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12:13 AM
I just looked out the window and the garden looked really weird. It took me about 5 minutes to realise that it's the first time in about 3 months that the sky has been clear for the moon to shine.
@Danack I was going to say ... "is that because it's dark outside?"
I never know with you people and your crazy northern latitudes, though. It gets dark for me by about 8:15 this time of year (basically right now).
@rdlowrey I'm not as far north as @DaveRandom, where you really need to have decent curtains to be able to sleep timeanddate.com/sun/uk/manchester?month=6&year=2015
5:22am sunrise ... that's awful
And it's not as if it's actually dark before sunrise....
12:30 AM
Its 6:00 am here Hyderabad, India
gonna sleep now.
12:45 AM
@rdlowrey why is it?
just resurrected a question of 2010 lol
and answered it with random bs
@bwoebi because the sun coming up that early is a great way to kill vampires like me lol
@rdlowrey are you waking up early by that?
I might not be able to help it if the sun started pouring in and the birds started losing their minds at 5am ... Definitely an E_CURTAINS situation
Meh… I can sleep until 13:00 even when the sun shines the whole morning.^^
12:47 AM
@bwoebi hey o/
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson mhm? :-)
i shouldn't have quoted you :P was just saying hi :D
12:59 AM
1:19 AM
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson from my discussion earlier, it seems I was trying to do this: github.com/zendframework/zf2/blob/…
1:37 AM
@Ocramius I'm very interested in this Gist: gist.github.com/Ocramius/5365052
I'm trying to figure out what is the best practice for hydrating my entities without Reflection or creating a bunch of setters
Ahhhh. This is brilliant @Ocramius
Just write a function™.
why extends Foo @Ocramius?
1:56 AM
because he's trying to avoid using Reflection to hydrate an entity....
the idea is....
you don't want to expose getters/setters unnecessarily
You should expose behavior. But the problem is that eventually you will need to do something like "save" that entity
Doctrine2 ORM (which I don't use ORMs) for example will use Reflection to get your data and save it. Or, use Reflection to take data from database and hydrate (fill) your entity.
These keeps your properties protected (and lets you decide if you want them exposed )
No, the problem that stuff is solving is that it's not possible to write functions to save/load arbitrary entities. You don't have that problem, you have fixed forms + entities, and are looking to be clever for the sake of being clever.
So @Ocramius has made a proxy. A class that extends the Entity, in order to get "inside" access to it
I'm not working on the Input forms problem anymore
I realized that I have a general hydration problem now
His Gist is showing how to save/hydrate without Reflection
But let me ask you why Reflection was chosen in the first place?
It's because you need to save/hydrate without disrupting the encapsulation and rules you have on the object
When I was working on the Form input mapping to entity, I started to think about passing arrays. Then I thought "why do I even need all these getter/setters" and then came that whole big argument for and against them out there in the web.
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I actually had a reply written that said it should just be implemented in user code.
Then I realized that they are mainly there (at this point) to allow me to save/load data from database into them.
But then I was trying to decide if Java was doing some magic I didn't understand.
2:05 AM
So @Danack there's no clever for the sake of clever here
I'm just trying hard to find my footing in where to put everything in an app
What this does lead me to is....a hydrator class all it's own. I can have this class spit me out an array, of which is nice to work with for Forms.
2:27 AM
@Trowski oh, i didn't check latest messages. yeah it has some use cases but it's not worth it. and i don't believe java does magic stuff :P
2:54 AM
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Yeah, then I should just post my reply that it can be accomplished in user land.
3:23 AM
This article is interesting. Does PHP need a fuzzer?
3:48 AM
me thinks that will be the next @ircmaxell project in his security suite
1 hour later…
5:16 AM
Does anyone know of a router that allows you to specify parameter order/additional parameters in the callback?
I'm thinking something along these lines
    $route->addRoute("GET", "/product-images/thumbnails/{image_file}", "send_resized_image", ["/product-images/original/{image_file}", 50, 50]);
    $route->addRoute("GET", "/product-images/grid/{image_file}", "send_resized_image", ["/product-images/original/{image_file}", 150, 150]);
5:35 AM
^ Seems like you should just wrap it in a closure and use ($foo, $bar, $baz) ...
Also, a good router shouldn't invoke the route target (which doesn't necessarily have to be a callable) itself. It should simply perform the routing operation and return whatever data you've stored for that route target along with matched route arguments.
anybody know, when I open a question in stackoverflow, stackoverflow checks I voted this question or not before loading (show the question) ?
5:41 AM
why i have to use application/mp3 mime type for mp3 why 'audio/mpeg3','audio/x-mpeg-3','audio/mp3' is not working ?
because as per this hul.harvard.edu/ois/systems/wax/wax-public-help/mimetypes.htm it should be audio/mpeg3 or audio/x-mpeg-3
sorry why i have to use audio/mpeg instead of audio/mpeg3 or audio/x-mpeg-3
@rdlowrey seems pretty common practice to dispatch from the router though, I guess testing is a little easier if I just return the route arguments instead. The motivation behind avoiding callables is I would like to be able to load up the routes from a config file.
