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3:01 PM
yes, I had hoped it would finally give me something to like
Would you like a copy of Else Heart.Break() ?
I have one spare
kind of mixed reviews, I haven't played it yet
not sure I can play it. I only got an Intel HD 5000 for a gfx card
You probably can.
Anyone got >300 rep on superuser?
3:21 PM
@DaveRandom 101. :P
Aye, I have attained a massive 51 more than that, somehow, but need 300 to create tags
needs but it doesn't exist
@Leigh would like
Oh, swedish
eh, maybe not
Thought it was a japanese vn or so
Well if nobody wants it, I'll take it
It has some hacking in it
what the
now that's a king I could get behind
I like the hotdog one the best
I assume they are shopped but still funny
3:30 PM
Yup, that's the best
> Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
Anyone seen that when trying to start PHPStorm or have a clue on how to fix it?
You have multiple displays?
nope - just one.
3:39 PM
Well it looks like this is a problem that many have had in various forms in many Java applications, but all I can find is "try this value instead" rather than any explanations of what the value is actually doing
@Leigh good for me!
I'll download it this evening
Seems like it's likely a permissions problem though @Danack, is this a new problem on an old machine or a new machine?
@DaveRandom brand new. How would I find out if X windows is already running?
@Tiffany a twitch streamer? What will you stream?
> apps run via su or sudo are not authorised to connect to the X11 display server.
3:47 PM
@Danack ohhhhhkay...
Well that doesn't make much sense to me but then *nix permissions often don't
the replies to this tweet form a wishlist of PHP features by various Twitter users: twitter.com/notajf/status/821539487721394177
@Andrea this one has been floated a few times (once by me), Nikita actually has an impl I think, there was a fierce debate of the correct behaviour wrt assocs though
@Andrea someone should really do xdbg protocol for phpdbg for serious… I'd help him, but I can't get motivated to do it myself
@Andrea yes, but only mine and that of liz are relevant
@DaveRandom yeah, the details are tricky
@DaveRandom I tend to trust @NikiC to do the sensible thing, so I'd be curious what his implementation does :p
@DaveRandom oh, that's for splatting into arrays
oh yes I completely misread that :-P
anyone is here
No. This a recorded message that plays automatically when someone asks whether anyone is here.
I feel a Jeeves plugin coming on
4:15 PM
@Jeeves are you here?
@Sean <html>
"clever" bot
@Jeeves is cleverbot broken?
@Sean <html>
4:15 PM
I think it is.
@Sean Usage: !!issue [<title> - <body>]
Yes their API is down I think
or something
saw some comment about it in here earlier
i.e. it's not us, it's them
!!issue No handler for Cleverbot plugin if their API is down - Any calls picked up by the cleverbot plugin are responded to with '<html>' if the cleverbot API is on the blink.
@jeeves what's the first thing I should do when I want to make a web page?
4:21 PM
@Leigh <html>
ahh thank you
and you thought he wasn't clever!
@Leigh wrong, you'd want to put the doctype
u html n00b
i'll pwn u w/ my CSS
When cleverbot is down, you should give it a fallback API, just for a bit of schizophrenia
@Trucy I promise you, you've written html more recently than me :)
Just say a random line from the transcript
@Leigh Did you do html5?
4:25 PM
@Trucy not really, I leave that to those front-end things... what are they called... not peons... p..p.. people
(I have a friend acquaintance that mixes html 4 and 5 and tries to convince me he's better at html than me)
@Leigh And we leave the back-end things to those things in the back making weird noises when you turn on the lights
The monkeys?
solar powered ass-vibrators
Evening room.
4:26 PM
No, monkeys don't need money at the end of the month
Why did Google Car switch from MD5 to SHA512? They wanted to reduce collisions.
4:32 PM
I like it
when cleverbot is down you could give back a random Trump quote :)
/me ducks
5:03 PM
> Out of all media formats, one of the most frustrating to get working under Fedora can be MP3 support for the default Rhythmbox audio player. If you double-click an MP3 file, Fedora will start Rhythmbox, which will display the following error:
Freaking open source zealots.
