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2:00 PM
@DaveRandom lols... I should change my name.
@ThW Why do all designers use mac?
Good morning
Morning, @ircmaxell :)
Yo I have a question I have a up and running website for a few months.
We have some e-mails with a link in them to the website.
Why does the tracking system from the mail system says there are 250 clicks and google analytics says only 6 visits from that domain from the email?
@RahulKhosla How should I know?
@ircmaxell Good morning
2:23 PM
@Duikboot ...because the mail tracking system is broken?
no :P normally not
DAmmit have to move 200gb of files to an other volume on a network server
Seems the windows copy system is not a good solution to do that D
@Duikboot If it's win, take a look at xcopy
Im on mac... so maybe SCP could help me out? ( I tried on windows too).
but I haven't tested yet with the terminal.
2:26 PM
Good morning everyone.
Something like: scp path/to/folder path/to/destionation ?
Oh, come on. @Duikboot Good morning? :D
@NetworkNerd Mondays are never good.
Good afternoon! :)
2:31 PM
@DaveRandom Agreed, but let's follow the #GreatnessAwaits ego.
@DaveRandom s/xcopy/robocopy/
What command would you use one linux?
Will it be faster when using the terminal? Instead of the graphical interface?
takes now about 6 hours for 132GB.
@Jimbo so... there are some bits of TorrentPHP that make literally no sense
if (!(is_null($torrent && is_null($torrentId))))
^ wat?
$request = clone $this->request;
2:46 PM
if(value.toString().length() == 4) {/*..*/}
@DaveRandom That could make sense.
The is_null though... yea.
@Duikboot it sounds more like you are hitting the hardware limitation at this point
Also @Jimbo I don't get the point of the adapter. You obviously need a way to create the right VO format, but it seems like the abstractions are the wrong way round
3:09 PM
@DaveRandom So the first bit is a typo: they both need to be not null :D
Okay, if you don't clone the object, when it's re-used a second time it just goes REALLLYYY slow
/** If we don't clone, the connection times out when a second request is made straight after a previous one **/
@DaveRandom ^ - needed when doing two requests straight after each other, mainly digest auth
@Jimbo Yes, but... reusing the same request object? Makes no sense. Each request gets its own object...
And the adapter is for people who want Torrent objects. If you don't want it, and you just want json, you don't use the adapter. The adapter turns json into Torrent objects
@Jimbo Hmm, maybe that makes sense, will have to think about it
@DaveRandom Nope, performRPCRequest() has to actually make two requests - one for auth (X-Transmission-Session-Id) and then a second with that header in it to get the data
@Jimbo Seems unlikely that makes sense to me, but I'm still looking into it
3:30 PM
Trying to make a download counter.
No idea where to begin
When user clicks download, -1 from the download count on the users account.
@RahulKhosla So you'll need to persist the number of downloads a user has. So you'll have a downloads table, foreign key on the user's id, with "remaining" column. You -1 from the DB via AJAX request. Simple
Why Ajax?
@RahulKhosla Why not?
Not PHP?
How else are you going to talk from the client-side - ie the user clicking something, to the server-side
3:35 PM
Did AJAX 3.1 come out yet?
@Jimbo Where is the auth business defined?
@DanLugg No I believe it's still in denial
@DaveRandom For what?
@DanLugg I wasn't aware acronyms were versioned :P
@Jimbo 'Authorization' => sprintf('Basic %s'... - I don't see anywhere in the RPC specs that defines that you need auth for anything
@DaveRandom Ah, I'm still running 2.8.1263-R51 codename "Gamma Banana"
@Jimbo Im no good at AJAX. Whats why I'd use PHP.
3:37 PM
I guess you must need auth, it would be silly if not
Although I suck at that too.
@RahulKhosla AJAX is PHP, in a manner of speaking. It's just a way of performing a request without the client seeing a full round-trip.
@DaveRandom Yeah, when you go to localhost:9091 or whatever port you've set up after installing transmission-daemon / transmission-remote or whatever, you'll get a basic auth box popup asking for your username / password - that's where I got it from
I will place money on most people here having never actually use AJAX
(the X part, anyway)
Ok Thanks.
