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10:00 AM
tried that, but it's failing me :(
@bwoebi No it's just that one resolve
It means that the bot won't post anything in here
@DaveRandom because lock? ok.
I think it should still be working in other rooms though, moment will test
in Jeeves' Playground..., 8 secs ago, by Jeeves
@DaveRandom I have been running for 14 hours, 11 minutes and 4 seconds, since 2016-10-20 19:50:51
Yeh, process still alive and well, just that loop is locked
@pmmaga wait nvm, left join works, but it's the next join that is failing me
@DaveRandom I'd need to have a look with gdb, there's nothing else I can do.
10:03 AM
OK, didn't @PeeHaa give you access to that box already?
if not I should be able to do it if you give me your SSH key
@DaveRandom second
The box it just at the root of his domain
I can try and set up a user for you but I'm not certain how the sec is configured
@DaveRandom you have a twitter DM.
cool, will see if I can make it work without breaking everything horribly
looks like german universities are doing some hard hitting research:
A very special sociology paper from 1991: A study of sport in vampire society after interviewing 43 vampires… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/788752675064143877
hell, that whole twitter account is just pure gold: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1525/ac.2002.13.1.42/abstract
10:24 AM
@PeeHaa halp
@DaveRandom :(
@Wes lol
@Ekin <3
@DaveRandom ?
@JayIsTooCommon <3 ?
@PeeHaa trying to get Bob on to the server, have no idea how it's set up :-P I have created a user and added his key but he's getting permission denied, I assume there's an ssh whitelist somewhere that I can't find? Also I don't seem to be in the sudoers file so why do I have sudo?
You need to edit the sshd config
AllowUser -> add bob
Oh yeh, totally missed that line somehow
do you need to restart sshd after that?
(I would assume)
10:32 AM
OK, here's where I find I've somehow locked everyone out \o/
OK @bwoebi try now
@PeeHaa Also the sudo thing?
@DaveRandom works.
He may not need it but intrigued generally why mine works
@bwoebi cool, /srv/www/Jeeves is the app root
Actually @bwoebi I assume gdb would not be installed anyway so you'd need sudo for that
@DaveRandom I anyway need sudo for ptrace()
I assume that sudo is no worky atm?
10:36 AM
yeah, I'm not in sudoers
send help: i.stack.imgur.com/vXRRm.png ... or a frontend developer who actually understands how to write SCSS
@tereško What's the issue?
@tereško Ask @Wes for his homer simpson tweet
BEM methodology #css #css3 #webdesign #webdev #html #html5 https://t.co/udoMY6CjQO
oh right. The boys are working on it
have a virtual retweet instead :)
10:40 AM
@DaveRandom can you add me?
@bwoebi well .. pay attention to what's in the picture and you will probably understand
@bwoebi momoent
oh lol @Jeeves actually still works
i quit at :after
@tereško oh god, $bg5, $bg41, $bg43
10:40 AM
(it's ::after you fools :B)
@bwoebi did you notice the line numbers?
@DaveRandom Is it only stuck for responses?
I would have expected the entire thing to be broken
@tereško Yes, there's nothing abnormal? (;-D)
since every rule in that file is a single line, it actually constitutes at least 5x
and of course, single line make the git is basically pointless
@tereško I mean, in frontend dev world having all the css in a single file is not that uncommon...
10:43 AM
that is "all css"
is is one of ~20
42 mins ago, by DaveRandom
in Jeeves' Playground..., 8 secs ago, by Jeeves
@DaveRandom I have been running for 14 hours, 11 minutes and 4 seconds, since 2016-10-20 19:50:51
still running in there
@tereško ugh.
It's just the post loop for #11 that's stuck
send help or hard drugs
@DaveRandom It's also still running in here
@DaveRandom ah
10:46 AM
Oh I'm in the wheel group, that's why
OK @bwoebi I just added you to wheel, dunno if you might need to restart you ssh session for that to have an effect
Also added you to the jeeves group, I have no idea what that group does but I'm in it so I added you as well
@DaveRandom works.
I just wish they weren't so awkward ...
11:04 AM
happy frydai guys
actually it's awful, I hate it ... I'll do it again ...
Not sure @JoeWatkins. You could of course have just declared the classes normally and then instantiated them. Aside from code-style dictating your classes should be in their own files, what did you gain from that?
thanks @RonniSkansing
@DaveRandom ugh, it's without symbols
actually what I was doing was just moving away from lexical scope, oo++
it's terrible to read though ...
@bwoebi Yeh it's a production web server. Sort of. Can you actually do anything useful with it like that? If not we can redeploy it somewhere else with a debug build.
@DaveRandom I do not need a debug build, just the symbols
@bwoebi here's where I have no idea what I'm talking about... how do we add those?
is there any way to get plain text output from phpinfo() when not on CLI short of ob'ing and strip_tag'ing it?
11:14 AM
@JoeWatkins they just need new class() use($foo, $bar){} and they'll be perfect <3
@DaveRandom dunno… there should be a package
morning all \o
Hoi wes
You've been here all morning..
