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3:00 PM
Isn't the c++ room aware of the kick mute feature today?
@webarto upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/… ... well, mine is kinda different from those two above
@tereško Why are you not in the USA?
@webarto that is not correct. US citizens need a Visa for Brasil
@ircmaxell Second map is USA?
Oh, nevermind... Whoops
3:02 PM
Yay for British citizenship.
so, instead of making negative shifts do what the RFC admits that people expect, they're going to return 0...?
> The last message was posted 8 days ago.
lol chat is drunk over here
3:16 PM
I love generators.
Specifically, nesting them and letting them unwind like pipe.
i do too, except for that one big issue...they're not rewindable :P
That's not a big issue (IMO)
@bwoebi USA > Russia
it makes linqy things a bit more of a pain to do
@webarto Russia? who needs Russia…
3:18 PM
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
@cHao Example?
Russia is all brothers and shit, but no rockets for you, sorry.
Fuck your rockets then.
We don't need love we need S400
Hey guys, I'm having a slight disaster here.. hoping someone could help
I just rewrote a WP archive.php so that the html can be passed through to JS.. anyway
Let me stop you there.
3:19 PM
How do you think you can update archive.php when new WP version comes out?
I don't understand why would I need to update it
@webarto rm archive.php
I'm referring to a theme's archive template file
Ok, nevermind then...
@bwoebi hey you bastard. It's offensive for me! well.. at least till October, 1 :p
3:21 PM
@DanLugg if you're doing something like linq, you can't use use generators without a caching iterator of some sort. and then you have to either create the iterator beforehand, or the code has to know that it's a forward-only iterator and do the caching thing itself
Anyway I am getting lots of errors the only one I recognize points to $post->post_name; , the line before that being global $post;
@AlmaDo insta-flag! … eih… hehehe
@AlmaDo You would be shot for treason :P
@Billy is it a 3. party theme?
I backed up the file before I started work and it works on the other file and not on my one and I can't work out why
@RonniSkansing No I wrote it from scratch
3:22 PM
@cHao Many LINQ-esque operations are forward-only anyway. What are you caching?
Backup up the file.. sound like you need vcs.
Great, please put the minimal code in a pastebin/pastie, add the errors
@webarto Yeah I know, I know
@webarto hm.. and that reason is.. ?
@DanLugg hahahahahah su... per!
3:23 PM
@DanLugg the operations being forward-only is ok. but i should be able to say $value = $x->skip(5)->take(5); and get the same thing both times.
@PeeHaa :-P
@AlmaDo You didn't have to have a valid reason to sentence someone to death by shooting in previous century.
@cHao I still don't follow exactly; skip is forward, same with take.
@webarto I don't need it in this century, for you to know.
And you should get the same, I don't see how you couldn't.
3:24 PM
So think twice before moving to Berlin ;)
@DanLugg $x is the same variable. In any self-respecting FP pipeline, it should give me the same value both times.
@RonniSkansing before, and after. Errors
but a generator makes that more difficult
Sorry Billy, that is far from minimal enough for me to even consider debugging. What have you done so far to debug and locate the bug?
Can the errors be wrong? Because obviously I have the same two lines on both versions and on the second version it says $post is not an object
3:28 PM
> ... on line 4646
@RonniSkansing Sorry I skipped over the minimal part there.. :p
@kaiser Forgive my noobness, but how would your proposol work? When something goes EOL release a new version just to signify EOL?
Well the only error in those errors that lead back to something to do with me is Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/sp/public_html/wp-content/themes/StudioPretty/archive.php on line 15
kek...the fact that there even is a line 4646 is the real issue here :P
3:29 PM
That's wordpress
...i rest my case.
@Billy So then the global variable $post does not exist and/or is not an object. The problem is not in the code you posted...
@RonniSkansing that's all I know really.. the errors may/may not be caused by line 15 where global $post; doesn't return anything (or at least not an object)
@DaveRandom but it must be in that code somewhere because the first file will work fine if pasted into archive.php, but if you paste the second one and reload it gets errors
@Billy And you expected that you should be able to call in the global $post? (then please delete everything else, isolate it, make a minimal coded example and show what you expected and what happend
Nothing could have changed about global $post;?
