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3:00 PM
> If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution. - Robert Sewell
@LeviMorrison You deserved push rights to php-src
@DaveRandom LOL
3:15 PM
in codeigniter we chould have something called HMVC, where the MVC will in the foder of module. does anyone know whether laravel has such support?
@TOOTSKI what framework do u use?
@bwoebi lets say sunday if nothing is noticed before then, sunday morning though, incase we merge and notice something after for some reason
hello room
3:18 PM
Morning @RonniSkansing
1 message moved to bin
3:20 PM
@JoeWatkins s/in case/for when/
@JoeWatkins yes :-)
@bwoebi PHP 5.4... really?
... yes?
any framework that provides HMVC like codeigniter?
3:22 PM
The links also won't work for 5.4.29...
@JoeWatkins What sort of timeline do I need to meet if I'm to change the phpdbg remote socket thing to a single TCP connection instead of two?
(I haven't had time to work on it yet)
@meWantToLearn What exactly is it you want to learn?
ask bob
@rdlowrey We still can get that in in beta2. Just do it before RC.
3:24 PM
@Fabien in codeigniter we have our MVC inside a folder , and we register the controller of the folder in our config.
But I cant find such thing in laravel
When's the beta2 cutoff? I forget. I'm going to be out of town visiting friends tomorrow through Monday so I won't be able to do it until next week :/
@bwoebi Fine, I'll leave you to merge in to 5.5 and 5.6 then
3:24 PM
@meWantToLearn So you want to learn to use Laravel?
seems utterly pointless to me, but oh well. :)
I have started working on it
but whatever tutorials i find they write controllers inside the controller folder. its too messy
it was a week from last time I asked someone ... which was in the last few days ... so, I don't know, is the only proper answer ... I dunno ...
@salathe @bwoebi what's pointless ?
@Fabien To most developers it looks like he wants to learn to use Laravel, but it's actually a facade
3:27 PM
Is that joke tortured enough yet?
@DaveRandom haha
@JoeWatkins nothing much, just removing a broken link in a comment
@meWantToLearn If you want to learn Laravel you're in the wrong room. If you want to learn to be a PHP Programmer you're in the right place.
I just really dislike the noise of all the stupid branch merging
3:27 PM
I taught laravel is written in java
sorry for being in here
SVN ftw
f. t. w.
@meWantToLearn errrrmmm... wat?
@salathe Phew, crisis averted.
I think I'm actually afraid of git now ... afraid of it ... it's not right man, I want to go back to where everything made sense ...
3:28 PM
@salathe ...where "ftw" means "f*cking terrible. whydeargodwhymakeitstop"
no dave, it means for, the, win ...
I can't believe you didn't know that ...
@DaveRandom I like SVN.
@DaveRandom I also like Git. :)
And jam butties.
I really, really, really hate it. We use it at work and it is driving me insane
and kittens .... well, I never deleted anything important or lost changes, or had to spend a week reading a book, or put any real effort into using svn, sysadmin had to, but like I give a shit about them ...
@rdlowrey next week, tuesday… have it then ready for monday
3:31 PM
tortoise SVN. Right click -> Commit
@bwoebi I'll be travelling Monday morning. I'll try to work on it tonight ... otherwise I'm unlikely to get it in before the cutoff.
if you don't finish it, I will smash a single bunny, for every beta that is released therafter, I will smash a panda ... on your head be it ..... mwah hahah hahaha
@JoeWatkins No-one ever said git was simple, that's not the point of it
@JoeWatkins Are you capable of lifting a panda high enough to smash it on his head?
dude, that is the long way round, have you never smashed a panda ??
Not for a while, I'm a bit rusty on the smashing of endangered species
I like how everyone clearly has that Friday afternoon feeling, it's not just me
3:35 PM
@rdlowrey I'm kidding, no animals will be harmed, so long as we get most of the stuff we're thinking of now done before rc we'll all be happy ...
@JoeWatkins Okay, cool. As this is the first release process I've participated in I don't really know what sort of things are allowed and when ... just learning as I go :)
yeah I know nothing about it either, I forget everything as soon as it happened unless it caused me physical pain, you can always assume that :D
dates are thrown around, we miss them, then someone sneaks out a release ... is my genuine memory of how things seem to work ... but I fail to keep checks on stuff because of real life, so could also be that, and I don't remember dates, or days, or faces, names, people or places I've been ... which could also have some bearing on it, I suppose ...
