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2:03 PM
yeah - but I guess I just want one that does formatting..
Yeah I meant look at one of those and steal the parsing/formatting stuff
They're all trying to do too much - intercepting the exceptions and then creating their own weird objects from it....not just formatTrace..
Ah yes. Tbh never really actually looked into one of them
2:22 PM
@PeeHaa Anything you miss or want to be changed here: gist.github.com/kelunik/2d0e78cfc6e3b5ae9977?
@kelunik Some way to get/add/clear stars would be nice
As well as changing the room info
Some strange part of me wants to try doing bigints again.
inb4 @Andrea rage quits again :)
@PeeHaa I removed stars for now, because they add a lot of complexity for a relatively small benefit.
2:31 PM
I know that if I implemented it this time, I'd do some things differently
For one thing, I'd write the implementation of bigint math myself. All the libraries out there are unsuitable for PHP.
@kelunik Ok sure. It's indeed not something high on my list
@Andrea Isn't that like... a huge fucking effort?
But changing / creating rooms is really missing.
@PeeHaa the big effort is updating extensions
The engine itself isn't so bad, really
Oh cool
The problem is not missing any spots
2:33 PM
@kelunik \o/
If I did it again, I wouldn't have zend_bigint functions. I'd have zend_integer functions that operate on zvals, and produce zend_long or zend_bigint as appropriate. Automatic promotion/demotion.
@Andrea In what way are they unsuitable?
Implementing bigint math is somewhat non-trivial
Strike that. Implementing fast bigint math is somewhat non-trivial
@NikiC GMP: error handling, licensing, memory allocation. LibTomMath: doesn't use full machine words, barely maintained, must be custom-built, memory allocation. Everything else: licensing, language, or just a fork of GMP with the same problems.
@NikiC Yeah :/
@Andrea Apart from licensing, can GMP be fixed to be suitable?
The error handling could be patched
2:37 PM
(Under the restriction of dynamic linkage, of course)
The problem is on certain errors it just aborts. Maybe you actually can trap that somehow in C, but I don't think so
@Andrea I was thinking in terms of actually fixing the GMP code ^^
Yeah, I'm just trying to explain what needs fixing
It's probably easier to make sure it always has graceful error handling than to rewrite it from scratch
Isn't there another language using bigint from which we can steal it?
2:38 PM
Maybe I misunderstood C signals and that doesn't need fixing
Bigger issue is memory allocation
Like common lisp implementations
Multiple libraries that PHP uses depend on GMP. If PHP installs its allocator, they segfault.
Also, there's the problem that PHP actually needs two allocators. Persistent/non-persistent
@FlorianMargaine Python
Would need to be de-pythonised, but its implementation could be used.
@Andrea What is the layout of a gmp num?
Does it have some header that has any free bits?
@NikiC Hmm...
2:41 PM
Yup, cpython seems to be a good candidate
@FlorianMargaine This is absolute bullshit, you know
They are benchmarking GMP bindings for other languages and for PHP they choose, for the sake of fairness, not to use our fast GMP bindings and use the string-based bcmath instead
it's not even "PHP's"
bcmath is a library not specific to PHP, though it's the best-known user these days
as its name suggests, it's a library used for implementing bc
@bwoebi o/
3:03 PM
@NikiC uh, bug 69989 :s … ...
@bwoebi no...?
Yeah, I just relized that object handlers has gc
we just need to return a pointer to symtable or to cv table if symtable doesn't exist @NikiC ?
@bwoebi There's more than that
Also the zvals the generator stores, $this, etc
uh, like pending temporaries etc. I see.
but this doesn't have to be precise ;)
3:09 PM
What symbol could PHP use for an infixing operation? Like, so you can write add(1, 2) as 1 add 2 by placing a symbol around add
Haskell uses ``, but that's taken in PHP for command execution
If we don't do pending temporaries we can reuse one gc data alloc
@Andrea do we even need an extra symbol there?
Now that you mention it, maybe we could infer it
expr function_name expr, I wonder if that would parse?
we'll probably get a few shift/reduce conflicts, but with a bit hacking around, why not?
that'd mean you could do $num = $num intdiv 10; :p
3:13 PM
And $array array_reduce function($f, $i) { ... }; ;-)
@Ja͢ck that's awkward with the prefix^^
@NikiC I'm not sure what you mean with a "gc data alloc"?
