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7:00 PM
argh =/ any tricks to make Phpstorm play nice with php7 return type hinting?
VC can go for any company. Tech companies just market it better that they got some. Consider it a private loan
ok VC sounds reasonable
what I dont get is companies like Groupon or Zalando that make losses year by year and are rated at some billions
@MarcelBurkhard It's the strength of the brand. If someone were to buy the brand, plus whatever else is left over, that's roughly what they're worth
but Groupon was stupid. Coulda sold at the height of the bubble but they rejected like a 2.5B offer.
@Machavity that's the point.. they will never even get to 2.5 B revenue. that's what I mean by overrated
@NikiC so I've started building my own lexer-generator
performance is insane, once it's loaded
7:04 PM
@dns_project I hope to be self employed in 2-3 years
@RonniSkansing nope, i've had to disable basically any inspection
@MarcelBurkhard I remember in 2001 during that bubble, some Linux company made an IPO. Went up 700% in one day. All I could wonder was "Do these people know what they're investing in?"
generating it is slower than crap tho
guys watch the above ted talk if you interested in security/privacy
@ircmaxell generating a lexer isn't perf critical either ^^
7:07 PM
@Worf =[
@LeviMorrison I tend to like type systems that allows you to define types as a value space but only if it's applied consistently throughout all the internal type definitions of a language. Most languages today tend to have a crazy mix between types and hardcoded keywords.
wheres my tin hat
however, loading the generated lexer is going to take some time
the current JS lexer allocates something like 60k objects
@ircmaxell what lexing approach does it use?
7:08 PM
@ircmaxell you mean opcodifying the lexer code?
@NikiC builds a TRIE out of the token definitions, and then descends it until it can't, then takes the value from that node (if it has one)
@ircmaxell ah, and that's fast?
initial tests were
I wouldn't have expected that. Not in PHP that is
	protected function lex($string) {
		$node = $this->tree;
		$len = strlen($string);
		$tokens = [];
		$buffer = '';

		for ($offset = 0; $offset < $len; $offset++) {
			$char = $string[$offset];
			if (isset($node->$char)) {
				$node = $node->$char;
				$buffer .= $char;
			} elseif ($node->value !== false) {
				$tokens[] = [$node->value, $buffer];
				$buffer = '';
				$node = $this->tree;
				goto restart;
			} else {
				throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown token {$string[$offset]} at offset $offset");
^^ that's the entire lexer
not a single function call in the entire run
tho I'm going to change it from using objects to arrays...
7:11 PM
yeah, objects with dynamic symtable aren't any better than arrays…
they are worse, thanks to the added level of indirection
however, for building the tree, it's far easier since pass-by-obj-ref
the problem is that this basically required me writing a regex engine :-P
you mean primitive regexes like we have in re2c?
well, not that primitive
character classes and groups
T_INLINE_COMMENT = ///[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]*[\r\n\u2028\u2029]/

T_STRING = /"([^"\r\n\u2028\u2029]|\\(['"\\bfnrtv\r\n\u2028\u2029]|x[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]|u[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])*"/
T_STRING = /'([^'\r\n\u2028\u2029]|\\(['"\\bfnrtv\r\n\u2028\u2029]|x[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]|u[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])*'/
the fubar part is I generate a full trie of possible matching regex character permutations
which is rather... space consuming
I may need to rethink this
@LeviMorrison that explained noting. And as before, you are still not showing the public API for that maneuver. What exaclty did you mean by "map a user to an id".
@LeviMorrison nothing. Why would you need to populate an instance from DB if there is no data. And "assigning null" would definitely be a bad idea.
microsoft can go fuck itself
7:22 PM
what now?
they and their fucking account system
@NikiC did you learn about the lockscreen ads in win10 ?
LOL, the serialized trie is 35 mb...