@JoeWatkins who are you again?..
I'm not sure ... it depends what you mean ... which is really odd ... what do you mean ?
3:42 PM
> dates are thrown around, we miss them, then someone sneaks out a release ...
almost 4 day weekend time :D
@DanLugg What do you plan on doing about your quote friday?
no fab, there are two days in a british weekend ... @DaveRandom are you seeing this ??
How do I remove a commit without rebasing? e.g. with filter-branch?
3:47 PM
the world is actually pretty crazy place when you think about it ... if you saw this opening line in an article you would be sure it was a joke "from the 18th till the 21st of April most commercial activity will be suspended across the UK while the country remembers the possible crucifixion of a possible first century Jew, who may or may not have existed, half a world away, more than 2000 years ago" ... barmy ...
I saw the nonbelievers the other day
major disapointment.. =/
unbelievers ?
@Fabien I agree.
@Joe yea
seen it?
@rdlowrey I thought the first comment was quite funny :)
3:49 PM
nope, braced for disappointment though, it's taken the production company more than a year to get it anywhere and it's still not really anywhere ...
Servers should make SSL/TLS as simple as possible to implement. You shouldn't have to know anything about encryption to implement https in your applications.
@bwoebi On local copy or on remote?
@JoeWatkins well I will let you see for yourself...
@TOOTSKI local copy (just on a not yet committed part)
$app = new App;
$app->encrypt('/path/to/certificate.pem', $opts = []);
3:50 PM
That's how I do aerys does it.
Hmmm I should buy a cert
I realise that's humor ... but ... well ... why don't we encrypt everything, didn't it used to be because of the computational cost of it ... can we use that excuse today, I don't think so ...
@bwoebi You mean, not pushed? But you have commited it?
You will have to rewrite history if you want it gone-gone.
@TOOTSKI yes… and how?
@bwoebi git log -n 5 --pretty=oneline, what does it say.
3:58 PM
1bc0dbba7b65e3991be3271d0e7f6db27af6f6be << current HEAD
6e1e98d7b833492594aea9cf416905b42f8ee0f4 << remove this commit from history
@rdlowrey +1. The amount of scary looking config required to set up HTTPS in Apache is ridiculous. It's not that you shouldn't be able to change those settings, it's just that there should be sane default for them all so that all you need to say is "here's my cert, off you go". Another issue is that the process of generating a certificate is way too complex for the average person
@bwoebi Undo it or just remove it from the log?
@DaveRandom the latter
@bwoebi just squash it into the previous one then
(or squash the next one into it)
4:01 PM
git rebase -i HEAD~4
^ that
ah dat
pick 1st
pick 2nd
pick 3rd
squash 4th
Press ESC ... type :wq
Now, commit messages, edit 'em if needed. Again :wq
It'll rebase and it's done.
@bwoebi you want to remove the commit from the log but make the changes part of another commit?
If you want to remove it, just delete that line. So it would be:
pick 1st
pick 2nd
pick 3rd
Squash will merge 4th into 3rd (from behind).
4:05 PM
nay, 1st, 2nd and 3rd are merge commits (merged with -s ours) and I want to remove the fourth.
@TOOTSKI squash merges it into the previous commit, not the next one
but when I rebase also the merge commits disappear
@DaveRandom Not sure...
Git: because writing the code was too easy
@bwoebi Can you do git rebase -i HEAD~4 and do a screenshot or copy if you can?
4:07 PM
@TOOTSKI it's a normal output… just the merges disappear when I remove the fourth…
I really think filter-branch is the right tool here, I just don't know the correct command
Yes, makes sense... out of my league...
I don't want to squash anything, but really remove that commit
@bwoebi which branch are you working on atm?
@salathe master
then it doesn't matter if the commit's there or not
4:10 PM
it's the SPL change, right that you committed to 5.4?
@bwoebi Have you tried to just delete that line from vim output?
@TOOTSKI doesn't work
4:24 PM
You messed up Bob.
I just wanted to make unpushed changes look cleaner
but well… pushed^^
I doesn't matter, like @salathe said, it should ignore it if it's already pushed.