3:39 PM
@DaveRandom Screw you, the X is the best part!
Does it stand for something?
@DaveRandom safe bet
Yea eXcellent
3:39 PM
@DaveRandom unfortunately, I have, however.
I suspect most people probably use AJAJ or AJASFTMUATGA
I insist on the "unfortunately"
@DaveRandom SFTMUATGA is an interesting technological choice.
Async Javascript and some f** tw* mother* using another transexual gay animal
Active Javascript Action Xylophone.
I got 1 part right.
3:40 PM
Most of my earlier adventures in AJAX were with actual XML. That's back before JSON was a thing though.
@FlorianMargaine Depends what you do, but I'm inclined to agree it most likely will end up being unfortunate. It does have used cases, but most people don't have those cases.
@DanLugg Some Format They Make Up As They Go Along is actually a very common technology.
@DaveRandom many people also use AJAH
Oh J for jQuery
@DaveRandom Ah, I'm familiar with it as AJADHOC
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
3:42 PM
@Jimbo Ahh OK, probably needs looking into a bit more then
Anyone want to help write some Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ?
Not particularly, no.
@DaveRandom But it all works anyway, so leave it alone :-P Have you looked into the async stuff? I thought I'd done it successfully with a callback in async fork of TorrentPHP
@GordonM most of the AJAX in the back end actually is AJAX, and it's surprisingly not terrible (compared to some bits of the system)
@Jimbo I'm trying to work out if your API in general makes sense, I'll look into it more this evening but I am now actually working on work :-P
@DaveRandom Fair enough, thanks so far :-) my apiz are good
3:45 PM
@DaveRandom I need to show u what I have on TV.
@DaveRandom Still haven't seen my awesome design!?
Put it on the public internet, I'm not a designer and I don't often have the time to arse about with tv... ;-)
If I do that, and its unsafe, im dead.
You also need more than one person's opinion for anything to be worthwhile
@RahulKhosla How so?
Someone might inject it.
Thats why I wanted to show some code too :P
Like morphine?
3:48 PM
Man dies, OD'd on SQL
@DanLugg Wana check it out?
Well, if you post a link I may or may not have a look
@DanLugg How about Team Viewer?
3:53 PM
Uh, no.
@DanLugg Uh, why.
Uh, phone.
@DanLugg Uh, uhhh... so?
um, date?
3:54 PM
Only if you're paying
I will.
@DanLugg Whats your email?
@RahulKhosla its@asecret.com
@DanLugg Please
@DanLugg What If... I tell you the tv details here, you connect, I delete.?
What if, I don't go on team viewer, and instead you stop bargaining for an invite to the exclusive club known as "small avatars"?
3:58 PM
@SecondRikudo Is that you by any chance?
@HamZa My voice strikes fear into the heart of men, not cause their ears to bleed.
@DanLugg Its an honour to be invited.
@RahulKhosla hint: small avatar people => ignored people
Well jokes on all of you, <<<< SMALL AVATARS.
> There once was a man named Enis.
4:02 PM
@SecondRikudo The audio quality suggests it was recorded with a toaster.
Possibly a blender, though any configuration of kitchen appliances would probably yield similar results.
@DanLugg No, no, a toaster induces a more low-frequency noise, this was recorded with... a blender.
^ $wavelength = SAME;
:D :D :D
^ damn typo ><
4:06 PM
lol, was gonna say.
epic. fail.
user image
maybe she's just having a throught issues
... actually, how do you spell that piece which holds your head to the rest of your body ?
4:11 PM
@tereško She?
Neck she? Nietzsche?
@Leri maybe it's an indian chick with a really deep voice
... or something
More like a teen guy.. or just a toaster(?) :)
Morningn room
4:18 PM
Yeah I have laughed at that before :p
Off to home. Later.
OK so yeh @Jimbo I've concluded the whole adapter business makes no sense. The point of the lib is to use abstracted VOs, if you start returning impl-specific data and expecting some wrapper to convert it to custom VOs that negates the point of the lib.
4:33 PM
/me is downloading "True Lies"
@tereško That movie is hilarious.
