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12:00 PM
@PaulCrovella No multi-line markdown. :(
if that's not proof god is dead, I don't know what is
12:18 PM
hi all
yes, yes it was (few days ago)
12:52 PM
Why hasn't @PeeHaa's birthday msg been mod starred
@DaveRandom Router question. I seem to have issues sometimes where I can't connect to xbox live (at all) but I am connected to the internet. I have UPnP enabled but I'm wondering if there's more I can do.
can somebody tell me how can I store WHERE clause result in some variable.
I have made some calculation in where clause and I want to store those calculations.
e,g; SELECT color,percentage,image_id,a from color where SQRT(POWER(250 - r,2) + POWER(8 - g,2) + POWER(140 - b,2)) < 100 ORDER BY PERCENTAGE DESC
is my query and I want to store "SQRT(POWER(250 - r,2) + POWER(8 - g,2) + POWER(140 - b,2)) " into some variable.
oh, happy birthday @PeeHaa!
Happt Birthday @PeeHaa
12:55 PM
Perma-star it
@Fabor Open ze ports, DMZ it
I tried opening ports but NAT isn't enabled.
thanks all :)
@LeviMorrison got a pretty good set of results there, so gonna unpin ...
Router settings are a little weird. I may need to sit with someone more knowledgeable than I and go through it.
12:57 PM
can somebody please look into my query!
@Fabor Can you put DD-WRT on it? If so, i bet you can make it work exactly the way you want
@bwoebi yeah, It ended this week. For some reason, it didn't feel a year, more like 6 months ;)
Here's my modem, and it's plugged in to this wifi router
12:59 PM
happy bday @PeeHaa!
@PeeHaa Happy B-day!! (Gelukkige verjaardag!! ;) )
Thanks dankje
@Fabor You're in luck. It appears they have native support (as in you don't have to jump through any hoops to load it) dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database
Happy Birthday @PeeHaa. Are you HaaPee today? :)
Wow, heard the latest on that German plane? Suggestions are that is was purposely crashed by co-pilot. Source
@Machavity Will still wait till I can do it with someone who knows what they're doing around :P
Happy Birthday, @PeeHaa!
1:13 PM
@Fabor as a frequent flier with Lufthansa, I kinda shat my pantaloons when they thought of a mechanical failure. Relieved (kinda)
Yes, it's relieving in that sense.
yeap, still not a nice situation/case
this is strange but not unheard of behaviour
people say planes are flown by computers and pilots are just filling chairs ... but it's not really true ... a machine never decides to commit suicide, never needs a toilet break, can't get drunk ... it would probably be better if it were true ...
How long till we have built in safety that's decided by the computer? Like the newer breaking features on cars.
@Ocramius I've personally never had a bad experience on Lufthansa ... I feel safer on their flights than anyone else's
1:25 PM
@rdlowrey agreed
even before that, why is it we can retrieve sound but nothing is recording video ... we can't put real autopilot systems on every aircraft in use tomorrow, but I see no good reason we cannot put video recording equipment in every aircraft tomorrow ...
@JoeWatkins the pilots protested against that afaik
meh, just let the autopilot do everything...
the world protests much louder when a plane falls out of the air, or is flown into a building, or when a pilot is drunk ... I don't see a reason to protest if you are doing your job properly
@JoeWatkins wouldn't be surprised if they nap in there from time to time...
they are already being recorded, so they can't use a right to privacy based argument, they don't have one already ...
1:29 PM
@JoeWatkins well you don't know what they do during the flight without video. Pretty sure they are not focused 100% all the time while the autopilot does everything
just recording them when they are in control of the plane is enough ...
it wouldn't stop anything, but it would answer questions, and maybe act as a deterrent ... I find it hard to believe that are many irresponsible pilots, most of those have to be dead ...
But do we still need humans in there? Are there things that the autopilot can't handle? (I assume things like emergency landings?)
I can't think of anything that a pilot can do that cannot be done remotely, or automatically ...
Suddenly defining functions is "the Laravel route"??? — Paul Crovella 24 secs ago
we manage to navigate tiny objects around the solar system landing on the back of comets, we can fly a plane autonomously ...