It's fucked up totally.
@bwoebi it should normally work, but entire branch is f* up.
I really don't know when that was pushed into master oO
git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 0193895 These links to ~helly don't work anymore.
git rebase -i HEAD~3
I had this "problem" once, not sure if I fixed it.
4:35 PM
yes, the merge commits then disappear too
what's bad too…
Goddamnit I'm getting pretty fucking annoyed by this fucking Adobe stuff :(
		if(children[i].getSymbolElement().attr("title").split("-")[0] == title)
			if(children[i].getSymbol('_EF_Marker_Adobe').getPosition() > 0)
The hell is that :|
@DaveRandom I got my pringles :)
@PeeHaa Wooosa. Not long now.
@Fabien ?
Getting away from the cod
Aha. Well there is more from where that came from :)
$code = preg_replace_callback('(\n{2,})s', function($matches) {
  return sprintf("\n/** %s */", str_repeat('*', count($matches[0])));
}, $code);
@NikiC ^ what I used to preserve lines ^^
Tell me there a different way, hehe.
@LeviMorrison I summon thee ...
I am here.
what's occuring with returntypehints patch, is there anything you need from me to finish ?
Well I can't access wiki.php.net right now (certificate)
and yes, Chrome on Mac checks it.
So I'm stalled.
@LeviMorrison my chrome didn't check it…
well… if you just want to read it… just wget it an display in browser
@JoeWatkins already had a chance to give watchpoints a real world try?
does it really help?
5:33 PM
I actually haven't, not real world, did play with it more ... I'm happy with it anyway, if there are bugs, we'll be told about them ...
I didn't ask about bugs because you'd have notified me anyway then…
The thing is just that there might be more complex situations, with being in another frame to set a watchpoint etc.
You need to try things you wouldn't do when you just test^^
well I'm happy with it and noticed nothing strange while playing, we have a few days before sunday, I'll give it a whirl if I'm doing anything php related ...
@LeviMorrison we are okay to start discussion without patch for nullable stuff ? are we hoping to not have to write that ?
@JoeWatkins I started that RFC. Super basic.
5:38 PM
I saw it yeah
if we provide basic patch we seem more serious maybe ?? I don't mind writing it whatever ... but thought it might be tactical to not write it ... I dunno, u decide :)
@LeviMorrison Still getting the revoked cert notice...
You always can start discussion initially to see the other's opinions and to try to persuade them that it's a bad idea… I'd just really first discuss about return type hints
I may have thought of a good use case though
Haven't thought it through entirely, though.
5:40 PM
well I don't take ideas seriously unless there is a patch, because someone can articulate an idea very nicely but have no idea how to write the patch, and then we are discussing nothing ... which I don't like ..
I'm actually really busy at work ATM
ok np, do work, tell me all about it lata ...
6:09 PM
Work, pffffft.
@LeviMorrison Rasmus_: krakjoe: I just fixed the cert on the wiki
Okay, I have a bare git repo, with a post-receive hook. Another user on my network clones it. Commit, commit, commit, push. Is the post-receive hook is supposed to execute on the origin machine? Or the user's local?
It appears that git attempts to fire it on the users' local machine.
@DanLugg The hook should fire on the repo you pushed to
6:24 PM
Okay, better example; same story as above -- the hook attempts to exec something that doesn't exist on the machine of the clone. So, Bob clones the repo, doesn't have xyz.exe. It appears that the hook tries to call xyz.exe; and it seems to be failing because Bob doesn't have it. Does that make sense? It seems to me the hook should be running on the remote.
post-receive hooks should be server side only git-scm.com/book/ch7-3.html#Server-Side-Hooks
Odd, they don't seem to be; either that or it's a weird permissions issue.
I musta' done goofed something then.
Okay, on lunch break.
