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5:01 PM
That flow of information looks like of what I'm using now
@RonniSkansing well that is if you don't use CQRS, otherwise the read is a bit simpler than that
What if you want to get the user by username instead?
That a class should only change for one reason does not mean it should only do one thing imo
Do you create a UserByUsernameController, as UserByUsernameService, a UserByUsernameRepo... etc ...
That's mental
5:03 PM
I have done that before
Didnt end like I wanted
@Jimbo UserQueryController -> UserService -> UserRepo
if you get user by id or by username it's in the same controller
@NikiC thanks :-)
5:07 PM
But for example deleting/adding a user commands are different than reading a user
But should this be by controller level?
I am wondering, since there should also be ACL lists depending on what the permitted actions for a user are
Does the UserQueryController do anything else then call the service?
@RonniSkansing generates JSON output
like, what if I want a xml and/or json response?
5:09 PM
how this can be possible www.somedomainname.com/?para=somevalue
And is QueryController then a valid name, I think it is tied to the Service
@santosh Check if it's a valid URL against the relevant RFC
@RonniSkansing meaning?
@RonniSkansing yeah, you can call it ReadController
check this then - its valid url - catchvideo.net/…
5:10 PM
@NikiC not so much... Actually is being quite difficult
Sorry about the many questionsmarks
@RonniSkansing haha no problem, I myself am still not sure what the best naming is
@RonniSkansing Is a controller where you list users?
see korima gets it
@Jimbo check this then - its valid url - catchvideo.net/…
5:15 PM
@RonniSkansing otherwise it's possible to make a UserController where I do reading of users, adding users, editing users, deleting users, but it strongly violates the SRP and additionally you create the object to use only a single method of it
actually, I don't think I can do that. Because before it issues the error, it reads the next token as a lookahead. So unless I save the entire state and stack on every single token read, I won't be able to rewind
@RonniSkansing Btw the controller should use injected parser to parse the data to whatever (JSON, XML, etc)
@ziGi I agree that you do not want controllers with alot of method, I am just not sure, after trying it myself, that I would go back to single action controllers
@RonniSkansing Why not?
again SRP imo is not doing one thing, it is changes for only one reason
5:17 PM
@RonniSkansing I am not saying single action, I am saying single responsibility
I would like to make a question about decorator pattern because is the first time I read about it and I'm not really sure if it fits on an example. Lets say I have on a web, a "div" tag where I load it with different contents. If the user is logged on the site I show his avatar and if is disconnected I show a link to go "Login page".
From what I understand, decorator it's used to change the behaviour of an object. Could I implement this pattern to show in that DIV one contain or other? Sorry for my English, is very bad :(
next they will publish every word in the dictionary :/
@samaYo Edit: Oh! I didn't see the link xD
In my opinion Decorator is violating LSP
5:27 PM
@Jimbo lets say we have user, gift, dinosaur. Each have a getById. After making each controller GetXByIdController, you think.. Hmm I could lift this to a abstract class?
I wouldn't have a controller with getXbyId(), I'd have a repository with a getById method
same here
Yes I agree
@Jimbo how would you call the controller then
5:28 PM
A UserController is responsible for user actions.
And should change if user actions change.
@ziGi The controller is called by your routing mechanism -> controller resolver, depending on the url
And yes this could be split into read, update and etc
@Jimbo I mean how would you "name" a controller with action for getting user by id, and a controller for deleting a user, and a controller for getting a user by username?
@ziGi Say I'm creating an action for deleting an existing user... I would have deleteUserAction()
I only have Action at the end for consistency too
@Jimbo in which controller is that?
5:30 PM
yes and the deleteUser( could have specific dependencies here ) which goes beyound the base dependenies in the ctor
php7 loves true :D 3v4l.org/S2AFZ
@ziGi Depends. If I have a page that is dedicated to user management, and the indexAction() shows the form with buttons to do things to the users..
