P
don't bring work home
@SomeGuy lol exactly. With my friends I would say, "that sounds like a terrible idea don't do it!"
@rlemon I have too many interests to do that, though I try. There's not enough time in the day
yeah. my work is at home :(
actually that's a :)
but it means that all my work is already at home. so :(
schedule "working hours"
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "pomodori", the plural of the Italian word pomodoro for "tomato". The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility. Closely related to concepts such as timeboxing and iterative and incremental development used in software design, the method has been adopted in pair programming contexts. == Etymology == The "Pomodoro...
or do something like this
3:24 PM
@SomeGuy lol without offending them. The person thinks they're following a genuine opportunity
@rlemon interesting
@Jhawins Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't be offended if someone told me they thought an opportunity I was looking into sounded questionable
Fuck.... I hate this. Cause not only have you now asked me to join this and made me work to not laugh at you and offend you. Now I have the burden/guilt of telling you or not telling you what you're doing.
Hmm @BenjaminGruenbaum even with the NodeJS integration plugin installed, PhpStorm doesn't seem to recognize require() as a JS function :|
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 9 mins ago, by Obi Wan Wesabi
dat voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dREKkAk628I
3:26 PM
@rlemon That's a neat idea. I might try that
@Jhawins just tell him man, he'll thank you later when the pyramid comes crashing down
 ...                        .
..                          .
.       .....    .....      .
.       .   ..  ..  ....    .
..  ..  ..  ..  .     ..   .
  ...    ....   ...  ..    .
                   ..      .
                           . .. ......
@ElliotBonneville ^ Nifty lil editor you made. Nice!
Hey thanks
3:30 PM
Your water dispersal was cool too. However the water just started traveling back up instead :P
@Jhawins well, it's a matter of perspective. you're looking down at terrain, not at a wall from the side
Ah that makes more sense
Actually that's pretty damn cool now that I look at it that way!
Thanks. I had a lot of fun making it, although I'd probably write it very differently now :P
That'll be true of anything ever ;)
3:35 PM
The Asky editor is pretty cool
Is NPM a dependency of NodeJS or vice versa?
(as in, which would install both? apt-get install nodejs or apt-get install npm?)
@SecondRikudo it depends on NodeJS. so vice versa.
I believe npm depends on nodejs
@SecondRikudo "install nodejs modules"
Should be an option
3:42 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Currently following jetbrains.com/phpstorm/webhelp/node-js.html
Will update if there are news :P
Do you guys know of any good readings about shape analysis or abstract interpretation?
Wat a clever captcha alternative... not
> Enter the highest number of 30, forty six, sixty seven or twenty five::
<li ng-repeat="snode in sceneData.nodes track by snode.id" ng-bind="snode.id"></li>\
<seriously-node ng-repeat="snode in sceneData.nodes track by snode.id" data-node="snode"></seriously-node>\
the first line works
That's so easy. I could bot that easy
3:44 PM
the second line does not
@Jhawins haha... far clever ones out there.
@Jhawins not if you know what kinds of questions you can expect. Number parsing itself is easy, though.
@Monners @mikedidthis @BenjaminGruenbaum any clue ?
@AbhishekHingnikar ?
      	function __init__(newVal){
      		if( !newVal ){

      		console.log("Creating seriously node on graph", newVal);

      	var off = scope.$watch('node', __init__ );
inside the seriously-node directive
@mikedidthis for some reason it creates the directive but link fails.
any clue why this bastardy happens ?
3:47 PM
no idea, never used angular.
@mikedidthis err who was teh one with m who used angular o_O ?
who used to help me in past ?
@m59 ?
@mosho can't be
or mosho
@mikedidthis nope unlikely
3:48 PM
You dreamt it?
Works, @BenjaminGruenbaum, thanks :)
oh, the official sublime text giveaway was won by a romanian!
oh wow i cannot use the name data-node
I'm using @Loktar 's example and I feel bad but I'm learning so there's that
3:53 PM
@mrzepka hi !
@AbhishekHingnikar hey
It took a while...but I tracked down why an array didn't get formatted like one.
 * @override
 * @param {!WebInspector.RemoteObject} array
 * @return {boolean}
useArrayPreviewInFormatter: function(array)
    return false;
There should be a reason they did that
It feels like there should be one
It overwrites a method with the same name in a parent class
3:55 PM
Which makes me, yet again, wonder how does anything in the dev tools work
Thus, "override"
Hello, I have a peculiar Javascript issue. If someone could assist, the C# room is a bit stumped by it.
@Greg we hear your distress call
kindly proceed transmission of your issue
@copy You're right. It does.
In some other bagillion line file, there's the base one:
so that we can even begin attempting to resolve it, thank you so much, for your support.
3:56 PM
 * @param {!WebInspector.RemoteObject} array
 * @return {boolean}
useArrayPreviewInFormatter: function(array)
    return this._message.type !== WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageType.DirXML && !!array.preview;
And I just have to look at it...and wonder...
wtf dev tools
@Zirak :-> you are cute, did anybody tell you ? especially when ranting code :P
Basically I have an *.ascx* that has a `<asp:Textbox>` control, so I added a `onkeydown` and called a this function:

    function Search() {
        if (event.keyCode == 13) {
            if ($("#<%= txtSearchPlattU.ClientID %>").val().length > 1) {

                var term = $('#<%= txtSearchPlattU.ClientID %>').val();
                var url = '/TrainingSearch.aspx?search=' + encodeURIComponent(term);
                window.location = url;
> $("#<%= Looks like a source cuss word
@Greg accept event as an argument
In Chrome, Firefox, and Opera it appears to call a postback directly to the page it is on. Rather then navigate to another page, but Internet Explorer the code works fine.
3:58 PM
because internet exploder has a global event object
I did try it with an event parameter, but it still didn't work.
basically onkeyup on ie will be fired as is and you get event globally
@Greg add the parameter.
So does Chrome (and now Opera, maybe)
@Zirak I don't think it's so bad
@Zirak ?
Which part bothers you?
3:59 PM
A bit verbose, but you can immediately tell what it does
@AbhishekHingnikar I didn't know that, I added it and it still doesn't work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The override
The one I posted just above is fine
I don't get the return false override
any console errors ?
@Zirak why does it bother you?
'"'tried something' => 'didn't solve my issue'" => "this is not a useful suggestion"' is a terrible mindset

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