6:40 PM
i have this code
usort($rows, function($a, $b) {
return $a['data']['color'] < $b['data']['color']? -1 : 1;

how can i pass a variable into it.
usort($rows, function($a, $b) {
return $a['data']['color'] < $b['data']['color']? -1 : 1;

like this
usort($rows, function($a, $b,$c) {
return $a['data']['color'] < $b['data']['color']? -1 : 1;

function($a, $b) use ($c)
@TOOTSKI thanks then can i use $c in function
@TOOTSKI will gonna try it and tell u in 10 minutes
6:45 PM
$this->c = 'a';
usort($rows, function($a, $b) {
@Humanlove inside class, you could do like this ^
@TOOTSKI so how it goes with your new company? :p
@AlmaDo Baby steps :P
First you got to crawl and then walk :P
meh.. thus, we'll wait long for Eleven Team Productions? Becides, you're giving free tips while you can make $$$ :p
@TOOTSKI iam not using class. iam going procedural in php. Thanks again
@AlmaDo Exactly!
I "enjoy" helping the ones who can help themselves.
@Humanlove You're welcome.
6:46 PM
you're very evil man (:
@TOOTSKI cool quote.
yay, why still not deleted? I asked for that two days ago :\
obvious dupe
I know the guy that answered your question, heh.
is that a real girl ?
either a girl, or a really pretty guy ...
@TOOTSKI Thanks again. Its working great.
Good, good.
@TOOTSKI No, don't.
I flagged it for merge, the answer is decent enough.
@SecondRikudo It's better than second rated in original question.
7:05 PM
@TOOTSKI I know, it's a shame to let it get deleted.
3 messages moved to bin
OK, well Alma Do "asked it to be deleted", so...
18 mins ago, by Alma Do
yay, why still not deleted? I asked for that two days ago :\
7:07 PM
@SecondRikudo lol, the same who deleted it undeleted it now
and now reopen the question
7:08 PM
> Cause it's like you're my mirror, My mirror staring back at me, staring back at meeeeee
So we can close it again!?
@SecondRikudo no
I pinged a mod to merge it with the duplicate.
@SecondRikudo no, I cant
@AlmaDo I know, because of the upvoted answer, but I'm asking why delete it?
7:10 PM
why re-open? this a dupe
I never said reopen.
Two options: 1. Keep it, one duplicate isn't bad. 2. Flag to merge it (which I already did), which would move the answer to the canonical.
Because question is dupe - first. And question answer's point all is about last link (: for which I was asking (I only need to inderstand what's in Nikita's post)
oh, merge would be an option
that's why merge.
didn't know that it's possible
Now you do :)
OK, who casted delete vote now?
Let's delete it again so we can see.
@bwoebi in fact, that answer is correct - but it's not what I wanted. I mean - I may "guess" too - but that was about reasons and they well-descripted in Nikita's answer. That's why while question may have focus on different thing, it's still a dupe and shouldn't exist I think. Merge is the best here then
@TOOTSKI: You're getting old xD
@SecondRikudo how do I flag for merge?
@AmalMurali LOL
7:14 PM
@AlmaDo Custom flag and explain it like a comment.
I already pinged a mod, so it should happen any second now
"flag" -> "other" -> <reason>
@SecondRikudo yep, thank you
Merged by ChrisF :)
I swear to Rikudo Sennin I'm going to kill someone.
7:18 PM
I live with my parents for the time being, and my mother's sister and her sasquatch boyfriend come to visit from Reunion for a month.
And I think I can say with a very high certainty that I've never met a more disgusting person in my whole life.
ping me if you'll need AK-47
He walks barefoot outside, then comes back and lays his legs on the couch/coffee table
Constantly burps (really bad), goes to the bathroom every 5 minutes making strange noises (God knows what he's doing in there)
He's either a freaking multi-billionaire, or she's freaking crazy/blind/high/alloftheabove.
meh.. your problems seems so small to me :)
I'm living alone :p
The best part? My mother has two other brothers living in Israel, and guess what, no one even talks about hosting them in their houses.
Obviously because they're both so weird/crazy/high/alloftheabove.
7:23 PM
Attention Room 11: I need your help. I need you to read the Return Type RFC and provide feedback.
I am preparing it for discussion on the mailing list. It needs to be really well done before it ever hits that list.
@LeviMorrison One does not simply opens up a internals discussion unprepared :P
> Providing return types on interface implementations^{1)}.
Why the ) after the 1?
Or, why not ( before the 1? :P
Dunno, that's a wiki thing.
Ah, thought it was a mistake on your part.
7:25 PM
@AlmaDo They have their Galil rifle :D
@TOOTSKI M-16, M-4
@SecondRikudo Son, I'm dissapoint.
