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6:00 AM
@Mysticial so , what do you think about write an algorithm/implement a pattern to find out all the serial voter/sock puppets
Rudimentary thought was given on question and vote timing & correlation between questioner and voter
Can't I am off to get some paint for my parents new house
6:14 AM
ugh. frustration is setting it
6:28 AM
6:44 AM
who let the 'bronies' at the room name again?
@thecoshman I named it. And nobody did a thing.
So I guess you can blame the other 11 owners.
7:07 AM
@EtiennedeMartel kill them all!
C++ is utter bullshit?
I thought this room would never admit it! :P
@GamesBrainiac Unbelievably Bad.
so, scott, still playing HOTS?
Cant wait for LotV
So it really exists (mentioned in Black Ops 2): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_%28satellite%29
BW for life
no need for that newfangled abbreviation soup
7:26 AM
@CodesInChaos Erm.
I tried coming back to BW after SC2.
And my god, does that interface suck or what?
12 unit limit per group? No worker rally? No building selection? No smart casting?
Feel like I have to do everything by hand.
@EtiennedeMartel: Whats BW again?
@GamesBrainiac Brood War.
SC1's expansion set.
Oh, never played the first Starcraft
or its expansions
Well, let me tell you, it was frustrating back then.
I can imagine.
7:31 AM
And I never really understood that "more pain == more fun" mindset.
I wish the campaign was longer
That song is sooo good.
Oh yes.
Everything was a chore.
It was good when we didn't know any better.
Remarks: 1) new int(3) doesn't do what you expect it to do (data = new int[3]). 2) For every new[] you need a delete[] (delete[] data). 3) int arr[] = {1,2,3}; int * ptr = arr; delete[] ptr; causes undefined behaviour (mnemonic trick: did you use new[]? If you didn't, ? delete[] will be wrong). — Zeta 1 hour ago
haha wtf
@ScottW Frankly, I find SC IIs moving kinda sucky too.
I mean AoM and AoE have it much better.
They have formations
you know where your bloody units are.
7:43 AM
@GamesBrainiac That probably means you suck at SC2, actually.
SC requires more micromanagement than AoE.
There are no formations because you are expected to control your units by hand.
Armies are smaller, also.
And more diverse.
TLDR: use control groups, you scrub.
I can't sub-group to save my life. =[
I assign 1-3 to my army (usually 1 to roaches or lings, 3 to infestors, 2 to mutas, etc.) , 4 to my hatcheries, 5 to my queens, 0 to upgrades
@ScottW That's the reason.
Zerg is easy macro.
If I want an army, it's 4 S then hold down the letter of my choice
And bam! Army built.
I can then shove it in my opponent's face.
If I lose it, no worries, I can make another one.
Yeah, you suck.
@EtiennedeMartel Nope, am pretty good.
@GamesBrainiac What league?
to eat
7:49 AM
I used to be plat, but that was a long time ago.
I was gold when I started like,
after launch day.
Now? I'm probably in like unplayed limbo hell or something.
I got diamond 2v2 with a friend, recently.
But 2v2s are so easy.
Especially with two zergs.
We can cover most of the tech tree, and fuck everything up.
Nah, 15 hatch FTW.
Macro, man.
Macro is where it's at.
Spread the creep everywhere.
Mass expand.
Then just choke your opponents.
@ScottW You won't, because I would have scouted it.
You cannot feasibly stop a 15 hatch unless you bunker rush.
And that's easy to stop.
Sure, you can. But then I would go for roaches.
Because that's viable on one base.
Your siege would crumble as soon as I get roaches. And then you would be behind, while I expand and out macro you.
I go for slow kills.
Hey, you guys
We should play a 3v3 together. :D
7:55 AM
Eventually. But now now. Because I have to sleep.
Good night peeps.
It's fucking 4:00, dude. I need my beauty sleep.
Etienne has to look Fabulous ~
Well, 2 is nice but 3 is kinkier. =[
Also I have to redownload Starcraft, figure out if my account has been banned/hacked, etc LOL
Haven't logged in in like, 2 years >_>
Mmm, three's the right kind of crowd~
Well, I don't play multiplayer @ Home, since my internet sucks, but I think I was probably in the Gold league.
When I go to the local game cafe.
8:20 AM
> Chucklefish LTD hereby grants permission for the use of in-game audio & video for “Let’s Play”, “Preview”, “Review” and/or “Commentary”-style videos on Youtube, including ad-supported channels/videos. The creator of the video may use in-game audio & video for as many videos as desired.
Well that's a nice thing you don't see everywhere.
it would be even nicer if Chucklefish was someone instead of some random game dev
8:40 AM
9:09 AM
the real question is
what Wide feature do I implement next
@DeadMG More libraries.
LOTS of useful libraries
the first thing I really need to do is fix code generation for multiple instantiations of C++ templates.
9:37 AM
Fuck. How do I get wall filler out of the carpet? xD
My brother punched a hole in the wall, he just repaired it but managed to get filler on the carpet
It sucks to be him at the minute :L
well if you punch a hole in a fuckin' wall what you expect
I'm in love with a web framework! :D
Django! :D You're so awesome.
9:57 AM
BOOOOOOOOM shaka laka!!!!!
Punch a hole in your brother.
@CaptainObvlious What the hell?
@GamesBrainiac I'm in a good mood. found a solution to validate the contents of an array at compile time.
@CaptainObvlious Awesome. Glad you're happy.
and you're le grumpy?
10:07 AM
@DeadMG : lol...
andh how are you doing?
working on the Wides
sounds good then
I'm listening to an audio book and writing some python code
10:24 AM
I do not understand how to extract animation from FBX. =[
it doesn't make the senses.
Q: Problems with memory allocations, string etc