1:33 PM
I think planes should have an automatic landing system in case the crew is incapacitated
@Machavity pretty sure they are able to do that already
@JoeWatkins You're right ... this seems like a no-brainer
Also, I think remote piloting isn't that far off either gizmag.com/windowless-cockpit-airbus/32816
anything other than driverless transportation doesn't really make sense imo once the technology is better than humans at it (from planes to cars)
1:35 PM
@Patrick There's an onboard system that can land a plane. But it can't decide to divert the plane AFAIK
How can you copy an array in php
@sanders $array_copy = $array
unless you explicitly define a reference PHP will copy it automatically if you make a new assignment
DO: $array_copy = $array; DON'T: $array_copy &= $array;
or is it $array_copy = &$array;?
I don't even remember the syntax since it's been so long
The latter
Don't we have a array_copy() function?????? :P
1:43 PM
@PeeHaa Why... no we don't! Someone, open an RFC! :D
function array_copy($array) {
    return $array;
I want lambdas
($a) => $a;
@FlorianMargaine You're not using strict type hints ;) function array_copy(Array $array)
you're lucky that php is case insensitive
1:58 PM
@LeviMorrison You commented on bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44392 - presumably before you had commit access. Do you fancy doing it, or shall I do it (and the tests) and you accept the PR?
why is there no default function in php to copy an array
@PeeHaa $array2 = (array) $array;
What's the most inefficient way you can think of copying an array?
On a mildly related note I remember some code where a guy looped through an array json_encoding it. Then json_encoded the whole thing at the end.
@Fabor writing it by hand, then sending it by mail
@Fabor ["[\"yo dawg\"]"]
2:05 PM
Hello. Can anyone tell me if/how I can set the date of PHP's dateTime object to the first day of the current month?
Q: Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

vfclistsIs there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another? I have been burned a few times trying to copy PHP arrays. I want to copy an array defined inside an object to a global outside it.

@Dan is this homework or something? I just answered a very similar question yesterday
@salathe Only 5? :P
2:11 PM
@PaulCrovella No, I was just wondering if I could do this with a method, or if it works best via the constructor.
> The final feature set for PHP 7 is almost completely finalized, and will officially close by the end of March.

(uhh... whaa?..!!)
@Dan either way, constructor or modify works fine. May as well do it with the constructor if that's the starting state you need the object to be in though.
> To put things in perspective – when PHPNG was published, the WordPress homepage required approx. 9.4 billion CPU instructions to execute. As of now – it requires only 2.6 billion – that’s 72% less!
Anyone got any preferable js lightbox libraries they use with a gallery feature?
@salathe well, it will finalize when the last vote closes
> PHP 7 is based on the PHPNG project (PHP Next-Gen), that was led by Zend to speed up PHP applications.
2:14 PM
@ircmaxell heh
^^ That pisses me off.
yes, it was led by zend
but no other company's contributions have been mentioned
there were other companies' contributions? :P
yes. MS contributed more manhours than Zend did :-X
We are the Zend. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.
I love how <=> got #2 spot.
2:17 PM
because "spaceships"
@Andrea ^^
uniform variable syntax is still #1 in my <3
@salathe Wow, that's horrible
Nobody is gonna take PHP 7 seriously reading that crap
@NikiC It is great blog/twitter/reddit bait :)
titles like that are clickbait that advertise the content as garbage anyway... I don't take anyone seriously who takes articles behind them seriously
2:20 PM
What's funny is their example for STH will fail because it doesn't declare it to be strict first
@Machavity huh?
@PaulCrovella hey, I wrote Seven ways to screw up bcrypt
@Machavity what do you mean?
Don't you have to add declare(strict_types=1); first?
@ircmaxell I'm disappointed there aren't only six given
2:22 PM
@Machavity Only if you want strict hints
@PaulCrovella no, there are 9 :-P
@Machavity the declare changes the behavior of function calls in the file
nothing else
Hi guys
@ircmaxell lolz :)
@ircmaxell I've got a short question. I watched the talk you tweeted yesterday: infoq.com/presentations/8-lines-code-refactoring and near the end he talks about having a file where all dependencies are declared, instead of using an IoC Container. But I could not wrap my head around that concept. Aren't you hiding your Dependencies when you do something like that?