@LeviMorrison In the examples of invalid use, what about those makes them invalid? Why are they invalid? What happens when they're used? Not all of them mention this information.
@TOOTSKI Bitch, I use meteors as my bullets.
7:27 PM
Like, returning 42 when an array is expected, what happens?
@SecondRikudo Hahaha.
@Charles Everything
@SecondRikudo All the things?
@Charles Everything.
@AlmaDo are guns (pistols) allowed without permit in Russia?
7:30 PM
@LeviMorrison, it might be appropriate and safe to mention that this syntax is the one used by Hack in the text instead of in a footnote. I don't recall seeing much Hack disparaging happening on internals...
That or I was reading the wrong threads.
I don't want this to be seen as "Hack has this, let's have it too"
Hm, true.
This will be the fourth RFC attempt for this feature, btw.
7:44 PM
@TOOTSKI no, they are not. Not even pistols (and of course machineguns). But the thing is - criminals have their weapons. Not long ago they shot a businessman with grenade launcher right in city center :D it's not so far from place where I'm living now :p
@AlmaDo Fun
@AlmaDo Haha, same thing here (Bosnia/Serbia, second home of AK)... last year, I went to the market, and the car bomb exploded, it killed only the person that it was meant to, everyone else got unharmed (except a bit deaf). Looks like a work of Mosad :D
@SecondRikudo not so fun if you're in the place, actually. In 2012 they explode metro train (terrorists). That was in the branch that I'm using, and I left it ~10 minutes (i.e. explosion was ten minutes after I used that metro's branch)
Sad part is that guns are bad/banned and yet everyone has it.
7:47 PM
or some idiot used a grenade (droppped it from the window) just because neighbors on the street were too loud. Well, it's quiet there now as I've heard Oo
Not really, still a lot of tensions...
bah.. I can continue. Many cases while I'm living here
moooooooorning Pieter
Dejan sir
7:49 PM
I just don't care. The thing is - if you'll catch a bullet - then you'll do it. No sense to afraid and "boooo, it's dangerous". crap. Thus, living as usual
@LeviMorrison wiki.php.net/rfc/returntypehinting#future_work there's a tag not closed...
@bwoebi I'll check, thanks.
@LeviMorrison why isn't the toc "floated" on the page
It is. It must be your monitor size.
@TOOTSKI btw, allowing guns will actually decrease criminals count. Because they will know that people may revenge. Such situation is in the US
7:51 PM
Unless you mean position: fixed?
Maybe my css terminology sucks :P
@LeviMorrison Allowing null to be returned in a type hint (such as <php>?DateTime</php)
Yeah @LeviMorrison
@PeeHaa Do you mean it scrolls down with you?
We were discussing it the other day.
Any cons?
7:51 PM
@AlmaDo Exactly... "criminals" would be less cocky when they know anyone can return fire. Therefore.
It's because sometimes the list is too high to fit the viewport, in which case you'd be unable to reach the lower parts.
Yeah that sucks
jquery to the rescue!
Which reminds me that I still need to do that script xD I really hadn't the time.
But maybe @PeeHaa has :D
The list is too damn high!
@TOOTSKI that's the point. Have bad & good sides. But may be it's justified for us that weapons are prohibited. Because - well, yes, not all are drunks. But - very large part of nation :\ Thus, "drunk shot" will be the most often criminal may be, if allow guns..
7:54 PM
I would if I had not worked already for too long for one day @SecondRikudo :)
I need something dumb to do now and drink alcohol
@AlmaDo Brother from sister in law got stabbed the other day by some Armenian in Novosibirsk, was drunk, LOL.
@bwoebi You are sure?
@LeviMorrison yes oO
@LeviMorrison Yes
> Allowing null to be returned in a type hint (such as <php>?DateTime</php)
@TOOTSKI hehe. That's why I hate when someone claims anyone that he is "... paste here something .." because he's <..paste nation..>
7:56 PM
Ah, locked by bwoebi ^^
He's going to fix it, thanks.
I missed a code open tag during my edits as well.
Unlocked (?)
@bwoebi me me me
Any one doing any project / web development on linux operating system?
7:59 PM
is anyone doing it without nix !?
@user593908 Probably somebody is doing that somewhere in the world yeah
Maybe. But what's your question?

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