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1:03 PM
@NikiC true, that's another case, but anyway, I have to sit on 5.3 with no plans to upgrade to anything else because 96% of developers in this company are interns or stubborn as fk. Some of us don't have a choice and when it comes to developing and you have a ready solution that's tested by the community, but works only on 5.4+, you have to write your own from scratch, that's not good at all
two-edged sword here
@SergeyTelshevsky how do interns prevent you from upgrading?
@NikiC noone cares as they don't see a reason why
@SergeyTelshevsky Previous company was like that. I left, new company has upgrading from 5.3 to 5.4 and then 5.5 in the pipeline over the next few months
It takes the tech lead to push it forward
I like to thing that security and performance are good reasons to update to at least PHP 5.4. Even if you have zero interest in new features.
tl;dr: despite the fact that I support to drop all support for < 5.4, I'm not on a position that may influence that
1:06 PM
@ErikBaan there should be a link to ircmaxell's blogpost. He explains it way better than I could.
@Jimbo exactly
not all of us are lucky to use whatever they want
But well, I just don't understand devs who don't want to use current technology
hell, most of the code here is built around custom autoloaders with no composer support
@NikiC I do not understand them too
I mean, why the fuck did they become programmers?
1:09 PM
what have I missed?
@NikiC are all the people you worked with exceptional programers? Aprox. 70% I met were doing it for living without any passion
Here's what has to be done to use composer in projects like that: pastebin.com/cQuBCWaF
at least
from what I can tell, the number seems to be closer to 90%
I wanted to say 90 first but then thought about not being too familiar with these 20% :)
1:15 PM
@Patrick thanks :-)
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns remain the best book I’ve ever read on programming: http://www.amazon.com/Smalltalk-Best-Practice-Patterns-Kent-ebook/dp/B00BBDLIME/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid= - worth rereading every year.
then why did you create RoR?!
@Gordon I must have missed the "all tweets must be true" part in twitter's ToS
hi all, i have quick query
Want Selenium 2 grid status api? Parse with regex
1:24 PM
how can i get only regex matched text in php
i have working regex , its matching correctly.
@AMB You couldn't find your answer through Google?
@Fabor just did, i was actually looking for somthing which works in notepad++,
and dont have to write code for it., anytways found my answer, thanks
1:31 PM
Ah yes, the notepad++ auto-code-generation php compiler feature. :)
lol, around his tweets found this quick java hello world guide: wiki.jetbrains.net/intellij/…
easy peasy
okie., found more easy solution., phpliveregex.com
just input regex and data, :), thanks guys
@AMB Or even with explanation: regex101.com
yepp, that will work too, but the first one is useful for noobs like me, it shows command to use, so its better to get idea, how preg match works., and how to use regex .
1:42 PM
@AMB If you need help with commands, there is this site called php.net...
Just found this and wanted to share it here: openclassroom.stanford.edu/MainFolder/HomePage.php :)
@AMB Regex101 has also a little guide in the right bottom corner ;-)
1:59 PM
@Duikboot they also have some classes on coursera
Anyone ever use a 'service' within a Repository? So when you make a call to a repository method, within that it makes an external API call which it uses in it's results that it returns
@Jimbo yep
@Jimbo Repository itself should not know anything about services. However, if repository makes call to WS is pretty sane.
2:20 PM
emm ... what do you mean with "service" ?
because I get the feeling that everyone here is describing a bit different concept with that word
Well, I was reading fowler's explanations, link of quotes
@teresko they both mean web service I guess
So by service, I'm talking a component or library that makes an external HTTP call to gather some data
Say I have a Node entity, and by entity I mean "dumb object", but not value object. It has an IP address. I'd like to check if the node is running. If I put a node::isRunning() method, I'd have to DI the service that makes the call to check if it's running or not. I don't like that, DI'ing a service into an entity... so perhaps a NodeRepository::checkStatus(Node $node) perhaps?
