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9:00 AM
@Gemtastic is what you think
But that's wrong
And to be able to adjust the way you explain it to suit your audience
me agrees with Gem
This is only a part of it
Guys, can anyone of you suggest me something to code
Using JavaFX?
Bah, anyway
9:01 AM
@Hassan o/
@HassanAlthaf chess interface for two players to play
the very schoolbook example of bad pedagogy is repeating the same incomprehensible thing several times hoping the audience will somehow magically understand
@HassanAlthaf Conway's game of life?
Oh sht
I aint that good at Java
go do it, no hesitation
9:01 AM
I dunno how to play Chess
Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. Chess is played by millions of people worldwide in homes, urban parks, clubs, online, correspondence, and in tournaments. In recent years, chess has become part of some school curricula. Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six piece types moves differently. The objective is to 'checkmate' the opponent's king by placing it under an inescapable threat of capture. To...
> The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting an other result
Would a Tic Tac Toe game be a good start?
9:02 AM
that's basically four lines and some shapes
I'm new. :P
it's even easier than printing hello world into a file
@HassanAlthaf the problem with starting with games is that you need to learn two things: the toolkit and algorithmics for that game
try with some basic things
9:02 AM
what fge says
Yeah, I wanna start from basics.
tic tac toe is good enough :P
Well, a simple text editor then
Wait, that sounds good.
9:03 AM
You can't really do more basic than that
I'm doing a basic text editor.
Thanks @fge
try with basic login screen..
Isn't there any group specifically for javafx?
Itachi... I remember you...
@SSJ2Gogeta no... also this isn't actually IRC
@SSJ2Gogeta there are dedicated mailing lists, yes
9:04 AM
@ItachiUchiha You answered one of my questions
I used to had a room, but it was frozen because of no activity...
@fge dedicated mailing list... such as?
Hmm... Google them?
@ItachiUchiha You have to keep it active if noone else does ;P
@SSJ2Gogeta "Group"?
9:05 AM
Creating files.. hmm
@HassanAlthaf before you go for java.io.File ...
If you're looking for chat rooms, tread no more as you won't really find helpful assistance around chat.so
use java.nio.Path and Files instead
Thanks @Vogel612
You guys are awesome
no, you are
9:06 AM
lol why? :P
If I wanna talk about javafx... This is the place... right?
Or at the mirror.
seems we're finally getting near the room topic
9:08 AM
for javafx... does anyone know, how can I make a node resizable by the end user?
It does it by default I believe
I'm not talking about the scene
thinking more like table view... but for other nodes...
like my own customized table view made using gridpane and vboxes
@SSJ2Gogeta good luck with that
If the documentation does not offer something like .resizeable(true) you can't do it with the nodes it offers
9:17 AM
I tried writing the code myself but it doesn't seem functional or eye-pleasing
tried manipulating max/min width/height on drag events
seems to work but is not user friendly
@Gemtastic That reminds me, how is your google sheets room doing?
@SSJ2Gogeta Make your node/control extend Region..
@ItachiUchiha Why don't you join and find out ;p
@ItachiUchiha ok... I had seen a git project where a guy had made region resizable... Guess will have to take a look at that...
@SSJ2Gogeta Region is resizable by default, you don't have to explicitly define it.
@ItachiUchiha Is that so... Didn't know that... Never worked with regions...
9:24 AM
How do use a file picker
and open a file in Java?
Well basically get the contents of it?
I basically wrote that, but it is giving me a hll load of errors
@HassanAlthaf don't dump code...
use pastie [code pasting service of preference]
What's pastie?
@SSJ2Gogeta google it, will ya?
@Unihedron splitting hairs afgain
/javadoc Files
9:26 AM
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. android.provider.MediaStore.Files
2. com.google.common.io.Files
3. java.nio.file.Files
4. org.assertj.core.internal.Files
5. org.assertj.core.util.Files
6. org.testng.reporters.Files
@Vogel612 java.nio.file.Files: This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on files, directories, or other types of files. (1/2)
^ Read up @Hassan
I'm on fire today! Everything works! \o/
9:27 AM
Alright, let me post it
read the manual first will ya?
you wanted to learn it right?
@Vogel612 I do know Java, I have done some commandline applications
If I show you, you'll forget, If I teach you you'll remember for a while, but if you do it yourself, you know
@Vogel612 :/
@HassanAlthaf Command line applications are 5% of Java.
9:29 AM
@HassanAlthaf the difference that's making for "how do I do IO" is nonexistant
@Unihedron I know. that is why I am moving on to JavaFX.
you get a path, and you IO based on that
Like, I googled this issue,
And I found that
... that did look like a good start
now use your brain and do the next step...
there is a lib
9:30 AM
/me back to work
any musical recommendation for an on fire day? I'm tired of what I have
At least someone help me out with this errors.. pastebin.com/EEVi64p0
They dont make sense
@Unihedron I'll bite
9:33 AM
I usually get InvocationTargetException when I forget initializing some object
pretty cool @uni, ta!
Nevermind, solved it!
I get it now.
@HassanAlthaf Was it because of the initializing bit?
I tried to inject Stage object
Which is never injected
I had to create a new Stage instance instead
/javadoc ErrorCode
9:40 AM
@Tavo Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
That fixed the issue.
Now I need to check the file type
But before that,
I need to make it to Java.nio instead of Java.io as @Vogel612 suggested
was working with filechooser a few months ago
@Tavo where is it from?
@HassanAlthaf Yes. Java.io is an old library made before we could make better things, like Java.nio
9:43 AM
I wanted to see my options. There's one in slf4j and another in Spring
@Gemtastic then again you can to toFile() for good old back-asswards compatibility
@Tavo maybe prod michael...
@Vogel612 general answer for general question
@Gemstatic Do you think you can help me a bit?
With what?
I believe line #29 is wrong
How do I do it the right way?
9:44 AM
"I solved it" ... code changes: 0
@Vogel612 There were code changes with workin sht but it was Java.io
sounds like commit fail
is there an UnexpectedHttpError default code?
like InternalServerError is 500
well.... UnexpectedHttpError usually constitutes an Internal server error
alternatively you could proxy the ErrorCode through
/http 502
9:51 AM
@Vogel612 HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway): The 502 (Bad Gateway) status code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound server it accessed while attempting to fulfill the request.
hell yeah baby!!
I did it with nio as well
this java docs are so useful
I'll go with 502, thanks @Vogel612
How do I pass a string to a .fxml file?
10:04 AM
Hello everyone!
10:17 AM
this doesnt work
hi all
can any one help me out
Loads of errors on Line 39: http://pastebin.com/Bmt3WSsn