StabbahI'm having problems with these three parts of codes, in the terms of Memory Allocations. I haven't got it yet. Could you please point out to me what I am doing wrong and how I should go on correcting it? 1)))))))) class MyString { public: MyString() : str(0) {} MyString( ...

Make everything dynamic memory
10:52 AM
@rightfold : Hey zoid, wanted to ask, do you know a good tutorial on authentication for django?
designated driver, one presumes from context
11:03 AM
@StackedCrooked a big ol' boobie
Drunk and desperate
@DeadMG Ah, that makes sense.
I know I'm a genius
@StackedCrooked You could've just gone to urban dictionary
I could have done that.
I realize there are many options.
11:05 AM
allllrighty then
let us attempt to utilize Wide's Brand Spanking New™ code generation fixes
and observe if they succeed
lets do some random news
I heard that the Bin is great at website design.
@DeadMG loool
@StackedCrooked de bob
11:07 AM
maybe it was a website written in c++
@rightfold basically :)
I am kidding
@rightfold slapz0red
11:11 AM
Does it work?
for now
frankly, when interfacing with Clang it's always best to keep expectations low
Remember folks: no configuration, no convention, just straight code.
11:13 AM
Hmm. If my camera's position is (0, 0, 0) in world space, would that make world and eye (view) space the same?
I've come to the realization that multithreading is hard.
@StackedCrooked Maybe you're doing it wrong.
Don't communicate by sharing, share by communicating.
Go home @StackedCrooked, you're single threaded.
11:15 AM
There no C++ idioms regarding concurrency yet afaik.
@rightfold nice one
Who says you need C++-specific ones? :)
Using channels or actors is actually quite easy.
But you have to implement them. :P
I don't know the channel or actor models or whatever they're supposed to be...
11:18 AM
You send data between threads.
Rather than have both threads modify some shared variable.
@ThePhD Like a bash pipeline iirc.
Works best with immutable objects, obviously.
You won't need any locks.
11:19 AM
So it's just "have copies, work on copies, and (maybe) merge later" ?
with immutable data you don't really need to copy much
Looks like this might work out okay...
Sometimes I think copy-on-write is attractive. You can have value semantics with cheap copies.
never heard of it?
11:24 AM
Only a few times.
I was under the impression it was something like immutable data.
@StackedCrooked And what do you think the other times?
E.g. everytime you write to it, you make the changes as you make a copy.
@NikiC the other times I think about your mom
@StackedCrooked Copy on Write is awesome if you never write. :)
Doesn't support some stuff yet but it's easy to expand.
@ThePhD No. All copies share the same underlying object. When one of them performs a write then it splits of its own copy first.
You can even send channels on channels!
Which is very useful if you want request/respond.
11:27 AM
@rightfold Looks neato.
@StackedCrooked Oh. So it's lies, built on pointers/references?
Bounded channels are also useful, so you could add an std::size_t to the constructor and pass that to make_shared.
Go can automatically detect deadlocks and, to some extent, race conditions. :3
@StackedCrooked It's fine, if you can crack the concurrency issues. This basically means you'd need a completely different interface to one not using CoW.
Delicious concurrency.
11:32 AM
@DeadMG I don't see why.
there's a reason why std::string had COW banned.
one annoying property of copy-on-write is the need for threadsafe ref-counting
for example, if you do str[i], you must copy as if it were a write even if it was only a read.
same for, say, iterators
@DeadMG doesn't operator[] have a const overload
