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9:00 PM
> Perhaps you have heard of the custom, still preserved in certain African tribes, of a father creeping into the tent or hut of his newborn child on the night of the child’s birth, to whisper into its ear the name he has chosen for it, before making his choice public. It is an impressive naming custom and 3ts in tidily with the way this character is constructed: evening . . . mouth. At evening time, a mouth pronounces the name that will accom- pany one throughout life.
@ThePhD top left is just タ, I think
@StackedCrooked Vocabulary is the worst with Japanese :(
Since you have to learn it twice. Once the meaning, and then the Kanji
Kanji is the worst.
I don't know why they don't just go the Korean route. =[
@Xeo And then combined kanji.
The Japanese like their Kanji
Fuck special letters, composable alphabet.
9:02 PM
I don't hate Kanji.
I think it's pretty neat.
Since they can be used to express something in a hellalot of different ways
@Xeo Only because they can use it to make puns.
And they make use of that all the time, especially in literature.
Kanji enables quick reading.
9:02 PM
@StackedCrooked Also, that
Make puns with regular letters. D:<
Doesn't work nearly as well as with kanji
Since one kanji can mean three different things, with three different readings
It's like Chinese.
9:04 PM
and then you have the whole on-yomi and kun-yomi stuff
Faster processing at the expensive of Memory. =[
They'll all switch to Latin eventually
Does anyone fancy helping me for 5 minutes? with c++?
@Ell 5 minutes? too long.
@Ell Do you have tits?
9:08 PM
TIL Ctrl-K indents your message.
@EtiennedeMartel I certainly do.
Q: Pass by reference, constant reference, rvalue-reference, or constant rvalue-reference?

texasbruceI was learning passing by reference, and here is the test I did: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int i = 0; //If this is uncommented, compiler gives ambiguous definition error. //void paramCheck (string s) { // cout << ++i << ". Param is var.\n"; //} void paramCheck (const string& ...

@StackedCrooked Indents for coding format.
the room name has been changed?
9:08 PM
@Tiina Yes it did.
@ThePhD I didn't know it did that.
I am trying to preserve an object in std::bind past it's scope for a handler function like this: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/… - does anyone know if there are any alternate approaches to this?
@Tiina It changes now and then.
hmm, i c
I pressed
CTRl + A, Ctrl+K
To format this whole block
Of stuff as once
9:09 PM
I dislike the shared_ptr one because there is no shared ownership, and the unique_ptr one is a little ugly. Just looking to improve it
@ThePhD bravo bravo
about the environmental variable, Path would cover PATH?
i've finally found someone that likes to argue more than anyone on here. lol
Is it bad if I cannot think of how to calculate Fibonacci numbers?
@ThePhD ctrl+K is enough
9:10 PM
Oh. Well, TIL. :D
@Pawnguy7 f(1) = 1. f(2) = 1. f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
Oh no miss tina is back.
@Tiina Environment variable names are case insentive on Windows
@Pawnguy7 Yeah
9:12 PM
@StackedCrooked looks like a weird version of Telkitty
@Pawnguy7 it kinda is
The NSA is stupid.
@Ell struct mover{ template<class T> Unqualified<T>&& operator()(T&& v) const{ return std::move(v); } };
@Ell You and me have very different definitions of "stupid".
@EtiennedeMartel the last one is valid?
9:13 PM
@EtiennedeMartel haha yeah, hency my subsequent "well. hmmph."
or auto ... -> decltype(std::move(v)) I guess
@Tiina If you can't infer anything from what I've said, then I'm afraid I can't help you any further.
@Tiina Are you Miss Tina from two years ago?
@StackedCrooked no... why people kept asking me this question...
@TonyTheLion Yeah, I read it through. It's pretty ridiculous.
9:15 PM
@Tiina You seem to have a few things in common.
@StackedCrooked for example?
I have never wanted an upvote so bad :(
@Xeo I'm not sure I understand that. This is to replace the static cast business, right?
@Tiina Don't worry about it :)
But what is Unqualified?
9:16 PM
@MooingDuck ... weren't you at 10k or something not too long ago?
@Ell yes
@MooingDuck Here ya go.
wooO! I won the game!
@Xeo oh wait I just read this
now I must remember not to downvote for a while
What is a problem involving algorithms and efficiency that involves little math for a simpleton such as myself? :D
9:17 PM
@Ell template<class T> using Unqualified = remove_cv<remove_reference<T>> with some typename ...::type sprinkled in
@MooingDuck You can downvote questions
@Xeo no?