5:57 AM
I think there could be a lot of merit to formalizing a dispatcher that would be able to take route sourced data and invoke a servicable handler... but then the question is how do I create the handler without giving the dispatcher the injector?
@ronniSkansing morning
@RonniSkansing \o/
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$route = $router->route($request);
$handler = $injector->make($route->getHandler());
$response = $dispatcher->dispatch($handler, $route);
@Orangepill I did return the callable to the bootstrap, then dispatched it right away after setting up
6:05 AM
@rdlowrey Would something like that be sane
@Orangepill this is old and was rewritten already, but might give you some ideas github.com/vlakarados/ReRouter/blob/master/example/index.php
@Orangepill currently in my project Auryn replaces the $controller = new $controllerClass; and call_user_func_array(...)
@sergey That's the route that I was going to go as well.
works nice if you have callables of the same kind
I just need to find a way to dispatch the routed request while respecting the parameter order.
it's done there
oh, no, not there
*edited link
6:14 AM
where is the parameter order set?
auryn doesn't map named parameters in callables does it?
I misunderstood you. In router I have named parameters
and arguments in the callable must have the same names, that way auryn may inject them automatically
so auryn does map named parameters...@rdlowrey is a fucking rock star
well, with a little hack on line 3 here
I wouldn't call that a hack... that's just formatting input for a service.
I need to appropriate algorithm for controlling the votes. When a user open a item (post), I need to check vote table for detect that this user gave a vote to this item (post) or not. but this algorithm is not optimized, I should check vote table before showing every post. there is another way ?
6:24 AM
hi friends any idea about how to migrate sugarcrm modules to suitecrm?
@Sajad you can cache it the result in a session ... so you only have to look it up once per visit
@arundivakar not a clue
@Orangepill In this case I need to a huge RAM !!
by default sessions are stored on disk not ram
@Orangepill oh, really ?! that's good !
6:40 AM
@Andrea a fuzzer for php-src or php userland?
@Orangepill yes
For userland such a thing might be similar to github.com/padraic/humbug
7:05 AM
posted on July 31, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Emirhan */

what/where/how do you store your passwords? (not ssh ones)
and not facebook ones
should I hash the password before storing ?
I have mine on a post-it note on my monitor along with my ATM pin
@SergeyTelshevsky what kind of password then?
7:22 AM
@FlorianMargaine database ones, etc.
Did you guys hear about the major security bug that they found in windows 10? Major security leak in Windows 10
yeah right
@Epodax You should know we are not that naive
@PeeHaa I hoped that I wasn't the only one. (That actually was/is that naive)
7:25 AM
I should've gone with a "See PeeHaa's leaked nudes". That would've gotten me a lot of clicks.
it would give you a lot of stars even without the link
Ah well, there will be a time to strike again later!
7:29 AM
@JoeWatkins That upset about PeeHaa's leaked nudes?
@JoeWatkins Good? morning
@PeeHaa I wouldn't be surprised. :P
stupid morning
@kelunik ;-)
@JoeWatkins That doesn't sound right? What's up?
7:33 AM
can't concentrate on communicating with humans properly, too much going on ... I'm stuck ... been stuck for two hours ...
This early? Sucks
maybe I should do something else ...
7:52 AM
printf("uint32_t 0 - 1= %u\n", u);
uint32_t 0 - 1= 4294967295
expected, but you just don't ... expect it ...
refcount is uint32_t, so when I set refcount = 0 wanting the engine to destroy it, it checks !--GC_REFCOUNT(thing) and gets 4294967295 and does not destroy it ...
setting it to 1 seems obvious ... but that doesn't work either ...
Morning :)
I am trying to figure out something with Wordpress, I want to load my Custom Post Types before Visual Composer loads, any ideas how I can achieve this?
I have this query: `select * from table where id = $id;` (my table has +500,00 rows)
Now do I need to index `id` column ?
8:04 AM
You should always index the unique identifier, which in this case would be ID
also never select * you should always nae your fields to select
@JustSteveKing alright ! thanks
@Sajad As a general rule, a column called id would be your primary key anyway...
@DaveRandom yes it is primary, so ? I index it or not ?
You can't install more than 512 apps on Windows 10, lol.
8:07 AM
@Sajad The primary key is (effectively) a form of index
I would PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) and then index other fields
@DaveRandom So if a column is PRIMARY, then does not need to be index ?
