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2:01 PM
@Ven is there a language with a working Windows implementation in which I can do something similar to this without fucktons of awful code?
sub process_module {
    shift =~ s/\[query\|(.*?)\|\]/process_query($1)/egrs;
Perl 6 maybe.
@Puppy oh, I forgot to mention earlier it but just in case: broadly speaking positions matter to algorithm writers, not end-users
2:15 PM
@rightfold preg_replace_callback in php pretty much does the same tbh
or String#gsub in roobie
> /usr/local/include/reaver/optional.h:54:30: internal compiler error: in instantiate_template_1, at cp/pt.c:17393
Long time no see, GCC ICEs! :D
cc @Morwenn
that line though
> cp/pt.c:17393
This line number will now haunt your dreams for decades.
I'm more interested in what I did.
Isn't that a bit narcissistic? :p
Aaaand I think I know how to fix it, not quite how I exactly I triggered it.
Aaaand nope.
2:24 PM
@Ven S:g/'[query|' (.*?) '|]'/&process-query(~$0)/ given $s \o/
And Perl 6 has a decent C FFI so I can easily call PQdescribePrepared.
@rightfold You say fucktons of awful code, but I see that you want to do something totally unreadable
2:40 PM
Okay, fixed the error. Made an optional vector no longer be optional. :D
I have no idea why GCC crashes with fire on that one.
Oh, there's GCC 6.3 now.
@rightfold S:g['[query|' (.*?) '|]'] = process-query(~$0) works btw
@Ven That will modify $_.
2:55 PM
It's an assignment.
Note the r flag.
the r flag?
this is P6
S in Perl 6 is s//'s r flag in P5.
S:g[(a)] = $0.uc given "heya"; gives heyA
3:10 PM
@jaggedSpire A bit of love left for you <3
It seems.
So I was gonna meet this hot blonde model today, but then I didn't.
@Morwenn <3 <3 <3
@Borgleader @TonyTheLion @Ven @Morwenn <3
@jaggedSpire fck u
It ain't fair that I ain't gettin' any love today, neither IRL nor in the Lounge
Excuse moi, Imma go crave for validation on Stackoverflow
@Columbo <3
3:14 PM
@jaggedSpire Finally. <3
@Columbo And your using... thingy is the only C++17 feature that GCC7 hasn't implemented.
@Columbo What about manly tears? D:
@Morwenn Men never cry. Sometimes there's a mishap in the lachrymal gland that causes salty fluids to be ejected, but that has no particular cause and can be safely ignored
3:29 PM
I feel like I cry more often these days. Probably the hormones messing with my lachrymal glands too.
3:56 PM
@Columbo Salty fluids heh
4:19 PM
@-webkit-keyframes pulsate {
    0%   { transform: scale(1.05); background: purple; }
    50%  { transform: scale(1);    background: magenta; }
    100% { transform: scale(1.05); background: purple; }

.btn-pulsate {
    animation: pulsate 1s linear infinite;
Customer wanted the "button very visible".
I bought an LED christmas tree kit
@rightfold lol
I don't know which resistor should go where as there is no schematic with it :V
@Ell Isn't the whole fun in that the part where you try to draw the schematics yourself and fail at that and cry?
4:23 PM
The fun is the soldering :D
I've put all of the LEDs, capacitors and transistors in
4:40 PM
@rightfold I tried it, and it failed completely. With my sun glasses on the burning in my retinas was almost bearable at a distance of only about 50 meters. I want it blinding to somebody wearing welding goggles at 100 meters.
@Ell Hint: the LEDs probably all need pretty close to the same current.
@Ell Not as fun any more. Unleaded solder doesn't have as sweet a smell...
or brain damage
@Puppy I haven't suffered any brain damage at all. I've enjoyed ever minute of it!
"Doctor, I'm not crazy, I merely like inhaling gaseous lead"
@Puppy Truthfully, you'd never get a soldering iron even close to hot enough to evaporate the lead. You barely get it hot enough to melt it. I'm pretty sure the smell is entirely from the rosin (not that I'd let such a minor detail get in the way of a decent joke...)
They still use lead-based solder?
I guess the answer is yes. I thought it would've been banned by now, but I guess that's different from having the shit in your fucking walls.