I'd called that my UserManagerController
but then you wouldn't have a single action per controller, would you?
yay, got it
        	if ($tokenResetPos !== $this->lexer->getPos() && ($tokenValue === '}' || $this->lexer->isPreceededByNewline())) {
        		$this->debug && $this->traceAutomaticSemicolon($symbol);
        		// automatic semicolon insertion
        		$tokenResetPos = $this->lexer->getPos() + 1;
        		goto parser_restart;
    public function parse($code) {
        $tokenResetPos = 0;
which is dirty as crap (having to restart the entire parsing)
@ziGi Oh, I see what you're saying. The directory could be called DeleteUser and the class named the same. The action would likely just be indexAction()
5:33 PM
@NikiC ^^
@Jimbo if there is going to be a single action per class, why suffix it with "Action"
@ziGi It doesn't have to have Action I guess, that's entirely up to you. I'm just saying that because that's what I've always done
I see
(and haven't seen it differently elsewhere)
how do you deal with Accessability of actions based on user level?
5:41 PM
@ziGi You're talking about ACL stuff here?
@Jimbo yes
I've used security voters to see if the user has access to an entity they may or may not own, but not on specific controllers. That's the firewall
@ircmaxell Not sure I see why you need to completely restart
Wb @PeeHaa
5:43 PM
@Jimbo how do you allow different actions for different level users (not logged, moderator, normal, administrator)
I guess the second three are when the user is logged
@ziGi Users have Groups (roles), and the firewall is the thing that allows you to specify what routes (and by extension, controller actions) each role has access to
I'm hoping someone here can help me find a talk I'm trying to remember.
It's from like the 80's or 90's.
@NikiC because shifts and reduces happen between when I get the token I need to replace and when I finally replace it
@Jimbo you are using symfony I guess, that's why you call it firewall right? I thought you were actually talking about htaccess or something
The guy uses one syllable words and defines every word that he uses that is more than one syllable.
5:44 PM
so unless I copy the entire stack on each token fetch
@ziGi Yeah that's why :P
Anyone know what talk that is?
Who it's by, or name of talk or anything?
He gives the talk on transparencies and an overhead projector.
@ircmaxell hm, maybe
no, I tried it, it did about 15 shift/reduce cycles before it errored from the time it read the token that caused the error
I prob could be smarter about it
but this is easier
@PeeHaa .. last warning on the PeeHaa box, sure it is ready to go to oblivion?
5:51 PM
Yeah. Burninate away. Tnx again
Anytime =] Burning...
So.. who wrote the php7 framework to rule them all?
@LeviMorrison I think I've seen this, trying to remember a detail that will aid searching
@LeviMorrison If you find this, let me know :p
6:13 PM
@ChrisBaker I found it! Growing a Language by Guy Steele
@LeviMorrison Watching... I haven't seen the AHA moment yet, not sure if this is what I was remembering or not :p
I added to my Watch Later list, I'll have to see tonight when I get home
(Watch Later is the best Youtube feature ever)
6:42 PM
wow, this regex based lexer is SLOW AS CRAP
@ircmaxell Shocker :)
I may try to reduce it down into a single regex
@ircmaxell which you'd call multiple times?
it's an anchored regex, which pulls off one token at a time
right now I have like 10 separate regexes (one per token type)
	private $regexLiteralRegex = '(^/
			  [^\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}*\\\\/\\[]					# RegularExpressionNonTerminator but not one of * or \ or / or [
			| \\\\ [^\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}]						# RegularExpressionBackslashSequence
			| \\[ (
				  [^\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}\\]\\\\]				# RegularExpressionNonTerminator but not one of ] or \
				| \\\\ [^\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}]					# RegularExpressionBackslashSequence
			  )+ \\]												# RegularExpressionClassChar
		)															# RegularExpressionFirstChar
6:47 PM
oh ………………
And that's just for literals…
use a goddamn lexer software… but regex…
@ircmaxell the problem with that regex is of course ... the tab indentation
@NikiC .............