3:32 PM
@RonniSkansing Like I said, those two pastebins are of the same file (which I rewrote) the first one works, the second one doesn't. So how can global $post be different?
PHP confuses me :(
@Billy it's WP, it's not PHP
I suspect your issue may be related to the fact that you have a variable called $posts, try using a different name for that array
What the shit WP, srsly
3:37 PM
@cHao Oh, I think I understand; because it isn't rewound the subsequent call would yield different results because the iterator is sitting at the end?
yo @ircmaxell
@Billy and in your refactor shoud the_content have been get_the_content() ? There are all sorts of differences to these files.. Please isolate the problem by commenting out everything else.
just workin on trying to put the keynote together
hows it comin' ?
@DaveRandom it was that. Thanks :D
3:41 PM
@Billy please don't blame the horror that is WP on PHP
@RonniSkansing it is :)
And also: this is why the global keyword (and all global state) is evil
wonder if we can remove global for 7 ?
3:42 PM
never gonna happen
@JoeWatkins eih, it's hard... I've got the body of it figured out, just need to figure out how to end it.
I'd dearly love it to happen, but it won't
but we universally hate it ...
Yes, but idiots gonna idiot.
3:42 PM
we do. Not everybody does
WP would be fucked without it
@DaveRandom That's fair enough. To be fair to me I thought that PHP was causing this wierd bug but of course it's just a clash of codes
No-one will let PHP drop support for WP
That's the leaaast issue :-D:-D:-D
I've forgotten the word for when code clashed with other code..
3:43 PM
@DaveRandom yes we will
Wordpress takes up most of the internet
@ircmaxell OK, "not enough people"
@Billy That's... not a good thing.
@DaveRandom sure enough people...
When WP still allows 5.2, and we're releasing 9...
Well that's true I suppose
3:44 PM
I didn't say it was a good thing but if you think that PHP will deprecate a function that will essentially break 1/6th of the internet... think again
But not for 7
@Billy Everyone is allowd to dream...
Common scenario is person X running WordPress on shared host Y with PHP 5.2.Z. PHP 7 won't matter to those people.
3:45 PM
TPTB have repeatedly taken away close reasons that were more appropriate. As I recall there was once actually a close reason for "fails to demonstrate effort", or something like that, and another one that I paraphrased as "too stupid to live". And there were others. The close reasons keep getting emasculated, while the questions keep getting dumber. — Hot Licks 24 hours ago
@Billy we already did: mysql_connect().
Thanks for your help btw everyone who did I fixed that issue
what's 1/6 of the internet ?
@Billy this. Although the annoying thing is that the people with the power to drop it probably (almost) universally hate it
That entire thread is btw how I feel the SO team thinks about the community
3:45 PM
@JoeWatkins wordpress pages
But I would be very surprised if enough people would stand up for that
oh rly
ok , I am not sure what to do
I am making a Layout class, which is basically an arranged set of templates, but hing is: it looks like I need to use real instances of Template to make this work .. should I leave it that way !?!
And thus began, the great forage out into the wilderness; a quest, to rid the world of global. Was failure inevitable? Was their mission compromised in it's conception? Perhaps, but by god they would try!
@JoeWatkins perhaps 1/6 by volume. but 1/a-lot-larger-number by traffic
3:48 PM
@JoeWatkins It's probably depressingly close to the truth, if you take proprietary web apps out of the equation - although of course, it depends how you measure it, the quantity of content/traffic ratio is probably not so great for WP what @ircmaxell said
Most SEO spam pages are using WP, no surprise there
@DaveRandom so. I guess if someone will create an RFC to remove global with only one line in "BC" section, which will be "Wordpress will be screwed & fucked out" - then, no doubts, that RFC will pass with all "Yes" votes
I will throw money at remove global
The UI is really one of the few reasons WP is worth anything; why hasn't that been surgically removed and grafted on a back-end that doesn't eat balls?