Could anyone point out what is it that I am doing wrong?
i need to share a name as link to facebook
or any text as link
how could i do that
@HassanAlthaf probably the error message already does that
10:19 AM
@Vogel612 Let me show you the error message. I don't understand it. :/
@anandmadhav ... what tech are you on?
@Vogel612 What does the error mean? : pastebin.com/pJdiDjUH
wtf are you doing here then @anandmadhav?? this is the java room, goto ios:
10:21 AM
@HassanAlthaf check the root cause, learn to read stacktraces...
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Objects.java:203)
        at java.nio.file.Files.copy(Files.java:3066)
        at com.HassanAlthaf.TextEditorController.handleOpenFileAction(TextEditorController.java:39)
I know that line #39 is causing the error.
then fix it
But I have no idea why is it doing that
null pointers are often simple to fix
and your brain..
10:34 AM
can anyone suggest a good way to generate hascode for a pair of objects which is unique for them
you can think of many non unique ones like:
a+b=c+d, a*b=c*d
@ADG 1
nope don't joke
I'm not joking.
another good one but bad one is Integer.parseInt(a.hashCode()+""+b.hashCode())
but it can overflow easily
WHy don't you just use Objects.hashCode()?
Or rather, Objects.hash()
10:36 AM
i'm creating my own class like a 2D point
and creating a hash code for it
/javadoc Objects#hash(Object...)
I couldn't find a signature with that parameter. Did you mean this one? (type the number)
1. java.util.Objects#hash(Object[])
@fge int hash(Object[] values): Generates a hash code for a sequence of input values. The hash code is generated as if all the input values were placed into an array, and that array were hashed by calling Arrays#hashCode(Object[]). (1/4)
10:37 AM
this.root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/com/HassanAlthaf/Editor.fxml"));
That line is causing this error:
I mean
I believe the path is wrong
hrmph.. yes..
What is the starting point
where the path needs to be specified
10:48 AM
get it as an absolute path..
The main thread
oh, but will not be hard coded?
how to do it the non-absolute path way?
The exception arises from the main thread
what does that mean?
I am trying to open a new window
10:51 AM
Basically... these exception arise when you mess up object declaration...
what does that mean?
exceptions yh
It is hinting my line 12 on the file
Which is: <TextField fx:id="textareaContent" layoutX="20.0" layoutY="25.0" prefHeight="300.0" prefWidth="460.0" />
You can google the exception to learn more about it
11:10 AM
How inefficient would it be to use reflection to get all values form my form? I used xaml as I was told it was the "right way", but since the format and maybe even the form structure of my program might change often I was thinking about making my own xml markup about the form structure, and then parsing it and creating all controls in code.
And i would need to access properties trough reflection (I think?) if I would to that
By format I mean't the format of properties
@FINDarkside xaml ... C#?
Yes C#
you do know this is the Java room??
and not the C# room?
11:14 AM
Sry wrong room :D
I've lost my mojo today :(. My colleague came to interrupt me and moan about something he could not understand and I can't bring it back
I hate when that happens
Same colleague as the other day?
go be angry somewhere else!
@Tavo that's why remote working culture is so damn cool
no, a different one
11:15 AM
because if they write into some chat, you can ignore them
if they stand beside you that's harder...
@Vogel612 I like coming to the office to socialise a bit, but if you see someone working at full speed, don't interrupt that person
I would think it's common courtesy
^ that... the problem is with a closed bureau that can be hard to see
we are open plan
and sometimes you actually need input from that someone working full speed
@Tavo ~shivers
no, he was just complaining about a cucumber test he didn't understand
we do cucumber in a very inefficient way here, so tests are extremely hard to understand. Very convoluted
I've been arguing about that since I came to the team. Of course, the architect likes that so no changes
11:19 AM
you need to demonstrate how it's better and how it saves money
then go show your boss how it saves money
it's not helpful to just complain :)
@Vogel612 my manager and the architect have been working together for 5 years. I'm slowly making him understand that the tests written that way are a waste of time. But it won't happen in one go
we've already agreed that I have freedom of testing in the way I consider more efficient. It's something
btw, why do you shiver at open plan?
because I see it being impossible to actually do work...
I used to work in an office with.. 6 Seats.
productivity times: 6:30 -> 8:00 AM and 5PM -> 19:30 PM
I have completed everything
except for two
11:24 AM
I figure Open plan is worse
i can't set content
@Vogel612 headphones
sigh just realised it's not Friday today :(
god yes..
When the line #38 at pastebin.com/BpauZCHp is run, it generates these errors: pastebin.com/ecdEnWHB
When I comment it out, it works fine.
But the text in the textarea is empty
is there any fix or other way on achieving this?
Open plan kinda sucks if you sit next to someone doing something entirely different, but if you're around coders I feel it's easier
11:28 AM
someone halp!!
@Unihedron requesting kick-mute and binning
gosh. I was bringing it back and got interrupted again >_<. Can I go home now?
@Gemtastic 5 devs around me. But it's more like people all around come to bother me. And I'm new!!!
Get the earplug version headphones
Put a note on your chair: "Developing, do not disturb"
11:31 AM
@Vogel612 I'm ready, who?
@Gemtastic as if that helped
@Unihedron hassan.. see above.
How we do it here: Hipchat.
Everyone chats each other
@Vogel612 more people would come to crack a joke about the note
@Gemtastic I wish we had that here
we don't even have a team chat
@Tavo Make it happen
It may feel antisocial but it increases the productivity
@Gemtastic not going to happen. Company policy. We can only use Communicator :(
11:33 AM
What's communicator?
I'm not even sure how am I allowed to chat here
@Gemtastic ignorance is bliss
Is it a chat application?
MS Office Communicator
do you remember MSN chat?
Well, have them communicate you then
patience. This company will take me where I want to be
so it's a trade off
11:36 AM
this.file = Paths.get(fileChooser.showOpenDialog(new Stage()).toURI());
Guys, I believe this line is wrong.
this.file refers to: private Path file;
But I don't think I am getting a path as i am getting a null pointer exception
Can anyone help me out, on how to get the path from fileChooser?
We have Skype as our chat which will be retired (Microsoft = Evil) and replaced with Cisco Jabber (Cisco = Good). Which all of our externals won't have access to. :)
... using google hangouts here
We have a small team, so
~gives uni some Karma~
yay karma
!!urban iirc
11:43 AM
@Gemtastic iirc abbv for If I Recall Correctly
Someone help me please... -.-
@HassanAlthaf Of course m'lord
I'm a victim of NullPointer exception.
Q: How to fetch a Path Object from FileChooser JavaFX

