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5:00 AM
> age 14
Is there a way to quickly rename all files following a certain pattern?
Hmm shell scripts.
Wow, that's some interface. Looks like it'd be happy in one of the Worst GUI threads. — Pauk Jul 30 '09 at 22:22
@Rapptz Windows explorer has a very simple way of renaming a bunch of files at once
(read: simple as in limited capabilities)
This is just a lovely piece of animation.
5:05 AM
@Insilico I currently have 1700+ files I want to rename
@Rapptz Do you want to rename your files like "file name (1)", "file name (2)", etc.?
They're all (Text)\..+\.png|gif basically and I want to change the (Text) to something else
God I'm a noob...
@Rapptz You can try using batch or Powershell for that purpose.
I saw that GUI and immediately thought "That would be much more user friendly as a console app" — Grant Aug 7 '09 at 17:42
5:07 AM
Actually Powershell makes it rather easy. I just don't know the syntax enough to whip a Powershell cmdlet right now.
fuck man that is one of the worst GUIs I've seen
(assuming you're on a Windows machine, of course, if we're talking about Powershell)
@Rapptz clearly he didn't want to get on the wrong side of a dictator with an arsenal of nuclear weapons, this article cites leaked documents.
what's that thing called, where you make a game camera more smooth? as in, not clicking forward every time someone presses w
@Crowz interpolation?
5:11 AM
@Insilico I think that's right... but it looks really hard to implement
@Insilico oh it's easier than I thought
@Crowz it isnt
something like ren "(Text)*.jpg" "(newtext)*.jpg" apparently.
@Borgleader what do you do, just call the "forward" method multiple times in a second for smaller values?
hey guys
5:14 AM
@Crowz Basically, yes.
@Crowz essentially yes
@Crowz Every 16.67 ms.
@DogPlusPlus why that? Just for 60FPS?
Just enable vsync, it'll map to the refresh frequency (the vertical retrace time) of the display.
Well that sounds even more complicated
5:17 AM
in game development we use: delta Time = T(i) - T(i-1)
Delta Time or Delta Timing is a concept used amongst programmers in relation to hardware and network responsiveness. In graphics programming, the term is usually used but for variably updating scenery based on the elapsed time since the game last updated, and also calculated separately if graphics are being multi-threaded. A user with a slow internet connection or computer is often prone to experience lag or slowness in the responsiveness of the game environment. The purpose of Delta Timing is to eliminate the effects of lag on computers that try to handle complex graphics or a lot of code...
I suggest going with @DogPlusPlus suggestion
Goose fucking bumps.
5:35 AM
When is the nuke launching? Still waiting ...
They'll probably miss the US and hit Australia.
@DogPlusPlus that's not a knife
I don't think it has the power or accuracy to hit either the US or Australia. Europe? I am not sure. :x
@Telkitty what nuke ?
5:37 AM
goes 100 feet up in the air, falls right back down
The ones from North Korea?
Their nuclear weapon & delivery system are bad and they should feel bad.
@Telkitty are you sure it's a real nuke ?
Good point
also do you know that the US goverment compare current NK nukes to hiroshima & nagazaki
5:42 AM
theres no point in talking about this. a) NK cant nuke the US because they cant aim, b) even if they could the US would just blow them out of the sky before they reached their destination
that's if NK's neighbouring countries dont do it themselves
If you come to Australia between Sept - Jan if you need to watch this. Those beasts are very very dangerous ... youtube.com/watch?v=heE9BQEtvUM
NK is trying to scare everyone to get more aid. They pose no real threat.
reminds me of the stupid solider that shows up in cartoon, whose helmet blinds his eyes
@EtiennedeMartel Still not sleeping?
@DogPlusPlus I should really get to it, though. Got stuff to do tomorrow morning.
I didn’t just decide one day to be a wolf.
I'm gonna leave that here and go to sleep.
Good night everypony.
Saying that Java is nice because it works on every OS is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on every gender.
Still awesome.
But C++ works on every OS too
@DogPlusPlus Analogy of the year award goes to you.
@Telkitty: No, because in C++ you have to build your partner on every system, while Java just takes a seat on the virtual machine (bed).
@Borgleader Good analysis.
Alright, now I'm really going to sleep. After listening to this MLP song.
