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12:16 AM
f I force download a file.. it is possible to know if user as complete download?
12:42 AM
@JayIsTooCommon (based on the movies) sometimes "headed off" means "having a good relationship between two friends"
4 hours later…
4:47 AM
@bwoebi What was the reason for allowing a loop to run within itself, or even allow a loop to run within another running loop? It leads to complicated, buggy situations, such as the problem with only a single loop supporting signals with libev and replacement of signal watchers registered in native loops with those of another loop.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
7:07 AM
anybody is here
I'm trying to use wamp
@Sarah then use it
jollow everyone
the icon is green but I don't know why I get

You don't have permission to access / on this server.
i even chaged
<Directory />
#Options FollowSymLinks
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
#Allow from all
Require all granted
7:11 AM
@samayo o/
and second one to it
<Directory "cgi-bin">
AllowOverride All
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
@Sarah did you change anything from the http.conf file?
yes the above code are from http.conf file located in apache sub menu
please check this link i think this link may be le;p you stackoverflow.com/questions/10873295/…
7:13 AM
i followed that first @Kaushalshah
@Sarah why did you change it? You only needed to add a vritual host.
i changed base on stackoverflow.com/questions/10873295/… suggestion
I'm so new to php and want to use it only for my android app
just as a practice
What I was saying is, why did you change it in the first place?
I'm am so sorry to changed it
because i got Forbidden

You don't have permission to access / on this server.
error and thought if i change that then forbidden error would disappear
Do you get the same error, now after having changed it?
7:17 AM
yes no change
i still get forbidden
which is this error

You don't have permission to access / on this server.
in the white screen :)
of browser
Restart all, check your logs, Make sure all services are running (green), turn of skype if you have it running..
@samayo this is my httpd.conf file
restarted well and it is green
then error seems to be this
[Sat Jul 02 10:50:03 2016] [error] [client ::1] client denied by server configuration: C:/wamp/www/
hello everyone! I'm looking for a job in PHP web application development. I have some experience in working with Laravel framework. What are the other things that I should focus on. Specially, I have been working as a freelancer and I'm sure there are lots of other areas that I have to focus on when I'm going to work in a team. Please help me with your experience.
@Sarah do you have any file at C:/wamp/www ? and how are you accessing the via the url?
i just type localhost
in browser
7:25 AM
I have integrated Git version controlling to my workflow so this will help me when working in a team environment. I'm interested in knowing some other tips about areas to focus when working in a team environment.
and also there is a index.php file in it
Sep 2 '15 at 20:35, by tereško
@user9722 that impossible to tell. It takes about a year to be proficient in any language. But to be good at any programming language, you need to be good at programming. And that can take anywhere from 2 to 5 years. Depending on how much you actually learn about architecture and design.
with this code
@eMM Usually, you can check the job adds make sure to familiarize yourself with the commonly used tools, like git, unit testing, package management
7:28 AM
@Sarah je te conseille d'essayer avec un simple <?= "hello world"?>
there is just too many code in the index.php
@samayo i didn't understand the lan
@samayo thanks! I use composer and bower as my package managers. I haven't done unit testing that much.
what did u mean by this
je te conseille d'essayer avec un simple
@Sarah remove everything in the index.php and put <?= "hello world" ?> in it.
7:29 AM
I thought you were french
No I'm not French
get same

You don't have permission to access / on this server.
@eMM UnitTesting is not that tough, you can find a good tutorial from tutsplus about it, also make sure you have a linux working environment.
also i use windows 10
and just installed wampserver2.2e-php5.4.3-httpd2.2.22-mysql5.5.24-32b
Also I would like to know whether I have to learn about cloud platforms for example AWS. If we use AWS, does that affect a lot on how we architecture our web app (Laravel)?
I don't know much to tell you, just check your logs or restart again if you haven't done anything with it.
7:33 AM
@samayo thanks I will give it a try!
@samayo can it help me
@eMM I don't use AWS, but I've been thinking about it ..
@samayo did u with me
I don't know much to tell you, just check your logs or restart again if you haven't done anything with it
@samayo Yesterday the whole day I spent on reading AWS stuff :) now recently I payed attention to DevOps, and it seems deployment is a big part in DevOps. So do I need to know about deployment workflows using Docker or Vagrant for example to work efficiently in a team environment?