11:21 AM
@DaveRandom meh, I've just pinged remi in irc ^^
just saying hi to the new peeps
@bwoebi Yeh I can't find a debug symbols package
@DaveRandom I've just installed it thanks to Remi^^
OK cool
Can you use it retrospectively? i.e. without restarting the process?
oh i justf ound it as well
11:26 AM
hmpf, why is there no php_ini_scanned_dir()? now I have to fiddle it from the file list
Wouldn't it be in the configure line?
@Gordon you mean from a remote server, I assume?
@DaveRandom how do I get the configure line programmatically from within php?
@Gordon you'd have to grep it out of phpinfo() I think
Doable though, and probably marginally saner than inferring it from the loaded files
@DaveRandom yeah, but then I need output buffering and I cannot rely on that to exist
I need a maximum reliable way of getting that info programmatically
11:33 AM
@Gordon can you rely on exec('php -i')?
@Gordon where does it not exist?
I thought that was always available, never seen it not be
@DaveRandom that would give me the settings for the cli sapi. I need the apache settings.
also, that assumes php is on the PATH
@Gordon I'm not sure that the output buffering concern is legit, under what circumstances would it not be available?
@DaveRandom when its not installed. Is ob always installed? like always always? IDK.
@Gordon ob_start() is defined in basic_functions.c, so yes. The only time it's not available is when you disable it in php.ini. Which would be pretty insane.
!!lxr ob_start
oh right yeh :-P
11:40 AM
I think that if stuff in there is not present, you have an unusable PHP install
@DaveRandom hmm, then I'll just ob_start(); phpinfo(); echo strip_tags(ob_get_clean());
should we return !¡lxr back to php.net version btw?
Hellow gigies
!!urban gigies
what's a gigie
11:42 AM
@Ekin not yet, it's not quite right
@JayIsTooCommon @bwoebi is debugging it right now. We've brought in the big guns.
11:42 AM
@DaveRandom Be strong @bwoebi
@littlepootis gigi
@JayIsTooCommon it looks like we've found a bug in something that Jeeves is based on though (artax, amp or possibly PHP itself) so at least there's that
@DaveRandom Oh nice, what's actually happening? behaviour wise
I was having a bit of a shit day, but most of the jelly tots in this bag are purple, so things are starting to look up
<?php ob_start('strip_tags'); phpinfo(); ob_end_flush();
I guess that will do then
11:48 AM
@JayIsTooCommon There's a queue of "post actions" per-room. It needs to be like that so that we only try to do one thing at once and we don't upset the SE servers. We've got this message but we don't get the one from line 52. We should either get that one, or this one if HttpClient#request() throws an exception.
@JayIsTooCommon this will totally make your day awwwwsum… oh, and listenting to Rebecca or Trollhammaren, of course.
As it is, it seems that the request promise never resolves or throws, so the loop is stuck
So Jeeves is actually working fine and listening and trying to respond, but the post queue is blocked so the queue is just getting bigger and bigger
@Gordon I think the end_flush is probably redundant, buffers are flushed automagically anyway
hrrrm, I've got a question
I've got an answer
You might not like it
so, I tagged an issue as hacktoberfest for interval parser
11:52 AM
@DaveRandom Why only now though? Or has this happened before?
buuut I already have an implementation myself :| not sure 1) what to do/say, 2) which one is better
@Gordon haha, that is very awesome
@DaveRandom hmm, I'll keep it just in case someone has a auto appended file which does something with buffers
actually, an auto appended file would be horrible
@JayIsTooCommon It has but we thought the issue was somewhere in the mutex impl. But yeh I dunno, it's obviously a code path that's not hit very often.
can I call exit to get around that?
11:53 AM
Good question, dunno
You'd have to test it
I know why I call it mod_phpain
@DaveRandom Well, at least it's not my man @Jeeves failing.
@Ekin where's your impl?
this being ParserSettings class
still thinking about that weird keepLeadingSeparator there
hmm, the other PR has _get _set
> Note: If the script is terminated with exit(), auto-append will not occur.
12:02 PM
Jeeves.. JEEVES!?
they still haven't finished fixing the elephpant
He can hear you.. He just doesn't want to talk right now.
14 mins ago, by DaveRandom
So Jeeves is actually working fine and listening and trying to respond, but the post queue is blocked so the queue is just getting bigger and bigger
maybe that much async dealing with r11 was just too much for him today
damn, I should really do something about my sleep schedule... I started doubting everything I say/do again
12:10 PM
@Ekin has nothing to do with sleep. comes with age. it's called dementia. tell me about it.
@Gordon You have dementia?
Shit I had no idea, I thought you were just mental :-(
@Jimbo so while I am not there yet, chances are I might :/
but for now I am only mental :)
12:18 PM
Use whatever brace style you prefer. But not this. Don't do this. Seek help instead of this. https://t.co/1EYb7BLHkb
@DaveRandom Brace style
@Ekin eekin?