3:50 PM
actually, I don't mind global at all. I'd rather see $GLOBAL removed
@JoeWatkins you would also need to remove the superglobals
Good, $_POST anywhere but top-level should be a fatal anyway.
@RonniSkansing you know what will happen though, people will just start doing worse things (e.g. treating $_GET and friends as global registries)
All of em. Kill em all!
3:51 PM
__get(), __set() :D
Those still have some uses.
I don't know much about PHP, in fact, I'm still fairly new to programming all together. But isn't global sort of necessary for the language to work?
@Jimbo oh , that would be nice too naah, you need it for creating data structures
Absolutely not.
3:51 PM
@DaveRandom =[ sounds very plausible
@DanLugg For pissing off future developers, of course
Meh, instance-level magic is okay in my books, so long as it facilitates the ease of implementing proxies and various other nifty shit.
@Billy Read up on dependancy injection. global hides dependancies and makes testing harder.
Maybe I should learn a lot more about PHP before trying to give opinions on it :P
3:53 PM
I do that, with brain surgery ...
@Billy No, instead one should use what's known as "dependency injection". If you google that then you'll find nothing but reference to OO design, but on a more fundamental level it boils down to "pass values as arguments to functions instead of blindly importing them"
@Billy Be careful where you learn from, the internet is a dangerous place
@Billy Definitely, and don't learn PHP from WordPress.
@Billy DI isn't language-specific, it's a posh word for a not-so-complex thing
You could learn what NOT to do from WP... but that's about it
3:53 PM
I almost think of WP as a server-side jQuery
You can also learn new and interesting things about the inner workings of your soul
@DaveRandom That makes a lot of sense
and, @Billy we don't mind stupid questions here, we just don't like non-questions
3:54 PM
@Leigh Any specific websites that provide good courses/reading material?
@Billy One of the interesting things you'll notice as time chugs on, is that the more you learn about SOLID programming principles, and all the good shit, the more you'll come to look at WordPress projects as something you just "lol, gtfo".
Really, everything you need about PHP specifically is in the manual, everything else about programming in general is about concepts. You'll do better if you learn PHP and the concepts separately, there's a lot of bad information out there when people are mixing the two.
.. I was about to link to the "global state and singletons" lecture, but then I read the posts again (one needs to understand why globals are bad to even comprehend that lecture)
@DanLugg Wordpress projects are good because of the obvious: one click install of a great admin system with many features, plugins etc. And it's very easy to develop a theme for. Considering 100% of my revenue is small - medium websites or portfolio's, it makes wordpress perfect for me.
I can churn out a site in under a day
and charge 2 weeks worth of work for it
@Billy yea until it crashes and you do not know how to fix it.
3:57 PM
@Billy But you are not programming. You are clicking things together
@Billy while article @Patrick just linked is good, don't worry too much if you don't understand word one of it. It's worth noting that most/all of the people you are currently talking to are experienced developers, and the more experienced you get the more you care about software design - in particular, object-oriented design. This is a very complex subject that takes even the best people many years to properly grasp.
@Billy And that's fine... if you have no aspirations :P
and, for that, I say "THANKS WORDPRESS"
@Patrick sure.
And you say "haha fuck you clients"
Yep :D
3:57 PM
oh gods, we have a "wordpress developer"
Bad karma for you @Billy
Monkey at a typewriter.
I joined the company I work for as a volunteer with no programming knowledge whatsoever
And you still have no programming knowledge whatsoever?
3:58 PM
> I can churn out a site in under a day
> and charge 2 weeks worth of work for it
@Billy you should understand that is basicly fraud
Sure, but it pays my bills
so does dealing crack ...
Well atleast you are honest
You'd be better to pay with your self-respect because you're gonna run outta that now too.
3:58 PM
Plus, it rarely takes under a day
@JoeWatkins No, I have to supplement that with development work.