*DI Container
2:27 PM
no, you have a file where you "bootstrap" (construct) your dependencies
there's no need for a massive container. A simple array can do
@thpl you just build them explicitly instead of using a DIC. That doesn't mean that you're not doing DI :-)
So ALL objects of the whole application would be constructed in that file? What about Request dependent objects like let's say something like controllers?
DI used to just be called "passing in the things the thing needs as arguments" ... I sorta hate the "injection" terminology because it makes people think something magic is happening
Darn anti-vaxxers
Let's just take that example for sake of simplicity. Either that "bootstrapper" would need knowledge on which object to construct, or I'd need to pass a storage to the component that constructs my objects which wouldn't differ much from an Service Locator then. I think I don't quite get the concept yet.
2:36 PM
Against dependency injection
@thpl you shouldn't inject a request in a controller...
(Yes, I know most FWs do that, and it's wrong)
I spent last 40 minutes trying to find why var_dump() wasn't writing stuff in the error log
@Ocramius yeah... I couldn't come of with a better example. Let's forget that one. What I meant to ask was rather about how to deal with objects that cannot be constructed explicity, but how the object is constructed depends on other things
Would the "bootstrap component" do more than just construct objects with it dependencies but also wire up the application?
You guys discussing Zend's silly page on PHP 7?
Here's my response
Hey all :)
2:52 PM
@thpl it would probably just be a parameter passed to the construction method
I am trying to create a nice smart function and query to collect all the data for one person based off of an ID passed in a normalised database
Question on the variadic empty vote, since it seems so divisive: couldn't that be fixed with a general-purpose array_any or array_all function? So instead of empty($param1, $param2) being ambiguous, you'd just do array_all([$param1, $param2], 'empty') ?
Any thoughts?
@Ocramius thanks alot :)
@KevinMGranger urgs, reserved word as string callback
2:56 PM
@ThW is function($elt) { return empty($elt); } preferred?
Hi Guyz... i have a problem with Google Calendar Daylight event insert. COuld any one help me
to solve the problem
@KevinMGranger and de.php.net/array_walk
@Andrea I never install a release on .0 for that reason
@ThW do you usually lead out with xpath expressions like that with people who've never encountered them before?
@PaulCrovella In this case I would
2:57 PM
@ThW doesn't do the same thing, but you could hack a solution with array_reduce
But then you lose the simplicity of the initial thing. Verbosity is the thing that's being tackled with variadic empty in the first place
Might anyone tell me an application to browse the contents of a SQL file on a Mac? Thanks.

Could this be done with MAMP; and/or is there perhaps a better alternative. I'm trying to manually copy & paste some contents of some rows.
@PaulCrovella An invalid node name could result in an invalid expression, with a string literal compare this can be avoided.
@VincentVerheyen vim? standard text editor?
When I do Local > Apply stash in SmartGit I get Stash failed (return code 1) Unable to refresh index w/ and w/out the index checkbox checked.
@VincentVerheyen SQL file = plain text. So any text editor can do it. If you want color coding check out MySQL Workbench
3:00 PM
Anybody have experience with collecting data from a normalised database?
@ThW with this one I think I'm gonna leave predicates until the second date.. unless he needs to match on the @name in which case there's no avoiding it
Thanks, but the problem is; e.g. using a text editor like "Sublime Text", that the contents of rows lose all its line spacing, it's displayed at many times like 1 giant horizontal code-line ... Very impractical, and basicly not good to paste for my application.
though really I shouldn't be answering any question that touches simplexml at all
posted on March 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Aresak */

@Feeds the irony, coding love
3:04 PM
Can anyone help with my DB issue : sqlfiddle.com/#!9/a556d
3:16 PM
Need a way to grab all relevant fields
@Fabor JSON. Please. Convert the JSON into xml which in turn converts into yaml. Parse that and build the copy
@PeeHaa hapPee birtHaaday!