yes, I need to switch my editor back to PHP mode
but whatever
6:49 PM
@ircmaxell ah yeah… btw. thanks for using tabs. Much nicer.
private $stringLiteralRegex = '(^(
          [^"\\\\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}]                          # Source Character but not " \ or LineTerminator
          |\\\\(                                                    # \ followed by EscapeSequence
                [\'"\\\\bfnrtv]                                     # Character Escape Sequence
              | [\\r\\n\\x{2028}\\x{2029}]                          # Line Continuation
              | 0(?![0-9])                                          # Null byte - with lookahead
at least I comment my giant unreadable regexes
@ircmaxell This is also the perfect opportunity for using nowdoc strings (because they don't interpret any escapes)
I can't read that… looks like spaces… [hehe]
@NikiC I want to support PHP 5.5, which can't parse that in a member variable, right?
@ircmaxell nowdoc should be supported everywhere
6:52 PM
@ircmaxell 5.6+ is only about expressions. Nowdoc is a literal.
@ircmaxell So yeah, that is not a very efficient regex
I didn't design it to be efficient
I designed it to work :-P
you're the one complaining about lexer performance :P
When is Drupal 8 launching? It's taking forever. :-(
at least for string literals I normally unroll the loop
@ircmaxell Also, shouldn't those unicode escapes be {4}?
6:55 PM
yay $ php6 -v
PHP 7.0.0-dev (cli) (built: May 6 2015 18:49:52)
@NikiC which one now?
@ircmaxell \uXXXX instead of \uXX
@RonniSkansing lol
6:56 PM
Mogguh @kelunik o/
@ircmaxell And I'm not sure I get the 0(?![0-9]) - doesn't JS support normal octal escapes?
@NikiC good catch, I was looking at the wrong regex
@NikiC that's what the spec said
NumericLiteral ::
See 7.8.3
DecimalLiteral ::
DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigitsopt ExponentPartopt
. DecimalDigits ExponentPartopt
DecimalIntegerLiteral ExponentPartopt
See 7.8.3
DecimalIntegerLiteral ::
NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt
Does anyone have any idea why my PATH isn't extended in .bash_profile?
Wanted to try phpenv, but I can't get my path variable to work. ^^
@ircmaxell huh weird
@kelunik ... paste what you have on .bash_profile. Are you using OSX?
7:01 PM
export PATH
I think it doesn't get executed, but I've no idea why.
So I guess this is an optional extension that is supported for non-strict mode
that's in a string literal
Yes, I was referring to the string literal regex
private $numberRegex = '(^(
      0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+                             # hex literals
    | (0|[1-9][0-9]*)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?             # DecimalIntegerLiteral ExponentPartopt
    | \\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?                     # . DecimalDigits ExponentPartopt
    | (0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?     # DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigitsopt ExponentPartopt
I think I will compile them all down into a single regex
@ircmaxell fyi I have github.com/nikic/Phlexy for that
7:12 PM
yay! I'm going to generate my lexer as well as my parser!
can I generate a lexer class with that? Or do I have to do that manually?
@ircmaxell It doesn't generate, just builds a combined regex at runtime
but it may not be applicable for your case, you probably need various magic
there's only a few spots I need magic...
eih, I'll just generate a giant regex
JS is weird in that a single expression is a valid statement
and a list of expressions is a valid expression
Anyone knows if there is any noticeable performance difference b/n 512GB SSD vs 256GB SSD
7:18 PM
atleast for the average php developer.
@ChrisBaker Yeah that's outdated. I need to update the readme
@samaYo I think you have to read the specs for that.
@kelunik I'm trying to choose b/n 2 laptops with same spec, aside for the SSD as mentioned. But price different of $300
I just don't see shelling out +$300, for 256SSD more, unless it is critically important, atleast for the near future.
7:22 PM
@samaYo Should not speed be around the same? Considering SSDs differ just in size.
Also, you can always buy 512GB SSD which clearly won't cost you $300
@Leri If it's the same vendor and model, they should be around the same in speed.
> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'JSParser\Error' with message 'Syntax error, unexpected T_NUMBER, expecting ',' or ')' on line 31255'
@Leri Which one would you pick?
My new 360 GB SSD is faster than my old one, but the old one was actually a cache that I somehow manged to abuse and /home was on a HDD, so it's clear it was slower.
7:25 PM
I think I like the third one, it has the same SSD with the first one, but with a little more ghz
Currently, I would probably use the third one, because of the display resolution.
My new SSD is slower than my 3 year old
@samaYo I'd personally get myself 3200x1800 and 256 GB SSD
Isn't the first one better in resolution than the first? 3200x1800 > 1920x1080 @kelunik
since I have my 1440p screen everything below is a pain :D
@MarcelBurkhard Not really, I have 1440p myself, and I think 1080p would be better.
7:29 PM
@samaYo higher resolution can be a disadvantage, it uses more power and windows < 10 sucks at scaling
@MarcelBurkhard I wanted to go with the first one initially, but the third has 2.6hgz compared to the first 2.4hgz
@samaYo I'd get the first. The third and the first one has almost the same specs but CPU. Both CPUs have max ram limit 16GB. So the only real difference is 0.2ghz which is not much imho, at least does not worth $100
@samaYo Depends on the hidpi support of your OS and applications.
Well I guess this is it. I am going for the first one then.
@MarcelBurkhard What's your display size?
7:33 PM
@MarcelBurkhard I guess that means you are getting the same? Since you said you were interested in the same laptop brand.
@samaYo currently I'm not going to buy it because I dont think I will use it enough to justify buying it
I'd love to have one though and it would be 3200x1800 for sure
@MarcelBurkhard Why?
@MarcelBurkhard The only disappointment is that I will get a qwertz keyboard. :/ Since I have to buy it locally.
Damn, still never understood why keyboards have different layouts.
I actually like QWERTZ ^^
@kelunik 27 inch
@kelunik when I code on it I need the space
7:38 PM
@MarcelBurkhard With 14" it's a bit hard to read at 1440p ;-)
@kelunik that's a software problem though
you could have the same size text with more dpi
@MarcelBurkhard And if you code, you have 1600x900, because of HiDPI, so I would choose 1080p.
@kelunik that depends on OS and applications
I wouldn't shell out 1500+ for a laptop that is outdated in a few months when things get better with Windows 10
Yes, and currently, I don't see good enough support. Scaling factor of 1 is too tiny and 2 is too big. 1.5 is not supported in Gnome Shell. For websites it's OK, but Chrome misses a default zoom option.
AND for coding I could aswell use a linux distrubution that supports it properly
7:41 PM
@MarcelBurkhard You can have windows 7, 8 to self update with 10.
@kelunik are you kidding me? If you had spent 2 seconds googling you would've known that there IS an option for default zoom
@samaYo yeah and I read/heard it actually works quite well
@FlorianMargaine apparently I'm not alone in that view.
@MarcelBurkhard Was it June, July or August when most stuff are on sale here?
7:45 PM
@samaYo I don't know sry
@samaYo I'd guess at the start of school-holidays
@MarcelBurkhard verified: between June/July & January/February.
@samaYo I'm watching olx.ch/gratis-inserate.ch for used dell xps 13 / microsoft surface pro 3 / lenovo yoga 3 pro... hope to get a good deal
@samaYo btw I bought a hp elitebook 8460p i5 8gb ram 1600x900 for my sister that way on saturday
for 329
@samaYo So far the Win10 preview is pretty vanilla
i was ready to wait for the release date before I read that article
finally something good from ms
8:03 PM
We can't use constructors as functions, correct?
> non-static method Foo::__construct() cannot be called statically
@Machavity is Windows 10 coming out soon
Did anyone use phpenv before? I can't get it to work.