I do take a certain amount of pride in my work
@JoeWatkins Not sure if it equates, but sometimes in two weeks of going to work, I maybe manage a days worth
@DaveRandom you are doing it wrong
Judging from the preceding conversation it seems I have the appropriate people tiny avatar'd :)
3:59 PM
lol, ^^ I should probably follow suit otherwise I'll just be butthurt, room-11 raging.
12 mins ago, by tereško
I am making a Layout class, which is basically an arranged set of templates, but hing is: it looks like I need to use real instances of Template to make this work .. should I leave it that way !?!
anyone ?
@Leigh When I'm in the office that is me. I could probably manage to output the actual work I do in a week, in a day
(it's a testing issue)
or should I just set a prerequisite in the unit tests
It sounds like it's just a composition of Templates so, ... yes?
@JoeWatkins I stand on street corners like this, should be pretty obvious I have crack to sell, but no-one ever buys any.
4:01 PM
well, it also populates the templates with (sometimes -shared) data
@tereško As far as testing goes, I'd say they're a dependency; shouldn't be a problem from an organizational standpoint.
it's kinda what symfony would call "TemplateBag"
    $instance = new Layout($template_1);
        'alpha' => $template_2,
        'beta' => $template_3,
    $this->assertSame('test|one|test|two|test', $instance->render());
So yeh, someone at work came up with a great way to get people with Rebecca: tweet a tinyurl and say it's a one+ invite...
@tereško Not sure if I understand the problem, but can't you just create a MockTemplate for testing and use that for the tests?
4:03 PM
the "structure" would be a tree-like thing
@DanLugg something like that, yeah. if $x's values come from a generator, then you can only use it once
What's one+?
@Leigh Better click one of the invite links to find out!
@Leigh not same, I don't get 5k lines done a day, but you don't say to someone you have worked for two weeks on something when you haven't ...
4:04 PM
@Patrick the $template_1 should be rendering test|<?php echo $alpha; ?>|test|<?php echo $beta; ?>|test
it's kinda hard to mock
@DaveRandom Interesting, my contract ends in liiiike 5 days
The invites are like gold dust (I believe, I'm not actually that fussed about it)
I'm happy with my S4
posted on September 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by cart0uche */

well I'm at the point where I should start deciding what new shiny device I want
/me bought Z2 about 4 month ago
I'm extremely satisfied, both with features and battery life
4:08 PM
@JoeWatkins I have done something like that, once, because the guy was a fucking dick and had fucked me around for weeks already. Then he suddenly moved the goalposts, in a way that sounded like a huge amount of work but actually wasn't because of the amount of fucking around that had already been done, so I'm afraid he got charged dickhead tax.
so , @Patrick , how can I mock it ?
@tereško orly? I always used to find that Sony's particular brand of f'd up Android was a bit too f'd up for me, is it any better?
lol....i'm not cool enough for a 1+one
@tereško A simple point-and-laugh always worked well for me.
@DaveRandom So I'm moving all of my async things into a new github organization. Alert and After have been combined into the single core Amp repo. Next on the list is to move the Artax client into the new org as well. However, it depends on a now-outdated Addr lib. So my question is which of the following two options would you prefer:
4:10 PM
1. Me making all the necessary updates to `DaveRandom\Addr` and transfer the repo to `amphp/dns` and all the same people continue to have write access.
2. Or I just create a completely new `amphp/dns` repo using LibDNS as a dependency?
I'm happy to do either, but I'm going to put something at amphp/dns in the new org regardless. Thoughts?
@DaveRandom it's almost stock android with few added apps and one useless option under hold-home gesture
@rdlowrey Just transfer ownership. I think I have to do it though.
@DaveRandom probably. In that case, just wait until I have all my changes ready to go in a branch if you don't mind.
