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12:00 PM
@Danack precisely the problem. Thx for clarifying while I was in a boring meeting :-)
@Katherina what do you study?
@Ocramius tbh though, it does sound like that role does need to be on site....banging people's heads together remotely is difficult.
posted on July 03, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by jonasear */

@ziGi Application Development
Software Application?
12:09 PM
Cool, where?
Second year, so quite noob atm
I study in the Netherlands
haha, everyone starts somewhere
yeah, I understood, but I mean which uni?
Landstede MBO
12:10 PM
it's a dutch education level, somewhat lower then bachelor degrees
I know, I also graduated in the Netherlands HBO
with IT
ahh I see
has anyone here ever used PHP to create high quality print ready PDFs?
well then you know that MBO is quite terrible lol ^^
yeah, why did you started studying MBO?
12:10 PM
I have crated a4 sizes ones before
I am not from the Netherlands, so I started with huge arrear in the language
I am from bulgaria, so my english ain't that good as well as you can see ^^
@ziGi twitter background picture
I've studied car mechanic back in Bulgaria
@Jimbo my hometown Plovdiv
@Katherina ah I see, nice, I am from there too :D
12:12 PM
From Bulgaria?
and studied in the netherlands? nice!
@Danack just needs a reviewer that takes architectural decisions that don't suck
being on location for this stuff seems totally useless, tbh
@Katherina yes, and working now as a software developer for a financial company
in the hague currently
@ziGi Cool! Well I don't know what I will do after this MBO
12:14 PM
I am far more talented with cars then with programming :p
find a job I guess?
haha, why did you start learning programming then, if you like cars I mean?
I wanted to develop software for cars like GPS systems and stuff like that
Ah, cool, you need more Java
We will start learning Java next year
12:16 PM
but first I have to get through this PHP stuff ^^
haha I can imagine :D
@Katherina what do you have to learn about PHP? How to make a simple website or something?
Well not really
Custom CMS
that doesn't sound difficult I know, but I have to use OOP :O
I see, and do you know OOP?
12:21 PM
Nope, never used it before hehe
If you are new to OOP you might also have a look at MVC, DDD and ERM. ;)
@chozilla You mean 'MVC', which doesn't really exist in PHP of course, right?
I heard about MVC they told me it is far too difficult for me yet
@Jimbo did Stefan tell you this lie?
@ziGi Do you still speak bulgarian sometimes?
12:27 PM
@chozilla I don't know who Stefan is. And that's not a lie. Why do you think it is?
@Katherina everyday with friends, I even work with a Bulgarian guy :D
@Jimbo why should MVC not work in php?
@Katherina that depends on who explains it
I have to help him now so ttyl
@ziGi Goodluck!
@chozilla We don't have MVC in PHP. We adhere to the seperation of concerns that it suggests, but nothing more, because of the Request -> Response -> Dead lifecycle... where's the bi-directional communication in there that MVC suggests?
12:32 PM
True MVC doesn't really exist on the web. It was never designed for it ;)
@Jimbo: MVC just defines that there are 3 parts. not how they communicate with each other.
@Jimbo: lock at this mess of a pattern: google.de/…
Actually, it does define how they communicate with each other.
@chozilla That's the separation of concerns I was alluding to. We don't have MVC in PHP. Frameworks like Symfony specifically avoid using the term 'MVC', because it's bollocks in a web context
(usually - websockets, that's perhaps a different story...)
@Sherif i did not find two definitions that had the same rolls for view or model
12:34 PM
@Jimbo well in php you just have a view that does not communicate back. thats all
Probably because you're just like the rest of the 90% of people who have a very poor understanding of MVC and its true origins :)
MVC comes from Small Talk
A language you probably never even heard of
@chozilla And models don't call views...
I have seen definitions of MVC where models never call views.
@Danack Dude, we all need to maintain that common language here... models?