8:26 PM
no sorry
Why sha1 is not strict with second parameter? 3v4l.org/APDN0
yay, debugging a parser that takes 4 minutes to run :-D
@VeeeneX because no function is
not without declare(strict_types=1)
Only optional parameters aren't strict, right?
all parameters aren't (except array and class ones)
Ok, thanks ;)
8:39 PM
YAY!!! 103 seconds with debug off to parse jquery!!!
And what are you parsing or debugging?
Ahh, :D
20 seconds to lex, 80 seconds to parse... Not horrible...
Sounds good
8:42 PM
@ircmaxell heh
hey, parsing a 10,000 line of code file isn't trivial :-P
yes ^^
you can also try disabling the attributes (use empty array), that can improve things a good bit
Or nevermind. Just run it on php 7 ^^
Are there any particular gotchas when using recursive functions I should know about with PHP 5.3 or 5.4?
@NikiC or HHVM
@ircmaxell yeah it's a bit faster. but not much for that use case, iirc
8:46 PM
no? I would think given that it is mostly hot loops...
seems to be calling code outside the function when inside the actual recursive func
@ircmaxell you can compare it…
/me is breaking away from code for a moment
I have a basic issue that I cannot solve with an Nginx configuration. It has to do withe redirects, I would love if anyone could help me shed some light:
Q: How do I stop my server from adding a trailing slash to my URLs?

JacksonHuntI have a server which is serving a simple application. When I navigate to the server's IP address http://XXX.XXX.X.X it displays the index.php file in the root directory of the application. When I click a link to go to any other page, it automatically redirects or adds a slash to the end of the p...

9:09 PM
Can anyone recommend any TinyMCE 4 plugin for uploading files/images (free, commerce use)?
`$output = 'foo';
$output .= 'bar';
$output .= recursive_function($array, $output);`
Can anyone explain why 'foo' and 'bar' assigned / appended to $output would be executed inside the recursion?
Any suggestions on improving my talk abstract?
> Your code sucks and you know it. Make it better with functional programming!

There are many common techniques of functional programming that can be useful in PHP. I'll introduce a few techniques such as immutability, partial function application, higher-order functions and function composition (don't be afraid of any of these terms – I'll cover them in the talk). We'll refactor functions included in PHP such as array_map, array_filter and array_reduce into versions that are more powerful using our newly learned skills. Then we'll go over a few code snippets and refactor them using our mo
@LeviMorrison given my current experience in tail-call recursions I'm prone to disagree
@JeroldHaas Disagree with what?
FP application to PHP
9:13 PM
Nothing that I talk about there is about tail-call recursion.
I see that now. all of them work with foreach I gather.
I talk about other stuff too but the refactoring examples will be foreach like stuff, yeah.
I don't see any issue with your text, however. Looks like an interesting talk.
@LeviMorrison Not a fan of "Your code sucks and you know it." style introductions
@NikiC That wasn't my first choice either.
I hate the part where I try and convince people to come to my talk in the first line.
9:15 PM
Rather it be carpal tunnel sucks. ;)
But like, everyone recommends doing it and I never know what to say.
Why should you come to my talk? Read the freaking abstract!
@NikiC "Learn to make your code better with functional programming!"
@LeviMorrison I'm still for the carpal tunnel comment. FP reduces LOC.
Can anyone recommend any TinyMCE 4 plugin for uploading files/images (free, commerce use)?
9:31 PM
@KrzysztofTrzos TinyMCE would only cover your display. What's accepting the files? Are you using a framework with a plugin that works with TinyMCE? Look therein.
I'm using my own framework. I saw, that TinyMCE is using MoxieManager, but it's commercial..
Maybe there is something free "out there" :)?
