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00:00 - 02:0002:00 - 00:00

2:00 AM
Then you want "Class"
not "Class *"
oh okay
Assuming NSArray is ok with holding those
Oh it works now
Thank you
Hmmm I wonder why you stored class with those.
Ethen is the new Max?
2:00 AM
No, Max is the new Max.
Well, I want to check if an object is a type of class of one of another classes
Actually, I could just hard code it in, but it will probably make it easier someday if I abstract it into an array
Premature abstraction is almost as dangerous as premature optimization
Ah ok. This guy abstracted one more level higher.
I'm not new
I'm old
Anyway, time for salad/pasta.
2:02 AM
So who tingled your Max sense?
You should go for pasta
all of you
I know when people say my name
I have to renew my visa :p
go for penne enrico
2:02 AM
Any more Apple bugs to report, Max?
@borrrden When ever I think about doing most abstractions, and then don't, I usually end up having to abstract it anyway.
this time you will got the 5 years one borrrden?
lol looking at the chat, i am exactly here right after you guys say my name again XD
Hahaha, yeah I think I will eat both salad and pasta.
no enrico
2:03 AM
Yeah probably
i haven't been developing though
You've been writing sweet poems for your crushes?
no I'm done with crushes
Think about what is likely to change and what is not and then abstract based on that
2:03 AM
fuq those bitches
Readability is the number one important thing in the long run
Well, these classes are likely to change
I don't think this is premature abstraction. Hard coding the classes would be weird
Okay... I just knocked my speakers behind my desk
Why does that sound better???
It's like five unimportant lines of code
It probably won't make a huge difference lol
And f.lux is epic
One more thing in Japan that I missed (the food on the bottom part of the rack, I forgot what it's called): dropbox.com/s/bblvzeitm9xay94/R0022580.JPG
2:05 AM
I've been using f.lux for 3 years, yes it is indeed epic.
YES, senbei! That was very good.
Anyway, real lunch time.
Talk to you boys later.
i am a man
Renewing my visa means I have to get my tax records from last year
I can reasonably do isEqualToObject to compare to Classes, right?
Because I moved I have to get them from my old place
you should not
2:06 AM
I don't want to do == because what if one class is a subclass of the other?
you should not do that either
There is already a method to check whether or not something is a type of something else
well that won't work
because Class and Class are both the same type
your company didn't do the tax records for you borrrden?
Here is a hint
They did, but I need a different form
From city hall
My company can't request it for me because it is private info
2:07 AM
Oh duh
My company, as per the norm, only did taxes for my income from them.
I am responsible for declaring and paying tax on other income
The certificate I need asserts that I paid my proper taxes last year for all my (reported) income
for loops are too hard lol
I see
I can't think of a language without them
2:10 AM
so I need to that too next year then
Even BASIC has them I think
I always forget whether I need to do foo > poo or foo >= poo
for the middle term
That sounds like a personal problem :D
What is that?
2:11 AM
what do you guys think?
a design
Dunno what I'm looking at
You have OSX11?
That's Xcode 6
read what it says XD
its a concept design of Xcode for iPad
2:12 AM
Wait you are making Xcode for iPad?
never gunna happen but making a design in Sketch
That sounds incredibly complex
no 😆 its not a real app
oh okay
just going to be a sketch, want to try and get on Dribbble sometime so going to post some images when i finish them all. this is just the editor page of what i have so far
which is not much, do the icons look ok so far?
been working on them for awhile, they are always having issues with sizing
2:21 AM
Sorry, I thought I had copied something else
This is amazing
(assuming it works)
I just finished it
It finds a view that looks like something you can touch that has no subviews and resides on a given point
Why doesn't apple put it's docs in comments at the beginning of each .h file?
Nobody else appreciates my string-hash literal :(
Appreciates it how?
What is that code Ethen?
It's hideous
And has an obvious infinite loop
2:36 AM
Appreciates that it's useful and awesome and magical.
It'd be neat to have something akin to Scala's implicit arguments in C++.
C++14 eh?
Maybe we'll be able to use it portably by 2017
auto DeduceReturnType(); // Return type to be determined. <--- seems like a bad idea for APIs...