@kelunik Is 512 not enough? :P
@Sajad as he said "The primary key is (effectively) a form of index"
@JustSteveKing honestly I don't know english very well, for this reason I can not undrestand the mean of above sentence as well, please just tell me I index id (primary) or not ? :)
8:12 AM
@Epodax I don't know, I use Linux. Windows will probably be slow then anyway.
@Sajad Do not worry about index, just make sure you do the following: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
@kelunik Nerd ;P
@JustSteveKing I see, thanks
@Sajad you are welcome :)
@Epodax I have 1462 installed packages on my computer, right now
8:15 AM
Error fetching: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to www.sample.com:443
Goooooood morning Vietnam Room 11!
why im having this error?
using domparser
anyone please
@FlorianMargaine Bigger nerd! Show off.
8:16 AM
@winresh24 Have you enabled SSL or post 443 in your apache/nginx config
@Epodax your question was fun since I'm working on something related, dpkg-fs, so I just had to do ls /pkg/installed | wc -l to know how many packages I have
where to? @JustSteveKing
Im using widows server
@JustSteveKing when I do your offer (id: unique and primary), phpmyadmin gives me this error:
The following indexes appear to be equal and one of them should be removed
@Sajad Are you adding this in the query builder or running as pure SQL code?
@winresh24 Ahh, I am a Linux man unfortunately - maybe someone else can help
@JustSteveKing not pure
8:18 AM
@winresh24 Try this: social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/windowsserver/en-US/… Windows Firewall issue
@Sajad add a pastebin of your table, and I will have a look
@salathe morning
Thanks let me read :) @JustSteveKing
@Sajad What other fields are in this table?
@Sajad it's usually faster to google an error/question when in search for the solution/answer instead of asking it right away
8:23 AM
@SergeyTelshevsky maybe you right !
@JustSteveKing bro do you think this is the issue?
in parsing?
Even more so when the actual error is being told in a convenient message
^ which increases probability that you will get many results if you copy-paste that message
```CREATE TABLE `test`(
`prod_name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
`prod_decription` TEXT NOT NULL,
`prod_price` DECIMAL(4, 2) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
Four spaces, not three backticks in chat
8:27 AM
so, I'll repeat my question - what do you guys use to store your passwords for databases,etc.? online password managers/offline password managers/dropbox/gdrive/something else?
@DaveRandom Sorry! Used to Slack formatting!
@SergeyTelshevsky I just use the same password for everything admin1234
@JustSteveKing Isn't the UNIQUE KEY redundant there?
Is someone famillar with BASH? I am trying the first time to setup a deployment thing based on capistrano but it says: bash config/prepare.sh
8:28 AM
@SergeyTelshevsky keepass
If you are using online storage you are an idiot
Should I them simply first touch config/prepare.sh and after that bash config/prepare.sh And where should I store that config/prepare.sh file
`prod_name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
`prod_decription` TEXT NOT NULL,
`prod_price` DECIMAL(4, 2) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
Stupid chat markdown
@DaveRandom I guess it isn't 100% needed
@DaveRandom Yes totally
8:29 AM
@JustSteveKing I tried to parse sample.com in localhost its working but in live window server gave that error
@JustSteveKing bro your to kind (cheers)
@PeeHaa so you use it only offline?
@winresh24 Did you manange to get it working ok?
8:30 AM
@PeeHaa on usb drive?
@SergeyTelshevsky Yes
@winresh24 And the firewall settings are correct?
@RonniSkansing I can't change some of them :(
@JustSteveKing I have only ftp of the server
@JustSteveKing do you think its the ssl of sample.com that im getting or the website im creating?
@winresh24 This is going past my knowledge of windows servers unfortunately
@winresh24 The error sounded more like Port 443 was not open
8:34 AM
Yes, do you think the port my site are not open or the one I'm fetching?
Hi all
How to find out errors in php
I am a beginner
@winresh24 What was your exact error again?
want to debug
@KnowMe windows or linux server?
8:36 AM
@JustSteveKing Error fetching: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to www.poliswijzer.nl:443
Quick Help
@JustSteveKing thanks
@KnowMe add this to the top of the file:
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ok @JustSteveKing - then what should I do
@KnowMe It should display any errors :)
@winresh24 What is it you are trying to fetch?
Im trying to fetch html to that site
8:39 AM
@winresh24 Works fine for me requestable.pieterhordijk.com/sNd7o
@JustSteveKing - where will the errors be displayed
@PeeHaa I think it was on my site?
I mean the error
@winresh24 ?
BTW I like how something called poliswijzer has a servername called doodstil
The error i get
8:40 AM
What request do you make?
Because as you can see it works for me
yep its also work on me in local
Can you request other sites over tls?
yep thats the only site I cant fetch live
over tls?
dont know how to :/
i use dom
8:43 AM
You use dom???
dom parser
That's like: How old are you? -> I love the color blue
How are you using the dom?