7:42 AM
Yeah definitely, I have a pretty bad laptop atm, but I have a list of all the software for deployment, versioning like ansible, puppet, docker, vagrant .. that I want to try @eMM that's a good idea.
You're on the right track imho
@samayo @Anmol thanks! @samayo have you tried ansible and puppet?
Not yet, 2 years and waiting ..
Like I waited to try Angular.. but now started moving ahead with Angular 2 though it's still in beta
@samayo I have a win 8.1 machine, docker only supports win 10..
Same story here. I ditched Angular and moved over to Vuejs, and I still have Windows7 32bit which docker does not support.
7:51 AM
I have like a full page of stuff, I want to try/use after replacing my laptop
I liked to try SourceTree but it crashes on windows 8.1 and seems no solution to that.. tried so many things.. Linux is the best!
Yeah, same here too. Source tree crashed several time, I even removed and reinstalled it again, now it does not work. I'm back to the terminal now.
@tereško \o
mornin tereško
7:57 AM
@samayo where is phpmyadmin.conf file
on windows
if I need to have a GUI for the git, I use gitkraken.com for now
.. it's an experiment
but, yeah, in day-to-day context, you will be better off with command-line
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 i just burst out laugh
@Sarah C:\wamp\alias
8:00 AM
your profile pic is so funny
what is funny about his profile pic?
i don't know lol
A black/brown santa is sorta funny
i thought i am good looking in that avtar..
@tereško thanks, I will give gitkraken a try!
8:03 AM
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 yes so good
seems to have good personality
@eMM it's a terrible resource drain .. but it looks pretty
@Sarah are you the one who created the @[username] commands?
@tereško ohh, and I was just installing it already.
what is @[username] command
Now I have to stop it.
8:05 AM
in Sandbox, 2 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@littlepootis Command @sara, created by Sarah on Thu, 09 Jun 2016 15:39:58 GMT
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 i didn't mean that
that isn't funny
@Sarah that is how you ping (call) the person in this chat room.
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 i didn't want to annoy u sorry
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 You are brown-ish.
8:06 AM
@Sarah i am just joking :p
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 you remember me one of my classmate, he made joke in the class every time
and when we look him we starting to lough for no reason
@littlepootis why u asking that
@tereško would like to know whether the deployment techniques we use affect a lot in how we architect our web apps? I use Laravel.
@tereško at first glance, it does not seem to be that heavy, (maybe the linux version is) the GUI is pretty strange and different from sourcetree, smartgit ... @eMM
!! @sara
@Sarah Remove the commands
8:11 AM
!!forget @[name]
It's annoying.
@samayo wow you got it up and running...
@eMM Yeah
Ughh, that syntax highlighter ... can't be unseen
who does it annoy
@littlepootis are u jealous because I'm master lol
8:14 AM
there's no place to open an issue.. and see how the development is going for gitkraken.. and the guys behind gk says in future some features will not be free... @samayo
@eMM laravel is not a development technique
@eMM I don't recommend it, the interface is weird and the app is slow, nearly makes my chrom tabs unresponsive. Go for smartgit if you have need a gui for now
@samayo notice that I said "I use it" and not "I recommend it"
@tereško I'm sorry I didn't make it clear. I use Laravel to develop web apps. I'm actually a freelance developer and looking for a job. what I would like to know from you, from your experience is when working in a team environment it seems I have to follow certain deployment techniques like aws+docker.. and does this affect the way I architecture my web app with laravel and the way I code?
what you call "techniques" are just "tools"
8:19 AM
or workflow
ad yes, your choice of tools will affect how you develop the project
actually teresko I'm thinking about now if I use AWS we can use watermarking and thumbnail creation in AWS it self.. then it seem I have to account for that when I code..
that's why you should always choose the best tool for THAT PARTICULAR job, instead of trying to show a round peg in a square hole
yeah I agree it seems without knowing how things work in AWS it's difficult to have a general idea about it
@tereško @samayo also is using ajax for authentication is a bad thing?
no, it depends on how you implement it
8:32 AM
don't learn AWS @eMM
learn linux system management
it would be better
Hello i am using php mail function
this function is sending mail too slow
kindly advise how to make this function more faster
@tereško thanks! @AdilIlhan thanks, why do u say that?
and one more thing it is also not sending mails to hotmail and yahoo
@eMM a bit more tricky, but still the same as using auth without ajax.