@Sherif i know exactly where it comes from, i just like the discussion about its validity in a server-client environment.
12:37 PM
@Jimbo super models.
@chozilla Well if you have a solid footing on MVC then it should come of no surprise to you why something like MVC really doesn't work on the web.
A big part of why MMVC came about.
@Sherif it still helps people to see the view as an organized output of there running script.
@Sherif it made people think about there code and not have everything inline.
Does it? I don't think mislabeling something as MVC is what necessarily helped promote modularity in PHP.
so it was named MVC without the control-flow bindings it would have on a desktop.
@Sherif why would you need to help promote Php?
@chozilla Again, separation of concerns
12:43 PM
> promote modularity in PHP.
Who said anything about me promoting PHP?
You can't just take a concept, well known and used in one world, then transfer it to another one and call it the same thing, because it's not
@Jimbo Well, that's kind of the problem. It wasn't very well known at all.
In fact, MVC has been shrouded in such mystery for over 30 years, before anyone tried to shed any real light on it.
You have Xerox to blame for that primarily :)
@Jimbo you think MVC is only misinterpreted in the PHP community?
We're certainly the worst as mis-using names.
@chozilla No, but I think we can all do something about it by ensuring that those who label something incorrectly are educated. So when people start saying "models", "services", "mvc" - it's not pedanticism to point that out in our line of work because we all need to work with a correct set of terms - i.e. a 'protocol'
12:46 PM
Yea, PHP sucks when it comes to nomenclature.
Like why on earth is nl2br called nl2br?
It doesn't change anything into anything!
@Sherif well did anything good ever came out of XeroxPARC...?
Ruby people at least just say that old paradigms aren't important as they ignore common engineering principles and build giant towers of spaghetti.
It appends something ffs...
@chozilla Only the GUI, the mouse, ethernet, and the laser printer. You know, just the things you use on a regular basis today and take for granted.
@Sherif oh, who would have guessed? >_<
Xerox PARC was great. It's Xerox that undervalued the visionary work that came from that research facility.
But big corporations are known to have done that throughout history. Take the laser, for example, was so viewed as such non-worthy in application by Bell Labs that they put off patenting it for several years.
12:51 PM
Well of course it wasn't
They were called Bell labs.
Clearly just a bunch of bells
Today we seem have reached the exact opposite extreme. Like facebook buying WhatsApp for $10B
wtf is that
OK, maybe it was $21.8B
You know.. .what's a billion among friends anyway?
@Sherif how much is a billion for you? ;)
@chozilla A billion
@Sherif well a billion for me is bigger :P
Whether I count it or you count it. A billion is still a billion.
I believe what you mean to say is "How much is a billion worth to you"
12:55 PM
yea it is 10^12 ;)
It may be worth a lot to me, but it's still a billion for me.
@chozilla Nope, it's 10^9. ;-)
oh come on, its just a milliard ^^
@kelunik He's trying to say it's worth a trillion to him.
...I think
12:58 PM
I think he just confuses the German / British English "Billion" (10^12) with the American English "billion" (10^9)
How uses British English anyway?
The British, probably.
10^12 makes more sense ;)
How's that? I did explicitly place a dollar sign in front of that figure.
@chozilla Nope, it were 21 * 10^9 $.
Dollars, Euros
We should have pull requests for currencies.
(owned by the british)
1:04 PM
git pull bitcoin
git add 1 TRILLION ZILLION DOLLARS; git commit -m "Muwahahaha!"; git push origin master
Think you missed the -f ;-)
If I force it they will charge me a higher conversation rate.
@Sherif just to close up, i thought it was kind of biased to be ok to fight the wrong MVc but not the wrong Billion ^^
@PeeHaa Pool @ work \o/
1:17 PM
@Sherif biased sorry ;)
@chozilla Oh, I see. Well, notice I corrected you on both. So ... No clue what you're on about.
