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5:02 PM
@LeviMorrison Just so you can see what was happening in my browser with the datepicker ...
@rdlowrey @LeviMorrison same at Chrome Canary
In case anyone missed the "why you shouldn't be posting bug reports while surfing for porn" link before it was removed, Google cache has provided you with another opportunity:
@rdlowrey Aha. Finally! ;)
5:05 PM
Pretty hilarious
@PeeHaa because they use tabs, and different tab spacing produces ugly results
@ircmaxell Yup, again I hate tab characters :P. But now I'm wondering what tabs settings they use would that become aligned
@PeeHaa They use tab-set at 8, everyone else in the world uses 4...
@ircmaxell hmmm 8 you say :P
5:07 PM
@rdlowrey Yeah, haven't worked with the datepicker at all yet :)
@ircmaxell wow, 8 ... grosss. I had wondered before when looking over your patches previously why you'd indented everything to the point of ridiculousness.
@ircmaxell However at the bottom of that file:
    851  * Local variables:
    852  * tab-width: 4
    853  * c-basic-offset: 4
    854  * indent-tabs-mode: t
    855  * End:
    856  */
^^ That's me still hoping it would be 4 :)
They align with tab-width of 8, so someone messed something up...
Just found this in a position being advertised:
> 7+ years of experience with AJAX, JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, XML/XSL, Flash, ExtJS, jQuery, Dojo
too bad most of those technologies were in their infancies 7 years ago...
5:13 PM
No kidding.
and the fact that flash should be dead by now
He's asking for someone who pioneered the fields.
jQuery 1.0 was published in August 2006 . . . It hasn't even been six years.
@Levi I like the button toggle check :]
@CarrieKendall Thank you. I am going to propose the HTML structure for the jQuery UI 2.0 Checkbox widget. Their current design is retarded.
@LeviMorrison It looks like "Left & Right Icons" should expand in a list or something, but it doesn't work? Or am I wrong?
Eeek nvm I get the point :P
You tricked me!
5:18 PM
@CarrieKendall It has a view visual issues on the edges, but it will be perfect in time :) It was a proof of concept.
hey peoples i could use a quick clarification... if a class someClass that has been included contains a static method someMethod, you can pass that method to a function (like spl_autoload_register() ) by doing spl_autoload_register(array('someClass','someMethod'))?
@AndyPerlitch statics are bad period
so i have heard... however im trying to fully understand the stuff going on under the hood in the kohana framework
@PeeHaa sooooo.... is that a yes? lol
@AndyPerlitch this is a callback, that's what you do in js all the time for example but in PHP it's not used so frequently, there are a few well known examples like the autoloader, the register shutdown or the register error handler
@AndyPerlitch If it is static, you may as well do spl_autoload_register('someClass::someMethod'), although statics are bad.
5:22 PM
@LeviMorrison ah i figured as much, thank you.
@LeviMorrison then im curious why the kohana dev team decided to go with the array('someClass','someMethod') approach
or is it just programming style at that point
@AndyPerlitch what @LeviMorrison said :)
@Levi well i like it, its simple and clean. much better than the stuff being demoed atm. keep me updated
i dont really understand why all statics are bad all the time
@AndyPerlitch yes
arent all php built-in functions static in a way?
5:25 PM
@AndyPerlitch no
and if you wanted more functions globally available wouldnt statics be the way to go?
cya all later
@AndyPerlitch you said the forbidden word.. prepare to be stoned! :P
@CarrieKendall bring it on
@PeeHaa later
@AndyPerlitch well, you're certainly right to some extent, with that comment about the build in functions
@ircmaxell reading
@markustharkun doesnt seem like @ircmaxell agrees
@AndyPerlitch the testing argument is very heavy and that's why we're not using static anymore
@AndyPerlitch because you said all
i see
5:30 PM
@AndyPerlitch --- Here's another good metaphor for why static is bad ... it's not specific to PHP, but still completely relevant.
i guess i was talking about functions like nl2br, that do one simple task
@rdlowrey awesome thanks
@AndyPerlitch You can do it, you're just not engaging in OOP if you do.
@markustharkun No, because functions are not static methods. One is resolvable with namespaces and is a procedural concept, the other is not and is a OO concept
@AndyPerlitch if you're writing very very low level stuff which is not covered in the language, maybe just maybe you could use static... but then again you should probably write a PHP extension.