@Leigh Ping.
8:41 AM
@samayo @tereško say in an ecommerce website I want to let the users add items to the cart and only ask them to login or register at the last step. then where is the best place to store their items and other info - in a cookie or in the session?
I would do it in the session, but most would use cookies also.
I never use cookies for some reason.
yeah session seems to be good..
@samayo you said you are using VueJS right.. is data binding always two way by default?
I like to start learning Vue.. I'm still learning angular.. in angular 2 it's only one way by default.. We can have both Vue and jQuery in our websites, only using Vue for certain parts..
8:52 AM
isis attacked also in bangladesh. didn't know they had isis there :\
Well, 5 isis members were caught in my city two days ago. There were planning on a massive attack.
you from?
Hyderabad, India
yeah i didn't know you had isis there. isis is getting big :\
isis is everywhere
8:56 AM
so not only they are pissing off the west, also the rest of asia
9:16 AM
why I cant connect to db
$con=new PDO('mysql:dbname='.$dbName.',host='.host,$user,$pwd);
you need the host key
host key!!
( ! ) Notice: Use of undefined constant host - assumed 'host' in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 6
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0005 139152 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'android_db,host=host'' in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 6
( ! ) PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'android_db,host=host' in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 6
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
but the user is root and password is nothing
I checked in wamp
try {
  $db = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DBNAME;charset=utf8", "USER", "PASS", [
 } catch(\PDOException $e){
   echo "Error connecting to mysql: ". $e->getMessage();
Error connecting to mysql: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'USER'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
9:19 AM
Because you have to replace DBNAME,USER, PASS with your won credentials.
yes like dummy user just copy and past
thanks @samayo
Before you ask any more questions, please read this first PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
9:49 AM
Are there any differences when downloading files via file_get_contents(), cURL, or curl via terminal ... aside varying from the amounts of resources they may consume?
I dont think so...
@samayo Better error / timeout / limit handling. In production, you shouldn't use file_get_contents for file downloads.
@kelunik Yeah, I never use file_get_contents on prod, but I was considering it, as I am downloading around 5K files, but I run some issues downloading it via curl/bash. Escaping filenames is a pita
@samayo And running multiple processes is even worse.
i think curl is faster than file_get_contents
9:54 AM
I suggest you to use Artax for something like that.
!!package amphp artax
[ amphp/artax ] Asynchronous parallel HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework
@AdilIlhan Naturally, since the second is just a wrapper.
@kelunik Will look into it.
is file_get_contents a wrapper of curl?
I meant, the whole php function is just a wrapper. There is more overhead for this reason.
9:57 AM
@AdilIlhan Don't think - measure it :-)
@samayo I don't think file_get_contents() uses curl.
It doesn't. Probably uses fopen or sfopen
And curl isn't somehow a wrapper?
Don't be pedantic, there are many recursions of wrapper-ness :p
@Naruto @Wes ^
When you all use term wrapper what does it mean?
10:09 AM
It does the same thing, but a wrapper makes it more user-friendly or easier to use.
Just like a mysql or pdo wrapper, that hides prepare/execute methods, so you can run them with one line like $stmt->query($param, $value)
a wrapper "wraps" functionality, think of it like wrapping a gift, you add a layer around some existing functionality
doesn't necessarily make it easier to use
@Leigh but that is the main objective of wrappers.
It could be to make existing functionality adhere to a new interface
10:12 AM
That's easier to understand thank samayo,Leigh
Isn't that more of an adapter pattern than a wrapper? @Leigh
doesn't matter about the pattern, it's still a wrapper
even low level function hooking could be called wrapping
16 mins ago, by samayo
Don't be pedantic, there are many recursions of wrapper-ness :p
Ah you expected me to read the conversation before the question
10:18 AM
we're all just wrappers around bits of flesh and water and whatnot
remember, what is just another wrapper :)
@kelunik I can't see any method to download a file, at least not in the http request class.
I did.