@Jimbo In that case: a service would not be a dirrect dependency of a repository but of the structures that the repository provides
... if I understood what you are aiming for
Okay, so.. the repository provides Nodes, so the Node would have the service as a dependency with, say, isRunning()?
I was reading about how DI'ing services into entities is bad
(note: old post)
2:28 PM
It still is bad
you are confusing all sorts of terms here
@tereško Okay, so instead of entity, perhaps 'domain object'?
... and now you added one more term
I have repositories, that return entities. I'm using Doctrine ORM, although that shouldn't matter. Are they using incorrect terminology?
2:32 PM
why would a Doctrine's repository (which is a name of a cocrete class in Doctrine) need access to external web services (which is what your liked article defines as "service")?
It's a NodeRepository, and it returns Node (doctrine's "entity"). I'd like to check if a node is 'running' which will require a HTTP call, so I'll need to inject a HttpCallService (for lack of a better name which I haven't thought of yet) somewhere.
I've never injected anything into my "entities", the things that doctrine returns
So, I figured the NodeRepository, which can also have a save method, could also have a method that takes an entity, and uses the http service to figure out if it's running or not
Good morning
Or... I could just create an object that takes: HttpService, Node. Then figures it out that way. Just wondering if the NodeRepository would be a possible place for it.
Doesn't sound like it belongs into a repo. I would put it into a service (definition: class that does something) instead
@ircmaxell morning
2:37 PM
So, API design question:
@NikiC ZEND_ENDIAN_LOHI_4 funny naming (: (in pronouncement :p )
@AlmaDo ZEND_ENDIAN_HI_5 would be better :P
php\autoload_register(callable $callback, $type = php\AUTOLOAD_ALL, $prepend = false);
// and/or
php\autoload_class_register(callable $callback, $prepend = false);
php\autoload_function_register(callable $callback, $prepend = false);
php\autoload_constant_register(callable $callback, $prepend = false);
/me get sick of if/switch :p
2:41 PM
@ircmaxell first one
or you will also need autoload_interface_regiter() and autoload_trait_register()
@tereško no, because those are in the class symbol table
and actually, there is no "ish", because I managed to somehow miss the namespace
@ircmaxell class doesn't really suit for classes, interfaces and traits (and maybe enums in the future?)
2:43 PM
@kelunik what would you suggest?
I assume that there are AUTOLOAD_FUNC and AUTOLOAD_CONST constants also
@Patrick But really, the status of a node seems like it should be an attribute of a node
@tereško yes
Happy Christmas everyone
see you on monday
@ircmaxell Unfortunately, I don't have a better suggestion right now.
2:46 PM
I like the first approach , but that's just me
morning... Wait it's afternoon now
@NikiC should this be a string_release? since the autoloader could have grabbed a reference to it? lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_execute_API.c#1031
@AndreaFaulds it's morning
@AlmaDo in UGT maybe
But when I think about it, Java also calls them ClassLoaders
2:47 PM
@AndreaFaulds in room 11 :p
everyone should just accept it
@Patrick (hence a getter would make the http call :-/)
Hey, a thought about HashTables: Since zend_string has a hash in it, you could store string keys only. This would make string HashTables more efficient, but num HashTables far less so.
@ircmaxell The autoloader doesn't get the lcname
ah, good point
@AndreaFaulds iirc laruence has a patch for that. I didn't ask what the result was. I suspect it's slower because you need one additional memory indirection to access the string hash
2:51 PM
@NikiC There's also the problem of allocating strings for numeric indexes
@AndreaFaulds huh, why would you do that?
@NikiC Well how else would it work without h?
Your suggestion only makes sense if you make a zend_string*/zend_long union
And store the key type elsewhere - I think laruence was using the top bit of Z_NEXT
Creating strings for integer keys would be totally crazy ^^
@AndreaFaulds found it: github.com/php/php-src/pull/949
2:54 PM
@NikiC I'm interested in - since zval is no more subject for refcount (e.g. gc) - how will it be freed? Also, it's said that zval-s may be shared between complex structured. Is that true? If yes, then how copy-on-write will be maintained for them, while they no longer have refcount?