5:58 AM
C++ is independent, Java is so dependent on JVM
[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
6:18 AM
@DogPlusPlus say() { mplayer "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?q=$1"; }; [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || say "BOOM"
@Borgleader was on reddit so it's old.
that line will say BOOM whenever it randomly remove a file ..
sounds like NK targeting system
@Borgleader haha
Did I miss the Mumble party? :c
q_q everyone is gone.
Everybody went to sleep, you fool.
6:26 AM
You fool.
I love reviewing
Cute, until its eyes go red and it begins to slowly drain your blood from your finger.
6:38 AM
@Jueecy I hate it.
It's so boring and such a waste of time.
I do it for the badges mostly (and of course because I love the community), like... everyone else who does it.
@Mysticial hey on your screen different messages are yellow!
6:40 AM
It's the 0th of April.
@DogPlusPlus For the various models you've worked with,
@Zoidberg wat
when you're doing skinned animations, how many influences have you had on a bone?
@Jueecy 1 - 1 = 0.
It's one day before the first of April.
6:42 AM
Hence, it's the zeroth of April.
@ThePhD Arbitrary on PCs, dual quaternion skinning. 2 on iOS with classic weighted linear transform matrices.
yeah right, i was so stupid not to get it the first time
... How is that possible?
Vertices have to be a fixed size... how can you pass an arbitrary amount of bone data for a moel?
Oh, wait. Dual Quaternion Skinning. Probably some advanced thing I can't wrap my head around just yet...
@ThePhD Artist defined. Duality has an extensible visual shader authoring tool, which includes extensible presets which they can use. Easiest way to say it - arbitrary. Although, a myriad of customizable presets would be more appropriate here, in terms of figures of speech.
You should adopt a cute kitten and start posting picture of the cat ... that or a real doll and do the same
6:46 AM
I see.
Well okay.
Lol, i posted an answer to a question. Then another one, 4 minutes later posted the same exact answer and the OP accept the latter on (after numerous edits) and then wrote this to me:
That's part of the proprietary magic. I enforce 2 on iOS because purrformance.
So 4 on PC isn't a bad choice?
I mean, I'm planning to do this on the GPU. 4 bone weights/influences, with... I guess, 200 bones max?
Nope. You just need to speak with your artists and see what enables them to bring the creations to life.
6:47 AM
I love all huggable but slightly feisty animals that don't draw too much blood.
Even two is okay, actually.
@Telkitty like humans ?
Well, my primary artist mentioned 4 since the start.
But he kept asking me to give him a number, which I haven't been able to because I haven't fully done it before, so I said stick with 4.
So I'll do 4...
4, and 200 max bones.
6:49 AM
You could even, if you have a special facial animation system, increase the amount of control in the facial area and reduce in less crucial parts with something like tagging.
You mean just have a tag on certain meshes that says "render me this way" ?
Well, tagging - you need a way to tell the GPU what's what. :D
A myriad of approaches, really. :D
I thought I'd just do that on the CPU, then dispatch to an appropriate specialized shader or something...
@KhaledAKhunaifer probably, but I was thinking more of a cute cat or a curious chicken or even a clever local magpie
Look at this NVidia thingy (which is old), it's showing 250 bones for a sort of detailed character.
6:51 AM
Initially, iOS had barely support for ~70 bones. ^^
250 bones vastly exceeds the 32 max nodes I've seen on these characters, so...
I think 200 or 250 would be a nice number to start with.
I'm not an asshole, am I?
kfine :(
Well, I'm going to go eat now.
Feast me some.
Your party didn't feed you enough?
Party was drinks only. :(
7:04 AM
Well, was it at least interesting?
Oh dear ... this is so wrong ...
Well, I hooked up with a long time lady friend of mine. Today will determine whether the repercussions of yesterday's events will ripple our friendship into oblivion.
@Telkitty I don't see anything there. D:
what if you click on it?
7:10 AM
There's nothing to click, and nothing I can make clickable.
It's empty to me.
Quick question.
I have a function that takes a void* and a size. This function reads from an unzipped file stream and writes to the buffer passed in
I want my data to be in an std::vector.
Can I safely pass in vector.begin()?
A function that writes (size) data to a void*
(assume I have a vector with enough memory)
I saw some usage of std::copy with pointers and with iterators, so I assumed that I can treat iterators like pointers too :/
I only care about performance here because the other option is 2 copies of large data
This C function reads from an unzipped file stream to a void*
then I have to put this data into a vector
and pass this vector by reference to another structure :/
pointer of the vector's data.