Is it possible to exclude the current ID from an SQL query without compromising the intent of the query?
@RahulKhosla If the intent of the query is to exclude the "current" id from the WHERE clause, then adding that exclusion there wouldn't really compromise the intent, would it? :)
Its a related search query
searching the tags of the CURRENT ID
But the result fetch the current id as a related.
Okay, perhaps then it wouldn't be inappropriate to just remove it / skip it during display?
5:43 PM
@Charles Sounds like I should do that, how do I do that, in SQL? Or..?
Maybe I'm being blind, could you not just do WHERE (...tags...) AND id != ?
Il try it
@DaveRandom But the VO is in-context with the library. It's the object you can pass around to start / stop it
Like startTorrent(Torrent $torrent); <-- That's valid usage for the VO. It forces only a valid Torrent object to be used within the startTorrent method.
So really the 'adapter' isn't to add functionality. It's already there. The transport is for anyone who doesn't want to do that, and just wants their data for their own purposes
@salathe Can you help write this query, where should I add that?
Im getting a fatal error.
6:01 PM
@RahulKhosla You're more likely (not guaranteed, mind you) to have people help you if you use "fiddle" sites, such as sqlfiddle.com from which you can link your current code snippet, and have someone see what you did wrong.
Same with jsfiddle.net for JS, and 3v4l.org for PHP
Because, for instance, when I see someone post a screenshot of their code to debug, I just kinda lol while closing the browser tab.
Its like asking someone to solve a Rubik's cube, by handing them a picture of a Rubik's cube.
part of me wants to sigh, and the other doesn't since he at least asked rather than assuming
@ircmaxell I'm afraid to look :P
@ircmaxell Sigh because of his distrust of the manual?
6:12 PM
well, because either he didn't read the manual, or he didn't take the time to understand it (since it literally says the exact thing that he asked)
ow generated
@PeeHaa still
true still amazingly fucked up :P
Why would anybody do that?
Yea, Composer classmaps are so overrated ;-)
Damnit I should have stepped away
6:16 PM
Hello mr Watkins
Of the three files I opened I haven't seen a sane one :|
Every one of them is fucked. Too much Yii::
@PeeHaa perfect solution ... don't open files ;)
(I'm employing this exact solution right now, working well, not one fuck given)
6:19 PM
@JoeWatkins You ever drove by some accident on the highway and you just HAD to look?
Same thing :p
@salathe this, so much this ...
Aaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone in 3.... :-)
you don't need to get as far as files ... github.com/klimov-paul/yii2/tree/…
do I really see a folder named mutex ?
I'm out ...
1 message moved to bin
@JoeWatkins BUT BUT BUT "THREAD!!!!!" :p
nowhere near the web, I say it all the time ...
or rather no where near web requests ...
6:23 PM
\yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior muhaha
ouch ouch ouch
Good afternoon/evening!
hi @ircmaxell
hola :)
@bwoebi and it didn't bring the promised chaos that several here swore would happen...
@JoeWatkins how are you holding up my man?
6:26 PM
ok ok ok another one fir shits and giggles:
abstract class CompositeUrlRule extends Object implements UrlRuleInterface
@ircmaxell thanks for asking ... crippled is a good way to describe it ... struggling to just get my job done ... or pretty shitty ... all good descriptions ...
@PeeHaa At least un-onebox it, this one was relevant to the chat :(
@salathe How can I un onebox it?
@PeeHaa I think I was missing a few words...
6:29 PM
I really find it hard to believe anyone can make anything other than a massive mess with such a framework ... I understand what full stack means but had no problem writing things you could consider full stack without the use of one billion very strange classes mashed together into some kind of download ... we can all do without, I'm totally sure of it ...
Yii is a coupling clusterfuck.
@DanLugg Well if that would have been the only thing it would be bad. But dat tight coupling with dat code is a disaster
I'd wager that it diverges from the normal pejorative of "magic", into the land of "batshit voodoo".
@PeeHaa I was about to ask, why the asshole is mimicking yii
hehehe @tereško just woke up from his childhood trauma :P
6:32 PM
@DanLugg could it be, that you have been blessed with a yii-project ?