Why would you need to deduce a return type?
Just use decltype(fn(…)) (AKA that which is awesome)
Also, technically, I can implement the hashing stuff in C++11, it's just fairly annoying since C++14 relaxes constexpr requirements a lot
2:49 AM
Well, it's likely to anyway
I could probably technically implement it just using templates as well (without constexpr) but the result would be far less useful to anyone since that's compile-time-only, whereas constexpr functions are awesome and let you produce a function that can both work at runtime and compile-time.
I don't know how much things change from working draft, but it's not standardized yet
C++14 is mostly done from what I've heard.
Sure, it's in working draft phase
Chances are the current changes to constexpr won't be going away since they're basically already proven to work and apparently haven't been that difficult to implement
2:52 AM
Concurrency TS: Artur Laksberg. Initially includes library support for executors and non-blocking extensions to std::future. Additionally may include language extensions like await, and additional libraries such as concurrent hash containers and latches.
I think Stroustrup was also talking about getting concepts back into C++, but probably as a technical report
"await" is lovely for cleaning up code and making it readable again
Like std::async?
Incidentally, I have a huuuuuuuge gripe about std::async, but that's neither here nor there
Ah, so basically std::async(…).get()
Does that block?
Then it's not the same
It's more like "yield"
Note that the task you give async will run as expected, it's just blocking until there's a result.
2:58 AM
It blocks the current method
Looks like await is just continuations
But the caller keeps going
Yeah, continuations.
Would be nice to have those in C++.
Talk to Artur Laksberg then ;)
2:59 AM
It's actually really easy to implement them in C (via set/longjmp), but doing so in C++ is obviously extremely and horrifyingly unsafe
3:58 AM
Everyone has died
And there was no Max hour
Premature abstraction makes me think of all the people who go completely nuts building huge class hierarchies.
That doesn't always happen prematurely :p.
How many layers deep do you consider acceptable?
Lol, you must hate Cocos2d-x
I think I've already said I hate cocos2d.
Oddly enough, I don't consider the CRTP as a problem since that's like composition.
Two means including root or from root? (i.e. A -> B or A -> B -> C)
In the project I am working on now I have different kinds of drill questions. So for example DrillQuestion (properties common to all such as user answers) -> SelectQuestion ->(properties common to selection type answers, like the selections) ->WordSelectQuestion (A question which lays itself out according to the rules of this type)
The root is a layer, especially if you have some arbitrary catch-all object class.
That is, assuming you made the catch all and it's not part of the language or a requirement of the base framework
So NSObject wouldn't count, but your own object_t in C++ would
4:19 AM
@NoelCower @borrrden Hello
Any one here IOS dev ?
I'd say well over half, but don't ping us for no reason
in to do app how to check task is completed or not
You ask that question as if it's supposed to be written in a computer science textbook
you will get kicked by nil or borrden for pinging
OK let me attempt to answer that poor question: You would get a hold of the object in question, and check its state
Don't bother asking for further detail unless you want to make a more detailed question on stack overflow
4:25 AM
4:40 AM
There've been 191 million deaths worldwide so far in Dark Souls 2
Nil do you have psvita?or 3DS XL?
I'm thinking of buying portable console
I have a 3DS.
I recommend Pokemon.
I don't have any modern console aside from the PS3.
Not sure if I consider the Wii a modern console because it's technologically behind a generation despite being part of the last generation
I'm sure you will recommend pokemon enrico
I see nil
5:09 AM
Only in terms of processing power
Which is kind of a big one.
That's a difficult call though
@EthenA.Wilson Clever, although there are faster ways to do the same thing :P
opensslrampage.org ⇐ Yeeeees.
5:43 AM
Nice site
6:17 AM
Omfg...someone at our company sent the list of passwords instead of the list of hashes to our client, who promptly put it on their website for all to see if they know the URL
sounds like a fun day at your office.
To the client? I hope this doesn't end in tears.