Wait, we have a set of handy gdb macros? :o
@AlmaDo zvals don't have to be freed as they aren't allocated. The "complex structures" now have a refcount themselves
@AndreaFaulds yes...
however the gdb macros are continuously broken
@NikiC ok, so by that - it means, refcounts for stored zvals, right?
At least every time I debug some complicated php 7 bug I have to go fix the gdbinit because structures changed ^^
@Jimbo I don't think so. To me a StatusReader or something like that would make much more sense.
2:57 PM
@AlmaDo The zvals themselved don't have a refcount. But if you store e.g. an array in the zval, that array has a refcount (and a GC root buffer, for that matter). So the refcount moved out of the zval into strings, arrays, objects, resources and references.
@AndreaFaulds Especially the ability to get a backtrace without manually inspecting the vm stack is pretty handy
@NikiC oh, cool. I might use that in future.
@NikiC strings? hm.. now strings elements are zvals? I.e. it will be possible to do, let's say, $foo = 'foo'; $bar = $foo[1]; $baz = &bar; ?
@AlmaDo characters in strings aren't their own values, we just pretend they are
3:00 PM
An assignment to $foo[1] will modify one character. Getting $foo[1] makes a new one-byte string
@AndreaFaulds yes, currently. They are not zvals and can not be subject to be referenced. But @NikiC said that refcount moves to "strings" too (: that's why I supposed strings elements will be zvals now (thus, subject of being referenced)
@AlmaDo the whole strings are refcounted. So multiple places can use the same string structure
@AlmaDo No, the string itself has a refcount.
even if they aren't using zvals
got it
3:02 PM
posted on December 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by TacoGrande */

@NikiC We could've done this before by sharing zvals but never did :)
(In Zend I mean)
Also I agree with the end of your blogpost: phpng is so much nicer to work with than 5.x. Despite Pierre's moaning.
@AndreaFaulds laruence confirmed my guess: github.com/php/php-src/pull/949#issuecomment-67960002
3:24 PM
Hey guys
@NikiC Figured.
I do wonder how necessary 4 different uint32_ts are at the start of the struct
@NikiC nTableSize is always a power of 2, yes?
@AndreaFaulds keeping both nTableSize and nTableMask is not really necessary
However, to see size improvement on 64bit we'd have to drop two of them
@AndreaFaulds yes
If it's always a power of two, you could replace it with a 5-bit integer.
Bitwise shifts are cheap
on arm :P
Not on x86?
3:35 PM
probably too. but arm especially. it has many instruction which are "do this and that, and perform a shift" ^^
What type of parser would this be:
while (($line = fgets($output)) !== false) {
    foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $callback) {
        if (preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches) === 1) {
            $callback($matches, $dom);
nTableMask is usually nTableSize - 1, is the only exception empty HashTables?
@Gordon regex parser? :p
@AndreaFaulds Yes. As said, we could relatively easily kill one of the two
@Gordon ow god === 1 pls no
Ahhhh! Boss sent us home early :D
@Gordon ow-even-more-god continue(2);
3:38 PM
@Gordon It implements Fireable
@NikiC Would uint8_t be an OK type?
Though, the question is where to put it
@NikiC this was from a POC. It does what it is supposed to do but now I want to make it "proper". any suggestion?
@NikiC Also, why do we use Hungarian? :/
@AndreaFaulds googling regex parser yields different results
@Gordon Apart from wrong coding style, what's wrong with it?
3:41 PM
@NikiC nothing. it works. it's just not very oop-ish.
By the way, do any of you have ideas for stupid (ab)uses of constant autoloading? Share them!
@Gordon That's good, right?
You didn't do anything completely over the top, like making every rule into an own class ^^
@NikiC Don't give Java programmers any ideas.