@ircmaxell well, it sometimes takes longer until posts are unstarred in case of star spamming and yesterday it took half an hour until an animated gif was removed…
@ircmaxell but generally, it's neither better nor worse. (or only marginally worse)
@tereško Thankfully I haven't. I'm just suffering from a headache reading the linked files.
@bwoebi Did we have another star rampage besides our afternoon encounter today?
If a gif is up for half an hour, I think it's safe to say you can leave it there; it's earned the right ;-)
@PeeHaa well, I'm talking of that one.
6:34 PM
@DanLugg :P
@DanLugg well. no, Nikita removed it later.
:-| well, okay. Unless the room died, and it stayed in the 15 most recent messages for a few hours, I don't see what the effort would be.
BAM My evil scam just failed because internet explorer doesn't store cookies from an iframe
@DanLugg Well, yeah, it was still on my first page.
@JoeWatkins so sorry to hear that. :-(
@bwoebi a half an hour?!?!?!
6:36 PM
> Quickly men, suit up! We're going into the transcript!! Take no prisoners, burninate all the gifs!
imagine the damage done in that 30 minutes!!!
@DanLugg at least now you have a better grasp on why I wrote that rant-answer, which so deeply offends yii core developers
@ircmaxell I can think of a gif or two that can easily do permanent damage in that timespan ;)
BTW @ircmaxell How was Google io?
6:38 PM
Don't know that word, but I take it is was great :p
@PeeHaa If a tree falls in a forest gif stays in the transcript and no one is around to hear see it, does it make a sound permanently maim someone?
> Some annoying term Perez Hilton keeps trying to make happen, by saying it repeatedly, even though it makes no sense, and getting twitter followers to try and make it a trending topic, to make himself more famous for no reason.
If you see a question with the title "Is this somehow correct?" on SO you just know it is going to be awesome amazeballs!
Microsoft is promising to "upset the entire world across everything" with an upcoming phone development. Big talk: http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/something-pretty-amazing-is-going-to-happen-with-windows-phone-1255463
Isn't that what they have always been doing?
6:53 PM
@PeeHaa Upsetting the world? Yes.
So what is all the buzz about? :p
Probably the "folders".
This album cover photo blows my mind for some reason.
When documenting a return/param type that is to be an array of a type, I use the TypeName[] syntax. I've found (out of habit) I do this with scalars too, such as string[]. When the array may contain mixed types, I've been using mixed[], but should I just opt for array in those circumstances?
Moreover, should I be doing string[] or int[] at all for scalars, or instead just do array in those circumstances?
7:06 PM
@DanLugg I'd say it depends. string[] or int[] ship with more information than just array.
@Gordon Eek, should've NSFW'd that lol
On the other hand, mixed is even more broad than array and I'd say in PHP mixed[] is of no use over array.
@hakre That's the conclusion I've been coming to. At least string[] and int[] are useful metadata, as you just mentioned.
@DanLugg yeah probably lol
@hakre Previous to using PHPStorm, I also denoted whether it was an ordered or mapped collection, via TypeName[] and TypeName[string] respectively, but the latter broke down in PHPStorm.
I suppose there's no sane way to communicate that it is a string => Type dictionary, as opposed to an ordered list.
7:13 PM
@DanLugg There's some "PeeESssARrrr" stuff which suggests more in that direction, however:
> Interoperating only with yourself is just a standards-compliant form of masturbation.
^^ lol, I hope that's a snippet from PSR-next.
That's a quote of Mark Pilgrim back in 2004. web.archive.org/web/20110514120244/http://diveintomark.org/…
1 hour later…
8:16 PM
@ircmaxell Well, I really was dying. It was so annoying that I scrolled up over it while writing.
8:34 PM
Perhaps that'd make a good , hide chat message. Surely it's been requested, and surely there's already a userscript.
Q: Hide or collapse individual comments in chat

MDMarraI spend a lot of time in SF chat. We like to post a lot of pictures in chat. They're usually not offensive or anything, and 90% of the time they're funny and relevant. That said, there are times when it would be nice to be able to hide or collapse a chat message. Sometimes it's an image or an an...