@ircmaxell ok, yes, I see
or you could just make a namespaced function .. and not be stubborn about your unrequited love for statics
5:32 PM
looking through the kohana code there are hundreds of static methods being employed
so is that a red flag to not use it?
@AndyPerlitch Kohana is not exactly a good demonstration of clean code...
@AndyPerlitch I would say so
@AndyPerlitch And you start to see why knowledgeable people generally despise the popular frameworks :)
@rdlowrey indeed.
Just because it's popular doesn't make it good: see Wordpress for details.
5:33 PM
yeah .. they have well commented code , and it is easy to follow the logic , but Kohana is no the apex of good coding practices
@rdlowrey lol
@rdlowrey even better example is phpmyadmin
the code is pure horror
so where do i turn to see GOOD php code
@markustharkun I've never looked at the phpmyadmin source ... thankfully. Now I never will.
do any of you clearly more adept php coders have projects on git i can dissect?
5:35 PM
@rdlowrey well said
@AndyPerlitch I would say that the second generations of the popluar frameworks are already much better and you can learn a lot of good practices from them
@AndyPerlitch notice how nobody else laughed
a lot of the stuff written by fabpot or mwop, padraic is really great code
.. if you ignore the DIC part
5:38 PM
@AndyPerlitch just do your best to follow the S.O.L.I.D. principles and you'll be doing well
@tereško ouch
In computer programming, SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s which stands for five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design. The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. Overview {| class="wikitable" style="width: auto; font-size: 95%; table-layout: fixed; line-height:1.25; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" |- ! ...
@rdlowrey what's the S.O.L.I.D
never mind
@user705339 I'm too quick
@rdlowrey lol
5:40 PM
@AndyPerlitch here is an example of a library that makes heavy use of static and it's ok for the purpose github.com/padraic/mockery
just to make the argument a bit more unbiased
@markustharkun much appreciated
but typically it's a utility library
Also, once I forced myself to use Test Driven Development (TDD) I found my code improved exponentially. It seems unwieldy at first but once you get the hang of it you wonder how you could've ever created anything worthwhile without thorough, always-on unit testing.
@AndyPerlitch plus it's really good coding too
@rdlowrey that has always looked like a great way to do things and i have been trying to get phpunit running with mamp, but up until now with no luck
5:44 PM
@AndyPerlitch Yeah, I don't entirely agree with PHPUnit's distribution model ... PEAR is a dinosaur and it makes it difficult for the uninitiated to get started with unit testing in PHP
@rdlowrey On the other hand, PEAR has huge potential for add-ons.
@LeviMorrison how do you mean?
@rdlowrey ah so do you write your own testing framework or whatever youd call it? or are there newer better alternatives to phpunit
@AndyPerlitch Oh no, PHPUnit is the de facto standard. You should definitely do whatever you can to get it running.
@rdlowrey ok
5:47 PM
@AndyPerlitch it wasn't about phpunit, it was only about the fact that sebastian bergmann is a bit reluctant to change ;)
@markustharkun i found fabpot and (i think) padraic, but couldnt find mwop...
@markustharkun Yep :)
@markustharkun ah
@AndyPerlitch Matthew Weier O'Phinney
For the record static is okay for testing purposes because your unit tests are the one place where you say, "Okay, I'm going to break the dependency contract with my objects to verify that things work correctly." Test code isn't the same as your other code.
5:49 PM
@AndyPerlitch meaning that there are better ways to let ppl install your software than through PEAR
does anyone know how I can convince frigging google to not give me these proxy urls for serps? im searching pdf files and whenever i right click save as on a link it will download google's url file and not the pdf. it annoys the hell out of me.
@Gordon I have the same problem ... haven't bothered to find a fix though.
very annoying
@markustharkun ok
thanks everyone for the resources, and also not berating me too badly.
@AndyPerlitch e.g. composer/packagist
5:52 PM
@markustharkun will look into those
last question... what do your local php setups look like (preferrably for dev on mac osx? eg. MAMP/MAMP Pro, the built-in php/apache, something else...
I uninstalled MAMP, and setup the builtin directly
I use the LA(n)MP stack: linux/apache|nginx/mysql/php ... The only experience I have with apple products is my iPhone and a string of now deprecated iPods dating back many years.
Ahoy folks
@ircmaxell could you possibly elaborate?