4:55 PM
no I think it is banned now
at least in sane places
13 mins ago, by Jerry Coffin
@Ell Not as fun any more. Unleaded solder doesn't have as sweet a smell...
@jaggedSpire <3
@Mysticial Honestly, it's not directly banned everywhere, it is banned in enough of the world that essentially nobody's willing to forego those markets, so it's virtually never used even where it is allowed.
@Ven <3
@JerryCoffin In my experience, lead solder is much easier to use.
4:59 PM
that's the trouble with lead
it's so great except for the part where it's massively toxic and brain damaging
The tin shit that I used in school was a real pain in the ass.
if only our bodies could tolerate it better
But I'm more than willing to trade that away for getting rid of the lead.
@Mysticial Yes, definitely. Has a longer life too--unleaded solder is much worse for growing whiskers that suddenly cause a short in a circuit that's been fine for years.
@JerryCoffin Oh... I didn't know lead solder has more resistance to the whisker problem.
5:01 PM
@Mysticial It grows whiskers too, but not as badly. In particular, the whiskers it grows are softer, so they don't punch through insulation nearly as well.
I was wondering how microprocessors aren't affected, but I guess the mechanism for whiskers isn't well known.
And it's a different material - silicon + dielectrics.
Wait till Intel puts gallium arsenide in our chips. I expect to see some push-back from environmentalists.
5:21 PM
I don't think that microprocessors actually use solder
don't they use lithographic etching for all their circuitry?
Yeah. But I don't think the whisker problem is specific to soldier.
I thought it was mostly big pieces like motherboards that have big components soldered on
What I was thinking is that if whiskers can grow large enough to short macro-scale circuits, then why can't they short out nanometer-scale microprocessors?
But of course, I know almost nothing about this field.
I think that etched circuits don't grow whiskers at all
p.sure they don't involve the necessary elements
@Mysticial I'm not at all sure that'll happen. My bet is that when/if they decide to add something more exotic to Silicon, they'll probably go directly to Indium Phosphide (not that white phosphate is exactly a fun chemical to deal with either).
5:24 PM
@JerryCoffin I think they already did.
if memory serves this generation of Intel chips, or the last one, already did not have silicon as the major element
might have been germanium they were using instead
don't quite recall
@Puppy I believe you're correct. Traces are now usually copper, which happens to be one of the additives they've used in solder to help prevent whiskers.
Funny thing is that in the last two years of undergrad when I got my EE degree, they never taught anything about whiskers. I learned all about it on my wiki-reading traps. Goes to show how useless schools can be sometimes.
At the very least, they could've mentioned a name or something so that the students who did give a shit could look it up.
@Puppy Everything I know says they're still using bulk Si. I believe they do use some SiGe to create strained Si, but this isn't even close to new (strained silicon first appeared in the Pentium IV, if memory serves).
5:44 PM
This is the first time I've heard of whiskers, actually.
but what were you posting all those cat pictures etc. for then
cats have whiskers
really though this is useful information, thank you for sharing it with the class
@jaggedSpire The first semiconductor electronics were cat whisker diodes. And now the circle is complete.
5:49 PM
Streisand Effect is portable. Meta Effect is implementation-specific. — Jack Deeth 51 secs ago
Streiing the sand.
@BoltClock If it matters, can't moderators hide a revision?
@JerryCoffin also TIL
@Mysticial I mean we could, but the asker hasn't given a compelling reason for it. I'm not going to question whether said employer is still with us but this whole thing is incredibly dodgy
Or maybe I'm just sensitive (har har) to these things and I find it so messed up someone has to mention that somebody died
Or maybe it's messed up because someone died and all this guy can think about is his so-called sensitive information being left online
Everything about this is messed up, I'm outta here. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
6:03 PM
Nice, Perl 6 JIT doesn't support 32-bit Intel.
Because who the fuck cares about 32-bit Intel.
what's 32-bit intel
As opposed to what everybody uses, x86-64.
I remember a time when x86-64 was a strange new thing
6:05 PM
@JerryCoffin I don't use unleaded, don't be silly xD
I think using unleaded for hand soldering is quite silly
Lead free is good for mass produced things soldered by machines
but the proportion of things hand soldered is so low
@BoltClock I have my money on the whole death thing being a sham. Which is why I'm being less sensitive than everyone else.