@PeeHaa heh
ty :)
so you're now a dull old wreck ? (:
3:19 PM
@PeeHaa you forgot markdown, bbcode, and sgml
Ahh happy birthday @PeeHaa
Happy beerthday @PeeHaa
halp :(
3:38 PM
thank you thank you thank you :)
How do I integrate ORM over a normalised database?
We hate ORMs...
oh hai @Ocramius :P
@PeeHaa why :'(
@JustSteveKing I don't
@Ocramius Do you have any idea how to do it?
I have never really worked with ORM and a normalised database at the same time
3:40 PM
It really depends on the ORM. Try reverse-engineering it with an ORM tool first, but remember that it won't fit 1:1
you may need to edit/denormalize some things
@Ocramius Ok but I have only just built the database lol
I can't come and advertise you the tools I build :P I suggest reading up the docs of your ORM of choice before you try building the DB
ORMs usually treat the DB as a dumb data store
Ah I do not want it as a dumb data store, perhaps an ORM is wrong for me?
@JustSteveKing I never really found the need for it tbh
depends on what you wanna do, really.
I use ORMs because I'm doing more DDD-oriented work. I personally also feel like DBs are just caches for my use-cases
3:44 PM
All I want to do is collect my data in a clean optimal way
and do what with it?
The data I am storing is pretty much the whole point of my application, not just somewhere to store something
instead of talking DB: what do you want to build? Start from there, then see how much an ORM would help or not
Display it
like... huge amounts of data?
3:45 PM
It could be a large set of data eventually yes
Then look at TableGateway first
ORMs may be a problem, especially if you didn't take the time to learn them first
I have never really used them, I understand them but do not use them
I have a SQL class I use already which is great for just grabbing and spitting out data
then that's good enough IMO
it is just a case of getting the data out in the best way
if you want to go object oriented with your data, table gateway is fine
3:47 PM
With it being normalised I am not 100% sure the best way to get it
Well I am using a PDO connection to return an object
so I can then say $person->name = "whatever the value was"
But it is mapping these fields across a few tables into the one object
and that's perfectly fine
For example I have the "person" table which has first_name, middle_names, last_name then in "field" I have an ID, and what the field is for. Then in "person_field" I have the relative ID from both "person" and "field" and the value for that particular field in question
This is so a person can have multiple fields of the same type - for example more than one employer
Would ORM map all of this into one object?
over multiple tables
@Ocramius using ORM for my uscases would be a terrible idea
especially when I need to select specific fields over 5+ table joins
3:55 PM
@PeeHaa Enjoy your birthday, I'm off, later! ;)
@JustSteveKing choose the right tool for the right task
@tereško SO ORM or not?
I wouldn't use an ORM for just data ingress+reporting
@JustSteveKing the only correct answer is: it depends
3:56 PM
Which would be best on performance though
plus you are designing the DB yourself, which is also another problem
ORM is always bad for performance (almost always)
Of course I am it is my application lol
an ORM is ALWAYS causing performance overhead
Is that because it provides a level of abstraction not always required?
3:57 PM
no, it's because it is a level of abstraction period
abstraction => overhead
I understand that :) I am just trying to figure out how best to do my database for performance lol
I was told a normalised database would be best for performance in my case
also an ORM will not write the most optimal query, BUT you cannot call it a "loose of performance" because nobody says that you yourself can write an optimal query
That is true
backend developers are notorious for being shit as three things: JS, regexp and SQL
4:00 PM
However I believe my queries are ok - it is just the implementation
I am not that bad lol
riiight ...
I like SQL
as well as regex.. but I suck in js..
@tereško So do you think I am using a normalised database for no real reason here?
Might also be true. We don't know what you want to do :P
it's sadly a thing of experience, heh
@AlmaDo this chat room is NOT a representative sample of php developers
look around
4:05 PM
@tereško well to be fair, most php devs are also shit at php
@Ocramius Something I am trying to work towards lol! All I am trying to achieve is a simple data driven web application. I feel I may have over thought a few of the processes on the way
@JustSteveKing you just said it here - "simple data driven web application"
so it's not driven by interactions or domain logic, but data
anyone using dockerhub? load issues today :\
an ORM is usually in place to reduce the friction between domain logic and data, but you don't need that
so don't use an ORM
@Ocramius Yes it it literally user enters data the world can see the data]
4:08 PM
@Ocramius so, say it just like ORM fucks logic.. and data
@Ocramius I would say that ORM inhabits same general area as usecase for generic development frameworks: mid range sites where maintenance is a low-priority concern. It is waste on small business card pages and hindrance in complicated, large-scale projects (unless you unusually simple DB structure).