user3152750I'm trying to fetch a Path Object like this: private Path file; private String fileContent; private Parent root; @FXML public void handleOpenFileAction(ActionEvent event) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Open a File"); this.file = Paths.get...

11:58 AM
oh, f**k today. I'm going for a run
@wonderb0lt he's been at it for a while now..
Uni won't you get your boots?
I'm here!
@Vogel612 I know
12:18 PM
Hello anyone free please help...
My program outputs... pastie.org/10269844
but 80514729 is not correct :(
redited one here... pastie.org/10269848
@Unihedron you're japanese?
I'm not Japanese.
I'm not anything related to complexion for creatures on Earth.
that means what?
and is anyone reading my answer?
@ADG We're reading it but we're busy
12:25 PM
@wonderb0lt ok anyways thanks for helping
and actually the answer is 18769 (from external source ) and my answer indeed also has {BOARD,BROAD:17689(=133^2),18769(=137^2)}
How do I rewrite the file contents of a file in Java?
I mean not to append, completely rewrite.
Using a string^
And java.nio
@Hassan: Please give the begging a break, no one seems to be interested to help anyway. Plus, it's more fun when you figure out how to make things work yourself.
12:32 PM
Otherwise I'll throw you out of here.
I am not just directly begging here...
I looked over google, and all solutions I find append data..
@HassanAlthaf no you're positively begging
@HassanAlthaf Why are you using Google? Use duckduckgo.
you don't show what you found out, and I don't want to be your human debugger
12:46 PM
Omg, my first successful project in java. ;o
There you go. Now enjoy your internet cookie.
internet cookie? LOl
Set-Cookie: hassan=awesome
Thanks mate. @wonderb0lt :P
Hello, I have a question about enums with values stored as bytes. I have some code but it looks a little strange and I was wondering if there was a better solution
12:59 PM
@NickSavage does the code work?
Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/vYicrt1z

The strange part is the casts to byte in the constructors. If i don't do the cast than it assumes I'm passing in int
as in: work exactly how you want it to work?

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