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7:01 PM
@dievardump Waitaminute... RUINE?
ruine ? no ?
Not the good word ?
Well, there's not an 'E' on the end of it, usually
I said I have to improve my english...
But I was referring to a Family Guy clip
Not clever enough to understand ^^'
7:03 PM
This is a terrible copy...
I remember that
Oh crap, there's a Lemon following me on Twitter
@RyanKinal lol
Good Night room ::

I have got working bullets , that hit walls wohooo! stick till tomorrow for a demo :D
trick is simple enough though , raycasting to check the hit & distance then simple distance & speed & time relationship to calculate time taken in ms and then setting this as the css-transition-duration just before setting the new css transform ;-D .. bling !
7:08 PM
sencha touch 2 anyone?
@dievardump ahh just read the last one.. now i've read them all. man, I am so bookmarking that site
@dievardump I wrote something like that a while ago... not quite as good, but very similar.
@rlemon +1
@Neal but the dupe you picked is also a dupe >.<
@Purmou so what.... It should be deleted... it is a useless question and it sets a bad precedent on SO if it remains.
lol, why are your panties in a knot?
it's just a question
7:17 PM
I smell a meta question being made
i swear, people close and delete like it's the end of the universe if it stays
a new user isn't going to see that and be like "OH THEY ASK QUESTIONS LIKE DIS?? I SHOULD ASK ONE LIEK DAT 2"
@Purmou Yeah, newbs don't need inspiration to ask stupid questions
exactly! they'll ask it anyways!
and then we deal with that just the same
lol, we're not helping anyone here by removing that content
Oh my god. How do you hard code implementation in like 10 different ways in 20 different places, finally write a nice clean function to handle it all with a couple args and then not go back and replace all the junk code.
7:39 PM
hehe fancy that I didn't even know I had a reddit account
@rlemon haha who made one for u?
a ghoooost?
yes. it was the hammersmith ghost he decided to give up his hauntings and make me a reddit account
@Neal I thought you'd make a community wiki answering that =]
"Yes, you can"
Seriously though, how's that not closed yet
@FabrícioMatté ehhh I commented the fact :-P
@rlemon you could become as famous as the guy who first posted his imgur project on reddit lol
@rlemon also pick a better subreddit post that to... It won't get any attention there...
clearly i'm a reddit noob.
@rlemon post it to reddit.com/r/AskReddit and give an explanation of what it is and put the link inside your post
people would def look at it there :-)
@rlemon submit a text based thing to AskReddit
wouldn't 'funny' be more suitable ?
reddit.com/submit <-- click on text and you can use markdown etc. you can explain what it is and how people can help improve for suggections etc.
7:54 PM
this isn't really a question so much as an advertisement.
@rlemon imgur got its start on reddit.
Thats how imgur started I have to find the post
yea, but the sub category of "ask reddit" does not really make sense for an advertisment. i'm not asking anything, i'm Telling Reddit
Thats how he did it.
Has to be on a big subreddit or else it will get lost in the shuffle.
and reddit.com/r/reddit.com has 82K readers
sup guys
but that one u cant submit to
so I would suggest askReddit
idk. just my opinion :-)
7:57 PM
can i access get or post variables using javascript?
@hanleyhansen get, yes, post, no
how would i do get? using window.location.href?
nevermind lol
@Neal var var1 = $_GET('var1');
@hanleyhansen wtf...
7:59 PM
Yeah you can echo the php $_GET var to a JS var, just do some validation to prevent XSS
@Neal what's the problem?
@hanleyhansen whatever...
@Neal huh?!?!?!?!?
@hanleyhansen if it is a GET request you have to parse the querystring in the uri to get the information
there is no interface in js that will do this (afaik)
@rlemon so i'm better off just echoing it in php
8:02 PM
@rlemon ok. thanks. just thought there was a simpler way.
var qs = window.location.href.split('?')[1];
var GET = {};
    item = item.split('=');
    GET[item[0]] = item[1];
then you can call GET['key']
@rlemon you gotta make it so that people know that the meme came from lememe :-P
or is the point is that they dont?
@rlemon yeah i just ran into an example like that. seems like overkill for the client side. i only need one variable.
@Neal the point is to have a none obtrusive meme from a none obtrusive site.
no ads, no banners, no fuss no muss
8:07 PM
@rlemon then noone knows how to make their own when they see it :-(
cept when they read the instructions at the bottom
@rlemon ehhh
There, on the popular tag or w/e the reddit name is
@rlemon doesnt work when I put an image in... it gets flattened out
that is shitty image resizing
8:11 PM
Thats my image
I notice the algorithm fails on large images - known bug
thats the generated meme....
if you drag and drop a smaller one it will be good.
but I wanna use that image :-(
yea, software has bugs. it's unbelievable sometimes... but it happens.
@Neal so resize it
8:12 PM
@rlemon to what size? what are the parameters?
reddit is down for me... booo
hrm... still kinda messes with it
I think it's a ratio thing... if the image is wider than tall? I'll have to review that resizing code.
@rlemon I tried dragging that image from my webbrowser and I get this error:
8:15 PM
@rlemon you should state that on the page :-P
@Neal because that is the all encompassing error for doing something stupid. like dropping from the browser :P (I haven't put that code in there either)
@rlemon booo, tabs
nobody likes them, why do you keep using them?
oh I get it
you're a hip now.
@rlemon hipster! hipster! hipster!
@FlorianMargaine I was using TABS when you were still pissing your pants and crying to your mommy :P
you're only 2 years older than me :p
@Neal plans for next version include: setting the meme 'settings' and values from the uri, drag and drop from the browser (or just pasting the url into a box or something), persistent settings (with a toggle option).
and IE support.
8:17 PM
@FlorianMargaine and I was tabbing that shit at 5 years old.
lyrics are NSFW
ditto ^^
@rlemon hehe your starting image of a green you is killing lememe lol
aww booo... 3 downvotes and 2 up redd.it/yppb1
change the start image to a well know meme image might be better
8:32 PM
My coworker ^
@FlorianMargaine methinks he is making fap fap fap about rlemon hulk
I attract the gays
it's my feminine features
oh btw @rlemon you're a C++ pro right?
I wouldn't say PRO
8:33 PM
@rlemon in your meme generator, you should let people add fonts using googlefonts.
@dievardump that will come my friend.. that will come :P
Please add the comments on reddit so I at least have a single place to reference these things ffrom
[–]Im_not_gay_ok 2 points 22 minutes ago