<--- is now locked in mortal combat with PHPCodeSniffer and must not be bothered
6:00 PM
@rdlowrey what's the combat about? :)
Not exactly PHP (though I might go with a PHP based solution) but I'm grep'ing through a ton of files recursively, and am needing to redirect output to a dump file. This is all fine and good, however I'm also wanting to get it on STDOUT. tee, if I understand, waits until output is done and then dumps, but there's so much that I don't want failure to cause the entire dump to fail. Any ideas?
@markustharkun Stupid custom sniffs.
I have a feeling my personal coding standards are about to relax ... significantly.
Actually, nevermind, tee seems to buffer, but only to a point, then it dumps.
@rdlowrey lol
6:06 PM
@rdlowrey what IDE do you use for your PHP development?
Don't want to write the rules?
@LeviMorrison I'm going to try to put them all in line with the things we had agreed on for Artax and create a new standard for that purpose that we can then modify as desired.
@rdlowrey Which, by the way, I haven't modified.
I'm in too many projects :/
Hehe I know the feeling. I'm just round-robin allotting my time at the moment.
@rdlowrey is it rather about the general implementation of custom sniffs or problems with your specific sniff implementation?
6:11 PM
@markustharkun It's trying to get specific, custom, obsessive compulsive, unnecessary checks implemented. With the encouragement and rehabilitation of some of the illuminated minds in this room I've come to the conclusion that they're mostly unnecessary time-wasters.
So they'll mostly be gutted, I think.
@rdlowrey :)
@rdlowrey Where on earth is this style guide? Which wiki page?
@LeviMorrison Oh, it's in a gist, hold on
@rdlowrey Ah, I thought it was a wiki.
6:13 PM
No need to spam the room with the full body of the gist in question.
@rdlowrey Can we kill the negation operator needing a space?
Yeah, I already have.
But not in the gist :)
I can relent on the ALLCAPS TRUE/FALSE/NULL if you're not down with it
To clarify though: < > == && || should all have spaces on each side of them.
@rdlowrey I don't mind the allcaps
6:15 PM
@LeviMorrison agreed.
Once I get the coding standard setup I'll update the gist to reflect exactly what's implemented and we can go on from there.
Also, we need a rule enforcing same-line {. I have yet to see one in any code sniffer, they all check for it on the next line.
@rdlowrey Deal.
Are you talking about control structures or also method/functions/classes?
@rdlowrey Control structures, definitely. I don't mind so much on functions/classes, but for the sake of consistency, yes, them too.
Okie dokie
6:18 PM
if ()
That drives me nuts
yeah, I've been using newline braces for classes and methods but I'm not sure why. Might as well make it consistent across everything.
At least that meshes with how I write .js too ...
all braces on the same line, I mean
strange .. why is careers 2.0 only showing moderators ?
@LeviMorrison . well .. if your method has an if/else statement , it should be clearly noticeable , because it clearly is doing two different tasks, and should be refactored or moved to different polymorphic class
@tereško According to Mr. Hevery, you are indeed correct. However, there are places such as factories that you still need such code . . .
Or meshing code code with legacy code.
6:33 PM
actually it is according to UncleBob
but he has really draconian approach to refactoring : 4 instructions per method
@ircmaxell Sorry, I had very limited time assets today.
No problem @NikiC
@rdlowrey How hard is it to write a codesniffer rule?
Is there a lot of boilerplate, I mean?
@LeviMorrison It's not too bad: pear.php.net/manual/en/…
Most of the things we've discussed already exist in the built-in standards and can simply be used as-is
6:50 PM
@NikiC: still around? I want to submit to Hacker News, but I want a few people around to up-vote seed it
@ircmaxell I am here
@tereško holy shit! seems like we can finally agree on something :-)
Does anyone else love this comment I got today: nikic.github.com/2011/12/27/…?
cheers anyway, guys :-)
The same guy left a few more comments very similar to this :D
hey @KamilTomšík
6:54 PM
@LeviMorrison while you cant avoid conditional code, you can always express these conditions using polymorphism... @see implementation of smalltalk Boolean
@ircmaxell You should link zend_operators.h directly to the macros, not to the start of the file
@NikiC you mean love like in the sense of disagree? :-)
@NikiC That's awesomely bad like the 1980s
there is nothing good on singleton, even GoF was considering removing it from further releases of their design pattern book
@KamilTomšík Evidentially ^^ I love comments like that :)
6:57 PM
@NikiC I had to respond.