@bwoebi if cases where the gc data is complex we allocate a zval array that is stored in the object
sure, but we'd have to maintain the currently active variables there?
3:21 PM
@NikiC There are all these conditions that result in a fatal error sprinkled throughout the extensions: lxr.php.net/…
I figured out why this can't work :p
$foo bar ( 1 )
lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/ext/date/php_date.c#1007 … got that one recently… time absolutely didn't matter in that script… but …
is that bar($foo, 1) or $foo bar(1)?
@bwoebi Apparently it can happen, lol
@Andrea $foo bar(1) makes no sense.
what should it mean?
3:23 PM
it shouldn't mean anything, but the parser will probably barf
we can haz optional parentheses fur function calls?
oh god please no
that complicates the language and introduces a decision which has to be made for every damn function call
@Ja͢ck that'd be kinda cool but only works well in languages where functions are curried
(and literally has no benefits at all)
3:24 PM
conflicts: 95 shift/reduce
bison grammar is still half voodoo to me
the other half is yet unknown
bison is awful
@Andrea If I add %nonassoc T_STRING, it compiles
3:26 PM
@bwoebi :o
Monadic parser combinators or bust
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ static YYSIZE_T zend_yytnamerr(char*, const char*);
 %left T_ELSE
 %left T_ENDIF
+%nonassoc T_STRING

 %token <ast> T_LNUMBER   "integer number (T_LNUMBER)"
 %token <ast> T_DNUMBER   "floating-point number (T_DNUMBER)"
@@ -954,6 +955,7 @@ expr_without_variable:
                        { $$ = zend_ast_create_decl(ZEND_AST_CLOSURE, $3 | ZEND_ACC_STATIC, $2, $9,
                              zend_string_init("{closure}", sizeof("{closure}") - 1, 0),
(just a dummy test, obviously)
but it… just compiles. It makes other problems at runtime
./sapi/cli/php -r '$a + 1;'
Assertion failed: (zval_get_type(&(*(zv))) == 6), function zend_ast_get_str, file Zend/zend_ast.h, line 230.
Bison compiles ambiguous grammars just fine.
But it'll emit warnings and you should fix them.
@rightfold not when you have %expect 0 ;-)
then it errors.
4:01 PM
I have a field in my table "dateTime" with example: "2015-07-05 18:30:00".
I want to get all fields which have the same date as today.
how can I do that?
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

select * from termin where dateTime= $now ?
Q: MySQL Select Date Equal to Today

JakoI'm trying to run a mysql select statement where it looks at today's date and only returns results that signed up on that current day. I've currently tried the following, but it doesn't seem to work. SELECT users.id, DATE_FORMAT(users.signup_date, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM users WHERE users.sig...

Hey you again
@Jimbo So github.com/danack/tier is what I was working on, or rather I was working on stuff that allowed it to work, in particular the templating system. Short version is that it's a skeleton app that uses Auryn to run the different 'Tiers' of an application, so as to avoid needing to use service locators anywhere.
Which leads on to what you wanted to do, and make an adapater for Auryn to allow other people to use it in something like Symfony. I think the problem with DI in Symfony isn't that the actual DI container is that bad (it is actually that bad), but it's that the architecture of the symfony application is hardcoded to be a single callable for each route matched.....
When program has to be written like that, people just can't do DI correctly....making them be able to use Auryn would be small win (as being able to delegate things is nice) and so I'm still up for making a bridge library for it, but I think the main thing is to show people that they can step away from using frameworks entirely by using Auryn.
@Jimbo do you know of an example application that uses that other bridge DIC that you linked before? It might be easier to start from their, rather than figuring out how to use that library in isolation.
4:21 PM
I tried this:
select * from table where DATE(dateTimeField) = CURDATE(NOW())
It doesnt really work
I'm working with postregsql, is it different?
in my dateTimeField: 2015-07-04 18:05:51

how can I get the rows with todays date?
@user3037960 You mean now
Or now
or now perhaps?
now? how now ? now?
I'm trolling sorry
It's hot over here
I like trolls. some of my best friends are trolls
its hot in switzerland to.. its a novum ...