@ircmaxell ... not bad :o)
@tereško I hope that'll be a the "Windows with Bing" Edition though that you basically get paid for to use (I think the device gets cheaper :P )
7:28 PM
@NikiC for the record, the trie based approach is 10x faster than the regexp I'm using
string(1302) "(^(?:(\<\=)|(\>\=)|(\=\=\=)|(\!\=\=)|(\=\=)|(\!\=)|(\+\+)|(\-\-)|(\>\>\>\=)|(\>\>\=)|(\<\<\=)|(\>\>\>)|(\>\>)|(\<\<)|(&&)|(\|\|)|(\+\=)|(\-\=)|(\*\=)|(%\=)|(&\=)|(\|\=)|(\^\=)|(/\=)|([\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}])|([\x09\x0b\x0c\x20\xa0\p{Z}]+)|(/\*[\s\S]*?\*/)|(//[\s\S]*?[\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}])|(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)|((?:[\pLu\pLl\pLt\pLm\pLo\pNl$_]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})(?:[\pLu\pLl\pLt\pLm\pLo\pNl$_]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[\pMn\pMc]|[\pNd]|[\x{005f}\x{203F}\x{2040}\x{2054}\x{fe33}\x{fe34}\x{fe4d}\x{fe4e}\x{fe4f}\
@tereško no. This is the first time I actually wanted to buy a microsoft product, but I can't log into my microsoft account (it says it doesn't exists) and can't create a new one (it says it already exists)
@NikiC they are doing this already 32.000.000 results
lol you can't pass page 23
@marcio note that none of the results' title is actually "Microsoft can..."
I must have a Schrödinger's account.
@NikiC lol
7:31 PM
@FlorianMargaine and page 23 shows a different result count "221 to 226 from 226 results"
they promise 32.000.000 and give you 226 -.-
@ircmaxell okay. so good performance, bad memory usage ^^
horrible memory usage
@NikiC it's possible that ms is showing "account not found" when the password is wrong for "security" reasons
@marcio In reality, noone uses bing and it doesn't matter :P
but I wonder if I can optimize that at all...
7:33 PM
@NikiC lol
@FlorianMargaine It's saying it can't find the account also when trying to recover the password
call support
you paid for it, you are entitled for/to tech support
And I have verification mails for that account lying around
@ircmaxell PHP just isn't the right language for that ^^
yeah, I know :-/
there would be awesome things if I could cast a character to an integer without a function call
can't you put these chars on some key => value structure and translate it?
7:37 PM
well, actually, I can merge equivilant tree structures
@Worf interesting talk, thx :)
@marcio that's what I'm doing now, using objects...
We need to inline chr() and ord() in VM :-)
@ircmaxell if you precompute it you will save a ton of calls on your scanner ^^
I do precompute it
7:39 PM
@ircmaxell Using objects for lower mem usage?
@NikiC ?
@ircmaxell Asking if you're using objects instead of arrays for lower memory usage
no, other way around (since it's stdclass)
right, you couldn't declare properties for all characters anyway, as some are non-LABEL
7:41 PM
@bwoebi this would be great
@rdlowrey for non-namespaced code…
(or well… for namespaced code, but with half efficiency)
@bwoebi so that's why you wanted to make global declared stuff global on namespaces too?
@marcio That's a strong argument, yes.
@bwoebi Isn't there a whole bunch of stuff that could be optimized by inlining ?
@bwoebi now I finally understand you, still a high price to pay though.
7:44 PM
@Danack Inlining isn't that easy.
@marcio Also general confusion about whether Exception is \Exception or \current\ns\Exception
well, cut the memory usage in 1/2 by converting it to arrays
@ircmaxell how much is it?
20mb serialized
@bwoebi really, for all code. you just need to write \ord()
@ircmaxell and unserialized? ^^
7:47 PM
@NikiC that sucks to write…
@bwoebi yes, but if it's performance sensitive code, you better write fqns anyway
and it's also annoying to read… I want read code, not a shitload of backslashes … :-(
216mb :-X
even if it's not a vm instr it's still going to be specialized
@NikiC well, it's cached, no?
@NikiC oh, you mean ucall and icall?
7:49 PM
@bwoebi the zf is cached, but there are a lot of other dynamic descisions that have to be made
like whether to pass arguments by reference
yeah, that too
@bwoebi we shoulda required using & both in the declaration and the call-site...
@NikiC Agree.
would be good both for clarity and perf
Anyone here use fuelphp?
7:51 PM
But this is probably too much of BC, even for a major… :'-(
there is a pattern here: the more @bwoebi hates \ the more they appear
@marcio \​ ;-)
doesn't work ^ give up for god's sake... no
it's bold, I just wanted italic
7:53 PM
now it's italic ^^
but actually, the italic backslash is less italic than the normal one it seems to me…
And sorry for the 13 9 pings ^^
Is there already a meta-post because of the \​ and ** (**\**) problem?
Any FuelPHP Users?