@AlmaDo that's your ignorance speaking :-)
lolo (:
@Ocramius On data vs domain driven, where would you put a simple cms or blog?
@Patrick depends. Probably ORM given the small amount of data: the overhead is small for that kind of data. I'd probably use something like JCR
4:11 PM
@Ocramius what I am trying to do is a very simple site really. But there could be quite a heavy load in data. Is there anything you would suggest?
it's a different storage, designed for hierarchical data
@Naruto About to go get a beer
@JustSteveKing depends on the ratio between reads and writes. Most use-cases are just "throw varnish in front of it"
It will mainly be reads
4:12 PM
@Ocramius I am just wondering what I should do for my tutorial. I want to keep it relatively simple, but people keep bringing up that I should do some DDD or doctrine chapter too. Hmm
Occational write but it is a data collection style site
@Patrick DDD?
@JustSteveKing so you can pretty much cache everything? Or is there interactive reporting?
@JustSteveKing domain driven design
@Ocramius There may be some background reporting, but very minimal tbh
@Patrick Ahh! Never heard of that! I have been down the speech recognition hole so have lost touch with web dev I think!
@Patrick if you don't do at least some DDD then people will just use the knowledge to build CRUD apps for the rest of their lives :P Anyway, doctrine is not required for DDD, but it makes the simple typical examples very simple to explain
4:13 PM
Who wants the D
Drupal Dev Days
DicksDoDomainDrivenDesign /hides
sorry, it's in a couple weeks in France :P
4:14 PM
DDD is the latest craze now isn't it
which reminds me:
The @doctrineorm is glad to announce the release of doctrine/orm 2.5.0-RC1. Please help us testing it! #doctrine2 http://goo.gl/UiUXgl
a bit outdated, but worth spamming
totally outdated, yeah
I mean, it was yesterday
@Ocramius when is 2.6 coming out? I had to write my own sqlsrv 2012 platform today... (well, I copied it from the dev 2.6 branch...)
@Patrick we're releasing 2.5...
4:16 PM
@Ocramius what would you suggest? I mean performance is going to steadily build up and eventually be an issue if I keep adding records. Currently there are 30 columns of INT/VARCHAR type inputs then one single MEDIUMTEXT required per entry
ah, you mean DBAL?
ah yes
but its also still on 2.4
but the fix is in 2.6...
@JustSteveKing 30 columns? O_o
@Ocramius you build Doctrine? Or build sorry lol
4:17 PM
@JustSteveKing I'm one of the maintainers, ya
Wait is Doctrine going to properly work on Linux with Sql Server?
@nikita2206 no guarantees at all. SQL Server is unstable software anyway
@Ocramius Yes. basically each row is a person, with things such as first name, middle names, last name, date of birth etc etc
we suggest you to use as stable RDBMS
@Ocramius Awesome! I do like Doctrine :) only used it when playing with Silex once though. It was much nicer than Eloquent was hhaha
4:20 PM
Probably I name it wrong... Maybe it should be mssql. Anyway one of my friends has a couple of apps at his company written in microsoft's stack (C#, .Net, mssql) and I he was trying to make a simple API in front of this mssql server and he had to use windows at some point because of sqlsrv...
@nikita2206 run sql server on linux? or just the webserver? o.0
SQL Server/MSSql is on the win machine, php is on linux
tbh, we're testing SQL Server on docker
it's a pain.
but we don't have a stable test matrix yet :(
@nikita2206 we are completely on windows, but it works fine with doctrine. Well except mssql problems like not having an offset before 2012...
but that's not a doctrine issue
@Patrick you may want to check the currently open PRs about that
4:22 PM
@Patrick yes, on windows it works perfectly. But running php on windows is a bit of a pain and I think less performant even
both on ORM and DBAL
we may have fixed most issues for ORM 2.5
@Ocramius i did, that's where I got the platform code from
things work fine now
from today?
no, I just saw the PR for 2.6 and got it from there
Does anybody have a good explanation of ORM? I understand it, but not fully I don't think
4:23 PM
@JustSteveKing takes a flat table structure and stuffs it in an object graph and vice-versa
then there are different flavors
Hey @PeeHaa happy bday man!! hope you have a good one
@Ocramius so a way to map all the columns in a table to object properties?