Have you tried selecting both values separately to see whether both contain what you think it does?
4:23 PM
normally its raining every day..
in my field I have DateTime
@user3037960 Yeah we have our fair share of rain over here
and I can get the same format with $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
What does this return:
select * from table where DATE(dateTimeField);
Do they ^ match?
Does CURDATE() accept a timestamp as argument?
4:26 PM
I changed both to curdate()
LINE 1: select * from termin where CURDATE(datum_uhrzeit) = CURDATE(...
HINT: Keine Funktion stimmt mit dem angegebenen Namen und den Argumenttypen überein. Sie müssen möglicherweise ausdrückliche Typumwandlungen hinzufügen.
its in "german"
no function with the name curdate()
Well there you have it :)
"maybe you have to cast the type"
keine funktion so check the docs of the db engine you are using
do I ? oO
@user3037960 That's horrible
Localized error messages in a programming language, ugh
4:28 PM
hmm true.. but my english isnt that good
but which of those functions do I need?
I'll try a bit
Yeah I was about to to say the same thing. If I ever see Dutch error messages I don't want to live on this planet anymore
@user3037960 Look at the "Date/Time Functions". It is in there :)
hm I dont see it :/
which one can get the date frome a datetime?
extract(hour from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40') Result=20
So you are saying you want to get the current date right?
so Do I have to extract the Day, the Month and the year separately?
hm I want to select all the rows with todays Date
but I have only a DateTime in my table
No. If you have stored it in a sane datatype you don't
4:33 PM
so they have to be first converted to date, than compared with todays date and than selected the right ones
other wise you only get the rows with the EXACTLY same datetime ( hour min sec ... )
@PeeHaa @bwoebi Do we really need a message/delete? Isn't message/edit enough?
when I do:
where date_time >= now()::date I get all dates in the future
I need something like this:

where date_time >= now()::date && date_time < now()::date+1Day
@user3037960 You can do that :)
@kelunik I'm not sure tbh. If anything I would say for completeness yes, but I cannot quickly come up with why I want it other than that. Disclaimer: my views on current topics will change in the future :)
Hey @salathe
4:46 PM
Good morning/afternoon
hello all
@PeeHaa @ircmaxell hello
Morning all fresh room enterers
i have little bit issue
pls help
4:48 PM
@NikiC Is there any reason I couldn't convert the locations that use php_error_docref with E_ERROR to throw instead?
no chance @PeeHaa
$now = date("Y-m-d");
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($now));
$tomorrow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($now . ' +1 day'));
$fields = R::getAll('select * from termin where datum_uhrzeit > DATE '.$now.' && datum_uhrzeit < DATE '.$tomorrow.' ORDER BY datum_uhrzeit LIMIT 12');
doesnt work
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught [42601] - SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 FEHLER: Syntaxfehler bei „2015“
how the hell is this simple function possible?
@Trowski Because the code may break horribly if the bailout is dropped
I mean, they can be converted, just not automatically
@NikiC Ok, so I'll have to go to each occurrence and manually bail out of the function then.
There's not that many of them.
4:53 PM
and free everything, of course
@user3037960 WHERE blah >= CURRENT_DATE AND blah < CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 DAY'
where did you find that?
teach me how to google!
@user3037960 in my brains
but first let me take a sel.. ehm let me test it
HHVM fail: 3v4l.org/T3ufh
4:54 PM
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught [42601] - SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 FEHLER: Syntaxfehler bei „&quot;1 DAY&quot;“
LINE 1: ..._DATE AND datum_uhrzeit &lt; CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL &quot;1 DAY&quot; O...
@NikiC That shouldn't be a problem, since if they were bailing out already the function should have freed everything.
@Trowski no...
"bailout" == "longjmp"
If an E_ERROR is thrown we do a jump (across function boundaries) right into the shutdown sequence.
And use "unclean shutdown", which essentially means that we leak all the things
Oh, so the function might have been just not worrying about freeing things because it would shutdown anyway.
Yes, almost certainly it didn't worry
@salathe are there more hints for me in your brain?
4:58 PM
@user3037960 sure, don't write broken SQL :P
did you really use double-quotes?
where is the broken part?
hehe eehmm
why not?