Bleh, I'll go with those ideas
reinterpret-cast or C-style cast or dynamic_cast or w/e to the void* and back.
7:20 AM
there is no case I can think of in which this could go wrong
Famous last words.
(for now anways)
Yes :D
Can you imagine being in the place of people who have to program airplane control software?
srs bsns
How many of you consider yourselves professional programmers, and why?
I imagine one would consider oneself a professional programmer if or when they get paid for programming.
@LucDanton Yes.
You're professional only when your code feeds you.
Now, do mind that professional doesn't mean good.
There's a lot of shitty Java developers that get paid.
Not just Java, I think it must be with every language.
7:27 AM
I was paid to program, but only for extra money
not to feed myself
did you feed yourself with extra money?
Yes, and it was good~
Except for the part where my digestive system failed to break down cotton
Took me ages to shit that shit out
I'm going to take a job at this company this summer
I'll be an unpaid intern for a while
Then when they're sure I can start developing with them, I'll probably get paid for what I do
I was an unpaid intern last year for 2 weeks and they did development in C# and Objective-C
They did C++ too, but C# and Objective-C dominated most of their time
You know, I just realized that C++ has a meaning beyond "Incremented C"
C++ is a const
it's incremented and cannot get any 'better'
See what they did there? :D
Hey thar, morning
7:37 AM
I was surprised when I learned that C++11 support is on VS2010
considering the 11 and the 10 in the names
Same here, I was surprised to use unique_ptr in IDE(VS2010) I was using for quite some time.
My download for VS2012 is 92% done
It's slow because I have a 2Mbps connection
I live in a third world country with terrible internet :c
2Mbps is not terrible.
7:41 AM
Megabits per second not megabytes per second
Well yeah not really terrible, but a bit strange to have it nowadays I think
In this country, it's very common
Look at my speedtest:
Where are you from?
I'm faster than 53% of the country
and the servers here are so slow, that I was redirected to a server in Israel
(Notice, "Haifa (~160Km)")
Funny, I'm from Israel lol
7:44 AM
A friend of mine from Israel always asks me why I'm testing in Israel everytime I post this stuff :p
Then I remind him that this is Lebanon we're talking about
He gets like 30Mbps if I recall correctly
Yeah it's really common here now
8Mbps is the highest anyone can get on a landline
They started going nuts with it recently and they sell 100mbps plans really cheap
21.6Mbps, the highest anyone can get with the fastest mobile data connection available
Then I look at Google Fiber, $70/month for 1024Mbps
512x the speed for the same price my dad pays now O_o
7:47 AM
It's like I'm in the Stone Age
relatively speaking that is
I feel that way too now ;x 1024Mbps?
1Gbps as they advertised it.
It could be 1000Mbps actually
Not sure if they mean Giga as an SI prefix or if they're using it because they don't want to use Gibi and look pedantic or something
Impressive, I have the 100Mbps connection at the moment and I tested it, but the speed doesn't seem to pass the 75Mbps while connecting to Israeli servers
I pay.. about 45$/month though
I'd kill for that connection
Well, probably not, but I still really want it :P
7:55 AM
Lol yeah I know how you feel, I remember I had like 5mbps a couple of years ago and some Japanese dude told me the standard plans are like 500Mbps there.. I was like.. Fml
Oh well, it'll get better eventually
O:. Imagine the amount of awesome seeders
Oh boy I think my soundcard died o-o
Back in my day, we used phonographs
Hey @BartekBanachewicz
hey @BartekBanachewicz
8:00 AM
Hey BananaSplit
Actually, your name kinda looks like BananaChewIt
management in my work is a disaster, sometimes I feel that Dilbert talks about my workplace
*Scott Adams
I meant Dilbert the comic, not its author directly
the project manager management is a disaster, also pressing me within limited resources to finish a project on its dead end
I'm a tiny bit confused, I'm coming from java and there I could do this: MyClass foo; foo = new MyClass(Some parameters); In c++ I see that once I declare things in the header it already initializes them, but.. how do I pass parameters to their ctors? o-o
personally Idc about responsibility, because I work as I do work .. and if they press it any more .. I wouldn't mind killing one of them
8:12 AM
MyClass foo(param);
I see what you mean
@VinayakGarg And that works if I put it in the class declaration? (Inside the .h file)
you either declare them with the constructor, or if you want to initialize them later, you use pointers
8:13 AM
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> my_class;
@Don Assuming C++11 you'd go Foo foo { bar, baz }; or Foo foo = { bar, baz };.