Does anyone know Symfony so that I might pick your brain? I'm interested in learning it and have a few questions.
@JustSteveKing kinda, ya
4:25 PM
@Ocramius Ahh ok. I am assuming this is not the only thing it does though lol!
That's the core of what it does. As I said, there are different flavors/poisons
@JustSteveKing relations too. So that you are able to call $order->getClient() and ORM will silently do a query to a client table, get the corresponding client and return it to you (and cache it for consequent getClient() calls)
@Ocramius Doctrine? What is the main aim of it? I used Doctrine DBAL not the ORM
old but gold slides
@nikita2206 It sounds to me like ORM requires more queries? Or am I getting almost 5 oclock brain here lol
@Ocramius Thanks :) hopefully this will help!
4:27 PM
@JustSteveKing 5 oclock brain
@JustSteveKing it depends on the implementation. Doctrine, for example, can into JOINs. Some of the simpler ones can't
@Ocramius Good! I have been reading research papers on speech recognition all day so am totally out of it lol!
@JustSteveKing There is copious documentation already written - doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorials/… you will get clearer answers to general questions from prepared docs rather than from someone answering off the cuff.
If you've got specific questions that the general docs don't answer, that is the time to start asking questions imo.
It seems ORM is used for creating records on the fly too
you don't have "records" in an ORM
4:30 PM
@Machavity I install version .0 if it's cool, but I don't care about stability enough :p
you have "objects" only
I'm the one who made yolophp require an unreleased, unstable version of PHP
Well done
Thats what I meant sorry, I just call an insert a record lol
From the looks of it ORM is not what I need right now
with symfony's dev and production environments, does that make it safe to develop on the host's server. (i.e. is the dev environment protected/hidden until its deployed?)
4:42 PM
@jtc No. The same code is used for both.
So its best to develop on local machine and configure/deploy the good old fashioned way...
I was afraid of that. I'm having a hell of a time getting my MAMP to work with it. It refuses to use MAMP's php.ini
@jtc Just use vagrant....developing on a different environment to your production server is nuts. (I'm assuming you don't deploy to a mac server.....)
@Andrea I'll probably put it into our development environment (provided Remi makes a repo fast enough)
@Machavity Have you ever thought about making your own RPMS of stuff?
@Danack Uhm… dunno.
4:47 PM
I'll do it for 7 then.
What's the worst that can happen?
Uhm… dunno.
@Danack I tried once. Was very messy to set up and didn't do what I wanted. And I certainly couldn't use it in production. There's Remi and another repo I really like for stable releases. And Remi is so fast in his builds he's usually got them out before php.net even announces them
@Danack Total noob question. What does vagrant provide? Is it a VM?
@jtc Yes, or to be more precise, it's some software that makes using a VM not be a pain in the butt. You can download prepared vagrant boxes from puphpet.com which setup a complete evnironment. Though in practice, you'll want to customise it to reflect your production envionrment as closely as posible.
so it's kinda like Chef and Puppet?
4:58 PM
vagrant uses chef/puppet
No - you'll still probably want to use Chef/puppet to provision stuff. It's more an abstraction layer for vms, for example I can say:
vagrant is the (literal) chef, puppet is the recipe.
@Machavity Here is a repo that contains my RPM building environment through vagrant, github.com/Danack/BastionRPM - just invoking sh php.sh in the scripts dir will build an RPM of PHP.
So there's no more "it works on my machine" stuff.
So what I'm doing is working on a web interface for an arduino-based project. I'm using symfony because I want to get acquainted with frameworks. I am working on a CS degree and there really arent a lot of web dev classes that go into real world development

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