@Mysticial I hope for the employer's sake this guy's just making it all up so at the very least it's only this guy that's messed up
Because I mean... really?!?! Perhaps I'm wrong, but that story sounds about as convenient as the captain who "tripped and fell into a lifeboat".
Yeah. Messed up
what's with the downvotes everywhere tho
6:13 PM
@AlexM. The answer? Maybe people are looking at my comment and deciding the answer should be downvoted
it looks like an interview question to me
maybe a do at home thing
so he's hiding it
@rightfold Some of our customers
we could not upgrade our client application to .NET 4.6 because they were still using XP
@Puppy Is Windows 7 more hardware hungry than Windows XP?
probably a little but I'm not actually sure
I think windows 8
is less hardware hungry than 7
6:22 PM
@Puppy How is the HTC Vive?!?
I saw a video about the new Oculus Rift controllers, made me curious about VR again.
unusable for me
How come?
Did you return it?
I'm going to
you sure are taking your time
I can't see out of both eyes at the same time- if I put on the Vive I see out of only the left eye, and it's just a screen close to my face, no 3D or anything
inclined to conclude that 3D technology simply can't work for me at all
6:25 PM
What happens if you close your left eye?
wait so you don't see 3D IRL either?
like no depth perception or anything?
@Puppy Sounds almost like something out of a lousy Gibson novel.
And yes, I realize that "lousy" is redundant in this case. Sorry 'bout that.
@fredoverflow I see out of the right instead.
@AlexM. I can't use both hands at the same time, brb gonna buy a guitar
both eyes work fine independently, they just don't work together very well
6:27 PM
@Puppy Just in VR or also IRL?
IRL too
but you don't need both eyes for depth perception really
just close one of them and you won't notice any sudden lack of 3D-ness to the world
Wow, that's weird. Never heard of that condition... does it have a name?
I always have trouble doing things like touching behind an edge
or touching an edge
when I close one eye
I always either overshoot or undershoot
@AlexM. What's behind the edge?
it's basically lazy eye (amblyopia) but the very light version
6:29 PM
@fredoverflow anything the idea is touching farther than the edge
i.e. going deeper than it
e..g the edges of my bed next to me
basically, one of my eyes (the right I think) was massively misaligned (like 90 degrees) at birth
prompt correction by surgery minimised the effect but there's still some
Eye surgery? shiver
my uncle had a much smaller misalignment that wasn't detected until too late and is now totally blind in one eye
@fredoverflow I would have been only a few months old- I can barely remember a few seconds of going for checkups when I was about three years old.
6:30 PM
puppy at construction time
Is that Mega Man?
truth is it's kinda hard because you don't really know what the world looks like to other people
yep but it looks like an old cartoon
so it's hard to say how things are different
but I'm pretty fuckin' sure that only seeing out of one eye at a time, particularly for close objects, isn't part of it
6:33 PM
Man says he and husband removed from JetBlue flight after "expressing displeasure" that Ivanka Trump was aboard. http://apne.ws/2ik3yL1
> his husband
> displeasure over a trump
so when you posted it
I was like "wait did abyx just post something non-inflammatory"
but then you highlighted that
silly me
Make Murika Great Again! ffs
greatly dumb
in any case, the underlying effect is that the Vive doesn't remotely offer anything for me
and I suspect never can
So why didn't you return it immediately?
because that involves a bunch of re-packing it and I'm lazy
6:43 PM
I assume you're aware of the time limit
which is around 20 or 30 days here
20 I think
eh romanian law is more lenient
but the time limit is to request the return, not to actually make it
I already requested it, but now I need to ship it to Romania
6:45 PM
why ship it here
for you for Christmas
did you like do some weird stuff to buy it from here
so it's cheaper
that's their return address they asked me to ship it to
You sure you contacted the right people?
6:46 PM
Sounds like a scam.
where did you buy this from
And not some suspicious Alex's?
direct from HTC
and I used the returns form on their site
6:47 PM
you sure that was their actual website?
hey romania is a small place
how about you send it to me
and not a scamsite from @Alex?
pretty sure
nobody will notice
maybe you got duped and that wasn't even a real Vive to begin with
just something Alex cobbled together in his bedroom
to steal your maniez
6:48 PM
they can ask you to ship it to any depot they have anywhere
it doesn't matter to them since I assume shipping is paid by them
@Xeo lol
@AlexM. I think it's paid for by me, since the product is not defective in any way
steam sales, btw
on it like something too busy for an analogy
@Xeo I swear it's a real Vive. It says "Vive" right on it.
