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07:00 - 08:0008:00 - 20:00

7:45 AM
@IluTov Small correction: That changed a little over the course of the PR. In the merged version it's: {closure:<parent_function>:<start_line>}, with <parent_function> being the filename for closures defined at the top level.
@Girgias For the shortName this is correct. When comparing the full name the name before the change included the namespace. With the change it consistently starts with {closure:.
@Derick See two messages above: It's not actually the filename in the majority of cases. I don't feel strongly about including the end line, but I'm also not sure if there is a benefit in doing so. It would still be ambiguous for cases line: $foo = function () { }; $bar = function () { }; in a single line.
If including the end line would make things easier for you, then I'm happy to make the adjustments.
FWIW: I've intentionally pinged you in the PR for your opinion, but you might've missed the email.
@Trowski This is about shortName incorrectly truncating? Do you have a simple stand-alone reproducer? I'll look into that nevertheless, but having a clear test case would make stuff easier.
07:00 - 08:0008:00 - 20:00

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