@tereško oh cool, sounds much better
@rdlowrey Sure, just ping me when you're ready and tell me the final repo name you want (even if you don't change your mind between now and then, so I don't have to hunt the transcript because I'm lazy)
4:13 PM
@tereško I don't know what contract your Template needs to fulfill, but I was thinking something along the line of paste.jesse-obrien.ca/yzJ
@DaveRandom you just have to transfer, @rdlowrey then can rename it to whatever he wants…
Oh good point
I'll do ^^ that @rdlowrey
@Patrick that's not a mock to begin with but a stub
@DaveRandom Is it easier to just do it now then? I'll add you onto the org so it will let you transfer if you don't mind. Then I can fiddle with the name later.
but… you need to transfer it to @rdlowrey … or he adds you to the org, yeah
4:14 PM
@rdlowrey Yeh that works too
Yeh I can't do it without admin rights on amphp @rdlowrey
@DaveRandom Github says you should receive an email invite shortly. After you do that you should just be able to go to the Addr settings page and transfer to "amphp"
@DaveRandom Thanks for handling this -- I'm rushing to get all this done so Artax can go to RC1 before I have to leave for my sister's weekend wedding tomorrow.
@rdlowrey free booze?
@DaveRandom In larrrrrge quantities.
4:17 PM
@DaveRandom Woot! Thanks.
@tereško I guess you are right, but apart from the naming, does it solve your problem?
so, I have an account on bugs.php.net
how i can do a COUNT(*) of a SELECT with LIMIT ?
4:20 PM
I guess I have to wait a bit before I can assign bugs to myself?
I see, the group of voters in room 11 was incremented by two. =)
COUNT(primary_key) won't work
@Carbos google it
why 2 ?
I must do two query?
with result this query i do a fetchAll
so i must do another query?
4:23 PM
Is there are reason why you cannot do $foo = $pdo->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); var_dump(count($foo)) ?
mh, i try it
oh it works
thy <3
i can't post new question so i must ask here
or create a new account, so i ask here asd
@Carbos Be productive for community and you'll be able to post questions again.
4:29 PM
Also keep in mind to improve quality of questions so that won't happen again
@JoeWatkins … @Leigh and @FlorianMargaine
@Leri, i try to help the community
9 mins ago, by bwoebi
I see, the group of voters in room 11 was incremented by two. =)
@bwoebi not sure I can vote
4:31 PM
ah, nice
@FlorianMargaine you can.
but i'm newbie asd
@FlorianMargaine just log into wiki and go to the page of a current rfc being voted on
in stackoverflow, there are a lot of people best then me
I can't find myself in the list to assign a bug to myself :P
4:31 PM
VCS Account Approved: fmargaine approved by tyrael \o/
@FlorianMargaine caches take a few mins I think.
indeed, I can vote
@bwoebi yup, I guessed so
@Leigh but you weren't granted docs karma yet…
I can vote on @AndreaFaulds rfc :P
I hate the internet
Yeh, I've just been accidentally stalking @rdlowrey
It's way too easy to do
@DaveRandom Probably, Internet hates you as well.
I'm eminently stalkable.
@Leri Most people and things do. I'm OK with that.
@AndreaFaulds looks like you don't need a voice :P
4:37 PM
@tereško Why are you doing that? Your question doesn't make sense by itself.
Yes, I think growing up largely consists of ceasing to care what people think about you :)
@rdlowrey no, only as long as you push…
@Danack yeah , I actually changed what Layout actually does
@rdlowrey I know, but now I can't un-see this (which I can neither confirm or deny contains you but it seems likely):
not showing up (for me) even after hard refresh.
4:38 PM
Probably a good thing
nope. but now that you edited I can check the history
You can anyway, you're room owner
Yup! That's me and sisters and grandparents :)
The guy with the red ribbon?
4:41 PM
/me quickly deletes any of his photos before it's too late
1 message moved to recycle bin
I've already shamed myself in that respect so I have no worries there
I have some pics that are wayyy worse than that one from my childhood.
Oh I'm quite sure
afk. lunch.
4:50 PM
Beer anybody?
finally \o/
sometimes I feel like there's too much static in PHP.
And as one cannot overwrite static variables in C from another filer… sigh.

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