$fields = R::getAll('select * from termin where datum_uhrzeit >= CURRENT_DATE AND datum_uhrzeit < CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '.'1 DAY'.' ORDER BY datum_uhrzeit LIMIT 12');
oh you didn't use any quotes
first I did!
but then .. I didnt
4:59 PM
should 1 DAY be in " ?
' ... "1 DAY" ...'
no, single quotes
and the rest?
$fields = R::getAll('select * from termin where datum_uhrzeit >= CURRENT_DATE AND datum_uhrzeit < CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 DAY' ORDER BY datum_uhrzeit LIMIT 12');
? like this?
you'll want to wrap the query in double-quotes rather than single quotes, because there are single quotes inside now
yes I know.. I had it the opposite
shouldnt it also work?
5:02 PM
no, double quotes inside postgres queries aren't for strings
they're for quoting identifiers, like column names, etc.
if you want a string in postgres queries, it has to be single quotes
oh I didnt know that - I learnt something. thx
@NikiC the basic algorithm is to append copy the entire scope on every block transition (create a new variable and assign the existing to the array of source vars)
hmm thx! now no errors! but also no Results Oo
it over-creates phi nodes, but it should always create the ones that are needed
CURRENT_DATE <<< this is just the date?
5:04 PM
@user3037960 yep
@salathe maybe because of UTC ?
I saved my Timestamps with european time
and the CURRENT_DATE from postresql is maybe
hmm doesnt make sense
so why I dont get results?
I have one row with: 2015-07-04 18:05:51
@NikiC I see I've opened a real can of worms for myself. There's already been a couple bug reports on the alphas not throwing on an fatal :(
dont I have to convert my "2015-07-04 18:05:51" to a Date? because now its a DateTime
I need one last time your brain
@ircmaxell Ah, okay
I assumed you were going to do a minimal ssa
But yeah, if it's not minimal algo doesn't matter much
to do a minimal SSA requires a dominator, which I've found to be a pita
I may port the algorithm over from Recki
5:11 PM
$fields = R::getAll("select * from termin where DATE(datum_uhrzeit) >= CURRENT_DATE AND DATE(datum_uhrzeit) < CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 DAY'  ORDER BY datum_uhrzeit LIMIT 12");
still no results.
then you have no rows in that range
I HAVE! by godfather I have!
Oh I really didnt have xD
hahahaha I'm sooo sorry
its to hot.
@ircmaxell As our CFG is reducible (it is, right?) we should be able to use something simpler than Cytron
it works. thank you very much salathe @salathe
and also thank you to others.
5:16 PM
no problemo :)
@NikiC I believe it is reducible.
So there's pp.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/uploads/publikationen/braun13cc.pdf, which seems to construct the SSA form directly from the AST
But didn't read it yet
@DaveRandom I've finally gone to the force side -- just switched from fedora to debian :P
@kelunik DELECTE/PATCH update methods just need one URL, yes, but websocket needs two?
@Trowski There have?
In any case, we will not get rid of all fatals, only most ;)
5:27 PM
@NikiC Right, a few things still have to be fatal.
@NikiC looks quite interesting
Here's one, even though what the person is doing is odd: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=69991
if you want to run with it, go ahead. Otherwise I'll study it in the next week or so and get it implemented
@bwoebi In which case it should not be called edit imo
@NikiC that sounds very nice
do LLVM et al. know about it?
5:29 PM
@PeeHaa no, it should just work on the generic message URL… just that it actually modifies. A real REST API.
@FlorianMargaine reading the paper, it seems that's what the paper proved ;-)
there should be a law requiring papers to have dates on them
@ircmaxell 2013
@ircmaxell I read it as the paper proving that LLVM would benefit from it, not that it (LLVM) implemented it
@FlorianMargaine I don't think they implemented it
5:43 PM
@ircmaxell well, is LLVM even aware of it
@NikiC interesting enough, the local variable numbering approach is pretty close to the algorithm I implemented here
though it's not strictly the same, due to references
If anyone wants x / 0, please write to internals. I'd not like to bring it up myself now.
@bwoebi didn't Sherif send a mail to internals?
@FlorianMargaine no
@ircmaxell uh, I mean… If anyone wants x / 0 to throw an exception
2 hours later…
7:35 PM
@bwoebi Hm?