oh my god

fap fap fap fap fap
" fap fap fap fap fap fap fap "
@Neal rlemon.github.com/lememe there you go (hard refresh)
WTF you change the first image ?
@rlemon yay, great meme
8:36 PM
@FlorianMargaine well. According to the pseudo. I think he is touching himself seeing this awesome meme generator " fap fap fap ... "
well that is obvious no ?
@rlemon any tutorial to get started with C++? :)
@dievardump I will add this to the local storage persistent settings just for you
@FlorianMargaine the c++ tag wiki and the list of books / articles
8:37 PM
yeah, done that already
the c++ community has a kick ass tag wiki
@rlemon the first site ever to use a slider that doesn't fucking paint the page when you slide it \o
sites that don't disable selection for drag operations are le suck
cos then it paints the page in ugly blue :/
ahh yea I hate that (does mine do that?)
I can never remember these things
8:39 PM
Latest client project, all valid! <!DOCTYPE html><title>App</title><body><script data-main="app.js" src="require.js"></script> +@jamespearce
I really want to release a new version but I want to do my research first and make sure i've hammered out all these bugs and UX issues.
no it doesn't because I specifically made code for it in the slider =D
too bad chrome has some weird bug where it will focus random inputs when you drag it
I'll fix it some day maybe.. I tried some obvious solutions when developing it but they didn't work

56 B


29 août 2012 17:13:26'
now I am thinking just to bind a temporary focus event that will instablur anything while dragging
Is that a joke ?
8:42 PM
what is your last message about?
@dievardump ?
also how is that valid, no head tag :D
Hi, can someone explain to me how this syntax works?:

(function($) {
bunch of stuff
it works exactly like
@canisrufus it is an immediatly executing function
8:43 PM
bunch of stuff
read that ^
except bunch of stuff will not be global
invoked, executed. whats the dif....?
@Esailija I'm not sure it's needed
@FlorianMargaine in that case only the script tag is needed
but "valid" is head tag
8:44 PM
@rlemon thanks
@canisrufus it's kind of pretty simple when you see the code. You "declare" a function, and call it instantly.
@Esailija pass the code in validator.w3.org/check :)
@canisrufus that article explains it wicked awesome like.
Well, JSlint will ask you to put last () inside the closing one (function (){}());
@FlorianMargaine so the validator is broken?
8:46 PM
Validation Output: 1 Error