@BrianS very unlikely.
@Danack I need a really Good framework That is powerful and easy to learn
@Danack What do you recommend?
8:01 PM
symfony or laravel
It depends on exactly what you want to do.....if you want something powerful, just use PHP. If you want something that does a lot of stuff for you, use Zend or Symfony. And if you want to re-write everything in 6 months then use Laravel.
i want to create membership account that use my software
my PHP software
why you need framwork for that small task ?
ugh ... the Great Backslash Plague of 2015 is upon us ...
i heard framework make it more organized for further down the road upgrades
8:07 PM
depends , for small applications i found framework makes them more complicated
The application I'm developing is kind of like hootsuit
but i find a market niche
@bwoebi have been searching still for that quand core laptop to no avail :/
@NikiC hmm, it makes a 5% difference on a single icall whether it's fully qualified or not… I expected more…
i may go for mac :(
@bwoebi how many / what kind of args?
8:12 PM
@NikiC one.
a CONST "a"
@bwoebi try a cv
@NikiC okay, minute
now it's 7%
@bwoebi and now $str[$i]
what is $str and $i?
is $i always the same?
8:18 PM
@bwoebi yeah, just "a" and 0 for example
still same absolute difference
(I mean same differences in time, relative differences vary because both take a same amount of time longer)
Generally I see 278 instructions in DO_FCALL_BY_NAME and 259 in DO_ICALL… and 31 vs. 22 in SEND_VAL
(for const)
for CV it's same in DO_* and SEND_* is a bit slower for both
hmm, the fact that retval is unused also always costs 62 ops
but comparing do_icall and do_fcall_by_name directly, I get a difference of 63+22=85 82+31=113 … 25% difference
but absolutely that's just 28 instructions difference per call… so ultimately totally negligible
8:36 PM
Anyone familiar with Facebook SDK?\
@marcio I hoped it were hhvm…
@bwoebi they release a new thing every day, this one was nice
Was use X as Y; aliasing introduced with use X;?
It appears to have been, >=5.3
@NikiC I finally improved the lexer performance of the regexp lexer, and now it's faster on php7. 1.3 seconds to lex jQuery vs 1.9 for 5.5
using preg_match_all
8:46 PM
namespace TM\Test\Service\Conf;
class Conf{
	public static function getConf(){
		return json_decode(file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR . '/etc/conf.json'), true);
I have this class, and I use Composer, how can I use this class now from another file?
I've tried $c = new TM\Test\Service\Conf(); or $c = new \TM\Test\Service\Conf(); or $c = new Conf() and I get:
Fatal error: Class 'TM\Test\Service\Conf' not found in C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Test\src\TM\Test\Controller\M
ainController.php on line 8
so the lexing block becomes:
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $numGroups; $i++) {
            if ($match[$i] !== '') {
                $value = $match[0];
                $tokenId = $this->tokenGroupMap[$i - 1];
                $offset += strlen($value);
                if ($tokenId === 'primitive') {
                    $tokens[] = $value;
                } elseif ($tokenId === Parser::T_IDENTIFIER) {
                    $lvalue = strtolower($value);
                    if (isset($this->keywords[$lvalue])) {
@DanLugg :-)
j/k, @ircmaxell doesn't spam :-P
if I loop through an array of important files can I just use require($file); and it would still work?
8:48 PM
@ircmaxell with preg_match_all instead of preg_match being the only difference to make it perform?
Can you still have a look at my spam please? re-getting in PHP after a long time
@NikiC yeah, because that reduces the number of function calls drastically (1 preg_match per token)
@DanLugg yes. BTW only RFC about namespaces were the ones about use function and the other about picking delimiters
Is it me or I didn't see rebecca black yet today?
8:50 PM
in which they picked \ because Bob Weinand loves backslashes :)
@ircmaxell hm, I'm remember using preg_replace_callback for this purpose but not preg_match_all. Wondering why, given how the latter is more straightforward
oh there was also the Namespace resolution order RFC
@marcio I don't know about that latter RFC?
@marcio a youtube link?
@NikiC yeah, got me a 10x improvement on 5.5, and 20x on 7
@marcio Hovering displays me the URL. And I don't like URL shortener, just fyi.
@MikeM. There was http::/ocrami.us before…
@marcio better ^^
@ircmaxell That's a huge difference
Sadly preg_match_all can't be used for stateful lexers
So not suitable for things like PHP
well, what in PHP "must" be stateful?