/cc @bwoebi ^
9:26 PM
I miss structs.
@DanLugg well. Then hit them to implement it.
@Danack well .. we have arrays =P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just the short syntax makes have structured results be less verbose:
    struct foo {
      int x;
      int y;

    foo results[4];

    result[0].x = 1;
    result[0].y = 2;

    return results;
Plus not having to create a new file for each struct/class.
So you just want anonymous objects, also - hashes
9:38 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, they're typed so that the 'return type' can be inspected and your IDE understand what type they are, and so can auto-complete on them like proper classes. It just seems massively overkill creating a new class and file for a return type that is only used one function.
Look into structural typing, like in TypeScript
Or scala
anyway, gnight
@Danack if you are returning value objects, it might be considered a code smell
@tereško huh?
10:32 PM
Anyone fancy helping me out with some php errors I'm not too sure whats going on
not too sure what to do*
permission denied for mkdir() from a script I'm trying to integrate
@Billy and this error message is not giving you any hints?
I need to give the script write permissions in some way
@Billy sure otherwise you can not create a directory or file.
10:34 PM
I don't really know what I'm talking about though.. so speculation is about as far as I can go
 * Return values
 * null -> This is a n/a serial (not a dupe)
 * false -> This serial number is in this project (not a dupe)
 * true -> This serial number is not a dupe
 * string project id -> This serial number is duplicated in the specified project
the script has 644 permissions at the moment, if that means anything to you
@Billy You perhaps want to learn a bit linux: tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x9543.htm
Hey @Gordon wo bist du? I'm missing SCHLAND!!!
10:35 PM
he has fallen into the TV or something like that :D
anyway gn8 :D
@hakre :)
@hakre that means nothing to me
Excellent time to learn then.
This script is adaptive images, used to serve up all images on my site.. so needs public write permissions?
> Being a sysadmin for quite a while thought me that one should never be too certain into any technology, however well it looked implemented. Heartbleed recently thought us a lesson or two, so I am trying to future-proof my code the best I can with my limited knowledge
Because everybody by now realizes openssl's implementation is rocksolid :P
10:39 PM
@PeeHaa Do you have a recommended syntax highlighter? I'm not against adding one, just don't want to have to touch the one I'm currently using again...
Uhhhmmm that's the second time I see that question. I think I have forgotten about you earlier :(
What did you use before?
I think I have used some google thing before. Either that or it was on that obsolte google code sharing site thing
lol I think that was it :p
I'm pretty sure the guy went nuts. (apologies if he's in here now). Basically the HTML in that is horrific. I spent two days added the ability to have a raw text download back in, as he'd removed that, and all the html is hard coded position.
Also, SCSS can suck my balls.
All of the CSS is !IMPORTANT.
Hmmmm sounds like a job for the league of extraordinary room 11 people to fix the situation ;)
10:42 PM
which makes trying to change just a tiny thing be really annoying.
@Danack Yes 100 x yes
With @nikic's parser it should be trivial to create something decent
hmm....yeah. Though I'd need something that's more than just PHP.
will check out - qbnz.com/highlighter
That site looks so retro :P
I might also give it a try though when I get bored again. Sounds like a fun project to kill the time
The nuts one, github.com/alexgorbatchev/syntaxhighlighter is MIT license, so might be easier to unfuck the CSS and/or code.
The pro: it's clientside. The con: I hate unfucking somebody elses code :p
Yeah thank short open tags fo dat
Random fun fact: the officicial debian repo push(ed?) php with short open tags on by default...
10:56 PM
	/* For the love of God.
	 * Debian doesn't include the function "ImageColorMatch" as it has been included by the PHP developers and
	 * and so is considered a branch of GD library - and so is a security risk. Because the PHP developers wrote it.
Do they not know that Boutell handed over maintenance of GD?
It's from a while ago.
@Danack ow gawd
odd, that it's not a "security risk" on freebsd
FreeBSD aren't as fanatical as the debian guys then I guess.
10:59 PM

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