@NikiC well, I don't, it's just plain wrong comment - lack of design experience from my point of view
@LeviMorrison You need to get stronger! You have to resist the urge! :D
@KamilTomšík I still like to laugh about it ;)
@NikiC "the argument that Dependency Injection is a Symfony buzzword is just ridiculous" ... while DI really is much deeper than that, I'd say that in the PHP community you're generally correct :)
@NikiC when I imagine someone writing singletons and thinking "hey, it's design pattern, there cant be anything wrong with my code", argh :-)
@KamilTomšík I think the same about anyone thinking that.
7:06 PM
Hey folks, sorry to interject, but... If anyone has a strong opinion on this I'd love it if you'd weigh in...
@Shog9 Speaking overgeneralizingly this chatroom agrees that they should definitely not get an extra site for ZF.
@Shog9 Well, to me, drupal and wordpress are different since they have a non-insignificant amount of non-dev questions. ZF has all dev questions. So it belongs as a tag on SO instead of its own site...
@salathe huh? I'm sorry, not a native speaker, so you actually disagree with that irony?
@NikiC I would hope that was the case... ;-) FWIW, if y'all have any ideas for tools that would improve things for the PHP community on SO, don't hesitate to suggest them.
7:12 PM
@Shog9 What kind of tools are you thinking about?
I love you all
hey @OZ
long time
@NikiC Well, I've seen some talk about scripts for this closevote protocol you have here. If there's a way we could make that easier to handle on the site itself, wouldn't be a bad thing - not everyone hangs out in chat.
@NikiC Hi, @NikiC. Lot of work.
7:17 PM
I never new that @ was called an "asperand" until just now. Huh. You learn new things every day.
This revelation intrigues me. To Wikipedia!
Not only asperand! It seems our humble @ is known by many names: ampersat, apetail, arroba, atmark, acosta, at symbol, commercial at, curlat, or monkey tail.
@Shog9 One thing we definitely would love to see is having community-based merging (i.e. 20k + votes), as most merge requests are denied by mods. We definitely developed a habit of just deleting closed questions because of this, even though merging would have been more appropriate. (Though not sure whether that's what you mean by "tools" ^^)
@Shog9 By the way, did Tim already talk to you about stackoverflow.com/questions/9709818/why-is-a-a-2?
@MichaelRobinson How have I managed to avoid this wellspring of knowledge for nearly 30 years?!?!
@Shog9 ZF is source of bad-style programming for lot of PHP-developers. SO if source of knowledge of good-style programming. It's incompatible.
@OZ_ Disagree. SO to the main part is also a source of bad programming practices :) So it fits perfectly together :P
7:23 PM
@MichaelRobinson Fascinating: "In Portuguese and Spanish, as well in other West Iberian languages where many words end in '-o' when in the masculine gender and end '-a' in the feminine, @ can be used as a gender-neutral substitute for the default 'o' ending"
Of course ...
> The Real Academia Española disapproves the use of the at-sign as a letter
Funny, i always thought & was ampersand.
If I am using a REST method of communicating with a php server <-> iPhone, what should I do so I could secure it (more than just use ssl) ?
@NikiC Disagree. Even 1 @tereško gives too many wieght to this balance :)
7:25 PM
& = ampersand, @ = asperand (and others, apparently)
@OZ_ huh ?
Really, Wikipedia? Was this necessary:
> In leet it may substitute for the letter "A".
what did you mean ? i am not fat
7:27 PM
@tereško lol
@tereško I mean weight of your knowledge :)
riiiight .. since when a single troll can affect the community
@agam360 token in HTTP_AUTHORIZE header
@Shog9 well I'm not exactly a ZF fan so I might be biased, but I can't help but feel that ZF gets more attention than it should as it is.
A: Why's Zend Framework proposal closed at 2nd day of "commit"?

Levi MorrisonYou will miss a large community of Zend Framework know-how if you move from Stack Overflow. There are many people in the PHP chat channel there who have stated that they won't follow the zf.stackexchange site, but they WILL follow the zf label on Stack Overflow. The reason is that they have liv...

7:29 PM
what should the Token Consist of? @OZ
@agam360 it can be base64-encoded string of basic authentication, if you want to let users use your API from browser directly, or just some string with random symbols (like password) othervise
Besides, if ZF gets its own space where does it stop? Does Wordpress get one too? Or Magento? Or Symfony or Yii or jQuery or ada or PDP-10 assembly language?