@NikiC well, you can. You just need to post-process a few tokens
@bwoebi Dang it, I missed it :-(
8:57 PM
@NikiC and the trie approach is still 10x faster than the regexp one ;-)
@ircmaxell like variables in strings
@ircmaxell strings
well, you could post-parse them
@ircmaxell nope
what am I missing?
8:59 PM
@ircmaxell you can have arbitrary expressions inside strings
Including crazy things like nested heredoc strings
you can handle that stuff with regex, no?
because you can do the forward assertions
^ this caused me nightmares not long ago
    use TM\Test\Service\Conf\Conf;
    $c = new Conf();
    $c =  new TM\Test\Service\Conf\Conf();
9:00 PM
@crl $c = new \TM\Test\Service\Conf\Conf(); in case you are on a namespace
@crl please don't spam the room
@marcio right thanks
@ircmaxell and now think about two nested heredoc strings that both use the same label ;)
@NikiC that's legal?
9:01 PM
@ircmaxell absolutely ;)
when it says you can stick any expression into ${} that is really any expression
(I know, that's totally uncharacteristic for PHP ^^)
/me totally doesn't get where you're going with that
can you show me an example?
@ircmaxell 3v4l.org/d5IEO
/me goes into the corner to curl up like a ball
maybe we should forbid that? it's not like it's a particular useful feature and it does need extra implementation support
3v4l.org/jNb0R <-- that is even more fubar
but anyway, you could still use the preg_match_all approach, you'd just match all the tokens prior to the T_STRING, switch to string mode, parse the string, switch to normal mode and use preg_match_all to get the next batch
actually, it would be nice if you could put a limit on preg_match_all...
I'm sure accumulating 80,000 matches in an array is sub-optimal
9:21 PM
I cannot unserialize an anon class… It fails with an invalid character…
When was anon classes accepted?
six weeks ago or so?
@bwoebi That's by design. "Serialization is not supported, and will error just as anonymous functions do."
oh, great. Congrats, @JoeWatkins
@Danack serialization works…
just not unserialization.
9:28 PM
@bwoebi It shouldn't work. Might be an implementation error
10:04 PM
bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=69537 - This still seems like a bug to me.
silly question: is there a way to combine or more precisly merge set_exception_handler() & set_error_handler() into one function?
@Danack thanks for submitting it because i forgot the other day :P
@Worf Yeah......Laruence is being "not helpful" in his response though.
@Danack it is, the \0 argument is bullshit since technically that's an over-read of the string
What is the correct thing for me to do, when someone who knows the engine better than I do, is being that 'imprecise' in responding to a bug report?
10:08 PM
I'll reply ;-)
@Danack how to deal with bugs.php.net reports: always answer "not a bug" with copy/pasta. if OP insists, then actually examine the report :D
null terminated strings are such a horrible idea
@ircmaxell eih. I tend to close that bug again because zend_string* actually is expected to include a NULL byte at the end, always.
...which isn't visible to userland at all.
10:21 PM
./sapi/cli/php -r '$obj = new stdClass; $obj->{"\0"} = 1;'
Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in Command line code on line 1
Is that what the bug is doing?
Accessing class properties?
Or is it returning an array which the manual has no specified limitation on.
@Danack __debugInfo returns an array that is displayed as if it were the properties of the object
So it's not entirely unreasonable that usual property name limitations apply
^ that's what I thought, wasn't 100% sure though
@NikiC It seems to work fine, when the empty string is not the first element....
@Danack I doubt that very much
10:28 PM
hmm....I thought it did on 3v4l when I tried it before....but apparently not.
10:42 PM
@JoeWatkins how about this one digitec.ch/en/s1/product/… ?
it's quand core
@NikiC sure. But the error and where its thrown are both weird.
@NikiC Question for ya...
@NikiC If it ends up turning out that I can't make it to IPC, how do you feel about doing a tutorial on PHP Extension Writing (emphasis on PHP7 APIs)
@samaYo it's aiming at the same market segment as MacBook Air
mostly sold for people who you would describe as "does not know how to use a computer"
10:58 PM
@tereško in that case there is no other way to find a decent laptop.
I am aiming for any 13", corei7, ssd 256, quand core laptop for less than $1700
Something I'll tend to stick with for the next 3-4 years..