@NikiC here's the final regex:
hmmm, too long
that does everything except single-character primitives (which are handled in a separate if statement)
    } elseif (preg_match($this->mainRegex, $string, $match)) {
    	$value = $match[0];
    	$match[0] = "";
    	$tmp = array_flip($match);
    	if (!isset($tmp[$value])) {
    		throw new \RuntimeException("Matching mismatch");
    	$tokenId = $this->tokenGroupMap[$tmp[$value] - 1];
    	$string = substr($string, strlen($value));
I know it's useally a bad idea to write POST values directly into a .php file with fwrite(). However, I'm working on an installation script where the user has to enter stuff like Database information. I need to save this somewhere and at first glance I was thinking of a "settings.php" file and use fwrite() + regex to fill it in. Still, it feels wrong and insecure. Perhaps something like a settings.ini file would be better if secured with an htaccess file? Still I'm looking for better ideas?
9:42 PM
"usually" o_O
Well ofcourse after I've checked the data xD Not that stupid :P
I'm using PDO to check if a connection can be made with the data provided before writing anything anywhere. Regex prevents the use of any illegal characters. Looking at several CMS, they pretty much work the same way. Still I think it can be done better. But it could be me.
Define "checked"
Like, generated an abstract syntax tree from the code in the file and verified that there aren't any potentially dangerous function calls?
@bwoebi @NikiC lexer is 2x slower on php7 than php5.5... parser is 2x faster...
The settings file only has a couple of constants to save the connection info. Nothing else. No functions, no includes. It can't call for anything. It works like this: User data -> Regex check -> PDO Connection check -> Write to file.
9:52 PM
@ircmaxell 2x slower? really oO
Hm, maybe due to JIT?
@NikiC we're not talking HHVM?!
Lexing Completed in 11.498 Seconds
Lexing Completed in 20.831 Seconds
@bwoebi pcre jit
9:53 PM
@ircmaxell fyi preg_match has an offset parameter ;)
it doesn't work
Hey I am looking into making some money, I am only 14 is there any tips?
because it moves the start of the match, but not the start of the string
so ^ no longer anchors on the offset
@AshSimpson Finish school
9:56 PM
@ircmaxell you gotta use the right anchoring
I think /A modifier works
/me is trying that now
Did I say 14? I ment 16
I have finished school
I am just look for a wya to learn a bit more cash to pay my way while still in college.
is selling php scripts on codecanyon.net a good start?
@AshSimpson Go get a parttime job. Unless you're able to write something usefull for companies that's well documented, secure and usefull in a way that no one else has already written and made better than you. There's hardly any money to be made in simple scripts as most can found freely on the web.
@NikiC doesn't seem to be
@ircmaxell That's weird, because I'm using it that way myself
No ^, use /A mod and pass 0, $offset to preg_match
10:04 PM
@ircmaxell without the ^
trying, seems to be working so far
made it 2x slower o_O
then again, I also passed the S modifier, let me see if that was it
yeah, consistently 2x slower
okay ... try \G instead of ^ and without the A modifier
But that's very weird
I'll need to revisit some of my old code using that if it's really so slow :/
\G totally didn't work
@ircmaxell 3v4l.org/7XK5f works here tho
10:11 PM
wait, at the beginning?
same, 2x slower
very suspicious
good night, thanks!
10:32 PM
LOL, the cachegrind file is 3.4 GB
> I think that I have reasons to use evil GOTO. Unfortunately GOTO is not exist any more as of PHP 5.3
He's wrong. It's only available since PHP 5.3
But it was pretty hilarious regardless.
Q: PHP-CLI 5.4 - GOTO Alternative

xZeroI working on an PHP-CLI (PHP 5.4+) application and I got to part where GOTO is required. Example: <?PHP // I use PHP League CLImate and I load it here /* * * Many lines of different code and output * */ MAIN_MENU: // Some checks which will affect menu below $climate->clear(); $climate->w...

just answered that question :-)
@ircmaxell You dirty little rep whore farmer.
10:42 PM
(We can still say rep farmer, right? That's not taboo yet?)
10:58 PM
@NikiC & @bwoebi: PHP 5.5: Lex + Parse = 72.5 seconds, PHP 7: 50.3 seconds, HHVM: 14.1 seconds

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