I mean they are passwords for our client's use
For the app we are making
Since they royally pantsed their VPN we can't connect anymore to do it ourselves
So we had to send them the files to put up on the server so that the app could get them
So today my team leader asked me to make a build for them to check out
Knowing that they are prone to mishaps I decided to check to make sure that the required files were in place (they weren't)
Somehow someone communicated that they had put the files in place at "XXX" address, and I noticed that the files were ending in .txt instead of .json
I knew immediately that the reference file had been sent and placed instead of the hash file...
Luckily for them, no one should know about this URL because no app is using it yet
you can tell me the URL
I'm a trustworthy guy
Unless someone is somehow monitoring all changes to their server (which I doubt...it wouldn't work well)
Ok sure, it's
Have fun :D
That's our test URL anyway
6:31 AM
well boooo... I don't have the password so I can't do anything with it.
7:12 AM
I'm starvinggggggg
that's nice. there's a vending machine down the street.
but you may have to chase it down
7:34 AM
Hahah that's in shibuya
8:09 AM
wake up @Shade !
hi at all, i'm Pasquale
i'm a newby of memory allocation analysis, i try to use instrument allocation template to check the memory usage of my app. The behavior is: I read the addressbook from iphone and then import contacts inside my app ( create relative objects and saving on database ), when i make this task the memory usage exponential grows. I make a screenshot of example leak. what can i do to solve this leak ? i60.tinypic.com/4hpbts.jpg
8:33 AM
apparently you are not releasing things properly.
yes, i know this. my problem is that i don't know what i can do to make a search to find a leak or what kind of instrument i have to use..
Start with the static analysis tool
Product -> Analyze
9:05 AM
wake up @Rage !
I had such beautiful dreams...
you've been idle almost as long as Shade.
what were you dreaming about? beer?
that happens sometimes
I don't drink alcohol
forget beer... enjoy a water salad.
I don't dream about it either
I dreamt of system theory
9:07 AM
that's really strange.
I'm a big fan of cybernetics
but I'm studying thermodynamics at the moment
are you trying to start a company named Cyberdyne?
nowhere near my friend
but a good understanding of systems theory is essential to all applied scientific fields
how can you create a software application without understanding cybernetics?
probably because I had it all beat out of me in graduate school.
it's like laying the bricks of the building without understanding architecture
thermodynamics explain the ultimate fate of the universe
its understanding is vital to making sense of the world
9:15 AM
so can we create something out of nothing?
not according to thermodynamics
we are merely reorganising energy
it's an illusion of decreasing entropy
we exert more energy in creation than the sum of energy of the entity created
I have to make a multiline text input control for cocos
I hate working with text and fonts
I don't even like working with UI stuff
next you're going to say you don't like working at all
I like working with algorithms and such
hey, what a funny coincidence, I don't!
9:18 AM
And architecting systems
I don't want to have to waste my time reinventing the wheel
I really think that the best solution for multiplatform dev is still to leave the UI to each platform
For a business app that is
I'm still pissed that we are using cocos for a non-game
the platform independent application is a problem that we've been trying to solve for the past 20 years
Java itself is a failed attempt at it
I really don't know if it's solved more problems or caused more
It's touch system is hilarious
Basically, send the touch event to every object on screen that's registered to get touches
Then each object has to determine if it was hit and react...
2 hours later…
10:59 AM
@mattsven How?
11:18 AM
Why is Ethen awake at 4am?
Or online at 6-7am. Either way.
11:44 AM
Maybe he has an early Easter mass.
11:59 AM
Isn't Mass mainly just a catholic thing?
Considering Ethen has a pastor, he's probably not catholic, so it wouldn't apply.
12:18 PM
the question is wether they'd reach critical mass
Right, with that pun, I know I need to sleep.
12:49 PM
Well that's mass effect for you.
I think if we work at it we can mass some more puns here.