@StackedCrooked You can prove read-only if it's const. But not for anyone not-writing on a non-const object.
if I do std::string s("Hello, World!"); std::cout << s[0]; you have to treat that access as a write, because you can't observe the difference between std::cout << s[0] and std::cout << s[0] = 'x';`
11:35 AM
one of the places where properties would be useful
not to mention that COW disallows SSO, I believe, which would be a big blow to performance in other contexts.
Make everything immutable.
@rightfold That's not really practical.
Cat made his list-based program very immutable.
Where he made copies everytime he wanted to manipulate stuff.
11:37 AM
Maybe explicit cow then. E.g. cow<std::string>, which have std::string& get() and const std::string& get() const methods.
yeah, cause nobody ever used non-copyable types
In the end it slowed his program down by several orders of magnitude. He optomized it while we were all here and told us about it. :D
It's kinda verbose though.
@DeadMG depends a lot on the nature of your program
@StackedCrooked You still have the same problem- the user has to explicitly add constness to every method call.
11:38 AM
there are many problems where you can use immutable data for almost everything.
const-correctness must be assumed
there's a big difference between "const-correct" and "const-FUCKING-EVERYWHERE-EVER".
I need an AnimationChannel for every bone, I think.
ThePhD needs to write a program to animate his boner
Strangely enough, this program has the potential to do just that.
11:41 AM
tbh, it was a super-dumb joke anyway
not entirely sure why I bothered
to animate your boner, hehe
I had a boner yesterday.
You should be shot.
I disagree.
I should get out of bed instead.
11:44 AM
shot with water gun filled with wet rotten meat
With a gun.
You know.
yup. about time for bed
Some problems are so easy to solve with concurrency.
    Flatten() {
        return function(range) {
            return function()[range := std.move(range), begin := range()] {
                var := begin();
                if (var) return std.move(var);
                while(~var) {
                    begin = range();
                    if (~begin) return Containers.None;
                    var = begin();
                return std.move(var);
not sure if correct
11:47 AM
@rightfold Yeah, money solves many problems.
Oh, wait.
@DeadMG What type of code does the back end generate?
llvm ir -> object file
@DeadMG kinda looks like lisp
tisn't, it's Wide.
11:48 AM
~var -> !var
neet. Would be interested seeing some of that run on AVR
I just didn't see the need to keep two forms of "not" around.
You can use not var.
11:49 AM
one of the principles I had in mind for Wide was not to use a keyword if it could be avoided
I would reserve all english words as keywords.
Then I'd have some leeway later.
I'd just introduce new keywords and break people's code :P
there should be an exception for UB
Then it wouldn't be UB anymore.
exception (e) {goto limbo;}
11:52 AM
the real question is, is Flatten() correct?
@DeadMG if (var) return std.move(var); can be removed
so it can
Q: When enough is enough

VolatilityThis user has now probably made around 15 accounts. He consistently uses the python, python-3.x, mod-wsgi, wsgi and mysql-python tags, and does not ever do anything constructive. This deleted question was his latest. Unfortunately I haven't been bookmarking his other questions, but here are some...

11:56 AM
> allah-akbar-club-members
If you read the rest of the compiler's output, you'll see it asks you to report the bug with preprocessed sources to the GCC bugtracker, not to Stackoverflow.com. — rubenvb 10 secs ago

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