@StackedCrooked I won't
@MooingDuck I gave you some extra room to downvote with some upvotes. :D
Huh. Must be mixing something up
9:20 PM
@MooingDuck euh i'm tempted to not get rep. if i get too much rep i'm going to go on a downvoting spree. so many bad answers T_T
@MooingDuck Nice graph
@Xeo looks like everyone elses O.o
No, I meant the graph in general
Didn't know it was there
hm... I didn't even double my rep in over a year :s
@Xeo the trailing return type appears to do the trick: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/… Thanks!
@Xeo only on SE as far as I can tell
though finding other people on SE is hard
9:22 PM
@Xeo I haven't got over 1k in 3 years xD
It's impossible to keep doubling your rep every year.
@StackedCrooked you could keep it up for a while in theory though
Because years pass by in linear complexity, and doubling is exponential.
@MooingDuck In theory you could keep it up forever or until your rep reaches integer overflow..
You can get over 100k / year
1 rep in year 1
2 rep in year 2
9:24 PM
@StackedCrooked yeah, gets harder after your rep passes 73000 though, due to repcap
I got ~27k. Shows how lazy I've been since I hit 30k. And even before that, after hitting 15k.
@Xeo Get to 30K already, chop chop!
Meh, lazy
also, no good questions
^. this is a constant problem
I've been answering so many easy / boring questions with comments for a while now
9:26 PM
@Xeo your 59 is annoying me. i'm considering upvoting to round you to 60 T_T
@Xeo I was too, until about 18500 ish
@EiyrioüvonKauyf if you upvote him too much the system will undo your upvotes
@EiyrioüvonKauyf don't, you'll only trigger the voting script anyways
for fucks sake
why does compiling function definitions print something to stdout
@Ell Wait a second, why are you even doing std::bind(mover(), *myt)?
I don't want to print gufjhdajhdf;jahdfl
9:27 PM
@Xeo fixed. 3 upvotes
ok that's better
... no too large
I don't see 3
I see 11
Within a minute
1 min ago, by Mooing Duck
@EiyrioüvonKauyf if you upvote him too much the system will undo your upvotes
... i didn't do that. i did 3.. now 0
@Xeo what was I supposed to do? o.O
@Xeo i have undone all my upvotes i have no clue who did the other 8
9:28 PM
wasn't me :/
not it
not me
@Ell What was the original goal?
@Xeo you have a fan!
9:29 PM
@MooingDuck :/ weird
@MooingDuck Looks more like a stalker to me.
Also, speaking of not-rep-whoring-anymore, hi @AndyProwl
lolz, already reversed I think
Or the person himself removed them
Meh, if anything I need to find an answer to downvote so I get my round 60k
^ i have too many of these
just go to the ones answered yesterday
Jeezuz, what is going on.
there are so many bad answers you'll find one easily -_-
9:32 PM
Whoever is upvoting me so much, stahp, serial voting is useless anyways.
? you have 60, 021 again
@Xeo Basically, begin takes a resource Test t and a handler to be called later. The object t must be kept in a valid state until the handler is called. The handler will be called after the scope of when I create the Test is finished, so I need to keep the object alive somehow. I do this by putting the Test in the std::bind which obviously must be kept alive until the callback is called
@Xeo lol
@Xeo now you have 59941
what is happening ???
@Ell Just std::bind(foo, *myt), no need for the composition
9:34 PM
I can do this either with a shared_ptr, which I don't like because it's not really shared ownership, it's just passing around a lot, or unique_ptr which I attempted there on coluiru.
@Xeo Wait, when was that? I don't see it in your history.
3 mins ago, by Xeo
lolz, already reversed I think
Someone's messing with my rep
@Xeo Oh. Are you sure? And the handler function can still be void myhandler(Test&& t)?
@Ell Lambda?
9:35 PM
@user2639804 Telkitty? :p
@Ell Oh, that. Sec.
I don't know what signature to give it if I don't use that mover struct
@Xeo Oh wait. Wouldn't that be a reference to a local?
std::bind copies by default
Also, I meant to write std::bind(foo, std::move(*myt));
@BartekBanachewicz What happens when I go outside the [0, 1] range for colors in OpenGL?
@Tuntuni depends
9:37 PM
@Xeo i'm just confused atm and slightly annoyed; now it's 59930 -_- that's not nicely round
@BartekBanachewicz Jason McKesson says go over it and see what happens. I did 1.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f and got white.
Just stop worrying about my rep, will ya?
Does it just reset you back to the max/min if you go over/under?
@Xeo Even if it's reversed, it should show in your history.
Unless the person manually undid all of them.
Maybe they don't show it if the reversal happens really quick
9:38 PM
@Tuntuni depends on the context
So the history isn't spammed
@Xeo i manually undid 2 and left 1. someone did 8 which seem to have gotten reversed. so the sum of everything is +10 for my 1. which was this stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/…. which is a pretty good answer so it deserves it
@Ell: Btw, yeah, std::bind doesn't automatically move on invocation, of course
@BartekBanachewicz E.g.?