@AndreaFaulds I haven't even started. A proper implementation would implement a generic lexer for this, a generic pratt parser and implement the patterns as parselet classes
notes down everything @NikiC said
3:49 PM
Also just using popen is totally out of the question
@NikiC I got that abstracted already :)
You can't even read a file in java without interacting with 5 different classes
@Gordon :D
I also recommend building an intermediate format
@NikiC and another intermediate format to allow for optimisations
and then converting it to dom in a second step
you know, in case you want to switch later, right
@NikiC of course, all the intermediate representations should be UTF-16LE XML 1.1-based
3:52 PM
@AndreaFaulds and the transformations should be written in XSLT
because it's open, standard, and interoperable
@Gordon pls more xslt.
@NikiC for portability, naturally
actually you should parse the whole file with xslt
you can probably do it with only 3000 lines of code
@NikiC random fun fact. I initially wanted to create the SVGs with XSLT. But that's just pure pain compared to using the dimples/d3js combination
3:53 PM
@NikiC not enough, the XSLT should be dynamically generated by XSLT
@AndreaFaulds Actually, why portability? Maybe he should use bobx instead
@AndreaFaulds Okay, compromise. The parsing is implemented in xslt, but the xslt processor has to be written in bobx
@NikiC even better
So @Gordon, we already decided everything for you
You can get to work now ;)
Hmm, I just googled bobx and I got
> The absolute HOTTEST women on this planet, Hot Women :: , Hot Asian Women , AV Idols and Japanese Girls and Models also from China and Thailand , and ...
^^ Yea, you can parse with that.
3:55 PM
@Gordon That's a known feature of bobx
awesome. I am totally gonna use it then. just have to ask my wife beforehand
Hey @NikiC, do you understand opcache?
@AndreaFaulds which part?
@NikiC One of my long-neglected TODO items for bigints is to make them work with opcache. Essentially, implement an intermediate persistent storage format (easy) and make opcache convert to it on copying from non-persistent memory (not easy)
3:58 PM
@AndreaFaulds doesn't sound too hard
It wouldn't be hard, but I've no idea where to start in the opcache source. (I should also setup some sort of environment I can test opcache in)
I am working on Notification module...When user do any activity, That will be store in NOTIFICATION table (just like Facebook). I am following activitystreams https://github.com/activitystreams/activity-schema/blob/master/activity-schema.md schema approach
Actor Verb Object Target Listner Title

User_X have sent friendship request to User_Y

Actor [performer of event] = User_X
Verb [activity ] = sent
Object =friendship request
Listener [who will get these notification] = User_Y
Title=User_X have sent friendship request
found a bug in zend_parse_parameters
@ircmaxell Ooh, which?
There are some bugs due to FAST_ZPP essentially being a separate reimplementation
if you turn on quiet, errors are never freed: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_API.c#787
4:10 PM
Should be trivially fixable.
done by adding:
} else if (error) {
            // quiet mode
Oh. I'd just move the efree outside the conditional, since there's no returns.
you could, but you'd still need the if(error)
Right, but that avoids doing it in two places
Centralise your memory management
Drop the else and remove the previous efree.
can anyone tell me what's wrong with this mysql query?:

UPDATE new_garments SET name="Logo Oner", design_no="dddd" WHERE graphic_id="997"
keep getting:

"#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' WHERE graphic_id="997"' at line 1"
4:16 PM
@GhostEcho use ' in place of "
why the heck can't memory leaks give backtraces
@GhostEcho UPDATE new_garments SET name='Logo Oner', design_no='dddd' WHERE graphic_id='997'
@Bit_hunter thanks!
welcome :)
wait, so how would this work in a prepared statement???