@Sherif right you want to be correct more of the times than you want to learn ;) (or see an other perspective)
@chozilla I want to share knowledge with others so that I can learn as much as I teach.
Equal smarts and humility is a very desirable trait.
@Katherina thanks
@ziGi could you take a look into stackoverflow.com/questions/31206769/…
1:24 PM
@Katherina I still have a class around that does that for you if you want.. (I think)
uh is it simple to merge it with my function ?
@Katherina you have class="articles" is it possible that the image is resized but the class articles has some width and height set in the CSS which the browser downsizes again?
OK, someone point me to a Microsoft employee that I can berate/kill
1:33 PM
@DaveRandom bill gates
> Fucking Windows 98! Get me Bill Gates!
@ziGi nope:(
@ziGi bill.gates@microsoft.com - I'm sure he'll reply.
@Jay fosure

This answer... ? Makes no sense to me
1:35 PM
You know Bill Gates doesn't work for Microsoft anymore.
He retired last year.
@Katherina can you do var_dump(getimagesize($thumb));die; after imagecopyresized($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); and tell me what the output is?
Warning: getimagesize() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test/class.user.php on line 173
@Sherif I still feel OK with blaming him for VBA, that was definitely a heinous crime perpetrated under his tenure
oh sorry, I forgot that it needs a file
@Katherina I used this class in my last project, if you have question, just ask me :)
1:37 PM
It's like someone took a look at the worst programming language ever created and thought "good effort, but we can make this worse"
@DaveRandom are you talking about Rasmus when he looked at perl?
@Naruto How can I put this into my function? I take my pictures sources/names from the database
No no no, Perl is weird but it's nowhere near the worst language ever created
@DaveRandom Seems a bit harsh even for MS. I think VBA is probably what helped popularize much of the hobbyist Windows desktop development in the 90s.
@Katherina I am not really good with image functions, but can you try the following then: var_dump(getimagesizefromstring($thumb));die;
1:40 PM
same error @ziGi

Warning: getimagesizefromstring() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test/class.user.php on line 173
I know that's how I started getting in to Windows desktop development, anyway.
@ziGi tip: die(var_dump('foo'));
@FlorianMargaine sure, I like the die after :)
@Sherif Well that's ironic if true, since it's a hateful language with hateful syntax, bizarre semantics and debugging tools that are based entirely on guesswork
1:41 PM
@ziGi var_dump(getimagesizefromstring(imagepng($thumb))); will probably work.
And an error handling framework that's actually somehow worse than just not having any error handling and letting everything explode in your face
@FlorianMargaine You do realize var_dump doesn't return anything, right? Meaning you're going to return with a 0 exit code there.
@Sherif who cares
@kelunik oh yeah, I was looking for imagepng
On Error GoTo Pub
1:42 PM
@Katherina try var_dump(getimagesizefromstring(imagepng($thumb)));
@kelunik @ziGi Waauw that output is just too funny lmao
v �^HT��ba�i�(dfVU ��r � 3%Q˪��_�JP�B�,���E�;M#�'K��r�*Hf?5+�# �� H)+J��� L/�2s �Be��� �@�ʼ�w��ЯS}��oD AB�ER��ij��B�/��! ��������DŽDT ���i*�uo� A���"��_�D��"__�$��b�D$� ��p飯�x{;2�{ D�^�,d���x^{Α������^I��YC�HV�&ORd�����^N23ED{w�VլRU3VBLP�d%(�;�������‌​��]�c� EI�=E"R�J��.B�Hw�1{<�Г.��{ �U�;��*Uݱ�\��x��,��D�̬�73UU
stuff like this
That is binary data with a bad MIME type
Oh, right. Try:
1:43 PM
rule#30 was forgotten :p
I'm not sure that's a PNG image
I don't recognize the headers
@FlorianMargaine Well, your error log facility might, since a successful exit could have different consequences depending on your environment and set up :) Just sayin'
lol do you even recognize something?