@Magtheridon96 This is wrong.
@LucDanton Okay.
@LucDanton I was thinking more like.. having MyClass*foo; in the header, and in the main() have.. MyClass foo(parameters); ::foo=&foo;
Would it work?
The element of vector is only the first node link of the bucket list!!!!But the linklist cancontain many elements,why it doesnot think about this? — XiaJun 9 mins ago
^ god the guy keeps repeating this
8:16 AM
@Don Yes. I'd question the design though.
I see
I'm too stuck on the way I used to code in Java
Previous advice applied to data members of class -- I assumed as much due to the reference to the header.
So with your example, this would work? (In the header) Foo foo; Bar bar{foo};?
If bar's ctor takes type Foo, that is
It can work in some situations but you're likely to run into a problem unless you know what you're doing. Can you tell the difference between a declaration and a definition?
Long story short, most definitions do not go into headers. Things like Foo foo; or Bar bar { foo }; are variable definitions, so the same applies.
Yeah I know, but if that's the case and my way of doing it with a pointer isn't really the best way to go, how would you do this in a good way?
8:21 AM
Declare in header, define somewhere else. You'd end up with the global variable you want -- again, I'd still question that design.
what are you trying to do ?
Guess what I didn't know - this is wrong coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
@LucDanton So.. something like so? in the header have - Foo foo; and in the main() something like.. Foo foo{params?};
I'd normally go for foo = Foo(params); but I was told it's wrong, even though it worked for me lol
No; that would still define a global variable in the header, and define a local variable in main.
> Can you tell the difference between a declaration and a definition?
8:24 AM
Then declare in the header, but don't define there.
I guess coming from Java is hard
@VinayakGarg yea
@LucDanton Since you seem to be quite proficient, what would you do if you had a function that writes data to a passed void*, but you require the data to end up an std::vector?
and reverse (C++ to Java) is irritating
in C++: pointers are like references, but you can create objects like a primitive in Java without new
8:26 AM
@Magtheridon96 How do you write into void* though?
@LucDanton The function that writes to the memory location passed in is in a zlib dll, so I can't do anything to change it and I don't know what it does internally :/
I have a solution to the problem, but it might not be safe
my other "safe" solution is inefficient
`std::vector<U8> buffer(fileInfo.uncompressed_size);`
`unzReadCurrentFile(archive, (void*)buffer.data(), fileInfo.uncompressed_size);`
@Magtheridon96 Can I assume the API expects a maximum size to go with that pointer?
yes, it takes a size
@Magtheridon96 Size buffer appropriately and don't cast.
The way I'm sizing it now is inappropriate? :o
8:30 AM
Oh that's what you did. I'm not sure how my eyes missed that the first time around lol.
so it's perfectly fine to use buffer.data() without any side-effects later on? :p
What you're doing is idiomatic, except for the cast that is redundant and not future-proof.
I don't know, I'm just very paranoid when it comes to dealing with internal buffers
At the very least use e.g. static_cast. That would still be redundant, but future-proof to a much, much better extent.
8:32 AM
@Magtheridon96 It's not like std::string::data used to be, if that's what you're asking.
As an example, if you wanted to change buffer.data() to &buffer[0] but made a typo and forgot the addressof operator, then (void*)buffer[0] would still compile.
I'm changing a lot of my code to use std::vector, std::string, std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr instead of raw pointers, arrays and other C-esque things.
It's a lot of work, but it'll be worth it in the end.
8:57 AM
@Magtheridon96 if at some point your code becomes a salad of standards & methodologies, maintenance will be hell
@LucDanton Ugh I'm sorry I just really got confused, I'd love to know what the "correct" way of doing this is.. I understand that having this in the header : MyClass c; already calls MyClass's constructor.. which is bad for me as I want to pass in a value to it's ctor but it seems like I don't really have a chance to
@KhaledAKhunaifer My code always ends up becoming a soup
Salads, at least, can be salvaged into groups of vegetables
@Don Declare in the header. Define somewhere else, with an appropriate constructor call.
You claim to know the difference between a declaration and a definition, so I don't think there's anything left to explain.

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