10:27 AM
$client = new Amp\Artax\Client;
$promise = $client->request('http://foo.com/path/to/file.mp3');
ehh... nvm, I will just go with curl
Amp\run(function() { $response = yield $promise; });
> DomainException: Unexpected yield (Promise|CoroutineResult|null expected); string yielded at key 0 on line 11 in..
Eh, there is nothing worse than a software that doesn't work out of the box :\
10:46 AM
how to change only selected text heading not all text of paragraph in ckeditor ?
@Trowski a) cleanup situations (i.e. register_shutdown_function; the loop is still running), b) running something which must not be interrupted (rare, but there may be critical sections), c) in synchronous contexts (e.g. a callback to an async function (which is wait()'ed) containing wait() itself).
Any idea why this is returning $str as an unidentified variable?
function random_str($length, $keyspace = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') {
$str = '';
$max = mb_strlen($keyspace, '8bit') - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$str .= $keyspace[random_int(0, $max)];

echo $str;
!!docs variable scoping
[ VARIANT class ] VARIANT class constructor. Parameters:
Fucking hell
10:58 AM
not quite.
Ugh might as well fix it now
@CodePirate $str doesn't exist outside your function. Its scope is limited only within random_str(){ /* exists only in here */}
oh so i need to put the echo statement before the closing }
!!docs variable scope
[ curl_escape() ] URL encodes the given string
11:00 AM
@TheCodesee Yes, or just return $str inside the function, and just echo random_str()
@PeeHaa See, @Jeeves is hopelessly broken.
Maybe jeeves was trying to escape somewhere :D
!!docs variable scoping
11:07 AM
The scope of a variable is the context within which it is defined. For the most part all PHP variables only have a single scope..
Close enough
Ah, @PeeHaa Turned out to not be wholly incapable :-D
@Jocelyn wow talk about a long time :)
11:21 AM
!!xkcd 1425
That's not the effect I went for :|
!!xkcd 1425
!!xkcd 1425
@Jeeves you dead?
@Gon Nope. Not that I know of...
@MadaraUchiha can you pweese unfreeze 100286?
@PeeHaa Done
11:29 AM
@MadaraUchiha also 30213 pls
hoi @MadaraUchiha
@Gon Now you're officially weaker than me.
so what..? I have much more enthusiasm :P
11:33 AM
afterlife o/
Here is a good review for Zenbook3 youtube.com/watch?v=zBfJUHfwj3w /s
does anyone have any experience developing on laptops with CoreM processor?
@DaveRandom Any idea what I an forgetting here? I pulled @Jeeves. I composer installed. I updated config.yml. I cleared the data dir.
> Something went badly wrong:

RuntimeException: Still not logged in in D:\Web\Jeeves\src\Chat\Room\Authenticator.php:72
7 messages moved to bin
please please please
!!xkcd 1425
In the 60s, Marvin Minsky assigned a couple of undergrads to spend the summer programming a computer to use a camera to identify objects in a scene. He figured they'd have the problem solved by the end of the summer. Half a century later, we're still working on it.
11:47 AM
Were you being a noob?
yes totally
11:59 AM
Tokyo Ghoul FTW!
12:56 PM
@MadaraUchiha Hah .. the pronunciation of "hoi" is a curse in my country :-)
1:15 PM
1:47 PM
@bwoebi Ok, those are all reasonable. Running a loop within itself is no problem. However, creating another loop and running that loop creates quite a few problems with signals. If we said that signals do not have to be supported within embedded loops then it's not an issue.
@Trowski Well, then it should be mandated by the spec to throw when trying to install a signal on another Loop … but how would we detect that on e.g. Uv?
I'm really in favor of fixing ev here
@bwoebi Would it have to be mandated, or just allowed?
@bwoebi The native loop has similar problems.
@Trowski yea, but you cannot even detect it there
@bwoebi Right, but it blows up when control passes back to the original loop (i.e. the signal handler may have been reset to SIG_DFL).
@Trowski yes, you get spurious errors here
It's the worst kind of undefined behavior
1:52 PM
I could detect another NativeLoop being instigated before the first is destroyed and disallow signal watchers being created.
Same with EvLoop.
which doesn't work with any loop [implementing the interface], but just with loops you know of.
True, combining two loop libs would cause issues.