1:43 PM
@Katherina yes
Silly code is silly regardless of how careless you are about it
@Sherif it's for debugging, white page + var_dump is never going to end up in production
@kelunik ob_get_clean will execute before var_dump has sent its output to STDOUT there
@FlorianMargaine mygod, you pro at programming? @kelunik returns 1 image and
array(6) { [0]=> int(960) [1]=> int(600) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> string(24) "width="960" height="600"" ["bits"]=> int(8) ["mime"]=> string(9) "image/png" }
@FlorianMargaine Who said anything about production?
1:45 PM
that one picture is a jpg
the array would be png
ive got 2 png files in it and jpg
to test
@Sherif misread "error log facility", my bad
@AlmaDo haha :D it's nice being a programmer girl, isn't it
1:46 PM
@kelunik Or maybe that was the point?
when jpg file removed it return:
array(6) { [0]=> int(50) [1]=> int(50) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> string(22) "width="50" height="50"" ["bits"]=> int(8) ["mime"]=> string(9) "image/png" } int(50) [1]=> int(50) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> string(22) "width="50" height="50"" ["bits"]=> int(8) ["mime"]=> string(9) "image/png" }
@Sherif That's the point, yes, so you can send the image directly to getimagesizefromstring.
@FlorianMargaine I just meant that it doesn't make much sense to place var_dump in the die construct there.
That's all
It's pretty ugly, but it works.
1:46 PM
It doesn't serve any useful purpose.
@Sherif well, it outputs the var_dump and stops the execution immediately
@kelunik ah, gotchya
@Sherif I agree with you
@FlorianMargaine So does var_dump('foo'); die; So clearly it's not more useful.
so now i've got some array, what do I do with it ? ^^
1:48 PM
@Sherif I never said it was more useful
@Katherina the idea was to see whether the image has been resized to 0.5 of the original
so if the original width and height was 100
this means that the picture resizes
@FlorianMargaine Well, I said it doesn't serve any useful purpose. You retorted, " it outputs the var_dump and stops the execution immediately". Meaning you believe that that is its purpose.
it does resize apparently
but for some reason it does not resize my images
so the problem is in the css resizing your image in the browser, not in the original image content
you do have a css file, right?
1:50 PM
is it not because I don't have the $thumb in my echo?
oh, so the problem is that the thumb is not saved in the folder?
@FlorianMargaine Both of those things would have happened whether you did it that way or the other way. So there was nothing useful about it. Does that make sense?
no it does not save it into a folder or something
@Katherina then you have to say something like this imagejpeg($thumb, "folder/filename.jpg");
if you want to save it as a jpg ofc
1:53 PM
I can upload files, it puts it into a folder images and saves path to database and then I want it to resize you know=D
You want to make a new resized image with a different name or just resize the existing one that is uploaded?
resize the existing one is fine
I see
you have to say
hi every one
@Katherina so it's easy, before the echo do imagejpeg($thumb, $filename);
1:55 PM
wow it works =D
amazing, right?
yay =D
may i help you @Kat
is it possible to get 1 value with the resize? instead of dealing with %
maybe @jigsVirani
1:56 PM
like pictures resize all to 200px width and 300px height by example
yes way not?
just replace $newwidth and $newheight with the fixed values
that's even better
wait I have send you code..
1:57 PM
do you study together?
@DaveRandom you forgot to mention that microsoft at some point decided to localize the keywords in VBA for excel. Apparently the syntax wasn't bad enough, so they translated it into german.
nice @ziGi Thanks alot =D and no I never met him before ;)
ah, ok, no problem Kate :D
my resize function is awesome @ziGi thanks! now the only thing left is to add a watermark and then I'm done with this idiotic CMS :p
Yeh ! I do need to put that in the same function right ?
