However, the demo works but it is an WPF application. It was supposed to be a toy feature in my toy project but after 12 hours of trying, I feel really blue
Hi, does anyone have a working sample of Windows 10 toast notifications in a Winforms application? I have been trying for a few last days to make it work to no avail. I found this document:… but sadly DesktopNotificationManagerCompat.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); does simply nothing for me.
@TomW Yes. I was not lucky with looking it up in Nuget repository so far though. I'll keep looking. The thing is it seems to me like a really nice tool to decouple the components and to make unit-testing easier. It's harder for people to read the code though (but with some logging, that's not a problem)
Hi, is there a library in .NET similar to Guava's EventBus ( (To clarify it a bit: the EventBus library allows you to subscribe to messages and publish messages in a way that you don't need to specify a custom interface... you basically just use annotations to mark methods that will receive a certain message type.) I like it because it allows me to decouple code quite nicely.
When you have two tabs (A, B) in MSVS opened and you put cursor to the other tab AND do something for a while (i.e. jumping in the tab with your cursor), than you NEED to press CTRL+- SEVERAL TIMES so that you get to tab A.
Hi guys, is there a keyboard shortcut in MSV for navigating to previous file? There is CTRL + - that does almost what I want. The thing is that it tracks cursor positions rather than simply file positions so I often need to press the shortcut several times before I get to previous file.
Hi, is the example here… actually correct from thread-safety point of view? The list files is being accessed from two threads ...
Hi guys, is it possible to go to the definition not only for my own code but also for provided classes like System.Collections.Generic.List in Microsoft Visual Studio? Currently I can only see the method synopses. I would like to see this source code… in my Visual Studio.
Hi guys. I've opened Visual Studio after a few years or programming in Java and I struggle a bit how to open a file by its name fast. IntelliJ Idea has a few keyboard shortcuts for: searching class by its name, searching file by its name, etc. I find it very convenient. I believe Reshaper is an extension for MSVS that adds this kind of behavior to MSVS. Or maybe stock MSVS can do that too?
Hi guys, I have found that talks about adding String::lines() method. I would like to have a look at the implementation of the function. The problem is, I don't really know where to find it. I have already tried to look at but I can't find it. Does anybody know where the implementation is?