:P yeah, that I left in my childhood (people calling me eeek)
because of eek the cat
and don't ask me why the cat
12:23 PM
TIL about Eek! The Cat
heh, it was called Eek! Stravaganza later on
@Gordon Yay! I learned phonetics today again which I have learned during my education and then forgot immediately :P My name is pronounced as kɔːnθ. To the coincidence the phonetics is the first class of the BEC(Cambridge) training which our organization is providing free for all the employees who got registered few months ago.
If I didn't know better I would have thought that was very elaborate spam :P
@Kanth yay
12:27 PM
@Gordon you should be at least 37.4% more excited than that
@DaveRandom I'll send you pictures just how excited I am on snapchat
boner shot incoming in 3... 2... 1...
@PeeHaa my message? :@
yeah :-)
12:28 PM
your smileys are weird
:@ - is that still supposed to signify anger?
@Kanth don't worry. it's all good.
I think it's :O with really big lips
@PeeHaa @kelunik fyi I'm shelving the stackchat lib for now because there's refactoring required that I'm struggling to wrap my head around
@DaveRandom I learned these(weird smileys) from one of my SO friends .But my original smile is not :P
It's ok. You fixed current @Jeeves instead
12:31 PM
@Gordon :)
@Leigh pong
@Tyrael Hey, I fired you an email but you probably missed it (it could have looked like it was disguised as some internals stuff ;))
@Tyrael would you be able to create a php.net hosted git repository for me, to host ext/mcrypt when I move it to PECL?
(and grant karma to leigh@php.net to commit to it)
@DaveRandom btw PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR gives the additional ini files dir
@DaveRandom do you think I can get away without doing anything with that PR and just keep working on mine since it had many other things like multiple intervals etc? :( or was that a good one that I should not ignore (sry for multiping)
12:33 PM
@PeeHaa I am a student now when it comes to English, so expect elaborated messages from me until I learn totally
Yeah @PeeHaa
expect it, damn you.
@Ekin your problem is one that I have a lot as well: try not to create PRs that do too much. At the end of the day you need to decide but I personally would probably accept and merge then rebase your branch and adapt it.
i am using this to post
$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"http://www.mysite.com/tester.phtml");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,

it does not post properly if one of the strings contain '&' in it.
!!docs httpbuildquery
Oh goddamnit @bwoebi / @DaveRandom
12:39 PM
@Leigh yeah, it was collapsed into the original thread so I did not see yet that I was mentioned
will do later probably on the weekend
@PeeHaa do not kill ;o)
@Tyrael thank you :)
I'll check tonight.
github down?
posted on October 21, 2016 by remicollet

Bugfix release for **PHP 7** - fixes #19: hung apaches on pthread wrlocks - fixes #203: segfaults in bailout / longjmp

12:40 PM
Oh no, tis back
@JayIsTooCommon status.github.com
Can't we just run another instance next to it cc @DaveRandom @bwoebi?
ping @Wes?
@PeeHaa you'd get a socket bind error I think
oh well
No biggie
12:41 PM
I think I can do it, hang on
@DaveRandom pong
hang on to what?
Your face is gross
12:42 PM
Your face is rude
@Wes this thread you should get involved in I think. I was going to link them to my RFC draft then I realised I have no idea how far you have got
Your face is :D
thanks @DaveRandom :P
12:46 PM
@DaveRandom I have been running for 19 seconds, since 2016-10-21 12:46:31
OK cool
finally I can find out
11 secs ago, by DaveRandom
12:47 PM
ah well, that was fun.
Mountains aren't just funny. They're hill areas
12:47 PM
rollick: to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free, hearty, or jovial way.
!!scrabble rollick
@Gordon rollick = 13, TOTAL SCORE = 13
!!docs httpbuildquery
12:48 PM
[ http_build_query() ] Generate URL-encoded query string
!!lmgtfy PeeHaa's mum
@AbrarAhmed ^
oh yeah, I disabled that :P
!!scrabble PeeHaa's mum
@Gordon PeeHaas = 12, mum = 7, TOTAL SCORE = 19
12:48 PM
yeah, she's a total 19
OK that process is only present in 11
The other process is still running @bwoebi
@DaveRandom yeah, I think I will do that too now taking a third look at it. aand you're right about huge PR's :(
@Jeeves <3 you're alive
@Ekin I love you too :-)
@bwoebi wait, have you paused the other process (I assume)?
@DaveRandom not sure, I've leaft my session with gdb still open
12:52 PM
It's not logging anything any more so I assume it's paused
which is fine, btw
probably yes
I just started another process with > /dev/null 2>&1 &
(after disabling the config that would make it try and bind a listen socket)
@DaveRandom anyway, i stopped making progresses because i don't know how it should work. both options are good, it's about choosing the one that is more convenient to have
@Wes wrt the assoc keys thing?
12:54 PM
Everytime I receive the perfect answer from this community.
@PeeHaa Thank you very much! :)
@Wes I'm pretty certain the only sane thing here is to ignore keys
As a general rule, are we against doing stuff using x86 intrinsics? Looking at this bug report I could implement using SSE4 instructions, but I have a feeling the patch would not be accepted.
@DaveRandom could be

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