That'd be dangerous since it could potentially be invoked multiple times.
9:39 PM
@Tuntuni if it's outputted in shader or if it's passed to C API
@BartekBanachewicz I did it in the shader.
@Xeo What does that represent? A man bowing down?
I'm currently on a caffeine high.
@Tuntuni *shrug*
@Xeo Ohhhh right.
Now I see it. :D
Is this a 4chan reference?
9:44 PM
@Xeo Ahh sorry, I didn't explain my requirements correctly. And my code was bad too. The begin function modifies the reference of Test you pass in, so it can't copy, it needs to be the same object. My bad! Sorry! See this code: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/… it should be modified the first time. So my original code didn't actually work :O
but looking at it, it shouldn't work
@TonyTheLion lol i wonder what it could be
genital face xD
9:46 PM
@TonyTheLion Genetalia
@Ell If it modifies the reference, I don't think it should move at all?
std::bind(mover(), *myt) creates a copy of *myt inside of the bind object, and moves that on invocation btw
@Xeo right. Okay. But it needs some way of keeping the resource alive, so it needs to go into some kind of smart ptr?
@Ell Okay okay, just a second. How exactly is the functor expected to be invoked?
@Xeo you mean, the handler that you pass to it? It is called by boost::asio
9:49 PM
Also, you code invokes baaad UB
I hope I mentioned boost::asio before >.<
I don't think so
Your code is all kinds of weird btw
You create a unique_ptr as myt, but store *myt
making a copy and throwing away the unique_ptr right after
@Tuntuni then it depends on the framebuffer type
for fucks sake
if you have error cache then let me handle them maybe? :/
@Xeo Sorry, maybe I mentioned it too early. I'll show you the ultimate goal of my quest. I'm trying to change this code: boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/boost_asio/tutorial/… to not use shared_ptrs because I don't think there is shared ownership. You don't have to bother continuing helping me, I feel I have taken too much of your time already (which I appreciate a lot!) but any help is awesome :)
@Ell You need shared_ptr there because unique_ptr is non-copyable
9:53 PM
Well, I just used a goto.
And boost::asio copies handlers all over the place.
@BartekBanachewicz Are those types like depth buffer, stencil buffer, etc.? (Didn't get to framebuffers yet.)
well I feel pretty stupid
thank you anyway :)
9:54 PM
@Tuntuni no, like GL_FLOAT or GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE
> You don't have to bother continuing helping me
@BartekBanachewicz Ohh, the data type. It was GL_FLOAT.
Don't prostate yourself so quickly like that. If I want to help, I help. If I don't, I keep silent.
@Tuntuni what data type?
the output type
@Xeo Okay :)
Thank you very much :)
9:55 PM
so @Xeo I've hacked into terra standard library and implemented SFINAE
but because of dumb error handling it still prints the compilation errors to console :/
@BartekBanachewicz out vec4 outputColor; - what are the types in the vector? floats?
function is_addable(T)
    local terra expr(a: T, b: T) return a + b end;
    local def = expr:getdefinitions()[1]
    return def:sfinae()
@Xeo that's how it used now in raw form
@BartekBanachewicz Why don't you just scriptin in C++. :3c
@Tuntuni Floats, always.
@ThePhD because I am not doing scripting?
9:57 PM
@BartekBanachewicz But it doesn't actually fail anymore?
@BartekBanachewicz Then what're you using Terra for?
I thought Terra was primarily a scripting language.
@ThePhD Terra is a native language
@ThePhD ugh no. Lua is.
Hm. Well, herpaderpa then.
@Xeo the is_addable works alright :3
@ThePhD Mhmm. So on the end, what happens when I specify a value outside of the [0, 1] range for a fragment output color?
9:57 PM
nullptr.t:43: arguments of binary operator are not valid type but Baz
    local terra expr(a: T, b: T) return a + b end;
@Tuntuni Whatever teh driver decides to do with it.
that's what I get to stdout invoked with (int, my struct with overloaded op+ Foo, and the one without Baz)
@ThePhD So it's sort of UB?
@Tuntuni If you want to stick C++ terms on it, sure.
@Tuntuni IB rather, I think
9:58 PM
It's more like IB, with industry-standard expected results being something like clamping the value.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
Tough luck
@Tuntuni If memory serves, it's clamped to the range -- i.e., anything greater than 1.0 is equivalent to 1.0 (but probably better not to take my word fo rit).
@Tuntuni that's ok. But you need to tell me the type of actual framebuffer that's written to
@JerryCoffin That's what happens here.
@Xeo Why is he using Terra, again?
9:59 PM
guys stop giving Tuntuni bad advice, allright?
@BartekBanachewicz GL_FLOAT.

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