^ i've felt this pain
@rdlowrey how'd you work around it? Install stuff from RPMFusion?
every time
always a PITA
5:07 PM
@rdlowrey do you happen to know which package it is to allow mp4a playback either in RhythmBox or in general?
yum install windows
Aug 23 '14 at 19:53, by Danack
"Just buy a Mac"™
I don't ... I always just google it any time I install fedora
> Optimized extract().
... Dmitry, wtf are you doing?
yeah ... extract() isn't something to be subsidizing
5:10 PM
@Danack even Debian is chiller
Oh god
I sometimes feel bad for commits like this: github.com/php/php-src/commit/…
The GNU/FSF license does weird things to people
I contribute to php-src, I promise!
5:19 PM
working in angular ja
@Navneet My condolences.
One question @MadaraUchiha, How much time is moderator period? (I'm not sure my question is correct in English)
@Shafizadeh Until I retire
There's no time limit
really?! great ..!
Hello, how to do SELECT DISTINCT for one row and in the same query add more rows
SELECT DISTINCT hello, goodbye, see you FROM table
one example
i want only distinct hello
5:26 PM
sorry for php chat room but angular project issue.... any working in angular js...
the another`s is for select
Little help, anyone? This is a really confusing problem, I'm thinking I missed some crucial part of setcookie but I've gone through the official docs quite a few times and can't find anything.
Or perhaps the PHP docs are outdated? Unlikely though.
@cybermonkey what's your timezone?
@Leigh GMT. Good call, I'll check PHP's timezone.
Check your servers TZ
Also, the path thing you mention is important
They probably don't "disappear" from Chrome, they're just not displayed under the other path, because they are not valid for that path
5:38 PM
@Leigh Tested. Was set to UTC but changed it to GMT (it's the same) with no effect.
@Leigh Tried setting the path to / again and that did work. Seems that it was a combination of the path and timezone.
perfectly acceptable for you to answer your own question too, when you work it out
5:53 PM
@MadaraUchiha video games. I dunno. I'd have to pick something out and play the fuck out of it so my stream would be worth watching
@LeviMorrison @bwoebi Be sure to claim twitter.com/taylorotwell/status/822844394441179141 and twitter.com/laracasts/status/822846852026470401 in case short closures pass.
Hehe, since I have a fn prefix and it isn't by-ref... they'll bail out ^_^
@LeviMorrison, we were talking about it the other day, for me, the current master is consistently faster if EXPECTED/UNEXPECTED are simply ignored
Just to clarify: if you define those to be no-ops it's faster on what?
benches only
6:06 PM
Yeah... have to do something like hello world in Wordpress or Drupal..
Benches being faster is a good start but need to check real-ish apps.
iĺl try to do that a bit later yeah
!!lxr explode
[ -MASTER/ext/standard/string.c#1155 ] PHP_FUNCTION(explode)
Looking at microbenches is what got us into the mess of them in the first place ^_^
exactly ;) so i'll try to investigate a bit better, but the initial results sound interesting at least
do you know any good source for testing on those?
6:10 PM
I believe they basically set up wordpress and hit the home page for benches.
!!lxr json_encode
[ -MASTER/ext/json/json.c#221 ] static PHP_FUNCTION(json_encode)
@bwoebi I have a few hours to work on rebasing arrow functions on to master, but if I can't get it done today do you think you will have time to work on it this week?
My goodness... the rebase was able to work through all the conflicts... doesn't mean it works but I'm surprised.
I have a quick REST API design question for those of you who are into that. I want to design an endpoint used for creating an item in a certain folder. How would you structure the url for this call? Something like POST to /folders?destination={destinationId} perhaps? Or POST /folders/create/{destinationId}?
@tobloef I think you don't need the create part of the path, because POST role is to create a resource
6:18 PM
I'd investigate WebDAV to see if it's a good fit for you.
o.O seems the rebase just worked....
@Trucy So you would just do /folders/{destinationId}
@LeviMorrison well then merge instead
@tobloef yup
Rebase 100% worked.
All tests pass.
Okay great
6:20 PM
Now, that patch uses ^ but shouldn't be very much work to change it to fn.
(and WebDAV might be an interesting thing for you, as @LeviMorrison pointed)
Protip: programming works better if you're not dumb…
@tobloef what would be the path of the resource after it's been created? or possibly, what is destinationId ?
Just an id of a folder
To be more specific, the user have a bunch of folders, where the ids are probably just incremental
what would be the path of the directory after it's been created?