I'm trying to provide better errors and behavior where I can. If you do weird things, then expect weird things.
The problem is that it's not even very weird
Creating a second loop and running it within the first? That's a little weird.
That would happen in threading. It still works, just not for signals.
In threading you'd ideally have the signal delivered to one (randomly chosen) of the running loops which listen to the signal.
2:00 PM
Ideally. But in the case of NativeLoop and EvLoop they will just have to be handled by the main thread.
If you have a better solution I'm listening, but I never found one when I was writing the Icicle loop.
@Trowski It'd be helpful if pcntl_signal() would return the old handler...
then you could properly reset it in finally.
@bwoebi Yep. I think someone suggested that on internals recently.
So my proposal is basically: fix PHP, fix ev loop
@bwoebi Maybe we just have to define that only one library should be used per project?
@bwoebi Or that, yes.
2:07 PM
@bwoebi Sure, but in the mean time I'm going to just throw UnsupportedFeatureException within embedded loops.
If we can fix that, great. But at least it won't lead to warnings or undefined behavior.
@Trowski … if you can detect it.
@bwoebi Within the same lib I should be able to.
@Trowski yeah
@Trowski Then we have to define that in the interface, or it will be incompatible.
@kelunik Right. Just state that impl. may disable signal handling in secondary loops.
2:10 PM
@Trowski yeah, but it needs to be 7.1 only because of the potential BC break for people checking against === …
I'm guessing this has never come up with Amp? Looking at NativeReactor and EvReactor, they appear to have these same problems.
@bwoebi Hmm... yeah. Damn.
@Trowski If we'd make it as optional by-ref arg, it'd work out for 5.6 even…
@bwoebi no.
but I don't like that
@NikiC no? would be qualifying as self-contained non-breaking though?
@Trowski no, it hasn't, because I never have used signals in secondary loops…
@bwoebi no, as in by-ref parameter is not gonna happen...
2:14 PM
@NikiC Ah … yea, as said, I don't like that either…
by-ref is acceptable … but not when there are better solutions like retval…
The patch should really return \SIG_DFL if the previous handler is null.
guys, how do you manage your database connections in the application?
@Trowski I agree
do you start a connection in some kind of entry point of the site and use dependency injection afterwards?
or use a singleton?
what is the best approach? I just f*cked up and my entire site stopped working because I get too many connections...
@Trowski the only issue is that \SIG_DFL is defined as SIG_DFL (the C constant), which, at least on my system, is defined to NULL (i.e. it should be int(0) in PHP). Which will cause a BC break even for those just doing if (pcntl_signal($sig, $handler)) { ... } else { die("fail"); }
2:21 PM
@bwoebi Oh... eww, I thought it was an integer.
@Trowski it's an integer … 0.
@bwoebi Still eww, lol
@bwoebi Hi
@Trowski but we may redefine the constant to be e.g. 2
@Victor hey
anyone is good with simple_html_dom?
I have a bug with nodes.. Its like empty when I get it..
2:23 PM
@bwoebi could you please give me some guidance? I am desperate right now... I will probably have to rewrite the whole thing...
@Victor sure
@bwoebi I have a dbal and I tried using a singleton with it, and I get 502 Bad Gateway... I don't understand why
That's… too vague.
@bwoebi for met too. no error logs, no nothing. just 502
for some reason php7-fpm.log is always empty
@bwoebi We could... not sure if we should.
2:26 PM
well, with just that error description I cannot help…
@Trowski we definitely should if you want to return SIG_DFL. (which is a good idea I think)
@bwoebi do you know why the php errors go into the nginx log instead of going in that php7-fpm.log file I see in /var/log?
no, I never have bothered with nginx.
@bwoebi you use apache?
yes, or Aerys ^^
here is the code I have my bug..
He didn't find any h3..
but in the html page.. they have many one
2:34 PM
stupid question: will this return a copy of $mConn, or a reference?
     private function getBindingHandle(): mysqli {
        if ( is_null( $this->mConn ) ) {
            throw new \Exception( "The connection is already closed." );

        return $this->mConn;
@bwoebi "never bothered" and "apache" are a weird combination
@NikiC It's not like apache has ever been enough of a bottleneck to care about it much…
2:55 PM
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