8:02 PM
I have come to the conclusion that my life is just a comicalbstring of first-world problems...
@bwoebi I don't understand what's your point.
@bwoebi @FlorianMargaine I actually haven't had a chance to write to the list yet. I wanted to take the time to catch up on the discussion that's taken place so far before responding. Will get to it later tonight or tomorrow.
@Sherif I prefer this to be solved before Tuesday (beta1 tagging)
@bwoebi Sure, that would be preferable. I've just been out of the loop on this and in the interest of being fair I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
@ircmaxell comicalbstring?
8:17 PM
Fat fingered b instead of space...
@bwoebi what's with websocket needing two?
@ircmaxell at least it wasn't a g :/
8:37 PM
someone willing to help me with generating backtraces on windows? i've just crashed php7 :P anonymous objects involved
8:56 PM
@bwoebi Alright, sent.
is "Badly Dressed Developer" a synonymous for remote job?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson never really done that before. Can you try reproducing on Linux? In a VM?
i suck super bad with linux, but i'm going to install it in a vm now
will i need to compile php, right?
@marcio It means not a 'suit'. There's a divide to a certain attitude people have which shows up in how they dress in the UK. I'd equate badly dressed with someone who isn't that concerned with money, and isn't a hipster or city boy.
trying to isolate the code though
9:48 PM
@ronald if you have reproducible code, try asking someone here to try it
there's a whole bunch of code potentially involved so i don't know yet. trying to exclude stuff
actually, updating php first
still using alpha1
@Danack ty, interesting code.
@ircmaxell i tried to put all the code in the same file and it didn't crash. maybe it's how anonymous objects autoload stuff?
It's still a bad advert - just not probably as bad as it seems if you're not from the uk.
10:05 PM
@Danack So if you were an employer would someone who was dressed real smart put you off? Not disagreeing just interested is all
it didn't sound good, even before your explanation, now it sounds a few degrees worst
@Jay If it was a pin-stripe suit then yes, because it would indicate they were a bit of a nutter, clearly lacking a realisation of what was appropriate for a developer role. If it was just someone wearing cool clothes that fit well - then no.
Clothes are subtle in the UK...
@Danack I get you. I've been 'earmarked' for a junior role, problem is, if there's an interview, the interviewers won't be developers themselves, so hard to judge what to do
In London there are probably a significant number of developers who i) currently work in a bank or financial institution ii) hate having to work in a suit alongside other people who were suits, iii) are looking to escape to something more easy going. Saying "badly dressed" is a good way to get those people's attention.
@ircmaxell ha! it's the autoloader :D
@kelunik I mean, we have no HTTP methods for websockets nor routes… so we need two identifiers to differentiate between edit and delete on websocket side
@bwoebi Yes, but they're directly using {"endpoint":"messages/edit"}-
@kelunik yup, that's fine for websockets.
But when you want a REST API, then use the REST methods like PATCH/DELETE
I do that already?
I have no idea what you're doing ;-)
10:36 PM
@bwoebi take a look at it too dropbox.com/s/b7woilz1nnch4or/bugphp.zip?dl=0 there's a bug with autoloader and anonymous objects. crashes php :P
@bwoebi I just pushed it, so you can look at the code now.
@kelunik thanks, I'll have a look tomorrow
./sapi/cli/php ~/Downloads/bugphp/index.php

Fatal error: Class class@anonymous contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize) in /Users/Bob/Downloads/bugphp/index.php on line 3
^ /cc @PeeHaa
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson ^ hmm?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson crashes = segfault?
10:40 PM
@FlorianMargaine i don't even know the difference :P
crashes apache. causes it to shut down
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson what version are you running?
running opcache?
okay, opcache bug
crashes with opcache only
yeah i forgot i tried to enable opcache
Build Date Jul 4 2015 14:19:44 tho
yeah, could repro.
good :P
i mean, bad, but at least someone can fix it :D
10:51 PM
like all good bugs, this is a weird one.
11:10 PM
Im off, gnight o/
11:33 PM
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson okay, use after free. not that weird. [nah, it took me 5 mins to figure that out, not 30… just was away for 30 mins first^^]
btw. If I run normally, it segfaults. If I run with valgrind it works (though shows invalid reads)
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