In the context of an HTTP transaction, basic access authentication is a method for a web browser or other client program to provide a user name and password when making a request. Before transmission, the user name is appended with a colon and concatenated with the password. The resulting string is encoded with the Base64 algorithm. For example, given the user name 'Aladdin' and password 'open sesame', the string 'Aladdin:open sesame' is Base64 encoded, resulting in 'QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ'. The Base64-encoded string is transmitted in the HTTP header and decoded by the receiver, result...
@GordonM WP has its own
Okay, bad example ;)
7:32 PM
@GordonM lol
It ins't a rest api, but just data that should be processed to iPhone.
Anyways, I am thinking that my main concern may be faking a user, therefore I need a solution, should the header consist of the iPhone Id?
@rdlowrey I feel that until today I was a blind man. And mute.
@agam360 what for?
getting data, storing it, then returning all the stored data after the iPhone requests it back
@agam360 if this API will be used only by limited and known list of users with known iPhone ID's, then.. maybe
7:34 PM
Ok, Thanks! :)
@Gordon I dislike the diaspora from SO
@agam360 well, then ID should not be a token, but just ID of user
so you can make storage without registration, and it's good idea
To be honest, if even crappy Drupal has own site on SO, then ZF deserve to be nearby. At least it's not worse.
Let's make an SO for every framework
7:39 PM
@agam360 sorry, correct title of header is "Authorization", not "authorize".
@MichaelRobinson I'll vote for Symfony
I'm with @LeviMorrison -- there's no chance I follow a separate stack exchange, but if it's tagged and I might have a looksie
@OZ but, but, can't they just ask on SO?
If it fragmented into an SO for everything then people would end up ignorant of the alternatives. Someone starting with ZF might not be aware that Symfony even exists, for example.
Fragmenting SO into dust is a bad idea
7:42 PM
Better, let's make Q&A for every library in the world.
I mean, until I left the WP SO, I didn't even know that PHP was a language
I thought PHP WAS WP!
@MichaelRobinson lol
@MichaelRobinson of course can. I agree that tags is better idea than separate sites for r\frameworks.
The different SOs should be for different topics. Like the gaming one, the science one, etc.
Getting answers from the pool of SO is better than getting answers from the pool of LIBRARY.
@Gordon exactly
7:44 PM
In fact why does WP get its own SO?
@GordonM b/c it's so poorly coded all questions about it look stupid and would get closed on SO
@GordonM I think the argument there is that there is a high volume of WP questions that have nothing to do with programming
Is GordonM it's some new kind of old Gordon?
For example WP theming
@NikiC Ah, he did, anything specific?
7:45 PM
@rdlowrey I prefer my theory, thanks though.
@MichaelRobinson Well, yours is clearly correct. Mine was the party line.
@Shog9 Just wondered what the state of it is :)
@MichaelRobinson lol
Though you could say that about an awful lot of the PHP questions these days :(
That's ^ true.
posted on March 21, 2012 by Web Development Blog » PHP Scripts

Dynamic PDF generation or html to PDF conversions are a common tasks for many web applications. Creating order documents for your eCommerce application, coupons for your sales and marketing campaign or a PDF version from your web pages, are just some examples. You can use PHP class script to create dynamic PDF files. This list is a bout the most popular PHP classes, PDF import functions and PHP

7:48 PM
I try to be nice to the newbies but it gets kinda hard after the 100th "How do I save a form in mysql?" question.
so answer is yes
how many times have you read a checked answer that had NOTHING to do with the framework associated with the question? So simply put, when a framework is separated from SO then it loses the support of those who are not necessarily concerned with a specific framework. those who push for a framework to split off are actually shooting their own feet.
@CarrieKendall You win my heart.
Very true. Like I said, you split off big groups into their own SOs the result would be a load of ivory towers that barely interact.
Which is no good for anyone.
@LeviMorrison On second thought I think I'd like like to keep the opening brace for class declarations on a separate line. Could you get on board with that?
7:50 PM
yo folks.
@MikeGraf hi
@MikeGraf do you like ZF?
How'd you know?
@rdlowrey . . . but then it would be inconsistent with control structures . . .
/me suspects oz_ is a bot...
7:54 PM
@LeviMorrison Okay fine. My request was mostly out of laziness to avoid doing a custom sniff. It'll only take a couple of minutes though :)
8:05 PM
how many here are self employed contractors?
@MikeGraf Only outside of work hours
so + 0.3?
@KamilTomšík No, I agree but people think that more generally. "I'm using design patterns, therefore my code is amazing."