7:30 PM
why is factorio never on a discount lmao
grim dawn is also never < 10 eur
guess age of decadence is the only thing I buy on this sale
factorio seemed like a pretty crap game
I would've bought BG2 EE if I could import my saves from BG 2
you can have my copy if you want
but I cannot
I did buy BG2EE just now ;p
7:32 PM
I'll keep playing 800x600 gog ver
@fredoverflow :P
> (pls dont tell me it's 'bad', cause I like to have freedom of choice, you know - if I want to code in a 'bad' way - that's my choice)
I hate people
anyone knows when today's sales ends?
if you're referring to steam sales
7:36 PM
I mean they do end at the end of the sale
but that's in like january
I think
they're not different everyday as usual?
@Ven i'M SO happy. My preprocessor works. \o/
no they've stopped being different for at least a year now
maybe two years
because everyone sniped daily deals
and only bought at the end
ah cool
well it's less cool because only one game I wanted is on sale then :(
there was a company that changed prices towards the end of a sale tho last year, I don't remember if they went up or down
can you guess the name
the name of this mad company that does not care about rules
or self esteem
yes it's ubisoft
tho it's not like they had rules to stop them from doing it
so the rules part above is invalid but yea
unwritten rules
7:41 PM
ubisoft still selling games on steam?
I thought they have ubiplay or something
the issue with these constant sales is that it adds extra pressure on the buyer to buy for a price he might normally not want
like take grim dawn for example I want to play it
but the sale is not satisfying
however if I want to get it on a better sale I have to wait another half a year
knowing it will never show up on a daily deal I either buy it now or half a year from now
luckily I'm patient :D
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix you have to use uplay from within steam
I've been waiting BioShock season pass for 2 years like that
@AlexM. ugh
Ok so following:
youtube.com/watch?v=nZMwKPmsbWE <-- this was supposed to be a joke, not an instruction manual
@Borgleader well technically, MAD kind of assure peace
7:55 PM
@Borgleader sup with that parker molloy dude spam
@AlexM. amateur, who needs soil
@JerryCoffin Merry Christmas
@sehe Merry Christmas
> I think the container's definition above contradicts with the definition from C++ Primer book (which I prefer)
8:44 PM
@vzeman79, Prague
1.8k tweets, 45 followers, following 186 users
random stumble
> suprapreantepenultimate
what is even english
@Ven HAI VEN <3 (im still at work so i might not answer for a while but <3 anyway)
/cc @jaggedSpire @Morwenn
9:00 PM
@Ven woot?!
@Borgleader obviously it's the standard in error here. :P
Shitballs. My brother has bought Master of Orion on Steam. I wanted to give him that for Christmas since September. FML.
any backup plans?
9:16 PM
oooh! steam sales!
@jaggedSpire Nope. Well, he has Civilization VI on wish list. However, that is some hefty 54 EUR.
@LucDanton it doesn't look so bad
9:32 PM
Well, XCOM2 it is.
I just got eh Amped Up hat without doing anything.
Apparently really old links still count.
9:51 PM
@CaptainGiraffe Thanks. You too!
10:09 PM
@Mysticial C++ AMP?
10:37 PM
Apache Mysql PHP
: - )
@rightfold you didn't go through with my suggestion :[
why not Perl 5 btw?
@Ven Which one?
@Ven bad Windows and bad C FFI
ah, the FFI is certainly an issue.
10:38 PM
@rightfold S:[] =
10:39 PM
nice :)
PQdescribePrepared is a killer feature.
@rightfold nah it's just that yours looks too much like a sed///e
literally bikeshedding
@rightfold can a Haskell Template invoke a program? ; D
10:40 PM
It can liftIO, yeah.
10:54 PM
@rightfold Do you even lift...IO?
Oh come on... There are much better troll questions to laugh at than the one you found. — Mysticial 54 secs ago
Also a good time to pull a botany joke here: stackoverflow.com/questions/41289943/ideas-for-it-thesis
You could build a service where people ask about and share ideas for projects. (People ask this same question all the time, so there's apparently demand for such a service.) — David 4 hours ago
I've actually started such a project in '13.

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