$stmtG = $dbx->prepare("UPDATE new_garments SET name = ?, design_no = ? WHERE graphic_id=?");
4:20 PM
@GhostEcho share ur code
@ircmaxell because it's done in C code where we don't know this. Use valgrind :p
$n = $_POST['n'];
$c = $_POST['c'];
$id = $_POST['id'];

$stmtG = $dbx->prepare("UPDATE new_garments SET name = ?, design_no = ? WHERE graphic_id=?");
$stmtG -> bind_param('sss', $n, $c, $id);
$stmtG ->execute();
$stmtG ->close();
@GhostEcho follow proper coding standard to avoid such type of TYPO errors..framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/…
@Bit_hunter I don't follow, what does that have to do with a prepared statement?
@GhostEcho one suggestion...never use $n $c $id type variables...give proper name to ur variables
4:24 PM
@NikiC this is painful. And I kinda can relate.
@GhostEcho your code seems to be right..do one thing..print ur sql statement..it will give clear picture of your query
@ircmaxell in particular, we don't know if memory leaks until shutdown, and storing a full backtrace with every allocation would be impractical (or not possible)
@AndreaFaulds valgrind tells me there are no leaks
@ircmaxell USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 ?
@GhostEcho print ur stmt before execution..btw this is for ur help w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_prepared_statements.asp
4:28 PM
that means a recompile
That's an environment variable debug builds check for
Unless you were building a production binary, but those don't do memory leak checking :p
hmmm, I thought that was a build option
anyway, recompiles are fast on this machine :-D
USE_ZEND_ALLOC works on production builds too ...
==25861== 944 (56 direct, 888 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 8 of 9
==25861==    at 0x4C2AB80: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==25861==    by 0x60F938: _emalloc (zend_alloc.c:2198)
==25861==    by 0x66A4E4: zend_closure_get_debug_info (zend_closures.c:347)
==25861==    by 0x58B117: php_var_dump (var.c:159)
==25861==    by 0x58AB74: php_array_element_dump (var.c:66)
==25861==    by 0x58B005: php_var_dump (var.c:144)
==25861==    by 0x58B4E2: zif_var_dump (var.c:222)
production builds do memory leak checking (read: freeing) they don't do reporting ...
4:31 PM
imagine there is probably a few more like that one ...
but these are breaking my tests
@NikiC why did you "ow" about the === 1 and the continue(2) btw?
also, I'm getting a TON of errors, invalid read size of 1, 2, etc
arg, the garbage collector is killing me
@JoeWatkins It does? Huh. I assumed the check would only be compiled for debug builds, to save on extra checks.
Welcome to valgrind, @ircmaxell :)
4:35 PM
this is why I typically use gdb
because there at least I can inspect the stack
@AndreaFaulds the checks have to be performed in production, or else apache processes (or fpm) would never survive buggy internals, ZEND_DEBUG only turns on reporting, but the memory is free'd whatever
@JoeWatkins "apache processes would never survive buggy internals"?
leaking internals would eventually consume all memory in production builds ...
Oh, sure, but you don't need memory leak detection for that, right?
You just need a list of allocations to free
and a list that was already free'd ... otherwise known as ... leak detection ;)
you need to track allocations to detect leaks, production or debug, the only thing that changes is reporting leaks in debug builds and not in production ...
4:40 PM
ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(&EG(autoload.functions), func_info)
    add_next_index_zval(return_value, &func_info->fci.function_name);
I'm not sure if that's keeping track of references properly (gc)
should ... strings are refcounted now ...
it's a zval
but the thing copied is a string, right ? refcounting happens at the string now rather than the zval ...
@ircmaxell Hello Anthony. Don't you mind if I'll translate your post blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/12/what-about-garbage.html in russian?
@JoeWatkins no, it works fine if it's a string. In the case where it doesn't, it's an object
@woo what site?
4:42 PM
oh I c
ahh, I think I may not be adding the reference to it properly
hang on, ZVAL_COPY doesn't increment the object's refcount?
@ircmaxell habrahabr.ru, the biggest tech portal in ru segment. With copyright and reference to your blog, sure.