Line 1, Column 68: Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.
which doctype did you enter?
i would've understood


(function(){})() is weirder.
I'm having "passed", we can't have two different results :p
so there is no head, no html tag and the body tag is unclosed
8:48 PM
@canisrufus both work
and this is valid?
html5... not xhtml
@Neal no
this is how chrome sees it
function() {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>App</title></head><body><script data-main="app.js" src="require.js"></script></body></html>
8:49 PM
@Esailija in the "view source" option?
or in the chrome inspector?
what do you think?
inspector of course
inspector is known to correct the html
@FlorianMargaine yes...
well, if it was valid html, why would there be a need for correction
oh talking about inspector, do you know the $0 trick?
8:50 PM
@FlorianMargaine I found out abt that one a few feeks ago. Its awesome!
@Esailija because the inspector is for humans...
@Neal right?
I found out about it like 3 months ago
booo i'm getting downvoted to hell on reddit
never used it.
stupid reddit
@rlemon lol its like meta. if at 1st people dont like it. watch the downvotes come on in!
People just figured out that my post on the typing thing is fake lol
8:52 PM
wow, reddit is quite stupid.
@rlemon I can't upvote twice :(
Updated http://jsperf.com/xregexp-exec-v2-0-0-vs-v2-1-0-dev/4 XRegExp.exec used to have perf penalty--now it's a wash, except in Firefox/ES6 browsers, where it's 2+x faster!
@FlorianMargaine Good thing I made two posts ;) ;)
8:53 PM
@rlemon say it's done with canvas, it's hip
ohh and reddit is like... anti-hip?
@Esailija, that's how Chrome sees it after it does its best to correct bad code.
yeah I know
any jqueryMobile in the house?
8:55 PM
@rlemon it's anti-eyes... seriously...
@rlemon I assume you posted it to hacker news?
Can't they redo this effing design ?&
Where did my boss get this notion of separating HTML classes into CSS classes and JS classes as a best practice? I get the vague idea but it's stupid and pointless if classes and IDs are mostly describing HTML contents in the first place.
@codelahoma you better have a good reason for jqMobile, because it's not appreciated here :p
@Neal i'm so new to this
8:55 PM
@ErikReppen classes for css, id for js
don't ever use id for css
currently Twitter and SO occupy my work time
I'm reluctant to get into anymore
@FlorianMargaine because I work for a company with > 15K employees, and I don't get to make those kinds of decisions?
reddit + hacker news are a must. great stuff that you could find there ^_^
There's no reason not to use IDs in CSS. Just don't use them when you don't need to override anything.
8:57 PM
@ErikReppen I agree with @FlorianMargaine you need to make it a rule of thumb. classes for styling, ID's for identifying the element with js.
@codelahoma heh, go make a startup
@ErikReppen it's better for maintainability - like saying F U to inline styles and js.
@ErikReppen the single reason: specificity is going to bite you in the ass some day if you use ID
@codelahoma rrrg and I thought my company was huge... I am one of 30!
8:57 PM
hey now! 256 classes kills all specificity
@rlemon not for all the browsers
@Neal we have over 2500 in IT alone.
@ErikReppen Learn : oli.jp/2011/ids
@codelahoma weve got 2
If a unique section has a unique ID and it has unique styles there is no reason to add classes just to avoid using IDs.
8:58 PM
" Conclusion #

It seems to me that there are no convincing reasons to use IDs in selectors for CSS styling¹, as CSS classes can do everything IDs can. "
Specificity is only a problem if people use 85 word selectors for every property.
I work for a company of 7, I am the IT person, Programmer, Designer, QA, BA, PM, and Support.
@ErikReppen no, specificity is a problem in any codebase larger than just your grandma's website
and there is no reason to use classes exclusively
Class can do the same thing as IDs, so it's a good reason to use classes.
IDs are effing your code by adding specificity, so it's a good reason TO NOT USE IDs.

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