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9:00 PM
Maybe trying to mimic Rails? Bad defaults are their territory ^^
the one good thing about SF always has been that it does not mimic rails
@NikiC most likely to be more beginner friendly, and I would agree with that. people who rely on the generated stubs probably don't even know what DI is.
If you look at the symfony docs they explicitly demonstrate the container by using it as a service locator: symfony.com/doc/2.0/book/service_container.html
class HelloController extends Controller
    // ...

    public function sendEmailAction()
        // ...
        $mailer = $this->get('my_mailer');
        $mailer->send('ryan@foobar.net', ...);
Don't inject the mailer service. Inject the all powerful SL and go hunting through your entire app of globally accessible state for a mailer.
9:01 PM
it actually hurts to read this =/
So that's where I'm coming from with my comments regarding SLs and Symfony.
yeah, that example is a bit unfortunate. that should be fixed.
public function indexAction($bar)
    $session = $this->get('session');
    $session->set('foo', $bar);

    // ...
Controllers as Services is linked at the very bottom of the page.
@igorw See that makes so much more sense.
9:03 PM
and that doc also kinda blows
@igorw It is full of such examples
fact that there exists Controller::get() is a code smell
thanks for linking me to specific examples, I totally understand why one would think it's locator only based on that.
most of my knowledge on the topic is from the source code an blog posts. I don't actually spend much time reading the sf2 docs.
Of course, all of these problems would be solved if we just used Python.
@rdlowrey obviously ... look at how good the Django clone in PHP turned out. Yii .. oh .. wait ..
9:07 PM
@tereško in general I agree with you, but this is not a mandatory base class, it's a purely optional one.
hehehe it's true.
Django ... what a mess.
afaik , Django was inspired by Rails
But seriously if I could do all my error handling like this I can't even explain how happy I'd be:
    # do something
except Exception:
9:10 PM
You mean I don't have to check for and/or suppress errors and notices from every built-in language function?!?!?!?! Preposterous!
why the finally pass?
I was just putting the pass statements in for syntactic correctness.
@rdlowrey many thanks for pointing this out, I will talk to the guy in charge of docs.
@igorw no problem. Thanks for listening and not taking my opinions as a personal attack :)
@NikiC I'd been operating under the assumption (having seen a few benchmarks) that as of 5.4 PHP was slightly faster than python on most tasks. However, my recent experiences indicate that while the gap has narrowed tremendously, python still seems to be a bit quicker (at least for the things I've been comparing).
9:14 PM
@NikiC pass is 'python' for 'I needed a statement here, but it doesn't do anything'
@rdlowrey I have no idea about Python performance, can't really say anything to that
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure, I was just wondering about the use in that particular example ;) I didn't realize it was just dummy code and not intended as "discard all exceptions"
I was mostly just passing that along as an FYI. But newer PHP seems to be more or less as fast as Python.
Which makes me feel a bit better about using PHP all day.
@rdlowrey Always depends on what one is doing I guess
9:17 PM
That's also the reason why looking at benchmarks conducted by other people than yourself is usually a total waste of time
It really is.
Just yesterday or so saw another inter-language framework performance comparison where they really did run php without opcode cache...
@rdlowrey in case you care, here's the blog post that explains moving from base controller and locator to DI.
Good morning.
Welcome Zoid.
9:24 PM
I don't get some questions... stackoverflow.com/questions/15723570/…
@NikiC linky?
@igorw Thanks for the heads up.
I answered a question about PHP today.
Where can I ask for forgiveness?
i think i will actually install Neverwinter Nights now
9:36 PM
@Zoidberg hell
@Satan yo dawg can I ask you a question.
@Zoidberg I think Satan is probably in the Java room
Good evening.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think Satan invented both Java and PHP.
@Zoidberg To think I actually liked his paper about algebraic constraints :(
9:41 PM
@Zoidberg in that case , who made Objective C ?
@Zoidberg No PHP isn't evil, it's far too disorganised and incoherent for satan. I suspect it was merely one of God's Sunday morning fuck-ups. Y'know, when you try and cook breakfast when you're really hung over an burn eveything.
@tereško Satan's second-born daughter.
Jon Ribbens said "PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals" , that said, I have no idea who Jon Ribbens is :P
9:54 PM
Perl is almost as bad as PHP.
Perl is just a little better than Java.
11:04 PM
Religion is a sacred subject to be subjected to humour
11:20 PM
@phpNoOb That was a stupid statement :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum which statement?
16 mins ago, by php NoOb
Religion is a sacred subject to be subjected to humour
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed, just wasn't sure that you were referring to that one.
@phpNoOb lol
@Lusitanian and lol at that too ^^
* The moment I notice I can't see (removed) messages because this isn't the JavaScript room *
^ That was probably a "Thanks god this is not the JavaScript room, I wish he'd die"
11:28 PM
11:45 PM
what is the lolling about?
@NikiC Me don't like you
@phpNoOb je ne suis pas sure, mais je pense qu'il faut evité de rigolé avec ces gas ...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV tu as raison, je le ferai apartir d'aujourd'hui
@phpNoOb apart ca, everything allright ?
11:57 PM
Oui, all is good
Aight !

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