@woo that site accounts for like 35% of all traffic to my blog :-)
a lot of my content has been translated on it already
and yeah, you can go ahead and do it :-D
Strikes me now that with bigints, if they got merged, we could eventually just get rid of IS_LONG to simplify things. The performance hit might not be worth it, though.
@ircmaxell ok, thank you. I'll check for translation then, but nobody has been translated it for now.
4:56 PM
hmmm, so, I'm not adding a ref to the object
posted on December 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by LedSeb */

boom, got it
ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(&EG(autoload.functions), func_info)
    ZVAL_DUP(&callable, &func_info->fci.function_name);
    add_next_index_zval(return_value, &callable);
5:24 PM
hmmm, the HT_MOVE_TAIL_TO_HEAD is segfaulting
memset(ht->arHash, INVALID_IDX, ht->nTableSize * sizeof(uint32_t));
@Gordon Because the former should not be explicitly compared and the latter should be continue 2;
@ircmaxell why do you perform duplication?
@NikiC ah ok. I thought something was fundamentally wrong.
@NikiC it made the refcount be correct, and hence GC to function properly
I'm not saying there isn't a better way, just that worked
@ircmaxell I'd say that a Z_TRY_ADDREF(func_info->fci.function_name) should be sufficient. No need to copy or god forbid duplicate
tried that
but let me again
worked :-)
now, why does prepending cause a segfault...
5:44 PM
@ircmaxell well if its that arHash line, probably because you have a packed hash with arHash == NULL
it's not
memset(ht->arHash, INVALID_IDX, ht->nTableSize * sizeof(uint32_t));
in zend_hash_rehash
He's making a database, He's filtering twice SELECT * FROM customers WHERE behaviour = Nice Santa Clause is Coming to town.
check out the comments :)
6:00 PM
SELECT * FROM (SELECT name, address, status FROM children WHERE status = "nice") WHERE status = "nice"
The thing there, at least only true geeks will get it :-D
I'm not a fan of the varchar status when there are only two options for it
(or enum)
@PaulCrovella Why should there only be two options? ;-)
"nice", "not nice", "quite nice", "almost nice", "not quite there yet", etc etc
still sounding like a tinyint
@KevinSMcArthur I did think about normalizing nice, but then the tweet wouldn't fit in 140 chars ;-)
6:12 PM
some geeks however stumble over query optimization.
and most geeks stumble over humor :-P
well, for me it was in the end the lyrics which I didn't knew ;)
which is kinda the second culture shock today after I realized earlier today that RB has released Saturday already last year december.
@PaulCrovella "not nice on Mondays", ... ^^
6:25 PM
@ircmaxell ...checking it twice?
@kelunik That raises an interesting question - does Santa maintain a more complex profile, or is it just a snapshot of current state? Does he have my entire sleep history, or just know that I'm awake now?
@PaulCrovella He shares this data with NSA, so he'll have a complete sleep history.
nah, it's just a mash up of a twitter and fb api and then counting likes etc.
6:32 PM
Simply counting likes would be too simple, the posts have to get a content based multiplicator.
And score would have to decay over time
Good almost holiday evening yall
What is the best way to get the database connection variable in a static method? global? pass?
I think you are aware of the answer already :)
@PeeHaa Oh no.
@PeeHaa Can you please open this page? community.sitepoint.com/t/using-database-in-php/108033 It's my question. It's like a discuss. not a question.
Opened the page saw a shitload of static and global cried and closed the page again
heh. What do you mean cried?
Everything you need to know for now is already in my previous comment
4 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Pass it in
@PeeHaa yeah i know .thanks for that. I'll do that. but i just want to know that is that what you guys do? a class for each table? Is that a normal code?!
6:53 PM
A class should not represent a table
@PeeHaa So what should represent a table?
You don't need to represent a table. You need to solve/handle a problem(domain)
@user3002233 This may actually be of some help to you
The dupe hammer has spoken \o/ @hakre

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