Just like you would have a user id if you get GET /users/{id}
It's a tree structure, so I'm not really sure it would have a path per se, just another id
6:29 PM
...that's not clear at all. After the user has done POST /folders?destination=123 - what would be the path of the created resource?
I'll try to explain the structure then. A folder is an object that has an Id (starts at 0 then 1 for the next folder and so on) and a list of child folders. Each of these child folders of course also have ids and possible child folders. If the user uses the API to create a new resources at destination 123, the folder with the id of 123 would then have a new child folder. The id of this child folder that was just created is just the currently highest id plus one, just like in a database.
> I'll try to explain the structure then.
5 mins ago, by Danack
...that's not clear at all. After the user has done POST /folders?destination=123 - what would be the path of the created resource?
I'm sorry, but I can't see how your question makes sense in this context, the folders don't have paths.
Just ids
Rest is all about resources.
I would never need to do /{someFolderId}/{anotherFolderId}/etc.
6:36 PM
After you create something via a rest call, that is called creating a resource.
So the directory/folder has been created by the call POST /folders?destination=123
If the user then wants to fetch that resource, what path would they use to get it?
Then the standard thing to do, would be to allow users to create it with PUT operation to /folders/{someId}
`POST /folders` - for when the user doesn't know the requested ID ahead of time.
`PUT /folders/123` - for when they do.
Yeah that's a good point, using PUT instead of POST, but how would the user specify the new destination for the folder? The child folder probably shoudn't know about the parent folder, so setting it in the object wouldn't work.
It sounds like you really ought to look at webdav - but also: "The child folder probably shoudn't know about the parent folder" - why not?
/folders/dirtop/subdir/ - is fine for a path.
I'm sorry, I actually think I got my two examples confused, I have one case where I need to create new folders, here I don't know the id, and one case where I should move an existing folder, this is where PUT makes sense.
6:43 PM
Each level being a separate resource
Yeah, then just POSTing the new folder would make sense
I'll think about that, it seems like a good idea
Isn't there any dropdown-selection input (acts like a radio) in the whole of SO?
7:20 PM
Do PHPT tests offer any way to check the STDOUT STDERR of a process?
@kelunik the error output is piped to stdout also.
or at least merged in to whatever is capturing the output.
cc: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla> for instructions.
Makefile:846: recipe for target 'ext/opcache/Optimizer/block_pass.lo' failed
@Danack Ah, it needs a special option: github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/run-tests.php#L1362
Ah no, it's on by default, but has a special option. ^^
7:36 PM
^ @bwoebi @kelunik amp-stomp functioning locally (rough early version)
should be able to push something up to a repo by the end of the weekend
$uri = "tcp://guest:guest@localhost:61613";
$client = new Amp\Stomp\Client($uri);

Amp\run(function () use ($client) {
    yield $client->connect();
    Amp\repeat(function () use ($client) {
        yield $client->send("/exchange/stomp-test/foo.bar", "mydata");
    }, 500);
    $subscriptionId = $client->subscribe("/exchange/stomp-test/*.*");
    while (true) {
        $frame = yield $client->read();
        echo $frame->getBody(), "\n\n\n";
7:42 PM
@rdlowrey What happens if you subscribe multiple times and then unsubscribe one? Does that unsubscribe both?
@kelunik You have to supply the $subscriptionId when unsubscribing so you can only ever cancel out one subscription at a time
e.g. $client->unsubscribe($subscriptionId);
I guessed that, but how does it work on the protocol level?
The raw message looks like ...
I'm asking, because the client has to handle multiple subscriptions in Redis.
7:45 PM
Is the windows-version php-src available in github?

Or via git
So we can expose an API to match received messages to specific subscriptions if we like
Right now the yield $client->read() call just resolves with anything that comes down the pipe from the server
(it's just a working PoC)
7:47 PM
We can figure out the right API to simplify interacting with server messages
@samayo the php-src is the same but you need windows' dependencies. Check here: wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild
In the above raw message received from the server the subscription string f0c49a9ea5a76573882cfdcbfb76f732432edf0028f3a656b49e40e386024542 is what would be stored in the returned $subscriptionId
woks for I.
Might make sense to leverage FastRoute to route pattern-matched subscription messages to handlers ...