And what URL in specific is wrong
sorry just new about it
@PeeHaa instastar
foreach($html->find('article.content') as $article)
echo $article->innertext;
and its working fine to the other site
8:47 AM
@cspray much work to do on presenting the results, but last night I put 5 different Markdown libraries behind adapters and ran them against all the test files I could round up, so far from 3 different sources. It'll be interesting to see the results in diagrams and diffs, hoping to make some progress this weekend.
@winresh24 Those lines are not producing the shared error
@winresh24 No worries
@PeeHaa yep dont know now what to do
Somewhere you are making a request to the site in the error message
That is where the error is coming from
@mindplay.dk Ooooh nice
@mindplay.dk o/
Does it also do benchmarks, because that would be totally awesomesauce @mindplay.dk
8:53 AM
@winresh24 Every time you use flow control constructs without braces, God kills a kitten
@PeeHaa bro atleast i get an idea from you but still confuse cause other site was working
Happy SysAdmin Day btw.!
@kelunik What?
@mindplay.dk +1
8:57 AM
hmmmmmm normally that would be @Gordon's task (the notifying of random celebration days)
@Gordon slacker! :-)
HOT TOPIC! - See PeeHaa's wicked teenage years! - I didn't know you were famous PeeHaa
9:13 AM
that surely is rebecca
what a waste
Have an error like this :
Class 'Google_Auth_OAuth2' not found in /var/www/html/restaurant_test/lib/google-api-client/Google_Client.php on line 616

My code is in index.php
and index.php has a line :require 'lib/google-api-client/Google_Client.php';
It's just "It's Friday" link again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@KnowMe it's pretty obvious Class 'Google_Auth_OAuth2' not found ...
9:24 AM
why is there such an error @iroegbu
yo @Dejan ... how you doin ?
the error is there because Class 'Google_Auth_OAuth2' was not found
@iroegbu yes i know - thanks - why was it not found
it wasn't included
@iroegbu where was it not included and who should include and why was it not included
9:27 AM
what? I think I'm going mad...
@iroegbu - where should Class 'Google_Auth_OAuth2 be included
@iroegbu - i already have the google-api-php-client
@iroegbu - any other solution - thank you
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will you be working on the template strings variant for the regex escaping?
It does sound like an elegant solution
@KnowMe did you read the installation page completely?
9:34 AM
@JoeWatkins Yo Joe, casual Friday-ing :-) Howyoudoin? What did I miss? :-P
@DejanMarjanovic not much, I did a conference (lightening) talk, with a beard ... yay, Friday ...
@NikiC done one too a little while ago, no doubt much more interesting ... but no beard, so, doesn't count ...
Cool, cool... how's life, wife, kids, work?
Still with FBM?
I'm assuming "yes" for wife :-P
life is good, misses started working full time a while ago which is nice ... kids are good, school holidays at the moment, so in my face 24/7 ... FBM good, still loving it ...
This, is the best sysadmin on this planet :) youtube.com/watch?v=dkrzZ8-gfn0
@DejanMarjanovic Y U NO RESPOND ON GTALK?!?!?!?!?!?
Also o/
9:38 AM
and no, it's not Rebecca
That's like 10 years ago :D +38761058505 (no phone sex)
If there's no phone sex I'm not interested. That applies to most areas of life.
@DejanMarjanovic Think @bwoebi wanted to speak with you about PHPDBG site or something
@DejanMarjanovic so we need to prepare for taking phpdbg.com down and having it redirect to php.net... who has access to the VPS? ^ this :-P
I have no idea what that is, my mind is reset :D
I think @JoeWatkins?
9:41 AM
I dunno where it is, on your vps somewhere ... bob wants to redirect to manual, but there is no manual pages for it yet ...
@bwoebi will come and say stuff, then we will understand ...
108-174-149-27.worldwidewebhosted.com is the PTR
the main problem is that there is no php manual pages for it yet ... there's no point redirecting anything until there is ...
Just ping me when needed. I can push domain to someone too if needed.
@iroegbu now i don't see the error
@DejanMarjanovic okay cool ...
9:46 AM
@iroegbu - by the way , I didn't use include_path
is that namecheap ?
@Dejan I'm on namecheap (krakjoe) ... push to me if it suits you ...
> The destination user you are trying to push this domain requires valid Authorization Code. Please contact the destination user to get the Authorization Code for pushing this domain. They can find the code in My Account > Manage Profile > Push Settings section.
give me teh codez
thanks @Dejan
> The Domain was successfully pushed to the destination user account.
> NOTE: You no longer can modify this domain.
Farewell phpdbg.com :,(
yeah, I'm not really loving the idea of killing it either ... maybe we can redirect /docs or something ... until there is manual pages we can't do anything ...
9:58 AM
I don't see any reason why it can't/shouldn't have its own site as long as there are unified docs.
I've sent the VPS details to Joe (had to reset 'em)

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