I assume that you want that as your primary machine
11:01 PM
if not for the dual core I really like this one digitec.ch/en/s1/product/…
honestly , I probably shouldn't be pinging you, because I do not understand people who want ultrabooks to begin with
@tereško they're really comfortable to use everywhere… just put them on your legs…
or do you really want 3 kg on them…
I don't really work like that
@tereško it happens to be the best laptop for 2015 engadget.com/products/dell/xps/13/2015
11:04 PM
and when I am "in the wild" a phone gives me all the stuff I need
I don't even have a wifi at home, I have to take my 20 kilo laptop to the library eveyday, my back is practically about to snap in half .. vertically
buy a bicycle instead =P
@tereško have fun doing urgent ssh maintenance on your phone :-)
It works… but yea. no.
@bwoebi when was the last time when you actually had that usecase
@tereško three weeks ago.
11:08 PM
@bwoebi and you really couldn't use SOI ?
ah :-)
not that efficient
when you are in the grocery store, using laptop isnt all that efficient either
@tereško well, not that urgent.
then they probably can wait till you actually get home
@tereško have you ever lost an argument to someone in your life? :)
11:12 PM
sorry ._.*
i imagine he may have lost one to himself at some point
if teresko was a bash script, he would be one without --argument
@samaYo not without a good reason to give up
or flag, whatever you call them
@samaYo ok, here is the thing. Both of those are good laptops for people who have to work on the go. And that's it.
11:15 PM
who broke 3v4l.org? :@
oh, hallelujah finally :p
The are usually favored by middle-to-upper management, because they are not that often at their desk
But that's it. Only work + movies/music.
I know what you meant. Just some fancy laptop for some wallstreet banker who will probably run a stock gui app, plus browse facebook and some spotify songs.. :)
You cannot do video editing or photoshop or high-end gaming or heavy computation on that box
@tereško if you need to do a really heavy computation rather use a server.
11:22 PM
"rendering 3d models" counts as such task
and when designers need to do something like that, they usually don't have a render-farm
Ah, yes.
I can't speak for the others, but I have done some photoshop using CS6 on my 2gb, corei3 laptop which is like a calculator compared to the dell xps, so I would say it'll be awesome on that part
on a 13'' screen ?
hell no
@samaYo It depends on what you do with it…
also, photoshop heavily uses OpenCL (when available)
11:24 PM
nope, 15" @tereško but yeah, I missed that part, I thought you were refering to the processor
I was referring to lack of usable screen and gpu
the cpu would be an issue in the "heavy computation" thing, because of the crappy cooling in ultrabooks
that I can't argue, I haven't tried photoshop on 13" which I am sure must suck
you cannot sustain the cpu performance in ultrabooks (on persistent heavy load it will heat up, and that heat wont be channeled away fast enough .. and the cpu will kick in the load limiting)
I guess it goes without saying that, there are a lot you can do to compensate for the processor/power constraints, like adjusting the laptop for best performace and not opening every software and leaving your browser open with 150 tabs... so, with some of these and more ... it's quite manageable imho
having 150 tabs opened wouldn't be something I describe as "sustained load"
compiling php - would .. or better: large java projects
11:34 PM
large java projects: sustained, unreasonable load
yeah, compiling php or even worse mariaDB litterally sends my laptop on the edge of shutting down sometimes.
it's half work, half prayer :/
@tereško I compile PHP here in one minute. That's fast enough…
nice make -j16
@FlorianMargaine -j16… haha
11:35 PM
@bwoebi nice
@bwoebi impossible!!
@bwoebi that's not including the extensions, obviously
@FlorianMargaine that's usually not significant.
@tereško correct.
@tereško add two other mins and the exts are there too
ok, then lets do with "compiling gnome"
or chromium/firefox
11:38 PM
@tereško is that the gui for linux distros?
it's gui for linux and bsd distros
on my old box (in 2005-ish), it took me two days to compile it
or just linux kernel?
never understood the use of it. If you can do everything via the terminal ( and looking like a badass hacker :P) , why install yet another software? ehh
because of it's appealing aesthetics, obvs
11:42 PM
@samaYo you obviously have not worked with heavily modded nix graphical environment
correct ^^
The only way a I can go for a gui is, if someone can convince me gnome to linux === pgadmin to psql
now that makes sense!!
there is a game-sale: humblebundle.com/store (actually quite many -80% ones)
hmm .. and also on GOG
it's almost as if steam's summer sale is coming

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