7:50 PM
@LeviMorrison y u fn ws?
@rdlowrey You might want to return a Subscription object, that has a ->unsubscribe method. Once subscribed to a destination, can you subscribe to others?
@kelunik yeah was thinking about that ... it represents a Law of Demeter violation to do it and that bothers me a little
Might prefer something like a Subscription object that accepts the Client instance as a ctor param
@rdlowrey github.com/amphp/redis/pull/33 does something similar.
7:55 PM
yeah, the LoD thing will drive me bananas, though.
@kelunik yeah, you can subscribe to as many things as you want
and require receipts, do transactions, etc
@NikiC I didn't understand that.
@rdlowrey That's exactly how I'd implement it, subscriptionId and client as ctor params.
@pmmaga Fixed ^_^
7:58 PM
@LeviMorrison You're wasting characters
There's a whitespace after fn
People usually put whitespace after keywords that aren't values.
the psr whatever it is expects a space between the anonymous function keyword and its param list
used to drive me crazy, now I've just accepted it
I'm fine with it for closures, but for short lambdas the space is ugly
8:00 PM
I'm not sure if it's just that space, but I don't really like how the examples in the rfc read
Play around with various spacing or other examples and let me know if you find something better.
8:12 PM
incoherent rage towards Python
8:29 PM
@LeviMorrison yeah, I do too… but not after something like fn
8:52 PM
@bwoebi It's just consistent with function then.
@JoeWatkins pong
@kelunik it shouldn't
How do I set -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 for PHP when compiling? I've done the following prior to running make and configure, and have also manually passed those settings to make and configure. But whenever I run hardening-check on my PHP binary it is says Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!. everything else is a "yes".
export CFLAGS='-fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security'
export CPPFLAGS='-fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security'
export CXXFLAGS='-fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security'
export LDFLAGS='-fPIE -pie -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -lz'
@bwoebi Why?
9:10 PM
@kelunik it just looks weird … I consider fn more like a prefix to a definition than an actual keyword for its purpose
hi, do we have in php macro for variadic arg infor with class hint? e.g.
#define ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_OBJ_INFO(pass_by_ref, name, classname) { #name, #classname, IS_OBJECT, pass_by_ref, 0, 1},
or are there any way to typehint variadic arg in C ext like in PHP function (SomeClass ...$args) {} ?
9:36 PM
@DejanMarjanovic there is always morning
@brzuchal Could you invite @WyriHaximus to php-nio?
Sure, I just saw on Twitter
Invitation sended
@brzuchal Yes, and evening
According to Universal Greeting Time, there is always morning ;) Evening when you're leaving :P
@brzuchal Or night. :)
night o/
9:43 PM
@kelunik what's that?
@kelunik you were talking about asynchronous streams, you meant some like in ReactPHP with promises etc. or something different?
@bwoebi That's a group of people wanting to introduce new stream API
@bwoebi want to join?
@brzuchal I still haven't seen real arguments which couldn't be fixed by just improving the current API … the only benefit seems to be OO, which alone isn't a reason to introduce a whole new API
^ I tend to agree
that said, the current API may not be fixable
9:58 PM
and it's probably easier to deal with BC by introducing a new API altogether
10:10 PM
10:23 PM
@rdlowrey In that case, yes. But I haven't heard anything not fixable yet.
@NikiC ping ^ (ab variadic obj info in C ext)
i see that #define ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_OBJ_INFO(pass_by_ref, name, classname) { #name, ZEND_TYPE_ENCODE_CLASS_CONST(#classname, 0), 0, 1 }, works fine with obj, do we mind to add ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_OBJ_INFO and ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_TYPE_INFO to master?
10:50 PM
@pinepain sounds reasonable
not sure about < 7.2
i briefly tested and it works for me. Are there any potential issues to specify typehint for variadic args from C ext?
@pinepain there shouldn't be
11:08 PM
@NikiC thanks!
11:30 PM
@Wes ghost objects are needed in ORMs, where the identity of an object is as important as its data.
Generally, ghost objects are the safest proxies you can use, but they only work for concrete classes
for most non-fluent stuff, a virtual proxy is enough (wrapper of an interface)
for fluent interfaces, some hacks are needed - documented that on proxymanager
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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