@salathe yep, or "cool, smart, just awesome" without any further reason for that statement :-)
@NikiC btw: just made another language design decision :-)
(dropped arrays and any order-based containers in favor of id-based ones)
@MikeGraf Me.
8:17 PM
posted on March 21, 2012 by blog.phpdeveloper.org » PHP

So I’ve been trying out Behat for some REST testing recently and came across an interesting situation – I needed to send HTTP Auth credentials as a part of my test. Of course, there’s a method for this on the Session object (setBasicAuth) but it’s not implemented as a default phrase. It took me a bit to make it to the (now logcial) point that I needed to set these before I used the “Given I am

@salathe yeah. Design patterns are good but not always the right choice. My toaster isn't MVC
@PeeHaa hooray close-voting
8:33 PM
My chrome won't stop beeping at me!
lol @CarrieKendall. Are you sure you added enough links to dupes? ;) stackoverflow.com/questions/9807879/…
@PeeHaa i have one on my clipboard, don't tempt me :>
@CarrieKendall lol
@rdlowrey sorry about that :)
@PeeHaa Hehe if I get into "serious do not disturb coding mode" I just disable sound notifications
@rdlowrey How goes the coding standard?
8:35 PM
@rdlowrey The next feature (for v2.0) will be shocks until the questions are closed :)
@LeviMorrison Well, I'm getting of tired of messing with it, but there's a good base to start with ... I can only take doing auxiliary stuff that isn't "real" code for so long at a time.
why does wasting time writing questions appeal to anyone over doing a search or RTFM? i don't understand this concept.. it defies laziness and basic logic.. ABSURD
@CarrieKendall @tereško shared a nice link explaining this yesterday
it's old as dirt
@CarrieKendall Sometimes you don't know what to search for because you are unfamiliar with terminology, etc.
8:40 PM
@LeviMorrison For your perusal: gist.github.com/2152670 ... much of the stuff we talked about is there.
it's called crowd-sourced search technologies
@Levi that is the case for some, yes. but when i can copy the title into SO search and get 3+ solutions... or better yet in google and get 1 million + ..
@PeeHaa lol yeah, then I'll just grab the soldering iron and hack together some USB electrode clamps and we'll be all set.
8:43 PM
Okay, that was a nicely unwanted reminder about why Windows is so annoying.
Typed Terminal into spotlight to start a shell, only it put hyperterminal at the top of the list instead, which caused Parallels to start. All of a sudden I was in Tellytubby land listening to the USB connect noise over and over while a dozen pop ups open to tell me that I need to install a thousand patches and reboot. Ah, nostalga ;)
Am I the only person who hates any derivation of the following as an answer to a question on SO???
> X framework allows you to do that. Here's a link. It's good code you should use it
@rdlowrey You aren't alone my friend
@rdlowrey in this we stand united
This question has two answers and they both do it:
8:48 PM
A: Which OOP pattern to use to "trigger" application events

prggmrThe prggmr library will give you exactly what you need. http://prggmr.org This can loosely be defined as the Observer pattern, although it is much less of a OOP design pattern and more of a programming paradigm of Event Driven Programming.

No there AREN'T unused icons on my desktop! Just because I haven't clicked on them for the last 15 minutes doesn't mean I don't use them!
@GordonM don't fight the windows, embrace it.
@rdlowrey wait, i thought frameworks were created so that i could just include and not understand?!?! it seems i will have to understand how to 'write a code' after all.
Not with the new Symfony "AutoCode" component. It'll handle that for you. No keyboard necessary.
8:50 PM
brb craigslist
Once again, there STILL AREN'T UNUSED ICONS! They weren't unused 90 seconds ago, and they're STILL NOT UNUSED!
Ahem, sorry. I'm okay now.
@GordonM Don't blame the OS if you don't know what you are doing ;)
I found a paper bag to breathe into and went to my happy place.
8:54 PM
@GordonM Windows is like the US government: it knows better than you do what you need, so it handles it for you.
I know what I'm doing, that's why I don't use Windows. :)
@rdlowrey lol Like most governments really.
@GordonM i highly recommend keyboard smashing.. they aren't necessary anyways as stated above
Normally use OSX, though I'm normally happy enough on Linux though. Basically anything that isn't Windows. And the keyboard is kinda part of my laptop ;)
collateral damage IMO :P
8:57 PM
Quittin' time. I hereby withdraw my membership from the PHP Close-Vote Cartel ... for a few hours at least.

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