1:07 PM
@EthenA.Wilson UIWindow
1:30 PM
It is 8:30 here
And I usually wake up around five
On days off
Today and yesterday are days off
I'm downtown walking around where my moms cafe is
And I think only Catholic people have mass
1:46 PM
A CGRectSetY function would still be nice
4 hours later…
5:29 PM
@all i have a question
I'm making a new app that will keep a collection of movies you have seen for the year, which is better: 1 unified list, sorted with predicate based on year you added to the list
or 2) add to array for that year
or core data, although want this to keep iCloud stuff so idk how easy it is for core data + iCloud, heard its hard
2 hours later…
7:18 PM
@MaxHasADHD, Core Data offers a lot more power. It's harder to set up initially. If you haven't used it before, expect to spend at least a week very confused. Once the light turns on, though, you will be very glad you spent the time learning it.
7:34 PM
I have a question
i learned it, and now i cannot understand the app i wrote:P
+1 Duncan. Maybe in less than a week you will be comfortable with it.
Sikha: Don't say I have a question, just ask it.
If I presentViewController with custom size , what should it display in rest of the screen area?
I mean the parent ControllerView or Black Color?
parent controller.
I see balck color :(
7:48 PM
8:08 PM
I can't tell if this is real or not, but it's hilarious: kickstarter.com/projects/566005710/…
presentViewController:animated:completion: always fills the screen on iPhone/iPod, not so on iPad.
8:20 PM
The PS4 apparently has 2 million more sales than the Xbone.
2 million more? That's a pretty big difference.
I guess MS is boned.
Of course this christmas season will be the real test.
Not really boned, just in the current losing position
They've both sold enough that they have significant user bases.
Well, presumably sold enough — Microsoft includes retail shipments in its sales figures, whereas Sony's saying how many units have actually been sold.
It's possible that Microsoft's number is a tiny bit lower, but probably not by much
8:25 PM
My Husband attended the microsoft build confrence in SF and got 500 $ gift card and brand new xbox ONE!!
Well, I'd guess there's not really much else to use a $500 Microsoft gift card on.
They don't exactly have a wealth of things to buy.
MS is used to dominating every market segment they enter.
Not so much any more. Xbone is #2. Windows Mobile platforms are a very distant third.
I am going to buy tons of Game dvds
Well, Microsoft had an opportunity to beat the PS4, but they went into it and confused and/or pissed off everyone looking at the consoles
8:27 PM
They do still dominate the desktop OS market, but that's shrinking overall, and Apple is slowly gaining marketshare there.
Nobody knew what they were selling, you couldn't use the console without a network connection, couldn't share games with friends, etc.
All that got reversed, but too little, too late
Back in the day, MS could release the new MS "15 lbs of s**t in a 5 lb sack" and the market would fall all over itself to buy it. I'm glad to see those days ending.
Let them compete on their merits.
(I'm not exactly a fan of MS, either their engineering or their business practices.)
8:44 PM
Grrr can't have a beard without it being a pain in the neck and can't not have a beard without ingrown hairs
9:01 PM
I'm almost done with my new app
99% done, just some minor changes and need to make it go to icloud
and come up with a new year chooser
9:23 PM
It there a function in UIView I can subclass to tell iOS whether or not a touch has hit?
Found it. - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event.
I would love to have an awesome beard
The amount of wisdom stored in that beard must be massive. What, 5 Terabytes?
he's contemplating that.
2 hours later…
11:29 PM
I don't know but I stopped using MS Office and now using free iWork. Word was too painful during preparing project reports.
come back from the dark side.
I do not know why they still have chosen to charge for MS Office for iOS where users have an option to get iWork apps free.
I'm not sure why apple gives away iWork for free.
they do have to pay developer salaries, after all.
Because they know this is a right time to attract customers(windows users) to use their softwares and OS.
With Mac becoming popular and declining windows sells, this is a right time for Apple to offer free OS and softwares to customers who are looking for Windows alternative.
hello my new LinkedIn friend.
11:34 PM
Ohh after more than 15 days you opened LinkedIn?
I'm on it every couple hours... I just decided to start clearing out my invites.
there will be a lot of disappointed recruiters & headhunters.
I don't usually link up with them unless they placed me at least once.
otherwise I would have 1000 contacts, which I don't want to have.
Correct. I also get many random hiring manager's connect request.
what they really want is your list of contacts and other programming friends.
so they can go after them and make their massive commission.
00:00 - 02:0002:00 - 00:00

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