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10:00 PM
@PeeHaa About six hours ago, the ping wouldn't autocomplete :p
Did you try @@@@@PeeHaa?
It's a site wide ping
Five? Five?
Man, that's some well-hidden functionality right there.
But only if it works.
I want to test this now
10:01 PM
Well I just did.
no output
echo $killer;
@tereško You should compile a checklist or set of common questions things that hint whether your app really is MVC so you can just paste it to people.
@IGotRoot Your code has to be broken somewhere.
Yeah, what sapi are you using?
BTW is SAPI pronounced 'Sappy' or do we spell it out?
@charels even echo "no row";
i sbroken, but i'm echoing other stuff
10:06 PM
@PeeHaa I believe there's some (unwritten?) rule for this, you can't use actual IP addresses ... though, 192.168. addresses should be fine afaict :)
You've got the bug @IGotRoot
what bug?
Say the bug in a Jamaican accent.
lol, an id 10 t error
@IGotRoot try to reproduce the problem with the shortest amount of code, the code you pasted earlier works fine in isolation
10:07 PM
:::blows brains out:::
@Ja͢ck Strange rules :P
That's why there's Hollywood logic, Hollywood science, etc. ;-)
@PeeHaa It's the same reason that Hollywood only uses "555" phone numbers. You wouldn't want to publish an IP address or a real website name, people are stupid.
some shows go as far as actually buying domain names and putting up real fake sites
they should seriously have some bad guy do a DDOS against 127.something just for the entertainment value
10:12 PM
@Charles Yeah but about real website names... I see (possible) real ones all the time
Same for possible real emailaddresses
@SecondRikudo No remarks on MVC? :)
@Fabien I haven't bothered looking that far.
I'll leave that to @tereško.
Slowly the post is accruing downvotes :D
I kind of feel bad for the dude.
But that's kinda what you get when you post things in reddit
Ass Guard PHP Framework
10:14 PM
@SecondRikudo do not, that is what you get for posting on reddit
Especially without getting it code reviewed properly.
=/ it is a horrible place =]
Don't forget that /r/php really doesn't set their standards as absurdly high as we sometimes get in here.
@Ja͢ck That's a good one :D
@Charles /r/PHP is usually wrong
@tereško wat
@AndreaFaulds Often they are, and there's a high correlation between wrongness and not recognizing minimum standards :)
@tereško This is just getting better and better
is that an ORM?
I .. emm ... hmm ... am not entirely sure
10:19 PM
Guys, you're all looking too deeply. I think you missed that the project uses tab indentation.
What's wrong with tabs?
^ I was just now looking at that exact file
@AndreaFaulds Oh lord
Someone please post that as a comment on his thread
It's not even consistent WITHIN THE SAME FUNCTION, look at offsetSet!
10:21 PM
also, it loks like he has to pay extra for every { and }
That annoys me way more than the tabs. I mean the tabs is an easy fix, but the missing braces
By the way, is having multiple composer packages in a single repo a common pattern? I'm... newer to Composer than I'd like to admit ^^'
@AndreaFaulds no it's not common, because it doesn't really work
@tereško oh lord
10:23 PM
Hey guys I have problem here, can you take a look?
Because this is so much shorter than actually entering HTML
@TomášAresakMalčánek "Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context" -- wow...
I think that's enough bashing for one day.
10:24 PM
I've never actually seen that one before. Write context in an empty?
return Container::singleton()->get(strtolower(get_called_class()));
@tereško It's a proxy, I think?
@Charles wat
If anyone is wondering how different scored comments work in reddit (much the same as post upvotes) the first 10 ratings are ranked much more heavily than the following 90. More info | More more info
10:26 PM
@AndreaFaulds Exactly.
So it's a facade over... the class which implements it
@AndreaFaulds did .. you .. read it .. reaaaaaly carefully?
it's a facade over the singleton of that class?
It's a frightening abomination, that's what it is.
Oh gawd, I can't look at that crap anymore ... my eyes.
10:28 PM
I think we should forget about this piece of crap.
I'm going to bed, hope it doesn't give me nightmares.
I will say that it's a good first shot into doing something new for the first time. Gotta learn by making mistakes.
@SecondRikudo Don't let the statics bite...
A fatal exception. Nice.
github.com/asgardphp/asgard/commit/… this commit froze my browser for a while
Looking at the code of Asgard Framework makes me want to smash a rainbow bridge.
10:29 PM
Sorry, we could not display the entire diff because too many files (326) changed.
Poor guy.
@Fabien Eh, he posted it on /r/php He's probably a masochist
Well, he's not a fabpot kind of guy I guess and surely he gets nasty comments about his own work.
Okay guys I have enought for today.. Cya tomorrow :)
10:33 PM
ya know what
I cannot take it any more
I can see the xkcd comic in my head...
"Man! I love my framework, I should share it on r/php!"
"...moments later"
fuck him
him and his entire bloodline
everyone is entitled to their opinion
10:36 PM
apparently you just now joined the conversation .. feel free to scroll up, @RonniSkansing
@AndreaFaulds Ahahaha no sanitization whatsoever on the command params...
At least he's using proc_open.
@tereško I read it from top down, I was actully refering to you =] not whoeverwrotewhaver
I can not agree or disagree with that comment about his bloodline, but it was quite funny
by the way , I will leave you guys wit this thought:
it is quite bad if someone mixes indentation , it is also bad if someone does not use curly braces .. but if someone does both of those thing s in same file - it becomes a clusterfuck
BTW, I forget who was asking about it yesterday but here is an example of PDO returning different data depending on if emulated prepares are on or not. Good to know. And a touch scary.
Oh hi @LeviMorrison :)
10:42 PM
@Charles Yeah, I thought that was rather interesting :)
I think it's actually the expected behaviour
because if you are using emulated prepares, then every value is treated as a string
I'm not sure why it triggers on when you turn off emulated prepares though.
This is on the return data.
The results, not the prepared stuff.
@tereško My thoughts as well.
@Charles Might be a different pathway or packet in the protocol, I'd wager.
@AndreaFaulds Makes me wonder if things that aren't mysql react the same way.
Like it might be a mysqlnd-ism.
10:46 PM
someone should test it with sqlite/postgre
or not , because IIRC emulated prepares where a mysql-thing
/me is quite fuzzy on details
... anyway
I know that they're on by default for everything, but I don't know which they're always and only on for.
@JoeWatkins any idea about phpdbg issue #108?
11:28 PM

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