^ you know what's that
@AlmaDo damn you :D
for watermark solution
@Alma Do nice :D
2:00 PM
@ziGi yeah, I will not even "hide" link, just - no one posted here and it's Friday evening. Shame on you, room 11
@JoeriSebrechts lolwut
@JoeriSebrechts not only german
@AlmaDo But have you seen the new PHP glasses at php.net/sunglasses yet?
@FlorianMargaine true, but it's funniest in german: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Basic_for_Applications (scroll down to example code)
@Sherif The uploader has not made this video available in your country => Epic.Fail.
posted on July 03, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frankie */

@AlmaDo Hey, I can't help it if youtube's digital rights management blocks your country
@Sherif so screw it (:
I live in America, where we only think about other countries as far away distant fairy tales...
2:04 PM
^ Losers :p
@Katherina here?
@AlmaDo Well, you have to remember that in a foreign country, you are the foreigner. So you both see each other as losers in that story.
@Sherif what about mexico
What about it?
@JoeriSebrechts lol, non-ASCII characters and everything
2:07 PM
@Sherif it's right next to you
@ziGi back was taking a smoke ;d
haha ah, cool
@ziGi It's actually about 2,400 miles from me, but I am aware of its geographic location. Just not sure what your question is.
@Sherif do you own a car?
@Sherif you know, I'm a foreigner in the country I live
2:14 PM
:( i have not even started to program the message board code i wanted to...
@NikiC I was thinking of changing the calls to zend_error(E_EXCEPTION | E_ERROR, ...) to another function that you could pass a ce to as well so a more specific exception could be thrown, something like zend_error_throw(zend_ce_null_ref_error, E_ERROR, ...). I could allow NULL for the ce, in which case just Error would be thrown. This function would then call zend_error() if EG(current_execute_data) && !CG(in_compilation) was false. Thoughts?
2:30 PM
s/was false/was true/
@JoeWatkins Right, true :)
zend_error_ex would be the zend thing to do most probably ...
it would be nice to reduce the amount of _ex though, if anything ...
also, why the limitation around execution time ?
the compiler can throw exceptions, right ?
what if I've hooked code to Zend which wants to throw errors at compile time, I should be allowed to do that, no ?
@JoeWatkins That limitation is in zend_error() right now. Maybe @NikiC could explain exactly why.
basic idea is probably good though ... I wouldn't impose limitations that are not technically necessary ...
@JoeWatkins I agree, and if it could be changed to allow it, let's do it.
2:37 PM
oh, we have a ParseError now, so I thought there wouldn't be a limitation
@JoeWatkins I think it's only on compilation of the initial file.
Since throwing doesn't make sense, as there's no execution context.
    //TODO: we can't convert compile-time errors to exceptions yet???
looks like we don't know is the official line ...
but it doesn't call zend_error, it calls zend_throw_exception
oh right, it is zend_error
I'll shut up ...
emm .. hi
I'm back from my audiobook binge
oh hai @tereško
2:43 PM
so ... emm .. what the fuck did you guys do to the internet ?!?
I'm not sure what's going on ?
there is a category 5 shitstorm in general reddit area
one of the main staff members got fired so as protest, all of the moderators have fucked up reddit ^
@Jay they fired the person who was dealing with AMA's
So what? Someone gets let go, big deal
Now if there were sinister reasons behind it... sure.. but
I don't see any of that
@Jimbo I agree, the moderators shouldn't be acting without knowing the full story
it's not about sinister reasons
the person who was organizing ALL of the AMA's and communicating with mods was fired without any mods being informed
AMA's are not low-profile threads, think: Tim Berners-Lee, Julian Assange, Barack Obama
I didn't know about any of that ...
2:56 PM
@tereško Still, I think it's a breach of trust on the mods end
@Jay so, in your opinion, when person, which was your only life-line for communication with an scientist/actor/politician (that is supposed to go online in 4h) disappears with no explanation .. emm .. I fail to see how you can describe it as "breach of trust on the mods end"

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